Fear Itself

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  • Words: 5,787
  • Pages: 27
FADE IN: INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY SUPER: NEW CASTLE MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE, NEW CASTLE PENNSYLVANIA, 5:00 P.M. DOCTOR HAL MARROW, 30's, sits behind a computer console keeping his eyes on the monitor. DOCTOR JUNE SANDERS, 30's, also studies a separate monitor with great intent. INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY In this room NIKKI SMITH, 20's, lies back in a chair that resembles a Dentist's chair. She's hooked up to a heart monitor and wires snake down from the brow of her forehead. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY Dr. Sanders presses a button activating an intercom between the two rooms. DR. SANDERS How are you feeling, Nikki? Are you comfortable? Nikki shakes her head. NIKKI Yeah, I'm fine, just a little nervous. When are you going to start the test? DR. SANDERS It'll be a few minutes or so, Nikki. We're almost finished preparing the computers. Are you sure you're feeling alright? Your heart-rate is a little high. NIKKI I'm finding it hard to relax but that's normal right. DR. SANDERS Keep in mind that we can see you just as you can see us. If you cannot handle the test once we begin you give us a signal. Okay? Nikki gives a nervous smile and wave in reply.

2. DR. MARROW Okay, everything is ready here, June. We can begin the test when you're ready. DR. SANDERS We're going to start the test now, Nikki. Do your best to relax. Remember, once this starts just say the word and we'll stop if it becomes uncomfortable. INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY Nikki watches the view window slowly tint. NIKKI Hey. . . That's not supposed to happen. Hello? Doctor Sanders? Can you hear me? Nikki starts to breath heavier. The heart monitor's beeps quicken. Nikki squirms in the chair. NIKKI Calm yourself down, girl. Breathe. Everything is going to be alright. The only light in the room goes out. Nikki is plunged into darkness. Even the lights from the various monitoring equipment are no longer visible. Nikki SCREAMS. The heart monitor BEEPS faster and louder. Nikki GASPS for breath from a panic-attack causing her to hyperventilate. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY Dr. Sanders monitors the computers screens intently. One screen displays a live video feed of Nikki illuminated by infra-red. / Dr. Marrow keeps a watchful eye on Nikki's heart-rate, respiration, and synaptic activity. DR. MARROW I don't like the increase in heart rate. If she continues to hyperventilate any longer she'll pass out. I think you should talk to her at least. Dr. Sanders points out the infra-red camera view to Dr. Marrow.

3. DR. SANDERS I understand the possible drawbacks to these experiments, Hal. We won't learn anything if we keep pulling the plug too soon. Look at what she's doing in there? Dr. Marrow looks at the monitor. Nikki struggles against the restraints and gets free of the chair. She swats at something that is not there. DR. MARROW Of course she's acting that way the poor girl is terrified of the dark. Combine that with hyperventilation she's probably hallucinating. For God sake say something to her. INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY Nikki WHEEZES trying to get air into her constricting lungs. She pulls off all of the wires connected to her body. She backs up bumping into the soundproof and padded wall. There is the sound of movement other than her own. It comes closer and closer to her. DR. SANDERS (O.S.) Nikki. . . This is Dr. Sanders. You must calm yourself down. Face your fear head on. NIKKI There's something in here with me. You have to get me out of here. DR. SANDERS (O.S.) There's nothing in the room with you, Nikki. I can see you and the entire room on an infra-red camera. There's no one in the room. NIKKI I want out of here. Please let me out of here. Let me out! DR. MARROW Okay, that's more than enough. I'm getting her out of there before she has a heart attack. Dr. Marrow turns the lights on in the room. Walks pass Dr. Sander's with a disgusted SIGH. Opens the door to the adjoining room.

4. INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY Dr. Marrow walks up to Nikki who is in a fetal position against the wall. She WEEPS uncontrollably and rocks back and forth. DR. MARROW It's okay now, Nikki. The lights are back on and you're safe. Dr. Marrow helps Nikki to her feet. She's still BREATHING VERY HEAVY. Dr. Marrow walks her over to the chair and sits her down. Dr. Marrow takes his stethoscope and listens to her heart. DR. MARROW I want to apologize for keeping you in here so long. I'm going to see you get a mild sedative to help calm you down. If that's okay with you? Dr. Sanders enters the room. She already has a syringe ready. DR. SANDERS Don't you think you should've consulted with me first, Dr. Marrow? Giving her the wrong drug could've put her in coma. DR. MARROW I've read her medical records, Dr. Sanders. I'm well aware of any drugs she's allergic to. Dr. Sanders taps the syringe and squirts out excess fluid. She inserts the needle into Nikki's right arm. Injects her with the sedative. DR. SANDERS This will make you a little drowsy, Nikki. It'll help you calm down though. I suggest that you lie back and relax. Everything is fine now. NIKKI I don't want to fall asleep. I just feel like going home.

5. DR. SANDERS I understand. You get at least fifteen minutes of rest and then you can go home. Okay? Nikki lies back in the chair. Dr. Marrow glares at Dr. Sanders. Takes her by the arm and WHISPERS in her right ear. DR. MARROW (whispers) I need to speak with you in private. DR. SANDERS Fine. I'll be back to check on you in fifteen minutes, Nikki. Dr. Marrow and I need to discuss something. We'll be in the control room if you need us. Dr. Sanders enters the control room Dr. Marrow. She utters something under her breath. / DR. MARROW What the hell is your problem? DR. SANDERS I'm not the one who seems to have a problem. DR. MARROW Oh, no? You sat in here and watched one of your patients in total fear. Watched as she cried out for help and wept. That was totally out of line. DR. SANDERS The patients know what to expect. If we plan on finding a cure for their deep set fears, we put them through as much of that fear as they can handle. DR. MARROW I'll not be responsible for driving them to the brink of madness. It's not worth it, June. I know you care about these people.

6. DR. SANDERS Of course I care about them. / Dr. Sanders types a command in a computer. Charts and readouts appear on the screen. DR. SANDERS That episode only managed to absorb five percent negative energy. I don't understand she was terrified. DR. MARROW It's to be expected, June. In six months we've only stored fifteen percent negative energy out of a possible hundred. / DR. SANDERS We're not even certain it's storing anything at all. These readouts could be false data. DR. MARROW I can take a portable EMF monitor and check for readings later. / Someone stands in the adjoining doorway and startles Doctor Sanders. NIKKI Can I leave now? DR. SANDERS Are you sure you feel well enough to drive? NIKKI I just want to go home. DR. SANDERS I understand. If you'll follow me to my office I've a prescription I'd like to give you. I'll speak with you later, Dr. Marrow. DR. MARROW Yes, Dr. Sanders. Once again, I apologize for the mishap. You have a pleasant day. NIKKI Thank you, Dr. Marrow. Dr. Marrow watches Nikki and Dr. Sanders walk out of the control room. Sits and studies the computers readouts.

7. Dr. Marrow's slides over to Dr. Sander's computer. Brings up the video footage of Nikki's experience. The camera caught something odd. Dr. Marrow plays the footage back frame by frame. There's a human like shadow just to the left of the camera. He attempts to zoom in on the enigmatic figure. The figure blurs the more Dr. Marrow zooms in. He pauses the video. Perhaps, it's something on the lens. He gets to his feet and enters the adjoining room. INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY Dr. Marrow walks over to the corner of the room. Stares up at the camera mounted on the wall. Grabs a chair and steps up on it. A glance into the lens revels nothing out of the ordinary. There are no spots of dirt or dust. He spots something in the reflection of the lens. He turns just in enough time to spot a fleeting shape. He's startled and holds onto the wall for support. The door to the room slams shut. The view window tints and light goes out. DR. MARROW (Shocked) Hello!? Is someone there? INT. DOCTOR SANDER'S OFFICE - DAY Nikki follows Dr. Sanders into her office. Dr. Sanders takes a seat and Nikki sits as well. Dr. Sanders starts to fill out a prescription then stops writing. DR. SANDERS I really didn't want to put you through that back there, Nikki. NIKKI Then why did you leave me in the room so long? Dr. Sander eyes Nikki and opens a file. Slides it over to Nikki. DR. SANDERS Is that not your signature? Did you not agree to these tests by signing this agreement. Nikki is quieted quick by the question.

