Final Food Zone.docx

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,565
  • Pages: 6
FOOD ZONE Lalit Gaikwad B.E Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, UCOE, Vasai, India [email protected]

Akshay Kadam B.E Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, UCOE, Vasai, India [email protected]

Nirbhay Rathod B.E Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, UCOE, Vasai, India [email protected]

Jaymin Rawal B.E Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, UCOE, Vasai, India [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Web mining is an use of datamining technique used to extract data from internet services. Food delivery application nowadays have become one of the most important sources for ordering all kinds of foods. Many strategies have been developed by studying customers behavior so as to attract more business development and participation of people. As there are many Food delivery application available it

becomes difficult for users to choose best deal for desired food amongst these websites. Comparison of foods using discount comparision enables users to analyze prices and get desired food at minimum price. Users can also select various foods that belong to same category for comparing with ecommerce food website with quality & quantity. To obtain best deals from food delivery applicatoon application crawlers techniques are used

to fetch detailed data. This way, paper helps to provide solution for online customers to order foods at good deal with discount and save their KEYWORD: Application , data mining, Web Scrapping, decision making

I.INTRODUCTION: In the current era of online business, e-commerce have become a huge market for the people to order food online .Increasing use of smart devices and other mediums has paved the way for users to order food almost from anywhere. This has increased the same food prices on different ecommerce websites. Proposed system uses web scraping technique to extract data from e-commerce web pages and also web crawler to links for foods. This will also allow users to analyse prices and select foods from same category for comparing its with deal & discount.This system uses the following technologies:

1) Web Crawler: The system deals with price comparison engine .The first thing required are to gather large amount of data from different e-commerce websites. It is not possible to manually collect the data from websites. Hence the best way is to create a web crawler that will navigate to these e-commerce

valuable time, effort and money.

involvement of online customers evolving e-commerce business. These large numbers of e-commerce websites put users in turmoil to search and choose to order a single food from multiple e-commerce websites .The proposed solution helps online users to grab best deal for their food from multiple e-commerce websites on single web interface. This will in turn save users time, money, efforts

websites. The fetched URL’s are send to scrapper for scrapping process.

2) Web Scrapper: Web Scrapping is used to extract HTML data from URL’s and use it for personal purpose. As this is price comparison website, data is scrapped from multiple e-commerce websites. In this system, Scrapping is done using python libraries like requests and beautifulsoup4. Beautifulsoup4 is a python library which is used for

parsing html pages. Using these, food data from different e-commerce websites is scrapped and stored.

3)User can also search for best deal with discount offer. 3. SMS: Send notification to inform users about order.



Trivago website. Trivago is a meta search engine. This Website Provides a hotel with best deal. Trivago search results for all OTA’s connected to it and will show the cheapest price to the customer. Once the customer chooses the OTA he gets redirected to their website and can make a booking on their platform. Trivago compares the hotels rate and give you the best rate available.

III. MODULES OF THE PROJECT: 1. Admin Module: 1) Admin can login the application. 2) Admin manages the order and supports customer. 3) Admin provides username and password for respective. 4)Admin also provides a best deal with discount for user. 2. User Module: 1) User can login into the system using username and password. 2) User can order the required or favourite food.

The front end system provides a graphical user interface (GUI) in the form of application where clients interact with the system whereas the backend consists of web crawling and scrapping techniques in order to extract food data from different ecommerce websites. The extracted data of e-commerce foods is stored in Mongo DB database .Client requests for desired food from main website and query is fired in local database. Food Data is displayed on main web page. Client can see prices of required food at one place present on different E-commerce firms. Another feature is provided on the website that compares foods. User can add foods of same the category to compare. User may also analyze the food for its details.

V.IMPLEMENTATION: Working of the system is as follows: The backend system consists of two important techniques web crawling and web scrapping. Web scrapping is a technique that is used to extract data in the human readable format and display it on destination terminal.

But before scrapping the output, Web Crawlers are responsible to navigate to the destination once the crawler reaches the correct page and matches up with the foods, scrapping process starts. Crawler periodically fetches data from e-commerce websites so as to check for updates .If updates are available crawlers carries those updates and makes necessary changes in the database. Web scrapping essentially consists of two tasks: first is to load the desired webpage and second is to parse HTML data of the page to locate intended data. In this system Scrapping is done using python as it provides rich set of libraries to address these tasks. “requests” is used to load the urls and “Beautiful soup” library is used to parse the web page. After scrapping the foods data from different e-commerce websites the data is stored in Mongo DB database. Using pymongo connectivity data is scrapped and stored in database. The front end consists of Main website. The client searches for the required food in search bar and query is fired in local database i.e. MongoDB. The website is designed using Django web framework which is written in python. Communication is done between python web framework and MongoDB using Mongoengine which

is a python object –documentmapper working with MongoDB. Required results are retrieved and displayed on Main website. The client can then compare prices of foods that are available on e-commerce websites. A soon as client selects on best deal according to him ,he will be redirected to the original ecommerce website .Another feature provided is, Clients can compare foods that belong to same category so as to differentiate specifications and choose accordingly.

IV. RESULT & DISCUSSION Comparison of food prices from different e-commerce websites and result is displayed on single web interface. Also system allows user to analyze and compare food specifications for maximum four foods which lie under same category. To achieve this result web mining is done to fetch the required food details and concept of web crawler and web scraper is used to extract data of these foods available on different e-commerce websites. System will allow users to redirect to original website of that specific food selected by the user as a best deal. Following images show how food analysis and comparison of ecommerce sites is done.


Comparison of E-commerce foods website using web mining is web based system which will help users in decision making while ordering foods online. This website will facilitate users to analyze prices that are present on different e-commerce food ordering websites so that they get to know the cheapest price of food with best deal. The website will also have the facility of comparing foods with all its specifications that belong to same category. This will surely save customer efforts and valuable time. Ultimately, this will bring together strategies, best offers and deals from all leading online ordering website and will help customers to order online food with low price with best quality.

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