Final Practicum Portfolio

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  • Words: 4,499
  • Pages: 64


STUDENT: Héctor Rodrigo Vallejos Olivares Practicum

SUBJECT: Professional

TEACHERS: Isabel Vásquez and Rodrigo González Education)

CLASS: NM4 (Adult YEAR: 2009



Index. Cover……………………………………………………………… …page 1 Index……………………………………………………………… ….page 2 Introduction………………………………………………………. page 3 Reading 4 Pedagogical 5-8 Reflective 8-10 School 10 Unit 1113 Lesson 14-23 Learning 24-60 Evaluation 61-68






This final practicum portfolio consists of all the things that are related to such a process, that is, school information, reflections, unit plans and lesson plans, among others. They are all part of a very interesting and enriching experience that will be unforgettable.

The Importance of Teachers /tabid/236/Default.aspx Primary school teaching is the single most important profession in the world. Teachers pass on knowledge and values to children, prepare them for further education and for working life and are main contributors to good education. This most important profession however does not get the recognition it deserves. In the developed world, young people don’t want to become a primary school teacher anymore. In most developing countries the profession does not attract qualified and ambitious people because it is poorly remunerated. Gone are the days that a primary school teacher was a highly respected person. To attain the goal of universal and good primary school education, teaching has to become an attractive profession again. Teachers are one of the main pillars of a sound and progressive society. They bear the weight and responsibility of teaching, and, apart from parents, are the main source of knowledge and values for children. For a child between 6 and 12, there are basically three options: get no primary education, get low quality primary education or get good quality primary education. In spite of our world being immensely rich, the majority of children have to settle for option 1 or 2. At this very moment, over a hundred million children get no primary education at all. And 4


over 500 million of them get it but the quality is low: they have little or no books, their class-room is poorly equipped or simply doesn’t exist, or they have a teacher whose level of knowledge hardly surpasses that of a 6th grader or who is not motivated because she earns less than her neighbor who cleans the house of the local landlord. The universally subscribed goal that “by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality" (Declaration of The World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in 2000) can only be achieved if children can have access to motivated and knowledgeable teachers. They are the resource by excellence. The books are important, the pencil and the blackboard are important and so are the chairs to sit on, but if there is no motivated teacher in front of the chairs, if there is no teacher to write on the blackboard and to teach reading, math and how to pick up knowledge and values, the goal will never be achieved.

Reports and Pedagogical reflections I.

Observation stage.

a) Pedagogical artifact Nº1 During this stage, I could observe the teacher and his students (around ten per class). They didn’t misbehave and their grades were good enough to say that they are good students. The teacher seemed to control the class effortlessly and all of the students did the activities on their notebooks or on the whiteboard, and most of them repeated after the teacher, when they had to speak or read aloud. b) Reflection Nº1 (any topic related to this stage) It was a good experience, very similar to the previous stages, I mean Vise I, II, and III, except for the number of students, because this is a very small class, in which you are supposed to control the students in a better way, in order to overcome the process successfully. 5



Team-teaching stage.

a) Pedagogical artifact Nº2 During this stage, the teacher asked me to do a written test, using one of his models as a reference. Then, he asked me to check the test, but I didn’t have to put any grades. This is the only thing I could do under the circumstances. b) Reflection Nº2. “Interactions in the classroom” In relation to this point, I have to say that the interactions were mainly between the teacher and the students. The atmosphere was always quiet and the students didn’t seem to notice my presence. Just a few of them asked me for help.


Teaching stage.

a) Pedagogical artifact Nº3 • Planning: I just have to say that planning is not that easy, mainly for student teachers who have never planned before. However, I do think of planning as something very useful, because you are supposed to follow a logical sequence of activities according to your planning, in order to know exactly what to do. • Teaching: First of all, I have to say that I had to start teaching earlier than I thought, because I had already finished the two previous stages. This means that I had to do a couple of classes (including a test), before starting the real teaching process according to the official program for adult education, that is, unit 1 “What do I do for living” and unit 2 “Technology and communication”. • Evaluating learning results: I think that the results are good. Most of the students are good students and have good grades, and I do my best to respect the adult education program. Only a few students have a poor English, but I don’t think that’s a matter of skills. I think that deep in their hearts, some of them don’t seem to feel like coming to classes. In fact, one of the rainy days, there was only one student. In relation to the missing ones, they don’t even care of the activities, worksheets, exercises or whatever. b) Reflection Nº3 “ Classroom control issues” Fortunately, the students are good students in terms of both behavior and grades. This means that they don’t 6


misbehave and most of the time they are quiet. I respect them and they respect me. In case of an interruption, some of them tend to relax, but once the interruption is over, the students stop the conversation and you can continue the class in a quiet atmosphere.

