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Questions a) What kind of typical dishes are there in our country? b) Are they known in other countries? c) Do you know any typical Japanese food? d) Do you think people have the same eating habits in all countries? e) Does everybody eat bacon and eggs at the breakfast in England? f) Does everybody eat bread and butter at the breakfast in Brazil? d) List some descriptions of food from other countries you know. Game Now the teacher puts on the board the name of the countries: BRAZIL, BRITAIN, GERMANY, ITALY and JAPAN. So he/she divides the students into two groups. Then pass on a box containing pieces of paper with the names of food from different countries. Each student picks out a piece of paper and he/she says the name of the country the food is from. The group who guess which the right country, scores a point. If they guess wrong, the other team scores a point. BRAZIL Rice and beans Feijoada barbecue


GERMANY Apple strudel

ITALY Spaghetti

JAPAN Sashimi

Roast beef Roast pork Roast potatoes Fish and chips Yorkshire pudding

Eisbein Sauerkraut

Pizza Ravioli

Sukiyaki Yakisoba

Read the text about eating habits: “As you can see, food habits vary from country to country. All the food wasted in a society of some kind is not allowed in another one. They are related to cultural aspects, like the American belief that “time is money” or related to other issues, like climate and economic conditions. The most important meal in Brazil is lunch, a meal eaten at noon with the family. For Americans and British, the most important meal is dinner, which is also a hot meal eaten with the family, but in the late afternoon. Food isn’t only a nutrition rise. We can see society organization being constructed from things that people eat. As every society has a language, it establishes its own media looking forward people’s relationship. Meal constitutes a cultural layer that happens to be a ritual and adds the nutritional function. The menu’s choice, the plate’s disposition, the dishes and cover used, show the individual’s relations and values that share the food and can symbolize social status or can be used as a group identity encoding. The fact is that, in Brazil, because of globalization our habits have been changing. Few people nowadays can go home for lunch. Sometimes it is cheaper and easier to have a hotdog in a place near work. Unfortunately, we are importing a very bad foreign habit: substituting a balanced meal for a snack full of empty calories (a lot of calories and few nutrients) – and causing obesity and its effects.” Fonte: Língua Estrangeira Moderna – Espanhol e Inglês, vários autores, Curitiba, SEED/PR, 2006. Unit 5 – Healthy Food and Junk Food.

According to the text, mark T (true) or F (false) for the sentences: ( ) The eating habits has a relation with the cultural aspects of each country. ( ) The most important meal for the brazilians is the lunch, because most brazilians like to join to the family to have this meal together. ( ) For the americans and British the principal and most important meal is the breakfast. ( ) A family is recognize culturaly through its eating habits. Questions: a) Hás the eating habits a relation with social status of the family and it can be used to identify a group in which one its belong? Why? Or why not? b) What is happening with the Brazilian eating habits? Is it changing? Why? c) Brazilians are giving more importance to the nutrients, vitamins of a meal or they are not worried about it? Why? It is common to hear that in USA and in England, the breakfast is generally a reinforced meal. It is already almost as a lunch Usually is a very rich meal: a sandwich, snacks or one soup. The principal meal corresponds to our dinner, being done at night or in the

In general, the schools European they have restaurants, where the pupils have lunch at a least price, or even of grace. Those meals are called of school meals and they consist in soup, vegetables, greens, meat or fish, potatoes and eggs.

At home as a homework, make a research about the eating habits involving some countries of ASIA, Africa, Oceania and Europe, like Italy, France, England, Portugal, Germany, Spain and América like Brasil, EUA, Mexico among others. At the end of this research make a chart like this one to demosntrate and show A typical what you have found about curiosities, differences etc. Present it to your school meal colleagues. from Britain is Country Breakfast At lunch At dinner fish and chips In the evening and peas.

Discuss with your partner these questions. a) Have you ever had meals with people from another country? b) Where were they from? c) What different eating habits or table manners have you seen? How different are they from yours? d) Which table manners or eating habits are considered unacceptable in our culture? a) Have you ever eaten food from another country? b) If you have, what kind of food have you eaten? c) Where did you have it? d) How did you like it?

a) Can you recognize what influences you the eating habits when you eat? b) What could it be? From television? Friends? Family habits? Social habits? Why? c) Does advertising influence your choices of food?


pairs, organize a MENU for a restaurant that will receive some international visitors of several countries, they will come from different countries. You can insert special or traditionals dishes and surprising them with delicious meals. We give you some suggestions in this chart below:

After you make the selection fo the best dishes, organize each item in the menu according to the categories below (you can use images, pictures, drawings to ilustrate your MENU:






Make an interview inside the classroom and ask your colleagues about their preferences concerning Food and Drinks. Are they tasty? Are they healthy? 1. What do you think about spinach? Is it healthy or not?

2. I like it, and I think it is healthy. 3. What’s your opinion about chewing gum? 4. I love it, but I think it is not healthy.

classmate’s name

What do you think




Not healthy

about Spinach







Chewing gum








Fonte: English Clips, 5, Mariza T. Ferrari e Sarah G. Rubin. Ed. Scipione. São Paulo, 2001 Task: Compare your list with the list of your colleagues. 1. What are the most favourites kind of food they have choosen? 2. What are the most healthy food they have choosen?

Let’s try? You Will read the principal word and you Will make the association to it with other words in English, they must be related to the subject “Food”.

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