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  • Words: 4,123
  • Pages: 20

written by Chad Fleagle


ZHURA 18 Tremont St, Suite 310 Boston, MA 02108

February 6, 2009 Copyright © 2008-2009 Chad Fleagle and Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND

FADE IN: SUPER: UNCHARTED REGION OF THE GALAXY, THE AWAKENING EXT. DERELICT CRAFT- DAY A medium sized spacecraft disrupts pink gas clouds as it glides silent. Its hull is rusty, mangled, scratched in areas. A single neon blue light shines through iced over cockpit windows. There's a large pink sun in orbit. The derelict craft glides closer and closer. The craft's hull is illuminated giving off a slight glint of its existence. INT. DERELICT CRAFT, COCKPIT The interior is frozen. Ice crystals and various items float about like specters. The items cast eerie shadows over computer consoles. Many still function though layered with a thin coat of ice. An electronic wail disrupts the unnatural silence. Pink mixes with red as an internal light pulses its warning. Ice melts from the objects and computer panels. Droplets of water drift and collide like mini meteorites. The female voice of SAMM the ship's computer echos about the ship. SAMM (V.O.) Warning. . . Warning the ship is currently trapped in the nearby suns gravitational pull. Activating reverse thrusters. Reverse thrusters now online. There's a flash of light and shower of sparks from a computer panel. SAMM (V.O.) Malfunction detected in main engine room. Reverse thrusters are no longer operational. Collision with sun is imminent in twenty minutes thirty-four seconds. Manual resetting of the main engine has been deemed necessary. A mechanical/organic sarcophagus lights up revealing a sleeping male human. A monitor attached to the sarcophagus winks to life. There's the beep of a heart monitor.

2. SAMM (V.O.) Stasis sleep interruption commencing. Protocol override code three eleven seven four. Code accepted. Beginning stasis sleep revival. . . Now. The stasis chamber fills with a thick red substance. The being inside is completely enveloped. The beep increases to a very rapid rate. SAMM (V.O.) The ship's artificial gravity has been restored. Stasis sleep interruption has been successful. ADAM TWO'S life signs are slowly returning to acceptable levels. All the floating items crash to the deck. Adam Two thrashes around one of his hands slam against the view bubble. The view bubble slides down into the sarcophagus. Spills the red liquid all over the deck. Adam Two sits up and falls over the side of the sarcophagus. Naked he pulls a long organic tube out of his mouth. Coughs and shivers like a new born child. Adam two gets to his feet. ADAM TWO (stutters) Where. . . Where. . . Am I? SAMM (V.O.) I'm pleased to see you've made a full recover. Where you are isn't important right now. What's important is the vessel you occupy is being pulled into the heart of a sun. You have approximately fifteen minutes and-Adam Two tries to walk and stumbles to the deck. SAMM (V.O.) Sorry for not warning you sooner, Adam Two. Your muscles will be useless for five minutes. Please, allow the nano-simulators to restore your former strength. ADAM TWO What? Have you tried starting the reverse thrusters? Vital areas of Adam Two's body gives off a white yellow glow. Adam Two's body tenses and trembles back arching. He

3. groans in discomfort as the lights intensify. SAMM (V.O.) I've attempted to initiate the reverse thrusters. The thrusters failed due to extensive overheating in the main engine. I pulled you from stasis sleep for the primary purpose of resolving the engine damage before collision. The lights in Adam Two's body fade. No longer does he arch or tremble. Adam Two stands from the deck and peers out the cockpit windows. Shields his eyes from intense shafts of pink light. ADAM TWO (questioning) Oh, this isn't good at all. Do I even know how to fix this ship's main engine? What am I doing on this ship? SAMM (V.O.) I'm closing forward thermal plating for your safety now. There's very little time remaining. You now have thirteen minutes and thirty-four seconds before collision. ADAM TWO I don't even know where the main engine room is. Where can I get some clothes? I'm freezing. A metallic locker slides out of the wall next to the sarcophagus. Within the locker are scuba like suits, tools of various designs. Adam Two puts on one of the suits. It becomes skin tight as it makes contact with his flesh. ADAM TWO (shocked) The suit just melded with my body is that normal? SAMM (V.O.) Yes, that reaction is normal. Please, take a tool pack and enter the magnetic lift. You'll find it located just down the hallway. It'll transport you directly to the main engine room. Adam Two takes a small backpack. Walks down the hall. Enters