Consejo de Curso y Orientación

I. Datos Generales: 1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Liceo Edo. De la Barra 2. Curso: 4to medio 3. Profesor jefe: Gonzalo Murillo 4. Profesor en Práctica: Héctor Rodrigo Vallejos Olivares 5. Fecha: 30-6-09 6. Hora (inicio y término):22:30-22:50 II.- Desarrollo del consejo de curso 1. Tema de Orientación: 2. OFT cubierto: 3. Tabla del Consejo de Curso: El profesor sólo se limitó a explicar, brevemente, la demora del pase escolar y lo relativo a la PSU. Sólo fue interrumpido por un par de alumnos que consultaron sobre lo mismo. Luego de 20 minutos, se dio por terminado el consejo, y los alumnos fueron despachados. Al conversar posteriormente con el profesor, me dijo que esa era la forma de desarrollar los consejos de curso, informando de manera precisa y concisa lo que había que informar. En relación a cuestiones disciplinarias, esas son de responsabilidad de los alumnos, sobre la base que son adultos (mayores de 18 años) y, por lo tanto, deben autoregularse.

Reuniones de Profesores



I. Datos Generales:

1. Nombre del Establecimiento Educacional: Liceo Edo. De la Barra 2. Profesor en Práctica: Héctor Rodrigo Vallejos Olivares 3. Fecha: 3-7-09 4. Tabla de la reunión: 5. Hora (inicio y término) Estimado profesor: Lamentablemente, el señor Pizarro, inspector de la jornada nocturna, me informó que, producto del paro, hubo que hacer un nuevo calendario para recuperar las horas de clases perdidas, lo que les significa escasez de tiempo, razón por la cual ya habían determinado no hacer consejos de profesores en lo que quedaba del período. Y en el evento de informar algo a los profesores, se iba a hacer por escrito. Por esta razón, le consulté al señor Ricardo Núñez, profesor guía, para que me ilustrara de lo que suele tratarse en un consejo de profesores. Me dijo que, básicamente, hacían consejo de evaluación, donde trataban asuntos tales como los alumnos más conflictivos o los de más bajo rendimiento, y buscaban la forma de tratar esos casos en forma particular. No obstante lo anterior, también trataban aspectos propios de los profesores, como ajustes de horario, entre otras cosas. También, a través de un delegado, se informan de las gestiones que realizan los dirigentes regionales y así decidir acciones a seguir, como la paralización de actividades en reclamo del bono SAE, que ya ocurrió.

Reuniones de Padres y Apoderados

Estimado profesor: Luego de consultar por las reuniones de apoderados, se me informó lo siguiente: Que los apoderados no existen, pues los alumnos son todos mayores de edad y responden por sí mismos. De hecho, ellos solos se matriculan, sin la compañía de apoderados 8


o padres. El año pasado, por una nueva disposición, comenzó a recibirse a menores de edad, y fundamentalmente, han llegado adolescentes que, precozmente, se han convertido en madres. En el evento de que alguien quiera consultar por algún alumno en particular, como por ejemplo, saber si está asistiendo regularmente a clases, lo puede hacer sin ningún problema, pues se le atiende en forma particular. Por lo general, estos casos corresponden a padres que se acercan a consultar en esos términos, no como apoderados. Y lo que haya que informar a los alumnos, se les comunica de manera directa en las respectivas salas de clases. Reflective Writing Reflection Nº 1: What have you learned from workshop Nº 1? I think that the workshop was a good opportunity to share your thoughts about the practicum process with the classmates, because you can also learn from others’ experiences. As far as I’m concerned, this is an important process you have to face positively, in spite of the fact that you usually have some fears when you are about to start such a kind of process. For example, your students could manage to spoil the class and that would be terrible. That’s why you have to be self - confident and do your best to succeed, so my expectations are that the students will contribute to my good performance.

Reflection Nº2: Name: H. Rodrigo Vallejos O. Title: Ethical teacher. Entry date: May, “They spend an enormous amount of time and energy in their efforts to maintain in their classrooms a climate of respect in which they respect students, students respect them, and, significantly, students respect themselves and each other”. Author: Elizabeth Campbell.



