Fast Start Planner Newest 92009

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,582
  • Pages: 13

Business Building Basics Fast Start Planner

A step-by-step guide to getting your business and income off to a fast start

Upline’s Name

Upline’s Phone #

_______________ _______________ _______________

________________ ________________ ________________

Field Trainer___________




Most companies spend tens of thousands or millions of dollars on advertising to sell their products or services. We believe the best form of advertising…WORD OF MOUTH

The Marketing plan of Primerica is a New Associates Natural Market, with two objectives in mind. 1. To help the new associate build a business with PFS starting part time, and when the time is right, make a career change. 2. To educate the consumer of our products and services through the FNA (Financial Needs Analysis), to become debt free, and financially independent. As a new associate you complete a Top 25 Training List. We qualify the top 10, together we see your Top 10 during your field training, our goal is to get you trained, and qualified for DISTRICT LEADER in your 1st 45 days.

The Numbers The objective is to Build a Team, Train and Develop Leaders. • Your Top 25 Training List • Qualify your Top 10 4-5 Pointers • Map out your schedule

Results: 25 Training

Top 10

6 Clients

3 New Recruits

Top 10 Each= 30 Appointments

9 New Recruits

Top 10 Each= 90 Appointments

27 New Recruits

Top 10 Each= 270 Appointments

3 Recruits

18 Clients

9 Recruits

54 Clients

27 Recruits

162 Clients

81 Recruits

Set 8 Appts, 5 Will Keep, 3 Will Become Clients, and 1 Will Become an Associate 2

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How Teachable Are You??? Would you rather do it the… Wrong Way25% 50%+


Right Way

(limited market/ untrained)

(Unlimited market/ well


Your Part Make Top 25 List Qualify 10 to go see in 45 days Receive a Fast Track Award (2 Recruits in first 30 days) Receive Sprint To District Award (3 Recruits/ 4 Sales w/ in 45 days) You watch & learn & see success SHOW UP, listen to cd’s, & be on conference call! WHAT THE TRAINER DOES FOR YOU We recruit 3 Districts for you Get referrals for you Do business with 6-10 clients You get promoted to District Have an unlimited number of appts. To go on!

Why People Fail/ Succeed

Are You A Super Star? 1. 2. 3. 4.

How They Handle Rejection Right vs. Wrong Market Not Coachable vs. Coachable Non-Involved Spouse vs. Involved Spouse Little Work Ethic vs. Tons of Work Ethic Little Character vs. Lots of Character Don’t Set Goals vs. Set Goals


Get off to a fast start. Attend all meetings. Get others to meetings. Set up own appts./ Have Credibility 5. Ask the right Questions 6. Do self-study. 7. Handle Rejection (fired up vs. discouraged) 8. Handle Change (excited vs. Upset) 9. Want to compete early. 10.Want to go out on their own early.

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SPRINT TO DISTRICT AWARD (3 Direct Recruits and 4 life Sales within 45 Days of IBA Date)

Name: ________________ I submitted my IBA on:

Did my FNA on: _______________ My 3 recruits who are registered for PFSU/U canpass are: 1. ____________________Sol #________________ (on the bubble)

2. ___________________ Sol# ____________________ (Company Fast Track)

3. ____________________

My 4 life sales are: 1. ____________________ 3. ____________________ (Personal Life Sale Counts) • • •


2. __________________ 4. __________________

Must be completed within 45 days if IBA date RVP and upline Regional Leader will pay for your auto and Home Class and License. Also receive $150 reimbursement and commissions from company once first A & H sale completed.


If you complete 6 Qualified Training Appointments or 4 life sales before your temp license is issued, you will receive a $100 scholarship reimbursement from your field trainer.

* A qualified Appointment is with a 4-5 pointer and bout spouses must be present at both appts also FNA data must be collected and presented on a carry back, or life insurance protection implemented. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! *Five point market MACHO- Married, Age 20-55, Children, Buying a Home, Working (Occupation) For internal use only. Not to be used with, or distributed to the public

Builder Promotions Definitions Showing Up Field Trained Licensed Direct Builders Premium Team Captain

Attend Opp Mtgs, Sat Trainings and Big Events Witnessing 4 Life Apps written in your market Permanent Life licensed A person that is directly associated to you in the business excluding spouse/partner Annual Premium x Recruits A minimum of 100,000 Team Builders Premium over past 3 months

