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-1?81the public rvelfare effect from and after its passage' requiring it. --Pu*..d APriI 30,1909' M. I{ri'r'suerq Tevr'ol' giiti'of Representatwes' Speakerof t-h'a Wu' I(:NNIY' SPeak'erof th'e Senata' ApProvedMaY 1, 1909'

U. Mer,cor,ivr

"^rArry;;; r.



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,nrr1l foidt'r tij i' "rt)",i1"'ffii ;tt'?:''HiTT..1, ^; * P?',l;',1 '::' ;l'il'i g1,f ;lI ecom.

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$fnt i ;u-:il.J'" Jrr #hsh; ?Jrffi"1*t"ji:r

--1783pos:*le' the resoutces shali be exiribited, as far as of Telnessee'andthe Stat6 #ft;;"i;p*ents''i-ttte

il;s;;; ;f it. p.opru;t 3l'.1:*ff 3""f, *t ;tt"lt+;*h i": ood'ri' -1tt educatioooi, 113', :"-1X::"1' "titit "I' "t. everv and exhibitecl, ;;il;i:'-"i;ii * a'Lttto clevelop, i9T:1*i," imrro;; ;fl'il;l';1tbe mad"e 3l$ ?Xf,.t:

r"u ;i'$l?lt1\'fi3?l1aruon il*,:rJtrl.].11.1 ':1",:?J"i.ill?Ti

."tt,ffff ill;ti:"n:x',1't;l'ff

lt*;i:J*'1.:11 ."'tff i*:.', i*r*ul$tlU.ltl

3T,i;1,:,it?';J"';;h;i#i;il:,l,lul*,lr;'f,3i"f, fairtoan,rotffiHfrtiil:"saicl ;; i;;" p;sses,to o*i*t ''"b;;.than emplo)'eesin conne'ctionw

" B.b; ti y,iti,i,:;;;,i"d,Tn+lth;lffi 'r'#,?i*;:'il'u"' *tiIJ.nootO shall meet a't Nashviile



nlttl:il.i#*i*li*fltPni:g*li'igtg 'l.,ti*i i*" a'ui*tv o?il " xrul':HilT#{{Ti

?"'i"? -'*H !;""lx!il;r:::; itli..: P,nriu*'t ;;$,i:i'*,iifrrn',;#,i;:ttpsaicrBoardshz*rxecu'liu c'mm"

snsi*":t*;l1i#,'::,;1i'{#,R-fr ir'n ;";;;' ""a *Hil"'ffffl .:i}i'*,'H"%'f :",1i an thercon, formulatiug rules

"*;*;"ua ffi'#Li i tjjh:-ts**' 3"?j'trllx,;* i"s'ti*i;tet'+:iSli;',l,ll:rf


to transact durIJoarclby resolui'iln *iir' tr* o-:y:"

""*lf**hTf f"".":*

r*:"*; ;'"S"ffi :?'$ xtn F}si#}Trm i{'* u-3fi":%l'Fltr?i saiclBoardof Turtn* emocted',That



An'uarrep'r'iHg.J-l""t"?liiiiiil"';$ t.piitrf;i'1i;'';:g "nt*taov of Jauurtt't '?'l of t'c' fair'' ar''ii",,ii'r""ui'L-."n tlleTl;""itiut'* .n([ or tt,uuro'crt) Lr1a statettllJll,';,1';i,*'r compauicd .

"lll"il:]:_ i]i,i u rirL iir

il1:':'' ;iIonc L:ffitiii'iliil' ?1ii'."'1 :ff"tl: \\'ll( "; : ltHti il 1rt lrrt [ c ' r 't i t a l l l i t r ins''"'cctiln"'o'f i'otl'itlliroittt "*o"ti::)^"o" ( j o v e t ' n o ro l L c g i s l a t t " ' "

ol:: polo_. r.e ^ 6.R,:it.fut,tt l':; d l\T i,,lll, 1;..e1.ri?r,]1', I II ^'#:""','i:lh;

s nr'Itiie },i l r} ll:I** :l Ifi I:l{l,lf'.I-"-.,t frtir'' sattl l* rnaintain to it mofln?*l*ttaq "'',,t,-,',* ,rl,iui;i gi il'Xll,:;li:".n';Hi\H tor,,, i{if :,t;

"",1 If,?j*", iii,l\;\l_l"i I I iililrii: tl jh:ir',f\\'jl'

uir*filiii:'f; fi';;ii-**runifi: tli eTeo:r'il"ii oiti tttin sait1 l.lose of holdiris-'' i ffi' ;;"''t^t.t''

