Mr. Fox Teaching Science Overview

  • June 2020
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Mr. Fox’s Teaching Science Overview Planning

1. UBD PlanningDesired Results -> Assessment Evidence -> Learning Plan

a. Desired Results i.Big Ideas 1. Understandings 2. Essential Questions ii.Concepts and Skills 1. Students will know… 2. Students will be able to… b. Assessment Evidence i.Performance Tasks (GRASPS) ii.Other Evidence 1. Formative 2. Summative 3. Reflective c. Learning Plan (WHERETO i. W- Whereare we going? Why? What is Expected? ii.H- Hook and Hold attention iii.E- Equip students for expected performances iv.R- Rethink and revise v.E- Self-Evaluate and reflect on their learning vi.T- Tailor (differentiate) learning to varied needs, interests, and styles vii.O- Organize and sequence learning 2. Driving Questions 3. Problem Based Learning 4. Authentic a. Connections between Conceptual Science and Experiential Science b. Students get a set of experiences that give meaning to the scientific concepts. c. Current Events: What is happening now in science? d. How is classroom science similar and different than professional science i.Venn Diagram 5. Bloom’s Taxonomy a. Remembering – recalling info b. Understanding – explaining concepts or ideas c. Applying – Using information in another familiar situation d. Analyzing – Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships e. Evaluating-Justifying a decision or course of action

f. Creating –Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things

Key Skills Students Must Develop (Student Tool Belt) 1. Cooperative Teamwork a. Positive Interdependence b. Individual Accountability c. Talk about work d. Quiz each other e. Share ideas f. Encourage each other g. Think-Pair-Share 2. Reflective

a. b. c. d.

Identify Objectives Self-assess understanding Formulate goals Self-assess progress

3. Reading Comprehension a. Read a Section i.Preview, Objectives ii.5 most important concepts iii.3 things you didn’t understand iv.3 questions b. Identifying Main Ideas c. Outlining d. Comparing and Contrasting e. Relating Cause and Effect Asking Questions f. Asking Questions g. Sequencing h. Using Prior Knowledge i. Previewing Visuals j. Identifying supporting evidence k. Building vocabulary 4. Process Skills a. Observing b. Inferring c. Predicting d. Classifying e. Making Models f. Communicating g. Measuring Calculating 5. Designing Experiments a. Posing Questions

b. Developing a Hypothesis i.Null hypothesis c. Controlling Variables d. Forming Operational Definitions e. Designing Experiments i.Treatment, control ii.replication, randomization, investigator bias f. Interpreting Data g. Drawing Conclusions h. Designing an Experiment

6. Data Tables and Graphs a. Data Tables b. Bar Graphs c. Line Graphs d. Circle Graphs

Assessment 1. Diagnostic a. Prior knowledge, misconceptions, interests, learning style preferences i.Pretest ii.Survey, iii.Skills check iv.Misconception Test T/F v.KWL 2. Formative a. On going formal and informal assessments to guide instruction i. Quizzes 1. HW Quiz on main ideas 2. Partner quizzes ii.Oral questioning and observation 1. Observation Log iii.Quick check: Thumbs up, sideways, down iv.Analogy prompt ____ is like ____ because _____ v.Misconception Test T/F vi.Create a concept map vii.One minute essay 1. What is the main idea 2. What is something you understand well, don’t understand? viii.Journaling ix.Portfolio review 3. Summative a. GRASPS b. Performance Assessments c. Exams d. Culminating Projects e. Work Portfolio f. Lab Reports g. Essay and Research Projects 4. Reflections a. Metacognitive i. Where are you trying to go? (Identify and communicate the learning and performance goals.) ii.Where are you now? (Assess, or help the student to self-assess, current levels of understanding.) iii.How can you get there? (Help the student with strategies and skills to reach the goal. b. Group Reflections c. Self Reflections

5. Products a. Journals b. Podcasts c. Videos d. Debates e. Interviews f. Games g. Music, Raps h. Science Fiction Stories i. Current Events j. Timelines k. Speeches l. Ads

Learning Activities and Instruction 1. Instructional Methods a. Hands-On Inquiry Based Investigations b. Short Lectures i.Concepts ii.Demonstrations c. Activities i.Projects ii.Assignments d. Reflection exercises 2. Inquiry a. What is Inquiry? (Uncovering, open-ended, student-centered, hands-on) i. Acquring scientific knowledge ii.Applying scientific knowledge iii.Developing and using higher-order thinking skills iv.Communicating findings b. Inquiry Cycle i.Stating a question ii.Brainstorming possible solutions iii.a Testable Statement iv.Designing Plan v.Carrying out plan vi.Collecting Evidence vii.Drawing Conclusions viii.Sharing results 2. Experimental Lab Report a. Abtract b. Intoduction c. Materials and Methods d. Results e. Discussion f. Acknowledgements g. Literature Cited h. Appendix

3. Record in Science Notebook a. Binder i.Notes ii.Glossary iii.Labs and Investigations iv.Assessments v.Assignments 4. Lectures a. Brief i.Blog, Wiki, Google Docs b. Provide nonlinguistic representations (visual symbols, models, concept notes) c. Concept Notes d. Demonstrations e. POE’s 5. Activities c. Similarities and differences i.Venn Diagrams d. Summarizing and note-taking i. concept notes, concept maps e. Cues, questions, and advance organizers 6. 5 E’s f. Engage i. Designed to engage the learner in the topic and allows the instructor to assess the depth of knowledge of concepts. g. Explore i. Provide students opportunities to test, think, problem solve, collect data and make discoveries h. Explain i.Allows students and teachers to work together to clarify the concepts and vocabulary i. Elaborate i. Challenges students to demonstrate conceptual understanding by applying concepts; fosters a deeper understanding of concepts j. Evaluate i.Evaluates student understanding of the concepts; Students apply concepts learned in new situations to demonstrate conceptual understanding

7. Differentiation k. Content: i.Pre-Assess prior knowledge and skills ii.Open-ended questions, activities, assignments, and assessments that allow different but equally valid responses iii.Various modalities (orally, visually, in writing) iv.Use a variety of resource materials at different levels l. Process i.Work alone or in groups ii.Encourage students to develop their own research questions for indepth exploration of a key idea or questions m.Product i.Allow students choices of products (visual, oral, written) for activities and assignments 8. Classroom Management a. Preventative i.Clearly defined objectives ii.Clear procedures iii.Focus questions b. Reinforcing effort and giving recognition i.Positive log c. Discussions with students and parents d. Behavior plan 9. Technology a. Shared sites on Diigo b. iMovie Projects c. Slideshare-Keynote d. Wikispaces e. WordPress Blog i.Post every 3 days ii.20 mins or 10 lines, big font, interesting titles f. Flickr storm i.Creative commons g. Voicethread

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