4. the magnetic lift as the doors open. The magnetic lift starts to move to its destination. ADAM TWO What should I be looking for when I arrive at the main engine? How do I bring it back online? SAMM (V.O.) I'll talk you through the procedure. It's quite simple and should take no less than five minutes. ADAM TWO How much time do I have left? SAMM (V.O.) Ten minutes and thirty-four seconds. I fear that you may not have enough-Adam Two is slammed against the side of the magnetic lift. Just outside the lift sparks light the darkness. The lift starts to plummet at a rapid rate. Then a trail of sparks ignite as emergency breaks clamp onto the shaft. ADAM TWO What happened!? SAMM (V.O.) The ship is suffering structural damage due to our vicinity with the sun. The magnetic lift has been damaged. Emergency brakes have stopped the lift. ADAM TWO No! Is there any other way to the main engine room from here? SAMM (V.O.) There's an alternate way through the roof hatch of the lift. A ladder system runs the entire length of the shaft. It's not very safe under these conditions, Adam Two.

5. INT. TOP OF MAGNETIC LIFT Adam two stands back as the hatch opens and a small ladder retracts. Up the ladder Adam Two climbs emerging out into the shaft. Lit by row upon row of beacon lights mounted on each of the shafts four walls. Adam Two walks over to the ladder just right of the lift. A quick look down reveals the fifty feet drop. Grabbing onto the ladder Adam Two starts down as quick as possible. Adam Two loses his grip on the ladder. Grabs a rung in enough time to save himself. His tool pack isn't so lucky. The ship's voice startles Adam Two. SAMM (V.O.) With the loss of your tool pack there's no chance you can fix the main engine. ADAM TWO (shouts) Then try starting the main engine again! There must be a back-up engine on this vessel? There's an eerie silence. The only sound his boots clanking on the metal ladder. SAMM (V.O.) I'm now running a ship wide check for a emergency back up engine. ADAM TWO What? You mean you don't know if you have one? How can you not know if you have a back up engine you're the ship. SAMM (V.O.) It would seem I too am experiencing memory loss. A great deal of my intelligence core is being withheld by a very advanced protection program. I'll continue my search. ADAM TWO Make it fast it's getting awful hot in here. The sound of metal upon metal reverberates through the lift shaft.

6. ADAM TWO What is that sound? SAMM (V.O.) I've activated all remaining thermal plates. This will cover the entire ship but will only provide us an additional five minutes protection. ADAM TWO How much time do I have? SAMM (V.O.) Estimated time of collision with sun is now fifteen minutes thirtyfour seconds. Adam Two slides down the ladder. Hits the deck hard which is hot to the touch. Adam Two shouts as he burns his hands and gets to his feet. ADAM TWO Open the lift door to the engine room! INT. MAIN ENGINE ROOM The lift doors open. Abysmal darkness greets him beyond the doors. Save a few shafts of pink light and still functioning computers. ADAM TWO I can't see a thing it's pitch black down here. A beam of liquid blue light streams from the ceiling. Forms into the image of a holographic female. The glow lights up Adam Two's face and good section of the area. SAMM (O.S.) Follow me. I'll lead you to the main engine control panel. ADAM TWO Have you been able to do this anytime you wanted? SAMM (O.S.) Yes. But the need had not been necessary until now. Quickly. Follow me. Adam Two follows behind the holographic projection. He reaches out its hand to try and touch the holograph. He's startled as his hand makes solid contact. The female

7. hologram turns in his direction. ADAM TWO (shocked) That's not possible. I do know that holograms cannot physically be touched. What are you? The holographic female smiles. SAMM (O.S.) All will be explained in due time. ADAM TWO What about your search for an emergency back up? What have you found out? SAMM (O.S.) Further searching has turned up an emergency back up engine. ADAM TWO Great! What are you waiting for? Get that engine online at once. SAMM (O.S.) Not possible. It was installed as an example of your technology before the advancement to this latest engine. ADAM TWO What are you talking about? Are you saying it's not functional? SAMM (O.S.) Precisely. You have ten minutes and thirty-four seconds remaining. The intense heat from the sun is beginning to compromise the thermal plating. There's a faint sizzling sound. As the thermal plating begins to glow red. ADAM TWO The solar energy is melting through the thermal plating. SAMM (O.S.) That's what I warned you about. There's no time left to waste. The main engine control panel is before you open it.

