Family Forum 2009: John Isaacs January 11, 2009 Kingsway Community Church

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  • Words: 760
  • Pages: 31
Family Forum 2009 John Isaacs January 11, 2009 KingsWay Community Church

“Everything will work out fine, if we press into God's presence in 2009!”

• Prayer • Goals • Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings

• Prayer • Goals • Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings

• Prayer

• Goals • Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings


To see our membership eagerly pursuing spiritual truth, being faithful in their devotion to Christ, equipped for ministry by God's Word and demonstrating Christian character in every area of their lives.


To see our membership serving the church with their gifts and ministries, and being “salt and light,” to impact the communities where they live.


To see our membership experiencing healthy family life: (a) Men are loving their wives and children, and being responsible spiritual leaders in their homes.

3 cont.

(b) Women are respecting their husbands, caring for their children, creating a kingdom atmosphere in their homes, and serving their community. (c) Children are respectful, obedient and honoring toward their parents.


To see our membership fully supporting the activities of the “One Church” in the city -recognizing that we are only one of many congregations that makeup the Church in the South Bay.


To provide an active leadership training program that is equipping and releasing men and women into ministry with the character, content and gifting that reflects spiritual maturity and readiness.


To see our church membership grow in number so we can become a stronger Christian influence and have the resources to successfully accomplish all that God has called us to do.


To extend the kingdom of God in our region by planting new churches. To accomplish this, we will send out a group of church members to begin a new church in a specific neighborhood or area.


To someday own our own facility and be debt free of mortgages, thus investing more in training future leaders, planting new churches and sending out missionaries.

• Prayer • Goals

• Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings

John 13:35

By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. “If you keep on showing love among yourselves.”

Koinonia The essential meaning of the New Testament usage of koinonia embraces these concepts: community, joint participation, sharing and intimacy.

“One Another” Imperatives • Encourage one another (1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 3:13; 10:25)

• Admonish one another (Col. 3:16; Rom. 15:14)

• Confess your sins to one another (Jas. 5:16)

• Forgive one another (Eph. 4:32; Col. 3:13)

“One Another” Imperatives • Accept one another (Rom. 14:1; 15:7)

• Serve one another (Gal. 5:13; Rom. 12:10)

• Build up one another (1 Thess. 5:11)

• Be hospitable to one another (1 Pet. 4:9)

• Prayer • Goals • Home Groups

• Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings

Staff Designations John Isaacs, Senior Pastor Andrew Isaacs, Worship Pastor Jim Parker, Care Pastor Larry Nardi, Home Group Pastor John Delke, Youth Pastor Teresa Raabe, Office Administrator Betty Hockett, Bookkeeper

Staff Designations John Isaacs, Senior Pastor Andrew Isaacs, Associate Pastor Jim Parker, Care Pastor Larry Nardi, Home Group Pastor John Delke, Youth Pastor Teresa Raabe, Office Administrator Betty Hockett, Bookkeeper

Staff Designations John Isaacs, Senior Pastor Andrew Isaacs, Associate Pastor Jim Parker, Care Pastor Larry Nardi, Home Group Pastor John Delke, Youth Pastor Teresa Raabe, Office Administrator Betty Hockett, Bookkeeper

• Prayer • Goals • Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings

• Prayer • Goals • Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom

• 2008’s Finances • Sunday Meetings

2008 Budget vs Actual Income










Savings P/L

$12,000.00 to donate

2008 Budget vs Actual Donations



20% of total expenses

2008 Budget vs Actual Donations



North India Ministries Community Pregnancy Centers Bridging The Gap Salt & Light Maranatha Christian Center

2008 Budget vs Actual Donations



Bible Way Christian Center Kid’s Club Values Advocacy Council TASCC Pablo & Monica Abeleira

2008 Budget vs Actual Donations



Kid’s Kingdom - Mexico Advocates for Orphans Downtown Youth Center Benevolence to Members

• Prayer • Goals • Home Groups • Staff Changes • Extending the Kingdom • 2008’s Finances

• Sunday Meetings

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