First of all, it is necessary to understand that ethics deals with accepted beliefs which control behavior, mainly the ones which are based on morals. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to do whatever society accepts, because standards of behavior in society can be different from what is ethical. This is something very important you have to consider and practice in your daily life, whatever you do and wherever you work. From this point of view, teachers have a big responsibility which is based on the fact that they are model citizens for their students. That’s why it is very important for teachers to have an ethical behavior, meaning that they have to be honest, fair, respectful, and kind, among other characteristics, as a way to create an educational environment where everyone is treated fairly and respectfully, not only in the classroom, but also in the whole educational community. Dignity has nothing to do with the money you earn monthly. It is related to the way you value your profession. Teachers are meant to educate their students and education implies an essentially ethical activity.

Reflection Nº4: “The way I feel” It is said that you have to stand up for your rights, and teachers do know how to fight for them. The point is that strikes usually affect people who have nothing to do with them, such as the student teachers, and traffic jumps are part of your daily life during the strikes. In fact, I had to be very patient with a couple of traffic jumps because of the teachers’ strike. They were standing on Errázuriz street for a long time and you just had to wait for them to move out. Fortunately, I was able to do the previous stage, consisting of the observation and the assistantship, but in the final stage, in which you have to be a real teacher, I was interrupted by the strike in the second class. I’m back again to continue with the final practicum process and my expectations are that I will be able to overcome this process successfully.



School information.


Liceo Edo. De la Barra


Colón 2184



School’s Phone number



NM4 adult education

Schedule Guide Teacher’s Name

Monday:21:50-23:05 Tuesday:21:0022:30 Ricardo Núñez

Guide Teacher’s E-mail Address. Guide Teacher’s Phone Number




Unit Plans.







Lesson Plans.













First observation.



Second observation





Learning Material April 20th







April 21st





June 16th







June 22nd I.- Listen to the conversations carefully and try to answer the questions. Conversation 1 1.- What does Mr. Ford do? .................................................................................. 2.- What does Ms. White do? .................................................................................. 3.- Where does Mr. Ford work? .................................................................................. 4.- Where does Ms. White work? .................................................................................. 5.- Does Mr. Ford like his job? ................................................................................... 6.- Does Ms. White like her job? ................................................................................... Conversation 2 1.- What does Mary do? ........................................................................................ 2.- Where does she work? ........................................................................................ 3.- Does she like her job? .........................................................................................

4.- What does Mrs. Gold’s husband do? ...................................................................................... 5.- Does he like his job? ....................................................................................... 6.- Does he like to work? ........................................................................................ II.- Answer the following questions with the information you have in your worksheets. 1.- What do you do? ......................................................................... 2.- Where do you work? 32


......................................................................... 3.- Do you like your job? ......................................................................... 4.- What do you want to be? ......................................................................... 5.- Where do you want to work? .........................................................................





July 3rd I.- People who work have to do some daily activities, as a routine. For example: You get up early in the morning, take a shower, watch the news, have breakfast, and go to work. You go to work by car, bus, or train. The following questions have to do with such activities: 1.- What do you do? ................................................................................................ 2.- Where do you work? ................................................................................................. 3.- Do you get up early in the morning? ................................................................................................. 4.- Do you take a shower? ................................................................................................. 5.- Do you read the newspaper, listen to music, or watch the news on TV? ................................................................................................. 6.- Do you have breakfast? A light breakfast or a big one? ................................................................................................. 7.- How do you get to work? ................................................................................................. 8.- What time do you start work? ................................................................................................. 9.- What time do you finish work? ................................................................................................. 10.- Do you go to bed early or late? ................................................................................................. II.- Do you like your job? Yes, I do


No, I don’t.

Why do you like it? Because it is..............:


Very interesting

Dangerous and I love danger


A very relaxing job

An easy job and the salary is good

A difficult job, but the salary is extremely good

Because I...............:

Can work freely

Don’t feel under pressure

Work in a very comfortable office

Don’t have problems with my colleagues

I can do a lot of things

Why not? Because it is..............:

Very boring

Very tiring

Difficult and the salary is not good enough

Because I................:


Go back home late at night

Don’t even have time to smoke

Work under pressure all the time

Can hardly talk to my colleagues








July 7th

PERSONAL INFORMATION: First Name _____________________________ Middle Name ___________________________ Last Name _____________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code _______________________________________________________ Phone Number (___)___________________________________ Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes _______ No_______ If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate? Yes ___ No ___ Have you been convicted of a felony within the last five years? Yes_______ No_______ If yes, please explain: _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ POSITION/AVAILABILITY: Position Applied For ________________________________________ Days/Hours Available









Thursday ____ Friday ____ Saturday ____ Sunday ____ Hours Available: from _______ to ______ What date are you available to start work? ________________________________________ EDUCATION: Name and Address Of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date _________________________________________________________________ Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards _____________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present Or Last Position: Employer: _____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ Supervisor: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Position Title: _________________________ From: ______________ To: ______________ Responsibilities: ___________________________________________________ Salary: _______________ Reason for Leaving: ____________________________________________