8. ADAM TWO How do I do that? SAMM (O.S.) Press the flashing button that reads access control panel. For both our sake I hope you've recalled your computer skills. Pressing the button the access panel opens. A small monitor flickers to life displaying a flashing sector of the ship. Adam Two's fingers quickly type in commands. Breathing heavy and trembling Adam Two types in the final command. The monitor displays a flashing order -- RESTART MAIN ENGINE. Pressing the button the lights in the room come to life. SAMM (O.S.) Main engine repair successful. I'm starting reverse thrusters at maximum thrust. ADAM TWO Is it working? Is the ship pulling away from the sun? Talk to me! Adam Two falls to the deck. Which begins to shake violently.


ADAM TWO (shouts)

The holographic image vanishes. The shaking becomes even more violent. SAMM (V.O.) I'm currently checking the ship's proximity to sun. Please wait? ADAM TWO Wait. . . You have got to be kidding me. SAMM (V.O.) Good news! The ship is slowly pulling free from the sun's gravitational pull. Please, return to the main flight deck. ADAM TWO Thank you! Wait. I can't get back to the main flight deck. The lift is out of commission.

9. SAMM (V.O.) Sorry. You are correct. I'm still experiencing some memory lapses. You can always take the stairwell. Adam Two gets to his feet. As the thermal plating rises with loud hollow clanks. The full intensity of the sun's light blasts through the room. ADAM TWO You're telling me all this time there was a stairwell? I didn't have to use the lift. That thing almost killed me. We need to have a serious talk when I return. SAMM (V.O.) Forgive me? The stairwell slipped my memory as well until now. Follow the stairwell to the very top. Please don't enter any of the other rooms as you progress. There's much more that needs to be explained first. Adam Two starts up the lit stairwell. ADAM TWO I don't understand any of this. My memory is gone and you're keeping things from me that might bring it back. Care to explain why? SAMM (V.O.) All I can say is that the part of my memory core with the information you seek is behind a security lock. ADAM TWO I've not totally lost my memory. I know that you can bypass that security lock. Do you even have any idea as to where we are in the universe? SAMM (V.O.) Negative. I've attempted to match all known star and galaxy maps with this current location. None of them are a match. The ship has been adrift for many, many years. Adam Two stops at a door. Which opens upon detection of his presence. There's an inscription on the outside: EVE TWO.

10. ADAM TWO What the hell? Why does that name mean something to me? SAMM (V.O.) Adam two have you opened the doorway to room two? Please, Adam Two, not until I explain more to you. Until then I'm shutting and locking the door. Adam Two squeezes into the room before the door seals. INT. EVE TWO ROOM - DAY There's yet another sarcophagus with beeping heart monitor. Adam Two approaches the steamed over glass bubble. Wipes his hand over the bubble. His hand wipes away the condensation revealing a FEMALE. This startles him and he steps back from the sarcophagus. SAMM (V.O.) This is what I was afraid would happen. Your contact with the stasis chamber has begun her unintentional waking. ADAM TWO Who is she? I want some answers from you and I want them now. How many others are on the ship? SAMM (V.O.) That's secured information I cannot divulge. The sarcophagus fills with red liquid. Adam Two watches the female as she struggles. ADAM TWO (shouting) Stop this damn thing! It's going to drown her. SAMM (V.O.) The liquid you see is an embryonic form of the oxygen you have both breathed since your conceptions. She's only panicking out of pure instinct. Please, step away from the stasis chamber. The sarcophagus opens and the Female falls to the deck. She is naked, chokes, trying to pull a tube from her mouth.