Team Captain Example: Team Premium last 3 months is $10,000 and Team Recruits last 3 months is 10. 10,000x10=100,000 Senior Rep 1 Recruit and Witnessed 3 Life Sales District Leader 3 Direct Recruits and Witnessed 6 Life Sales ( 3 directs and 4 life sales if done within 45 days of signing IBA) Division Leader 3 Directs, Field Trained, Showing Up. You are Licensed, a current Team Captain, and submitted your Securities Licensing Paperwork. Regional Leader 4 Directs, Field Trained, Showing Up of which 3 are Licensed. You and a direct outside of you are current Team captains, and you are Securities Licensed. RVP 6 Directs, Field Trained, Licensed, Showing Up of which 3 are current Team Captains, and you have your Series 26 License. Provide replacement of promoting RVP’s choice. Producer Promotions…

(at least ½ of all promotion production must come from life production) Life – Annual Prem (max 1500 per app) SMART (max 1500 per Loan) Sec Max (1500 per trade) (example: SMART 100,000 loan= 1000 pts? $100,000 sec trade= 1000 pts)

Senior Rep 5

15,000 cumulative personal production District Leader 25,000 cumulative personal production, Life LICENSED Division Leader 65,000 cumulative personal production, Securities Lic. Submitted Regional Leader 125,000 cumulative personal production, Securities Licensed For internal use only. Not to be used with, or distributed to the public

Market Strategy List-Your Business Inventory

11 12 13 14 15 16 17


In office


In Home


Top 10 Pointers


Total Score


Helped You


Saw Last 6


Invited to Home




Known 1 yr




Age 20-55

Buying Home Children



Name 1

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


T: Teacher/Coach

M: Money Motivated

E: Enthusiastic

S: Great People Skills

A: Ambitious H: Likes Helping People

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Other Places to Look “Cell Phone, Phone/Address Books, Rolodex, Any Lists, Memory Jogger” Co-worker Boss Partner Janitor Security Guard Delivery Person Administrative Staff Customer Parking Attendant Landscaper Coffee Shop Personnel Manager Salesperson Boss’ Boss reunion Lunch with annuals Competition Repair person Copier person Complainers Inspector Credit Union/banker state Fired-up –male Fired-up-female instrument

Dentist Golf with Ushers Doctor Fish with Groomsmen Principal Tennis with Singers Teacher Ski with Plumber Coach Soccer with Plays Bridge Gym Baseball with Plays bingo Therapist Softball with Plays poker Hairdresser Football with Church Carpenter Bike with Plays pool Mechanic Racquetball with Carpool Car Salesperson Swim with Yoga Gas station Jog with PTA Police officer Firefighter Hometown Painter Scout leader School Roofer



Book store Auctioneer Optimist Dept. store Photographer Eat out with Grocery store Guidance Counselor Dancing with Convenience store Musician Daycare center Waitress/waiter Sister-in-law Park Chef Brother-in-law From out of Cashier Dishwasher 7

Mother-in-law Father-in-law

Has a truck Plays

Federal Express weights U.P.S. Delivers mail Lost job Will be laid off Job Hunters Ambitious Dislikes Job Missed promotion Most likable Needs part-time job worker Engineer New employee Time keeper Operator Payroll Contractor professor

Hardware store



Truck driver Sister Beard Pharmacist Father Little League Flower shop Mother YMCA Health spa Aunt Apt. Manager Fast Food Rest. Cousin Toy Store Dry cleaner Student Repair person Movie rental Theater Realtor Office Supplies Pizza delivery Phone installer

Nephew Outgoing Niece Enthusiastic Best Friend Trustworthy Farmer HardMilitary Babysitter Sister’s parents Neighbors Best man Uncle

Chiropractor Nice smile Works nights Quit smoking SCUBA diver College

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Setting Appointments The most important aspect of learning how to build a Primerica Business is learning how to set appointments. If you understand our business then you will have a desire to want to help those closest to you first. Here are a couple of ways to set appointments. What to say: Hi___________ this is ___________, how are you? I just went to work with this company and I am required to do some training, I would rather do that with someone I know than someone I don’t know. You would help me out right? Would_______ or _______be better? (give a choice of two days) Possible Questions/Objections What is it? We show families how to cut cost and save money, everyone wants to do that right? I’m just learning about it myself so I don’t want to try to explain it to you, so when would be better_______or _______? (answer check my schedule/spouse). I understand, let me pencil you and if that’s not good you can call me. 8