8. NIKKI (sighs) Yes, I signed this agreement. But I did not agree to be tortured. DR. SANDERS You can always choose to back out of the project. Though I feel we're making very good progress. Nikki LAUGHS and slides the folder back to Dr. Sanders. NIKKI You consider my complete breakdown progress? DR. SANDERS Facing your fears is progress in itself. It's only your second visit, Nikki. These things take much more time to get used to. INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY The floor seems to be moving. The light flickers back on. Dr. Marrow lets out a SCREAM. The entire floor crawls with various sized snakes. INT. DOCTOR SANDER'S OFFICE - DAY Nikki and Dr. Sanders hear a scream. Dr. Sanders is startled, but gets to her feet. Heads towards the doorway out. DR. SANDERS You stay here, Nikki. But. . .


DR. SANDERS I'll be back as soon as I find out what's going on. Dr. Sanders shuts and locks her office door. Nikki stands and tries to open the door. She struggles with it for a minute then kicks it.

9. NIKKI Damn it. You're not supposed to do this to your patients! INT. ADJOINING ROOM - DAY Doctor Marrow trembles and sweat drips down his face. Reaching up he grabs onto the camera with a death grip. DR. MARROW (stutters) My, God!? My. . . God. . . What's going on here? Where did these snakes come from? The snakes HISS and strike at the Doctor. He CRIES OUT and the chair wobbles. The same strange shadow form appears in a quick blur. It moves in the direction of the Doctor. The chair begins to wobble violently as if a pair of unseen hands were shaking it. With a final push the Doctor and chair fall into the mass of snakes. They begin biting and wrapping their cold bodies around his. He SCREAMS and tries to tear them off. Only being overcome by the shear amount of them. The Doctor looks up to see the shadow. It appears as living smoke yet holds a slight human shape. Two bottomless black pits of eyes stare down at the horrified man. EXT. OUTSIDE CONTROL ROOM - DAY Doctor Sanders rushes up to a small crowd that's gathered near the doorway. Doctor Sanders pushed her way through to the entrance door and tries to open it. It refuses to open for her. For the first time Doctor Sanders notices all the windows are tinted black. Doctor Sanders checks her keyring for the door key only it's gone. DR. SANDERS Where in God's name did my key go? It was on the keyring when I left the control room. FELLOW DOCTOR What's happening, Doctor Sanders?

10. DR. SANDERS I don't have a clue. I've lost my key to the room and can't get inside. We need to get in there. FELLOW DOCTOR How can we do that? You and Doctor Marrow are the only ones authorized to carry keys for this room. DR. SANDERS Shit. Doctor Marrow has his key on him. There must be another way inside. Another horrible SCREAM is heard. FELLOW DOCTOR We'll have to break the door down. FEMALE DOCTOR No, no, get a chair we'll break the window glass. DR. SANDERS The door is built with reinforced steel, and the windows are shatter proof. Without my key or Doctor Marrow's there's no other way in. Period. FELLOW DOCTOR We've got to get in there and help him. Sounds like he's being tortured for God sake. Let's call the Police they'll get the door down. Doctor Sanders twists and yanks on the door handle. DR. SANDERS That's a stupidest suggestion I've ever heard. He could be dead by the time they arrive. Doctor Marrow? Can you hear me? We can't get in try opening the door from your side! Doctor Marrow's SCREAMS become frequent.

11. DR. MARROW (O.C.) (shouts) Help me! They're all over me, biting and squeezing. Get them off of me. Get them off! Doctor Sanders looks at the other Doctor's in questioning. FELLOW DOCTOR Did he say something was biting him? Do you have any test animals that could've gotten lose, Dr. Sanders? DR. SANDERS We don't use test animals, Doctor. I've no idea what he's talking about. Can you get to the door, Hal? Please, try and answer me. There's no reply and no more screams. There's the sound of the door lock as it CLICKS. The tinted windows return to normal revealing the control room. Control room door opens slow with a long CREAK. There's no one in the doorway or beyond. The Doctors look at one another in shock. A blast of ice cold air comes from the room enveloping them. DR. SANDERS (hugging herself) Tell me I'm not the only one who feels like they just stepped into a meat locker. They can see each others breath as they speak. FEMALE DOCTOR It's freezing. FELLOW DOCTOR One of the air conditioning vents must be above us and it turned on. DR. SANDERS Then explain to me why the cold air struck us from the front? Everyone continue with what you were doing, I'll check on Doctor Marrow myself. As quick as the cold air hit them it leaves.