Previous Position: Employer: _____________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ Supervisor: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________ Position Title: _________________________ From: ______________ To: ______________ Responsibilities: ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Salary: _______________ Reason for Leaving: ____________________________________________ May We Contact Your Present Employer? Yes _____ No _____ References: Name/Title Address Phone _________________________________________________________________ Icertify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if I am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed above. Signature______________________________ Date__________________________________



Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Contact Person Company Name Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Contact Person: As an experienced communications professional, I'm very interested in the position of Associate Vice President of University Campaign Communications at the University of North Florida. I have a proven track record in almost all of the competencies you're seeking, especially in strategically communicating institutional priorities. Here are a few highlights: • •

Twelve years experience developing and implementing internal and external communications for ABCD Energy/Electric and ABCD Croporation. Handling a wide range of creative services, collaborating with and supervising creative services staff and vendors to produce marketing and other print communications, as well online communications and video projects. Exceptional writing and editing skills honed over the past 13 years in public relations and corporate communications; from press releases to newsletters to video scripts to web sites and intranet publications. Providing communications counsel and expertise to executives and managers for issues management, benefits communications and employee relations. As a recent transplant to Miami, I still own a home in Tampa and would love to put my skills to work back in Tampa. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or provide any work samples. Sincerely, Your Name



Cover letter.

Your Name ................................................................... Your Address................................................................ Your City....................................................................... Your Phone Number ..................................................... Your Email.....................................................................

Contact Person............................................................... Company Name............................................................. Address ......................................................................... City ................................................................................ Dear Contact Person:...................................................... As an experienced..............................................., I’m very interested in the position of.................................................. at the...................................................................... I have ................................................................ in almost all of the competencies you are seeking. Here are a few highlights: • •

........... .................. experience in a................................. company. ........... .................. experience in a................................. company.

I would like to put my skills to work in your prestigious company. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or provide any work samples.

Sincerely, Your name ....................................................



July 21st













July 28th

I.- What are the pictures about? Are they related to the Internet?

Teens are more likely to own desktop computers than any other type of digital technology. Almost three-quarters of teens (72%) own a desktop computer, compared with 63% who own cell phones, 51% who own iPods/MP3 players, 25% who own laptops, and 8% who own personal digital devices. Older teens are slightly more likely to own these devices, and teen girls, especially older teen girls, are more likely to own cell phones than their male counterparts. Not surprisingly, the more money their parents earn, the more likely teens are to own a large array of gadgets (including laptops, cell phones, and iPods). Older teens are more likely to report owning desktop computers than younger teens. II.- Read the text and answer the questions. a) What is the text about? ........................................................................................................................... b) What kind of technology do teens own? ........................................................................................................................... c) How many teens have a desktop computer? ...........................................................................................................................



d) How many teens have cell phones? ........................................................................................................................... e) Do teen girls have cell phones? ........................................................................................................................... f) Do men prefer cell phones? ........................................................................................................................... g) Do older teens prefer cell phones? ........................................................................................................................... III.- Read the sentences and write whether they are TRUE or FALSE. a) .............Teens are more likely to have laptop computers. b) ............. 63% of teens have cell phones. c) ............. Only 25% of teens own a laptop computer. d) ............. Teen girls are more likely to own cell phones than their male counterparts. e) ............. The more money their parents earn, the more likely teens are to own laptops, cell phones, and iPods. f) .............. Younger teens are more likely to have desktop computers than older teens.

IV.a) What do you think of computers? I think that: •

They are very useful.

They make your life easier.

Modern computers are very powerful.

b) What do you of cell phones? I think that: •

They are very useful, because you can call your friends wherever you are.


They are not expensive at all.


Most people have cell phones nowadays.

c) What do you think of MP3 players? I think that:


They make you enjoy your favorite music wherever you are.

They are not expensive, but powerful.



55 August 3rd

I.- Read the conversation “1” and answer the questions.

1.- What does the hijacker want the captain to do? ........................................................................................................................... 2.- What will the hijacker do if the captain doesn’t follow the instruction? ........................................................................................................................... 3.- What does the captain tell the hijacker not to do? ........................................................................................................................... 4.- What will the hijacker do if the captain isn’t quiet? ........................................................................................................................... 5.- What will happen if the passengers do as he tells them? ...........................................................................................................................





II.- Read the conversation “2” and answer the questions. 1.- Who is Mr. Bolt? ........................................................................................................................... 2.- What does the hijacker want? ........................................................................................................................... 3.- Does the president have enough time to talk to the Arabs, the Brazilians and the french? ........................................................................................................................... 4.- What will happen if those countries can’t do anything? ...........................................................................................................................

