Fieldwork Time Log - Jonathan Tolub-3

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,711
  • Pages: 6
OAHS Senior Project

Fieldwork Time Log Student’s Name: ​Jonathan Tolub Fieldwork Project: ​Composition Mentor’s Name: ​Jon Kull


Fieldwork with your Mentor​:​ ​Provide a description

Number of Hours


of all work completed under the direct guidance of your mentor. I called Jon and discussed my first 3 pieces with him, taking notes of his feedback.

1 Hour


I called Jon and discussed the edits of my first 3 pieces with him, taking notes of his feedback.

½ Hour


I called Jon and discussed movements 5, 6, and 7, taking notes of his feedback.

1 Hour


I called Jon and discussed the edits of movements 5, 6, and 7 with him, taking notes of his feedback.

1 Hour


I called Jon and discussed movement 8 with him, taking notes of his feedback.

½ Hour


I called with Jon and discussed the second draft of movement 8 and the first drafts of movements 9 and 1 with him I discussed edits of movements 1 and 9, and the first draft of 10 with Jon, taking notes of his feedback. I called Jon to discuss the edits to movement 10 and the first draft to movement 11 I called Jon and we discussed the edits to movement 11 and the first draft of movement 2 I called Jon and discussed the full score and parts, discussing final edits

1 Hour

2/21 2/28 3/6 3/12

1 Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 1 Hour

Total Hours: 8 Date


Independent Fieldwork:​ ​Provide a description of all fieldwork you complete independently. I began transferring my musical ideas from paper into Noteflight. I completed the first two ideas.

Number of Hours

1 Hour

OAHS Senior Project

11/2 11/3 11/9 11/10 11/13 11/15 11/18 11/21 11/25 11/27 12/2 12/5 12/9 12/11 12/15 12/16 12/20 12/27 1/1 1/9 1/13 1/15 1/16 1/19

I began transferring my musical ideas from paper into Noteflight. I completed ideas 3 and 4. I began transferring my musical ideas from paper into Noteflight. I completed idea 17. I developed my musical ideas further, working on my first drafts. I completed Part #12. I developed my musical ideas further, working on my first drafts. I worked on Part #3. I developed my musical ideas further, working on my first drafts. I completed Part #3 and began Part #4. I developed my musical ideas further, working on my first drafts. I completed Part #4. I developed my musical ideas further, working on my first drafts. I worked on Part #6.

1 Hour

I took Jon’s feedback and began to incorporate it into Parts 3, 4, and 12 I continued to incorporate Jon’s feedback into Parts 3, 4, and 12

1 Hour

I completed draft 1 of Part 5 and continued Part 6 I finished incorporating Jon’s feedback into Parts 3, 4, and 12 and began writing Part 7 I began writing Part 11 I finished composing the final drafts of Parts 3, 4, and 12 I finished composing Part 6 I continued working on Part 7 I finished Part 7 I incorporated Jon’s feedback into Parts 5, 6, and 7 I incorporated more of Jon’s feedback into movements 5, 6, and 7 I began writing movement 8 I finished composing movement 8 and began movement 9. I also worked on the flyer for the composition contest I am including with my concert. I finished composing movement 9 and began movement 10. I also drafted the flyer for the concert. I finished movement 10 I began to incorporate Jon’s feedback into movement 8 I continued to add Jon’s feedback into movement 8

2 Hours 2 Hours 1 Hour 2 Hours 1 Hour ½ Hour

1 Hour 2 Hours 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hours ½ Hour 1 Hour ½ Hour

OAHS Senior Project

1/20 1/22 1/26 1/27 1/29 2/3 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/26 2/28 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3/10