12. FEMALE DOCTOR That's strange. The cold air is gone now. There's a LOUD SCREAM from beyond the control room. Doctor Sanders and two other Doctors rush into the control room. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY Doctor Sanders throws open the door to the adjoining room. Doctor Marrow lies on the vacant floor clawing and fighting something they cannot see. DR. MARROW Get them off of me! Get them off! Doctor Sanders kneels next to him grabbing both his arms. Doctor Marrow struggles against her. DR. SANDERS Help me restrain him? A male doctor helps Doctor Sanders restrain Doctor Marrow. Doctor Sanders looks at the female Doctor that followed her in the room. DR. SANDERS You? I need a mild sedative in here stat. Right away.


The female Doctor rushes out of the room. Doctor Sanders and the male doctor try to keep Doctor Marrow from clawing at himself. DR. SANDERS Calm down, Hal. Tell me what's wrong with you? DR. MARROW (shocked) Where did they go? They were everywhere, the entire floor was writhing with them. DR. SANDERS Writhing with what, Hal? You're not making any sense. There's nothing in the room with us. The female doctor returns with a syringe. She hands the syringe over to Doctor Sanders. She looks at the male

13. doctor. DR. SANDERS Hold him. . .this will help calm you down, Hal. Doctor Sanders tries to inject Doctor Marrow. He fights against the male doctor managing to knock him off his feet. DR. SANDERS Are you going to hit me next? Doctor Marrow gets to his feet. Placing a hand through his hair, wiping away sweat with a SIGH. DR. MARROW No. I do know I don't need fucking sedated. What the hell took you so long? I needed your help. DR. SANDERS I couldn't get back into the control room after leaving walk Nikki to my office. Then I heard you screaming. My key to the control room oddly seemed to up and vanish during your episode. Doctor Marrow stares at Doctor Sanders visible keyring. DR. MARROW Oh, really? I guess it must've oddly reappeared. DR. SANDERS Are you calling me a liar? The damn key isn't on my-Doctor Sanders pulls the keyring off her belt loop. She stares at the keyring in total shock. The key is exactly where it hadn't been but a few minutes ago. DR. SANDERS What the hell!? I swear to you, Hal. The key wasn't on my keyring. What reason would I have to lie about it? DR. MARROW Fine. Whatever. I believe you. I'm just trying to get over what happened.

14. DR. SANDERS I'm waiting for you to explain what happened in here. We thought you were being killed. What the hell happened, Hal? Doctor Marrow heads toward the door out. DR. MARROW Honestly, I really don't feel like talking about it right now. I have to get out of this room. Need some-Doctor Sanders comes up behind Doctor Marrow and inserts the syringe into his upper-arm. DR. MARROW Ouch! Why the hell did you do that? We have other patients to see today. Doctor Sanders hands the syringe over to the male doctor. DR. SANDERS I'm going to reschedule the rest of our patients for today. You're in no shape to be of any help. Doctor Marrow wobbles being caught by Doctor Sanders. DR. MARROW Watch the video tape. . .The video of Nikki's. . .Session. You have to watch it, June. DR. SANDERS What should I look for, Hal? Doctor Marrow gets out a final word before the sedative takes over. Shadow. . .


Doctor Sanders looks at the male doctor. DR. SANDERS Could you please take Doctor Marrow to a room for me? Make sure that he's not disturbed. The male doctor walks over taking Doctor Marrow from Doctor Sanders grasp. The two start to walk out the door. The male doctor stops and turns to look at Doctor Sanders.

15. FELLOW DOCTOR (questioning) What did he say? DR. SANDERS It was gibberish, the drug taking full effect. Nothing of any real importance. The doctor leaves the control room with Doctor Marrow. Doctor Sanders walks into the control room. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY One of the computer consoles emits a BEEPING. Doctor Sanders walks up to the console peering at the screen. DR. SANDERS That's odd. Electro magnetic field core now at ten percent. Impossible, the EMF Collector is powered down. Doctor Sanders switches the computer off. Looks at the video monitor, which is still on, ejects the DVD inside and shuts the unit off. She picks up a marker and writes NIKKI SMITH: SESSION ONE on the DVD. Then she remembers her patient. DR. SANDERS Oh, shit. I forgot about Nikki. INT. INSTITUTE HALLWAY - DAY Doctor Sanders stands and exits the control room. Closing the door behind her, making sure that it's locked. She quickly heads for her office. INT. DOCTOR SANDERS OFFICE - OUTSIDE DOOR - DAY Reaching her office door, she unlocks it, Nikki bumps into her hard as she pushes her way pass. Doctor Sanders tries to stop Nikki following her into the hallway. DR. SANDERS Nikki? You can't just leave like this. I'm sorry.