III.- Work in pairs to make a dialog between a pilot and a hijacker. Use the vocabulary of the two previous conversations. ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................

IV.- Describe the picture orally. You can use “there is or there are”. Example: There is a fire truck and an ambulance.

Evaluation instruments 57


This is the test I had to make in my team-teaching stage.

Written quiz. Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________

1.- Look at the picture and name, at least, ten (10) things you see in the house.

a) ________________________

f) ________________________

b) ________________________

g) ________________________

c) ________________________

h) ________________________

d) ________________________

i) _________________________

e) ________________________

j) _________________________

2.- Look at the picture again and answer the following questions. a) How many lamps are there in the house? _________________________________ b) Is there a TV set in the bedroom? _________________________________ c) How many pictures are there in the house? _________________________________ 58


d) What furniture is there in the living room? __________________________________

3.- Answer the following questions about your house. a) What furniture is there in your bedroom? _____________________________________________ b) Does your house have a garage? _____________________________________________ c) Does your bathroom have a water heater? _____________________________________________ d) Describe your kitchen and bathroom. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


60 This test was intended to finish the topic about food. After that, I could start my real classes according to the educational program for adults. Written test.

Name:……………………………………… Date:………………………..

1.- Answer the following questions. a) What fruit do you like? .......................................................... b) What meat do you prefer? .......................................................... c) Do you prefer carrots or potatoes? .......................................................... d) What kind of dessert do you like? ........................................................... 2.- Complete the sentences using the following words: Anything-theyhere-prefer-else-how much a) ..................................are bananas?. .......................are $1,50. b) I don’t like carrots. I ......................... onions. c) .......................... ...............................? No, thanks. d) It’s $1,75. OK, ....................... you go. 3.- Write the questions and the answers. Use “How much is/are” and “It is/They are”. a) Fish=$1,65 .................................................................? .................................................................. b) Potatoes=$3,45 ..................................................................? ................................................................... c) Onions=$1,15 ....................................................................? .................................................................... d) Ice-cream=$1,30 .............................................................? ...........................................................



4.- Complete the dialog with the most suitable words. A: .............................................. B: ....................... morning. Can I have a...................................., please? A: Sure. ............................. ..................................? B: No, .......................... A: It ................... one dollar....................... ........................... ....................., please. B: ...................... you ................... A: Thank you. 5.- Put the words in order to make meaningful sentences. a) Like-fish-meat-prefer-I-don’t-I .................................................................................................. b) Dollar-and-is-one-cents-it-five-fifty .................................................................................................. c) Are-potatoes?-two-how-dollars-much-are-they ................................................................................................... d) Doesn’t-like-Peter-milk-yoghurt-but-likes-he ...................................................................................................


62 This test was intended to finish unit 1: “What do I do for living”

Written test. Name:…………………………………….Date:…………………………… I.- Read the conversation carefully. Then answer the questions. Mr. Lawson: Hello, Jackson. Good to see you. Please sit down. Peter Jackson: Thank you. Mr. Lawson: Now, what can I do for you?. Peter Jackson: I’d like to apply for a job. Mr. Lawson: Are you unemployed? Peter Jackson: No, but I want to leave my present job, because they don’t pay me enough. Mr. Lawson: Well, salaries in this company are not good enough. But fill out this application form. May be we have something for you. 1.- What does Peter Jackson want? .............................................................................................. 2.- Is Mr. Lawson unemployed? .............................................................................................. 3.- Who wants to leave his job? Why? .............................................................................................. 4.- Who has to fill out the application form? Why .............................................................................................. II.- Answer the following questions. 1.- What do you do? .............................................................................................. 2.- Where do you work? .............................................................................................. 3.- How do you get to work? .............................................................................................. 4.- What time do you start work? .............................................................................................. 5.- Why do you like your job? ..............................................................................................



III.- Put the number to the workplaces. ......Theater


......Department store





......Post office


......Police station ......Nightclub 1.- Flight attendant

6.- Actress

2.- Housewife

7.- Police officer

3.- Saleswoman

8.- Nurse

4.- Mailman

9.- Porter

5.- Mechanic

10.- Bus driver

IV.- Choose the right words to complete the “cover letter”. Interested – company – enough – experienced – general manager – company – competencies – skills - doctor

“As an ............................ professional, I’m very ........................ in the position of .......................... ............................. at the Ambrosoly ......................... I have ............................. experience in all of the ................................ you are seeking. I would love to put my ......................... to work in your .........................”

Rubric to evaluate speaking. 63



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