Method of nursefamily contact
Health problem
Family nursing problem
Goal of care
Objectives of care
Intervention measures
Inadequat e living space and absence of furniture.
®inadequate living space.
®After the nursing intervention the family will take preventive measures to reduce the spread of communicabl e diseases within the family and to reduce the breeding places of the possible disease carrying pests(mosqui to)
•Short term goal:
®Teach the ®Home members of Visit. the family to separate the disease infected member to prevent further spread of infection.
inadequat e environme nt
®Crowding of the members during bedtime which makes it easier for the communicabl e diseases to spread. ®Presence of breeding grounds of disease pests (Mosquito)
To have a clean environment or surroundings .
®To teach the family on how to effectively reduce the risk of spreading the communica ble diseases. •Long term goal: ®To effectively reduce the number of breeding places of disease carrying pest(mosqui to)
®Teach the adult members of the family to effectively reduce the number of breeding places of the disease carrying pests. ®To promote a clean environmen t and to teach the family about the proper ways of waste disposal.
Resources required
®Low cost supplies for demonstrati on. ®Time and effort of the nurse and the family. ®Expenses for the nurse’s transportati on.