Fantastic Mr Fox Guide

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 2,413
  • Pages: 7
Fantastic Mr. Fox

by Roald Dahl, adapted by David Wood

We have combined all the information that you will need in one place. Please read through it thoroughly now and keep it safe as we will not send home any additional information. There are two sections - one that deals with the rehearsal period and another that deals with the actual week itself. If you have any questions, or think that we could make the information more comprehensive in future, please do not hesitate to let us know.

before the show application for a licence

do this by: Sunday 25 January

The application for the licence that you must apply for is attached to the back of this guide. Complete both forms, even if you have done this before. Complete sections 5 - 10:

Only if you have taken part in a non-licensed production or appeared in a production licensed by an authority other than Surrey. You do not need to include any of our productions.

You must also enclose:

A copy of your child’s birth certificate or other evidence of child’s age, two identical, recent passport size (35mm x 45mm) photographs. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS - they cannot be returned!

shoes and socks

do this by: Sunday 22 February

Unless we tell you otherwise, you will need a pair of black jazz shoes. We will confirm the shoes and socks/tights that you will need at the beginning of February. If you would like to supply your own shoes, Ballet Hoo, 113 High Street, Godalming (01483) 416233, will offer cast members a 10% discount off the purchase price. Just let them know that you are a member of The Man In The Moon. You may also find suitable shoes to buy online: If you would like to hire shoes from us, you will need to let us know your size and pay your hire fee of £6 for the week of the show, by Sunday 22 February.

programme biographies

do this by: Sunday 22 February

Everyone will need to write a biography for the programme, up to a maximum of 50 words. It must be written in the first person and emailed to us ([email protected]) by Sunday 22 February. We will confirm that we have received it. If it is too long or not written in the first person we will return it to you so that you can amend it.

Everyone needs to write a new biography. If you haven’t written one before, please ask us and we’ll be happy to help. There are some examples here: If you don’t send your biography in on time it will not be included in the programme.

chaperones We need one chaperone for every twelve children in the production which means that we need three for each performance. Chaperones play a vital part in looking after the cast during the performances. It is also an exciting opportunity to see what goes on backstage to put on the production. Without chaperones the performance is not allowed to go ahead. We currently have a small and dedicated group of volunteer chaperones; very few of whom actually have children in the production. We desperately need more parents to register. If we are not able to find enough chaperones, we will have no other option than to use professional ones. This would increase the show fee by over £35 per child. If we had enough volunteer chaperones, they would only need to do one or two performances each. Being a chaperone is enjoyable and rewarding. It can take a little time to register, so if you are interested in registering, please contact your local authority as soon as possible. If you live in Surrey you can contact the Child Employment Team in the Education Welfare Service on 01483 517838 If you live in Hampshire you can contact the Child Employment Office on 01962 876300 or 01962 876301

contacting us From midday each Friday until Monday morning, we do not pick up messages from the office. If you need to contact us about rehearsal, please call or text our mobiles: Paul’s Mobile: 07802 904299 or Sheila’s Mobile: 07703 325455


return your script/vocal score (if you have one) by: Saturday 18 April

The following characters will be given a script: Mr Fox, Mrs Fox, small Foxes, Badger, small Badger, Boggis, Bunce, Bean, Rat and Mabel. These children need to bring a deposit cheque (no cash) for £10 to their first rehearsal. This will be cashed if the script is not returned in excellent condition to either Paul or Sheila, in person, by the final performance. If you lose or damage a hired script, you will be responsible for the full replacement value. You may make essential markings in pencil which must be erased before it is returned.

rehearsals You should wear your MIM hoodie and production T-shirt, comfortable loose fitting trousers (no skirts), sensible flat shoes (no flip flops or shoes with wheels) and a bottle of water. If you are staying at rehearsal all day you will need to bring lunch and a drink with you. We are unable to provide facilities for reheating food or keeping it cool. Children are not allowed to use the vending machines at Lockwood.

commitment All cast members are expected to give the production 100% commitment. Failure to learn lines on time, lack of concentration or disruptive behaviour will lead to a lost role. The show fee will not be refunded.

Children would be given a formal warning first before their role was lost. This is to ensure that those who do work hard will have the best possible opportunities to develop during rehearsals.

the missed rehearsal rule If you miss a rehearsal you will lose your role. However, we understand that occasionally there are last minute situations that mean there is no other option. If this happens you must contact us as soon as possible. If you miss a rehearsal without having spoken with us in advance you will lose your role. We can occasionally, at our discretion, allow you to miss a rehearsal. However, once a rehearsal is missed, a second rehearsal missed for any reason will mean a lost role. There are no exceptions to this.

arrival and departure When arriving at rehearsal it is important to check that we are there. You may not leave your child unattended outside the rehearsal venue as we accept no responsibility for them. Rehearsals start and finish promptly. Late arrival will be considered as a missed rehearsal. The missed rehearsal rule would then apply for all future rehearsals.

late collection We appreciate that from time to time an emergency may prevent you from collecting your child on time from rehearsal. However, we reserve the right to make a late collection charge of £15 per child.

videos and photographs

do this by: Sunday 25 January

You are not allowed to RECORD or PHOTOGRAPH the production. Due to copyright law we are not able to allow anyone to make a recording of the production. Photography is not allowed at rehearsal or backstage. Photographs of both teams will be available to order from To allow your child to be included in photographs that we may use in future publicity, you need to complete the release form attached, and return it by Sunday 25 January.

tickets Each cast member is expected to sell a minimum of 10 tickets to their family and friends. You will be given a publicity pack (called Bums on Seats) and an accelerator offer with reduced ticket prices, to help you do this. Details of the accelerator offer are enclosed allowing you to make a considerable saving on the regular ticket price by booking in advance. Alternatively you can book tickets with the box office directly on 01483 444789 or online. If you experience any difficulty contacting the box office/booking tickets please do not hesitate to let us know personally.

rehearsal and performance schedule Rehearsals are at The Lockwood Day Centre, Westfield Road, Slyfield Green, Guildford GU1 1RR. Mr Fox, Boggis, Bunce and Bean are Principal Cast members and are required for all rehearsals and performances.

