Final Response Burnby Report Feb 2008

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BLACKPOOL S.U.R.F. Blackpool LAA Third Sector Review ‘SURF RESPONSE’ to the David Burnby Report Conclusions of Focus Group Meeting Thursday, 12th July 2007 and input from SURF members on proposals circulated Aug 07 and September 07. 1.

LAA Third Sector Review – There are claims that the LAA Review Process has not been representative. We can always do better to maximise attendance, but the attendance at the conference of 84 people from 48 different organisations and agencies represents quite a good cross-section of groups. Attendees included members of SURF, CVS, BCVYS and groups that were not in any of these umbrella organisations. However, this is not the end of the process. Those that have not yet got involved can still do so. Copies of the report are still available to any group that wants a copy and wants to get involved with ongoing discussions on improving engagement with the LAA PROPOSAL: Blackpool SURF to conduct an annual review of community engagement within the LSP – this might cover the LAA, the Sustainable Community Strategy or particular aspects of the LSP work programme. The subject of the review will be determined by SURF following discussions with SURF’s members, other VCFS groups and the LSP. 2. General involvement in design and agenda setting VCFS (Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector) groups have through the Review process expressed a wish and a need to be involved in early discussions of LAA initiatives i.e. involvement in the ‘agenda setting’ process and design of initiatives. Timescales need to be sufficient to ensure broad and meaningful input can take place on new ideas - or reasons given why sufficient timescales are not possible. PROPOSAL: The LSP will involve Blackpool SURF and its members in conceptual discussions on new initiatives and will involve Blackpool SURF in designing the framework within which each engagement takes place. PROPOSAL: Each LSP document should have a named person assigned to take ‘ownership’ and responsibility for it on behalf of the LSP collective. 3.

Feedback from thematic partnerships – Input to thematic partnerships from VCFS Formal mechanisms need to be established for feedback to wider VCFS groups from sector representatives on each thematic partnership. Additionally, mechanisms should be in place to ensure that thematic groups receive appropriate and relevant input from VCFS groups. 1 of 4

Information should be readily available on who the named representatives are, and on the methods of communication that are in place to ensure that opportunities for this feedback/input are available. PROPOSAL: LSP and SURF to establish clear routes for the VCFS to be represented on each LSP thematic partnership. PROPOSAL: LSP to make clear information available on ‘how’ representation, feedback and input will take place. 4. Understanding the LAA Awareness of the LAA is generally low in the VCFS. Awareness of the opportunities that the sector has to influence priorities and outcomes, particularly through VCF sector representatives in the Assembly and Thematic Partnerships, needs to be raised. A Training Consortium Bid through Awards for All has been submitted – monies could be available for learning needs particularly for those “looking to engage in the LSP and LAA”. PROPOSAL: LSP and SURF to jointly publish an ‘Understanding LAAs’ document aimed at the VCFS. It should include a ‘road map’ of routes into the process. 5. Fragmentation & Lack of Credibility SURF agrees that we have had a fragmented VCFS and poor standards of representation in the past. However, there is a perception that this has been used by some public sector partners as an excuse for not engaging with the sector generally. PROPOSAL: Blackpool SURF to produce and deliver a ‘Talking up the sector’ programme to raise awareness amongst the public and private sector partners of the diversity and range of VCFS groups within Blackpool and its unique roles and contributions. 6. Compact There needs to be a sector-wide discussion on a local Compact Implementation Strategy and its implications for the LSP and LAA. PROPOSAL: Debate will take place on a local Compact Implementation Strategy and this strategy will be endorsed by the LSP. PROPOSAL: The decision to have a local community “membership” of the Blackpool Compact should be reviewed PROPOSAL: Blackpool SURF and LSP to appoint a ‘Compact Champion’ 7.

Communication from SURF to VCFS

PROPOSAL: SURF to revisit their Communication Strategy and review different formats of communication. Preferences will be sought from VCFS groups on the type 2 of 4

and format of information they prefer to receive. 8. VCFS sector representation on the LSP SURF agrees with the comments made in the report about historic tensions between the community sector and the voluntary sector and notes each sector’s distinctive perspective. SURF agrees with proposals that sector representation should be drawn exclusively through SURF with mechanisms in place to ensure that representatives communicate with and are accountable back to the broader sector and are supported in that role. There also needs to be some clarity regarding the role of representation from those forums that have been established by Blackpool Council. PROPOSAL: VCFS representation on the LSP should be drawn separately from the ‘Voluntary Sector’ and the ‘Community Sector’. PROPOSAL: Blackpool SURF shall be given the responsibility for ensuring that accountable representation takes place at the LSP. PROPOSAL: A ‘protocol’ clarifying and underwriting the mutual relationship, roles and responsibilities of representatives and the LSP shall be agreed. PROPOSAL: A review of existing community representation, its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats shall be conducted by the LSP. 9.

VCFS Champions

PROPOSAL: The LSP shall appoint a senior councillor or cabinet member as “Champion” for the sector in Blackpool who will be supported by a senior officer. The “Champion” and officer will hold a specific brief to support VCFS development and community engagement. 10. Community Engagement Framework SURF agrees to consult with its members on the framework and the emerging Community Engagement Strategy and requests that, in consultation with partners, helps represent the LSP in engaging with the Neighbourhoods and Communities Division in developing an effective strategy. PROPOSAL: Blackpool SURF will represent the LSP in drawing up the Community Engagement Strategy and on the CES steering group 11. New Organisation SURF believes that the idea that one individual person could possibly represent the entire sector is mistaken. SURF believes that the creation of a ‘single accountable voice’ for the sector refers to the organised ‘Collective Voices’ of a very large and diverse sector. SURF remains committed to the promotion of the utmost collaboration between third sector bodies to ensure that the sector is effectively represented in the LSP and LAA. 3 of 4

It is proposed that the eleven points above are submitted to the LSP Partnership Team for action and consideration by them along with the other specific recommendations from the Burnby report. It is hoped that other LSP partners will give their own considered responses to the Burnby report and the LSP Team can incorporate these into the review of the LSP and its structures. Glossary of abbreviations: LAA CVS BCVYS LSP VCFS

Local Area Agreement Council for Voluntary Services Blackpool Council for Voluntary Youth Services Local Strategic Partnership Voluntary, community and faith sector

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