J"xl f,r'ffJ"1':"1';i;rt"',##;i it'oilta )ti.]j"1,1""*iot,,r, lrestilence. fi5e'*!3ll,l1:.,]'r.rein s-eatl,r9r' set cause,suchas batt

*"'",';,..,'.;I:1.l:^o:r'IRi\ n'.Tili,?l;d: i:J.,.ll: ll: f trl i:rl)trL'loQ 1'u,'111 l'.1..\"1,,1,,''f i,.^ ,rt,,1in llrrrt e\'0llt s'zrlIrever't last tlrrvot ,n"l 1l]]t:i1dit";;r"tl'nt'un"' rt-rtiru\\'l'lll'.i.i..1',,",i,1,r-,"ttl' of the ,saidpr:o1,,:rtr',

i"i.'"' i:ii{:iii{r,ll"ir ::l:l::ll:i Itll;'iiiil;l "il . i* srjil';:"t,1:lrr,i,i;;il];,:llll], n.t,t,, .,r,,,t I'i[:"l]iil,lli hr^,.t,3]rr'''iilil-'';;;.,iulo" shtrll conc1uile,1 istrarl.

.,,',, .*ti,,srr ^ :1.]l:i,ll r.',,,,;r \.u,, l.:l';lilt,,l"""r i ' o n l,t l l ( ) r lo r ' r i " ; f ; , , , i , , . f . _ , , . , . rrrirrr s t i t u t oi t lrr tliis I St-1tJ.1iiq r'llonncsst',.'' o stri1,r, lir,opertl-lii' thc. lre r s@O',if o,,'ftoit" t'h.I le r' anc1111'otr I' t'ttstecs' d I l]]..1:,


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cottrc'c'l ;''"'Y-^ri: Tt'ltttt's lliT*,t'T';1il1l'i.'X';;"t)";* oI Stat. *'lntiio tlre or otlrerwi"o^ttlltf of holtll*s tea'sctl' the trru'po's'e e'ur'n'' seeby r]'r'iclson q"*;;i;'i9-tr innit":'l r otttrl'eil'It'ou' thereon an arnuaL-""iui'"' l i r i i ' ' l r r l r n ' t -t.h o \ o r l not' t l r a t t h c S i ' a t cs l L a tft' t 'i"i O"irii'i ; ttt' ttre--Dircetots *uoii same the lnq' but 1909' *itt't Llre rttl'l.'r:stantl in charge as heretointn' t'rned be u"y, shall however, ttrat all ""i'nr;nt.,^if

-L?85over to the !'air Directors for the repair and improvement of the Premises. '-Su"la. f e i,t fui"ttt'erenacted',That it shail be the cluiy of the Board of I'air Trustees to promote the o"n'l"irution of countv fairs throughout the State, an? a,lvise,encourage,assist,and stimulate sameby rules and classiflcation and tit- pt"*"iioo ""it,irur "t every other pos*ble way, in pr:emiums and slru"iul to the ehd ttrat the best interests of both State ano fails shall be subserved' county That this Act shal1 SG;. g.-d"-i firthit" enacterT, passage' the public wel-' its tahe effect from'ancl after fare requiring it. PassedNIay 1st, 1909. M. Ifur.r,sn'raxT'tvl'on, Slteaker of the l'Iou'seof Reytresett'tat'it'es' Wu. I(nvxnt, SPeakerof t-lt,eSenate' Approved MaY 1, 1909. Mu,cor,m It,. ParT nnsoN, Gouernor'

O ] T , { P T E R4 9 1 ' I{ousri Bu,r, No. 963' (BY Mt" Harris, hY request) ABILLtobeentitletlAnActtoincorporatethetownofC -' edar countl', Tenn" and the inhalritants thereof ; frlrtl-rii,rr..tin" same: the of control a"O'to-ptol'icle for the govelnnrent antl poflels and duties of and limits corfoiate the and to clefine said municiPal corPoration

hu the General'As-se'mbl'E SnctloN1. Re if, cn'ncted' Tliat the town of Cedar C;di o'f lf en+I'e'ssec' "iii;;and State of TenRollertson, of lIiil. in the connt-v thereof , within th e b ounrlarritants i nii tfre ;;.d.;; ".,1 ,.;i;; h;;;inafter set out, are hereby constituted a ift; fil;i., ono *otporate f.v-the name and stvle of oi uuvdr and Aitlermen of the Town of ;h;';'ii;;;a

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