Sunday 25 January

10am to 12pm 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

All Cast must be able to attend this rehearsal

You need to have returned your licence and photography release by today You need to have made a decision about your shoes by today Sunday 1 February

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 8 February

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 22 February

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

You must know your lines and have sent in your biography by today This is the last day for returning your Accelerator Booking Form Sunday 1 March

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 8 March

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 22 March

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 29 March

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 5 April

10am to 12.30pm 1pm to 3.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Sunday 12 April Easter Sunday

10am to 12pm 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Rehearsals and performances at The Electric Theatre, Onlsow Street, Guildford GU1 4SZ Tuesday 14 April

10am to 2.30pm 4pm to 8.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

Dress Rehearsal Dress Rehearsal

Wednesday 15 April

1pm to 3.30pm 6pm to 8.30pm

Yellow Team Blue Team

2pm Performance 7pm Performance

Thursday 16 April

1pm to 3.30pm 6pm to 8.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

2pm Performance 7pm Performance

Friday 17 April Presentations after show

1pm to 4.00pm 6pm to 9.00pm

Yellow Team Blue Team

2pm Performance 7pm Performance

Saturday 18 April

1pm to 3.30pm 6pm to 8.30pm

Blue Team Yellow Team

2pm Performance 7pm Performance

the week of the show contacting us From Sunday 12 to Monday 20 April, we will not be in or pick up messages from the office. If your need to contact us you must use our mobile phones. Paul’s Mobile: 07802 904299 or Sheila’s Mobile: 07703 325455

arrival and departure Please make sure that you’re not late. If you are, someone from the other team may be called in to take your place. On arrival each day parents must accompany children to the stage door outside the theatre and remain with them until a Chaperone has signed them in. We will not sign in children unless accompanied by an adult. After the performance collect your child from the same place. You must confirm collection time each day when dropping off as it is liable to change. Parents must report to a Chaperone before collecting their children. Collection more than 10 minutes late, will incur a £15 charge per child. Children are not allowed to leave with adults other than a parent unless previously arranged. Our usual password system will operate if you would like your child collected by someone else.

parking The road by the theatre is not suitable for drop-off and collection. Traffic Wardens regularly patrol and will issue parking tickets. In the past, we have had complaints and visits from the police about parents waiting in their cars, blocking the road and causing congestion in the one way system. Cars also cause a safety risk to children walking to and from the theatre. Please park away from the building and walk your child to the stage door. DO NOT bring your car to the theatre! Please do not be one of the few parents who think that the rule does not apply to them. This rule applies to everyone without exception.

food and drink Children should have eaten their main meal before arriving at the theatre for rehearsals and performances. Children should bring a light lunch/tea with them for their technical rehearsal on Tuesday 14 April. You may bring a bottle of water and also a small snack for the interval. Sweets, chocolate, chewing gum, sugary or fizzy drinks are not allowed.

valuable items Please do not bring valuable items to the theatre as we accept no responsibility for them. Books, comics and cards are ideal in the dressing room.

lost property Lost property is kept for one week after the play. After this, it is donated to charity.

medication You must leave any medicine that your child may need with a Chaperone. You will be asked to complete a Medicine Administration Consent Form.

shoes and socks If you are supplying your own shoes and socks they must be CLEAN, NAMED and left at the theatre all week.

shared costumes Everyone gets very hot during performances and can sweat a lot. As costumes are shared, we must insist that all cast members wear an effective antiperspirant deodorant. Please ensure that children are wearing suitable underwear.

presentations In a change to previous productions, we will be making our presentations after the Friday performances (17 April). Parents are welcome to come to the presentation after the show, even if they do not have tickets for the performance. The presentations will last approx 30 minutes. We will confirm the time during the week of the production.

see the show The cast can (subject to availability) buy a £4 ticket to see the show. These tickets are limited to one per cast member, fifteen minutes before the performance begins, from the Box Office. We cannot guarantee that tickets will be available. To guarantee a ticket to see the show we recommend that you buy one in advance.

The Man In The Moon : : 9 Beacon Hill Road : : HINDHEAD : : GU26 6NR Telephone / Fax: 01428 608866 : :

complete and return by: Sunday 22 January

release form Fantastic Mr Fox :: April 2009

I agree to my child being included in the production photographs

I do not agree to my child being included in the production photographs

I agree to my child being included in the production programme. This will include their individual photograph, name and short personal biography

I do not agree to my child being included in the production programme. You may not include their individual photograph, name or short personal biography

Child’s Name: ............................................................................................................................................. Parent/Carers Signature: .......................................................... Date: .................................................. The Man In The Moon : : 9 Beacon Hill Road : : HINDHEAD : : GU26 6NR Telephone / Fax: 01428 608866 : :

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