I don’t think I’m interested I thought you might say that, so if you see something you like great, if not, no problem maybe you can point me in the direction of someone who would be. I’m also working on getting my name out so you just knowing what I’m doing would be a great help. So what day would be better to meet w/ my trainer and I for a few minutes _____________or _____________? I’ve heard of/ tried Primerica Oh really? How did it go? (if it went good) say: so are you already a client? (if so) say: That’s wonderful, is your agent still in touch? (if they are let them know that you’re going to do some big things, ask for referrals, and tell them to keep you in mind for anyone they come across that wants to make big money). If their agent isn’t in anymore ask if they’ll help you out and allow you and your trainer to come over and give them a complimentary update. (If they didn’t have the best experience) say: I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t go well for you. I’m just getting involved and from what I’ve seen so far it’s been absolutely incredible! I don’t know who you talked to before, but you’ve got to meet my trainer and see what I’m talking about. Will you help me out as a friend and allow me to come and introduce him/her to you and _______? You could also say: Man! How did you not get involved with this company? It’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever been involved with! As long as I choose to follow this system I’ll make between $20k and $50k this year, and $100k to $200k next year and be free. That’s way better than what you or I will ever get doing what we do now. Hey man, you’ve got to take a look at it one more time, maybe the last person that presented it wasn’t very good, my trainer is unbelievable. So when could I pop by to meet with you for a bit?

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Produ Primeri CitiCorp ca Trust cts Life Bank & Insuran $.M.A.R. Servic ce T es $83/Mo Loan

Contra ct


RVP 95% + BONU S 15/20/ 30%

nth $1,000/ yr

$150,00 0











$950 + Bonus $1250


Debt Watch ers

$10,0 00

Primeri ca Legal Protect ion Plan



















Auto/Ho me Primeric a Secure Each Referral

Genwort h Long Term Care $1,500 /year

Met Life Variabl e Annuiti es $100,0 00

Mutua l Fund

$50/$2 5


$1,00 0

$233 $52.50/ $27 $55/$2 9

$300 $375

$1,20 0 $1,35 0

$450 $57.50/ $31


$1,75 0

$60/$3 3

$2,36 0

$85/$4 2.50

$3,50 0


For internal use only. Not to be used with, or distributed to the public

Licensing Checklist BE “COACHABLE” Solution Number

Emailed from Primerica

Prepaid Legal Don’t wait on your temporary license come in! Get on the fast track to success! Do immediately after receiving solution number and make money right away!!! 1. Click on support system tab, go to PLPP-US. then Presentations, PowerPoint 2. Watch presentation online.

Builders Track Scoreboard Enter goals, contracts, ect. get on track to receive bonuses.

Debt Loan Certification Do immediately after receiving solution number 1. Hold mouse over support system tab and click on debt solution 2. In box on left click Debt Loan Certification 3. Watch GOOD loan presentation and do quizzes

Mortgage SMART Loans 1. Support system, click on debt solution 2. In box on left click GA Mortgage Law 3. Send in $75 & certification paperwork

Life Licensing Need RVP’s name and solution # 1. Complete 40 hr. class (Do not complete end exam yet) 2. Go to do exam simulator (study by topic until making 80’s & 90’s) 3. Go back to do end exam & get certificate 4. Go to and do exam until making 70’s or above (preferably 80’s) 5. Do bonus questions until making 80’s or above & print exam voucher. 6. Schedule test.

Auto & Home Sprint 1. 2. 3.

Securities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

to district- RVP and upline REG will pay for your license $50 for class Send in $70 with paperwork First sale you will be reimbursed $150 plus you will be paid commission

Become District Leader Submit 2500 in prem 3 consecutive months Send in U-4 Study Series 6 Take Exam Study Series 63 Take Exam


Long Term Care- Must have permanent Life License Variable Annuity- Must have permanent Life License and Securities license For internal use only. Not to be used with, or distributed to the public

“Plug In”- The System Training, Meetings & Events are crucial to your success and the success of your team. MONDAY:

9:00 am to 1:30 pm Leadership Meeting (Develop Leaders and Independent Business owners)


9:00am and 2:00 pm


7:15 pm to 8:30 pm


All Full Timers Call-In (712-451-6000 code636760#) Business Overview


(Introduction To Business) FRIDAY:

10:30 am to 12:00pm


9:30 am to 12:00 pm

Breakfast Club (Cordele, Ga @ Golden Corral) Training


(Learn Primerica Business) SUPER SATURDAY:

9:30 am to 1:00 pm


Warner Robins

(Second Saturday Of Each Month) SUNDAY:

6:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Set Appointments)

Phone Blitz


9:00pm to 9:15 pm Conference Call (608-649-1800 code 593401#) 9:30 pm to 10:15 pm RVP 2 B Call (712-432-0080 code 346648#)


FAST START SCHOOLS, RETREATS, and CONVENTIONS: dates and times will be announced check virtual base shop at for updates.

(Business Tracking, Certifications, Bonus Scorecard) (PFSU-Life Class) (Auto and Home Certification)

OFFICE ADDRESS: 113 N W Main St. Vidalia, GA 30474 Phone: (912) 537-4088 Fax: (912) 537-4048

OFFICE MANAGER: Becky Smith Hours: Mon- Thrus 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

REGIONAL VICE PRES: Bill & Diana Harn 478-954-8344 336-240-1185

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