16. INT. INSTITUTE HALLWAY - DAY Nikki doesn't turn to face Doctor Sanders. She just continues down the hallway. NIKKI (angry) You can go to hell! Don't expect me to return for more treatment. I'd prefer to live with my fear. DR. SANDERS Nikki, please? We can talk this out I'm sure. You signed the treatment papers. You're bound to continue them until we deem you're better. Nikki stops. Turns around and approaches Doctor Sanders. NIKKI For all I care you can shove those papers where the sun never shines. Go ahead and take me to court for breaching your stupid contract. I'll mention to the court how you treat your patients. DR. SANDERS I wasn't mistreating you intentionally, Nikki. We had an emergency involving Doctor Marrow. Nikki's attitude lightens with the new information. NIKKI Is he alright? DR. SANDERS Right now he seems to be fine. That's the reason I took so long coming back. Nikki gives a uncomfortable SIGH. NIKKI Jeez, I'm really sorry for Doctor Marrow. That still gives you no right to keep me locked in your God damn office for three hours.

17. DR. SANDERS Three hours? That's not possible, Nikki. You sure your watch is working? I couldn't have been gone no longer than a half-hour. NIKKI Maybe you're the one who should check her watch. You finished treatment around five-thirty and locked me in your office around six. Doctor Sanders looks at her wrist watch. The time it displays is beyond what she expects. The slowly diminishing sunlight beyond the institutes windows is evidence enough of the passage of time. DR. SANDERS (shocked) Nine 'o' clock?! Nikki turns and continues down the hallway. NIKKI Like I said. . . three hours. Think about that after I talk to your boss about this pathetic fuck up. DR. SANDERS Nikki, please? I-Doctor Sanders is quieted as Nikki gives her the bird. Doctor Sanders SIGHS and walks to her office. DR. SANDERS Great, that's just what I need. INT. DOCTOR SANDER'S OFFICE - NIGHT Doctor Sanders sits in her leather office chair. Staring at her reflection in the session DVD. She places the DVD into a player and pushes play. DR. SANDERS Shadow. . .Look for a shadow. A lamp on her desk flickers grabbing her attention. It stops as quick as it starts. She returns her attention to the video footage. The entire video is void of the shadow Doctor Marrow had seen. Doctor Sanders stops the video and ejects the DVD.

18. DR. SANDERS Sorry, Hal. Nothing unusual about that footage. Wish I knew what you saw. The lamp flickers again. Only this time it dies leaving her in the dark. She SIGHS LOUDLY and tries jiggling the light bulb. The CREAK of her office door opening grabs her attention. Holding her breathe she watches the light from outside creep in. A SHADOW stands just in the doorway. Hello?


The shadow waves a FLASHLIGHT BEAM around the room. The beam stops on Doctor Sanders relieved face. DR. SANDERS You really gave me a start, STEVE. STEVE JOHNSON, 20's, is one of the large Security Guards the institute has on night duty. STEVE I'm sorry, Doctor Sanders. What are you doing in the dark? DR. SANDERS The bulb in my lamp seems to have passed away. You making your rounds? STEVE Yeah, you want me to help you with that lamp problem? Doctor sanders gets to her feet. Walks over to the door. DR. SANDERS No. I was about to head home for the night. Do you know if Doctor Marrow is still asleep? STEVE I spoke with him about fifteen minutes ago. He should be gone by now. Was there something you wanted to talk with him about?

19. DR. SANDERS There was, but it's a little late for that now. I wonder why he didn't let me know he'd woke? Will you be a gentleman and walk me to the exit? No problem.