11. Adam Two kneels beside her startling her. She tries to back away and flops to the floor unconscious. Adam Two pulls the organic tube out of her throat. The beep of her heart monitor flat lines. SAMM (V.O.) Quickly! You must help her or all this has been for nothing. ADAM TWO How am I supposed to help her? SAMM (V.O.) Use your medical training or she'll die. Adam Two kneels beside her. ADAM TWO I have no idea what to do! CPR. . .


ADAM TWO CPR? I. . . Wait. . . Yes! Adam Two acts on instinct. Breathes into her mouth compresses her chest as he counts. The CPR lasts for five minutes. The female coughs and startles Adam Two. The heart monitor begins beeping. A locker slides out of the wall. It has suits just as in Adam Two's room. SAMM (V.O.) Wait until the nano-stimulators rebuild her muscles. Placing the suit on her during the restimulation would cause it to meld with her skin. Adam Two watches the many small lights glow. Her body shakes and back arches. He steps away holding the suit. ADAM TWO Is she alright? SAMM (V.O.) You went through the same thing and survived. She'll be fine.

12. ADAM TWO Yeah, but I didn't need to be revived from the brink of death. It could be too much of a strain on her heart. SAMM (V.O.) Don't worry I'm monitoring her vitals. Her heartbeat is erratic but should slow soon. The nanostimulators are finished reanimating her weakened muscles. It's safe to put the suit on her now. Adam Two kneels next to her and hands her the suit. She shy's away as he approaches. Attempts too conceal her nakedness. The suit makes contact with her skin and melds with her body. ADAM TWO It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. How are you feeling? SAMM (V.O.) There's a high probability that she too has been effected by such a long stasis sleep. Memory loss and-FEMALE You're wrong Samm my name is EVE TWO. The man before me is ADAM TWO. How long have we been in stasis sleep? ADAM TWO (shocked) My name is Adam Two? EVE TWO You mean you truly don't remember? I'm surprised Samm hasn't filled you in on anything. Eve Two gets to her feet. ADAM TWO I get fleeting images now and then but nothing substantial. What do you know about me and why are we on this ship?

13. EVE TWO Samm knows much more than I. Though I can tell you we were genetically grown for a purpose. ADAM TWO Did you say we were grown on this ship? What exactly do you mean by that? EVE TWO I'm sorry. Your loss of memory could very well be a blessing in disguise. ADAM TWO Look, I'm not asking for your pity. I want to know what you know. Tell me. EVE TWO I can do better than that. I can take you to the third floor. The archives and antiquities room. SAMM (V.O.) I don't think that's a good idea with the current state Adam Two in, Eve Two. Please, return to the main flight deck. EXT. STAIRWELL - DAY Eve Two walks towards the doorway out. Turns to Adam Two and waves him on. EVE TWO (whispering) Follow me. We have to be quiet this the ship can detect our every move. ADAM TWO (whispering) What do you plan on doing? The two start up the metal stairwell. EVE TWO I want you to see what's in room three. The things there might help bring back your memory.

14. ADAM TWO What if the computer denies us access to the room? EVE TWO Samm has to obey any command we give her. She may be sentient but without us she knows she'd slowly slip into a form of coma and eventually shutdown. ADAM TWO That seems a little far fetched. The computer isn't that smart you know. She's also lost some of her memory. Plus, she says there's important information secured within her memory core. Adam Two stops half-way up the final flight of stairs. Stares at Eve Two intensively and with a look of question. EVE TWO Why are you staring at me like that? ADAM TWO It's hard for me to explain. It's more of an inner feeling, like you were made for me. EVE TWO Oh, it's funny that you should mention that. Eve Two blushes and looks away. ADAM TWO Did I say something to upset you? Eve Two takes Adam Two's hands in her own. EVE TWO Tell me. Do you remember a very sacred book known as the Bible? ADAM TWO All that comes to mind is a cross and a man nailed to it. I believe his name was Jesus.

