A (RETINOL) Carotenes (a,b,y, cryptoxanthine)
Potent Form
25 OH – (5X) LIVER 1, 25 OH – (10X) KIDNEYS
Storage form Absorption Transportation Metabolism
In LIVER Reqs: BILE and PANCREATIC juice via Chylomicrons as LIPOPROTEIN) Bound to RBP (target cells have RBP surface receptors) Not excreted High temp./ heat UV light
Excretion Stable in/@ Unstable in/@ Dietary forms/ Food sources Functions
E (TOCOPHEROL) Tocopherols (a,b,y,d) tocotrienols
Inefficient (20-30%)
K (ani-hemorrhagic factor/ coagulation vitamin) K1 (phylloquinone) H20 sol. – grrenplants K2 (menaquinone) H20 sol. – prod. bacteria syn. K3 (menadione) fat sol. – lacks long side chain of natural vitamin LIVER Reqs: BILE and PANCREATIC juice via CHYLOMICRONS/LIPOPROTEIN
Reqs: UV light = cholecalciferol
Retinyl Esters (animals) B-carotene (plants) 1. RETINOIC ACID – growth and maintenance of “epith. tissues”
7-DHC (animals) Ergosterol (plants) 1. Absorption of Ca2+ via CALBINDIN (Ca2+ binding protein) in brush border
2. 11-cis RETINOL – constituent of “rhodopsin”; mediator in visual process
2. Stimulate PHOSPHATE transport system
Heat and acids Alkali, UV, O2 Rancid fats, Lead and iron
Resistant to heat
1. COFACTOR - for “carboxylase” in LIVER (Glu Gla)
2. FREE RADICAL SCAVENGER –protects cellular membrane integrity
2. good CHELATOR of Ca2+ for blood coagulation (factors 2, 7,9 and 10 more COO-)
3. Bone Resorption Deficiencies
4. Renal reabsorption of Ca2+ and PO4RICKETS a. bowlegs/knock-knees b. pigeon breast c. ‘rakitic roasary’ OSTEOMALACIA a. rheumatic pain b. waddling gait c. tetany - pronounced softening and pliability of “pelvic bones”
Abnormal bleeding d/t irrational use of ANTIBIOTICS a. lipid malabsorption b. destruction of intestinal flora HIGH RISK: new born and premature babies