Doctor Sanders closes her office door. The lamp winks back to life. With an audible CLICK it goes off. EXT. INSTITUTE PARKING LOT - NIGHT As Doctor Sanders car pulls out of the parking lot. A WHITE VAN pulls into the parking lot. The side of the van reads: DON'S DIRT CHEAP CLEANING SERVICE. In lowercase letters a motto reads: DIRTY DEEDS DON DIRT CHEAP. The van comes to a halt near a rear entrance of the institute. DON "DONNY" DOMINGO, 30's, muscular build, Mexican American, speaks with a Spanish accent. Rolls down the van window and flicks a cigarette out. DONNY (agitated) There will be no more smoking in the institute. Don't think I haven't been smelling that cover spray shit you're using. Donny looks at his brother REMANDO "RAY" DOMINGO, 20's, medium build, dressed in white coveralls with the company logo and a name tag. Ray has a lit cigarette hanging from his lips. RAY (questioning) What? Why you looking at me like that? DONNY What are you deaf? I told you no smoking in the institute. Get rid of it now. That smell clings to your clothes. RAY We're not in the-DONNY Out. Now, Ray. Ray winds his window down. Takes a final long drag off the cigarette and tosses it.

20. RAY (mumbles) Always sweating people. . . asshole. DONNY Excuse me? What did you say? Nothing.


DONNY That's what I thought. What the hell is that smell? Oh, hell no, I know it's not what I think. I swear I'll bust some ass for sure. Donny slides open a steel partition separating the front from the rear. A CLOUD OF SMOKE envelopes the front. The rear is enveloped so much Donny can't see his other two workers. DONNY Son of a bitch! I cannot believe this shit. Who the hell brought pot into my van? JAKE SANDS, 20's, medium build, Caucasian LAUGHS. JACK HAYES, 20's, average build, African American also LAUGHS. JAKE Chill out, man. Who's going to find out about it? We're cool. JACK Yeah, Donny. It's not like we're going to smoke in the building, bro. Donny LAUGHS along with them for a brief moment. DONNY (laughs) Yeah, yeah, I guess it's cool. At least until I'm kicking both of your worthless asses! Donny opens his door and jumps out of the van. RAY Shit. You guys better get out of the van before he gets to you. My brother isn't fucking around. Both of the rear van doors burst open. Jake and Jack can only see Donny's shadow in all the escaping smoke. They can

21. hear his sadistic LAUGHTER. EXT. REAR OF CLEANING VAN - NIGHT Both of them try to bail out, but Donny grabs them. DONNY You assholes going somewhere? Donny gets Jake and Jack in a headlock. The two YELL OUT in pain as Donny squeezes. DONNY I want to know which one of you had the balls to bring it? Start talking! Ray walks up to his brother. RAY Come on, Donny. Go easy on them, homes. All their yelling is going is get Steve out here. I'm sure you don't want that. DONNY Go easy on them? Have you lost your mind, little brother? I take this business very serious. Don't need these loser potheads ruining it for me. The two YELL again as Donny applies more pressure. RAY Popping their heads isn't going to help either. If my brother lets you guys go, you two promise you'll never do this again? DONNY Who said anything about letting them go? I plan on popping their heads like ticks. Jake tries to speak. DONNY What? You have some last words to say? Are you going to tell me who brought the weed? JAKE Yes. . .I. . .Did! Donny lets their heads go and pushes them both away from

22. him. DONNY Do you realize what we get if caught with that shit? JACK (giggles) Five to ten? Donny slaps him across his head hard. DONNY You think that shit is funny? Well, I'm not laughing. I'll be damned if I do jail time for you two idiots. RAY Come on, bro. They stopped smoking and the van can be aired out. You guys don't have anymore in the van do you? JAKE Yeah, about a half a bag. Donny grabs Jake and tosses him in the back of the van. DONNY Then get rid of it, pronto! I don't care if you have to swallow the bag, or eat the shit. Get rid of it now! Donny notices a flash of light just inside the building. It sweeps across the door where they stand. Another sweep of the light and the sound of footsteps head in the doors direction. DONNY Shit! It's Steve. Shut the van doors. The van doors remain open. DONNY I told you to shut the fucking doors! Donny slams both doors shut.

23. RAY All we need to do is act normal. Steve knows who we are, he won't give us any trouble. If anything he might ask for some. DONNY Oh, is that what you think? Well, I highly doubt he'd take it so lightly. Quiet. . .Here he comes. The light flashes across the glass door, footsteps seem to stop a few feet away from exiting. No one exits the door. Donny stares at his brother, walks up to the door slow, looks inside to see nothing. DONNY (puzzled) What the. . . RAY What's wrong? Is Steve still coming? DONNY You saw the light right? And heard the footsteps too? Yeah. . .So?