I finished draft 2 of movement 8 and started movement 1 I continued composing movement 1 I continued composing movement 1 I finished composing movement 1 and started over on movement 11 I started adding Jon’s edits to movement 1 I added Jon’s edits to movement 9 and finished adding edits to movement 1 I finished the first draft of movement 11 I began learning how to conduct I continued learning how to conduct I continued learning how to conduct I continued learning how to conduct I practiced conducting parts of my piece I went through my first rehearsal with my musicians, working on movements 3, 4, and 5 I began to draft movement 2 and jot down more ideas about where I wanted to go with the piece. This was the hardest movement to write. I added Jon’s edits to movement 10 and met with Mrs. Gold, TEMPO President, to discuss details of the scholarship I am working with them to create. I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece and added Jon’s edits to movement 11 I practiced conducting my piece I rehearsed movements 6, 7, and 8 with my ensemble I practiced conducting my piece and added Jon’s edits to movement 2 I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece and added the rest of Jon’s edits and suggestions to movement 2

1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour 2 Hours ½ Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 1 Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 2 Hours 1 ½ Hour

½ Hour ½ Hour 1 Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 2 Hours ½ Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 2 Hours

OAHS Senior Project

3/11 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/16 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/30

I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece and assembled the final piece. I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed movements 9, 10, and 11 with my ensemble I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed movements 12, 1, and 2 with my ensemble I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed with my ensemble I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed with my ensemble I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed with my ensemble

½ Hour 1 Hour 2 Hours 1 Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 1 Hour ½ Hour 1 Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour ½ Hour 1 Hour

I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed with my ensemble

2½ Hours

I practiced conducting my piece and rehearsed with my ensemble

1 Hour

I hosted the concert- my final project

2½ Hours Total Hour:


10/15 11/15


Correspondence​: ​Provide a record of each time you correspond with

your mentor (phone & email) and the topic of your conversation. This ​DOES NOT COUNT​ towards field work hours. I discussed instrumentation of the performance ensemble with Jon, and finalized a list of the necessary instruments. I sent my first drafts of 3 of my sections to Jon and set up a time to meet with him on 11/20

OAHS Senior Project 12/4

I sent my updated drafts of 3 of my sections to Jon and set up a time to meet with him on 12/6


I sent Jon the first drafts of parts 5, 6, and 7 and set up a time to meet with him on 12/19


I sent Jon the second drafts of parts 5, 6, and 7 and set up a time to meet with him on 12/27


I sent Jon the first draft of the 8th movement and set up a time to meet with him on 1/15 (Date moved to 11/16 after email correspondence on 11/15)


I sent Jon the second draft of movement 8 and the first drafts of movements 9 and 1, setting up a call on 1/29 (later moved to 2/5) I sent Jon a link to the full piece.

2/5 2/8

I sent Jon the edits of movements 1 and 9, and the first draft of 10, setting up a meeting with him on 2/12 (Meeting moved to 2/21)


I sent Jon the edits to movement 10 and the first draft to movement 11, setting up a meeting on 2/28 I sent Jon the edits to movement 11, the first draft of movement 2 and set up a meeting on 3/5, which was later moved to 3/6 I sent Jon the first draft of the full piece and the parts, setting up a meeting on 3/12

3/2 3/8

As a mentor, I assure that the dates, hours, and descriptions included in this fieldwork log are accurate. Mentor Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________

OAHS Senior Project Name: ______________________________________ Fieldwork Log Rubric NOTE:​ ​Completion of forty hours of fieldwork under the guidance of a mentor is a

required component of the Senior Project. Students cannot successfully complete Senior Project without having fulfilled this requirement. The following rubric is an assessment not of your fieldwork but of your fieldwork log and its contents. Format Fieldwork hours and descriptions are typed and documented within this Senior Project fieldwork log.


Dates Each entry in the log includes the specific date that the hours were logged


Hours Each entry in the log lists how much time you dedicated to your fieldwork during those individual dates


Descriptions Each entry includes a detailed description of all aspect the project that were worked on during each individual date. Each entry notes whether that time was completed individual or working with the mentor.


Digital Upload Artifact is uploaded to the digital portfolio on time. (This entry will not contain a signature)



*Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day late or beyond the revision window (two days). This equals 2 points for every day late. Comments:


Points Received: _______________​

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