FINAL PROJECT INDO _______ Tentative proposal due: Monday, 5 October 2009 If you wish, you could schedule a meeting with me to discuss this proposal Name: Project title: Project abstract:
Possible sources for material:
What media will you use for your project?
Please state what you plan to submit during the five-week period: Week 8: Monday, 12 October 2009 (Part 1 and any necessary revision of your proposal)
Week 9: Monday, 19 October 2009 (Part 2 and Part 1-revised )
Week 10: Monday, 26 October 2009 (Part 3 and Part 2-revised)
Week 11: Monday, 2 November 2009 (Part 4 and Part 3-revised)
Week 12: Monday, 9 November 2009 (Part 5 and Part 4-revised)
Week 13: Monday, 16 November 2009 (complete, revised project) 1
Notes: 1. Please include your name, the title of your project, the date, and your class. 2. Please note all the sources in your research. 3. You may use multimedia for your project. If you need assistance in using PowerPoint or scanners, please indicate that in your proposal. 4. If you choose to use slides for your project, please make sure you scan the images and include them in your final draft. 5. If you need any equipment for your presentation (tape or CD player, computer & projector, slide projector, or VCR), please include that in your proposal so I can reserve it for you.