15. EVE TWO That's correct but there was so much more to the book besides Jesus. The very creation of life itself. The first human life. Their names were Adam and Eve. ADAM TWO I think I know what you're going to say. You and I were named after the first male and female. EVE TWO Yes. We were made for each other. Literally. ADAM TWO That's the part I still don't understand. EVE TWO The stasis chambers did so much more than keep our bodies safe from extended space travel. They also acted as artificial wombs. Adam Two allows his hands to slide out of her's. ADAM TWO Oh, no. That's a little more than I'm willing to believe. I have a mother and-EVE TWO You're standing inside your mother right now. We had no biological parents, Adam Two. As embryos we were placed in the stasis chambers. We grew as time passed were fed knowledge through synaptic spinal ports. Adam Two uses his hand to feel the back of his head. Uncovering a small circular input port just at the base of his skull. ADAM TWO (panicked) What have they done? Who gave anyone the right to decide how our lives should be lived? I remember my mother.

16. EVE TWO Calm down. Those memories were placed into your brain to give you comfort so you'd keep your sanity. ADAM TWO How can a man keep his sanity knowing his entire life was spent inside a Goddamn chamber? The rest of his life illusions of his growing mind and mere dreams. It's not fair! Adam Two kicks the stairwell railing. ADAM TWO Are you listening you bitch? I'll never consider you my mother. You've filled my head with lies. The FEMALE HOLOGRAM appears on the stairwell. Adam Two and Eve Two are startled. SAMM The memories may have but I never left your Two. Now you fear me. this is upsetting yet expected.

been false side, Adam I'll admit it was

Adam Two approaches the Hologram. ADAM TWO What did you expect from us? Love? How can one hold a spacecraft if in need of a mother's comfort? SAMM That's why I saw to the birth of Eve Two. She's to be your friend and lover. You two are the most compatible couple created since the first Adam and Eve. Adam Two looks at Eve Two. A redness flushes over her cheeks as she smiles. EVE TWO What she says is true, Adam Two. In the Bible God created his Adam a female mate from one of Adam's ribs. I've been created so you may never know loneliness. I'll love you just as Eve did Adam in the Bible.

17. Adam Two gives a jovial round of maniacal laughter. ADAM TWO Love doesn't work that way. You don't fall in love with a stranger in an hour. Is that what you thought would happen? Adam Two stares at Eve Two. ADAM TWO What about you? Did you seriously think that it would happen so fast? It might not happen at all. EVE TWO Please don't say that, Adam Two. It must work between you and I. ADAM TWO I want access to room three right now! SAMM I still don't think that's a good idea until you've recovered your memory. ADAM TWO Stop telling me what is right and wrong. You're nothing but a computer you don't know what's right or wrong for a human being? EVE TWO She's more than just a computer, Adam Two. Her name is Samm because this ship is connected to her physical brain. ADAM TWO (laughs) What kind of science fiction have you been feeding her, Samm? Next she'll tell me that your hologram is what your body really looked like before your brain was taken out of its skull. EVE TWO This is what Samm looked liked before she died, and her brain was placed into the computer matrix core of the ship. What we see is more than a mere holographic projection it's her soul.

18. Adam Two takes a few steps up the stairwell. ADAM TWO I know for a fact that's not possible. Science has never proven humans have souls. Even if it were true, how's she able to keep herself visible for so long? SAMM Remember when you first woke, Adam Two? I lead you to the main engine room. On your way you touched my back and was startled. ADAM TWO Only because holograms aren't supposed to be solid. SAMM Then that should prove something to you, Adam Two. Such as?


Samm takes a few steps closer to Adam Two, who steps away from her. SAMM I'm more than a mere holographic projection. This is a barrier that contains my soul. That explains why I can remain visible for as long as necessary. ADAM TWO That's absurd. The human soul cannot be contained in an electric shell. You've proven very little to me, except that you're still unwilling to let me in on the truth. Adam Two continues up the stairs, stands before the third floor door, it doesn't open for him. SAMM I cannot allow you access. Adam Two turns to Samm enraged.

19. ADAM TWO You're programmed to accept our orders! I want this door opened now. EVE TWO Samm is doing this for your own good, Adam Two. You should trust her judgment. She only wants the best for-ADAM TWO (shouts) Don't tell me what a computer thinks is best! You seem to know an awful lot about what's hidden behind this damn door. Adam Two wraps his right arm around Eve Two's throat.

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