DONNY There's no one in the hallway. Ray walks up to the glass door and stares inside. RAY That's impossible. Then where in the hell did that light come from? Why did we hear footsteps? DONNY I'm not even going to think about it. Let's just get to work and forget it happened. RAY Could be a little buzzed from secondhand smoke. It happens. Donny opens the rear of the van, more smoke drifts out, but less than the first time. Donny grabs a broom and basket full of cleaning supplies.

24. DONNY Jake and Jack, hey, Mary Jane twins? You're both on garbage duty for the rest of the week. Jack SIGHS loud and Jake utters something under his breath. DONNY Don't even think about bitching. you're lucky that's the only punishment I'm giving you two. RAY Lets get to work already. INT. INSTITUTE HALLWAY -NIGHT Steve walks the hallway with his flashlight, checks each room as he walks pass them. He peeks into the next room, satisfied, closes the door and walks on. The CREAK of the door he shut grabs his attention. He turns in its direction and shines the flashlight. The door is open about halfway. STEVE What the. . .I know I closed that door. Steve approaches the door slow, flashlight raised, beam cuts through the darkness of the room. There is no one in the room after another check. Steve leaves the room, shuts the door behind. Halfway down the hall there are two more CREAKS. Steve turns quick with his flashlight beam. Two doors slightly down the hall have opened. STEVE (shouts) Alright! I'm not the man you want to fool with. Show yourself! There are numerous CREAKS as every door on the floor opens. Steve drops his flashlight startled. Steve doesn't run, he stands his ground. STEVE You've got to be kidding me. I. . .I warned you. . .Whoever you are. Leave or there's going to be trouble! All at one the doors slam. Steve turns and runs right into Donny. They both tumble to the floor.

25. DONNY What the hell is wrong with you, Steve? Look like you've seen a ghost. Donny stands and helps Steve to his feet. Steve trembles and sweat beads on his forehead. STEVE You might be right about that, Donny. You guys keep your eyes peeled tonight. I think there's someone still here playing mind games. DONNY I was just joking, man. Looking out for this place is your job. RAY Who would be still in the building? STEVE Not really sure, Ray. If you saw what I just did, you'd feel the same way. DONNY What exactly did you see, Steve? Steve flashes the flashlight beam down the hall, from left to right. STEVE It started with one door, then the rest of them. RAY What happened? STEVE The first door I checked, I came out and shut behind me. As I started down the hall I heard a creak. Then I turned and noticed it was open. DONNY That's nothing to get spooked over, big man. I remember one of these doors needed fixing.

26. STEVE You don't understand, Donny. I closed that door again, then every freaking door on the floor opened. That's when I ran. Donny stares at his brother Ray. Then gives a slight CHUCKLE. DONNY You're bullshitting us right? STEVE Does it sound like I'm bullshitting you? It happened. DONNY You're trying to tell us all the doors closed by themselves? Exactly.


DONNY You've been watching to much Ghost Hunters on television. We didn't hear a sound. RAY Yeah, we would've heard all the doors slamming at once, Steve. I'm sure there's an explanation for it. STEVE Whatever. Believe me or not. I'm just warning you to keep your eyes open. Steve starts down the hallway, pulls his nightstick. DONNY Hey, Steve? I've a question for you, man. Were you in the rear entrance hall about ten minutes ago with your flashlight? Steve shakes his head. No. Why?


Donny looks at his co-workers and brother.

27. DONNY What about any of the other security guards? STEVE Only one guard assigned per floor, you guys know that. Did you see something I should know about? DONNY No. Nothing you should concern yourself with, Steve. We should really get to work. We've a long night ahead of us both. Steve continues down the hallway slower than usual. Steve stops, turns to Donny and his men. STEVE (shouting) Hey, Donny? Next time your boys are going to smoke pot, the least you can do is see they spray themselves down. Better yet, try saving some for me. You're not hiding a damn thing from me. DONNY No idea what you're talking about, Steve. My workers are clean. Steve LAUGHS. STEVE Cut the bullshit, Donny. Remember what I said, thus far I've been easy with your boys. Next time, I call the Police.

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