FALSE FRIENDS OR COGNATES Se denominan false friends (falsos amigos) o cognates (cognados) a las palabras que por escribirse de la misma forma (o parecida) en español son confundidas, pero que en realidad en inglés significan otra cosa. Por ejemplo, "conductor " en inglés no significa conductor, sino que se refiere al director de la orquesta o al cobrador que se encuentra en los autobuses. Aquí se encuentra una lista de los false friends o cognados más conocidos.
an abstract: resumen (y no abstracto) actual: real, efectivo (y no actual, que se dice current) actually: en realidad (y no actualmente, que se dice nowadays, at present) to advertise: anunciar (y no advertir, que se dice to warn) advice: consejos (y no aviso, que se dice warning, notice) to apologise: pedir disculpas (y no apología, que se dice defence) apt: propenso (y no apto, que se dice qualified, able) argument: discusión, pelea (y no argumento de un libro/una película, que se dice plot) arm: brazo (y no arma, que se dice gun) to assist: ayudar (y no asistir a un lugar, que se dice to attend) balloon: globo (y no balón, que se dice ball) bank: banco - la institución (y no banco de plaza, que se dice bench) billet: acuartelamiento, alojamiento militar (y no billete, que se dice ticket o note) billion: mil millones (y no billón, que se dice trillion) brave: valiente (y no bravo, que se dice fierce) camp: base militar o campamento (y no campo en general, que se dice field) carpet: alfombra (y no carpeta, que se dice folder) cartoon: dibujos animados, tira cómica (y no cartón, que se dice cardboard) casualty: víctima o herido (y no casualidad, que se dice coincidence) cellular: celular, relativo a la célula (y no teléfono celular, que se dice mobile telephone) collar: cuello de las prendas de vestir (y no collar, que se dice necklace) college: facultad, colegio universitario (y no colegio, que se dice school) command: orden, mandato (y no comando, que se dice commando unit) commodity: mercancía o materia prima (y no comodidad, que se dice comfort) complexion: tez, tono de la piel (y no complexión, que se dice body type) conductor: director de orquesta o cobrador (y no conductor, que se dice driver) confident: seguro de sí mismo (y no confidente, que se dice confidant) (to be) constipated: sufrir de estreñimiento (y no estar constipado, que se dice to have a cold/chill) council: consejo (y no conciliar, que se dice to reconcile) deception: engaño (y no decepción, que se dice disappointment) dessert: postre (y no desierto, que se dice desert) dinner: cena (y no dinero, que se dice money) diversion: desviación (y no diversión, alegría, que se dice fun) dramatic: drástico, espectacular economics: economía (y no económicos, que se dice cheap) embarrassed: avergonzado/a (y no embarazada, que se dice pregnant) eventual: definitivo o posible (y no eventual, que se dice casual, incidental) eventually: finalmente, tarde o temprano (y no eventualmente que se dice by chance, possibly) exit: salida (y no éxito, que se dice success) fabric: tela (y no fábrica, que se dice factory) form: formulario (y no forma, que se dice shape) fume: vapor o gas (y no fumar, que se dice smoke) gracious: cortés (y no gracioso, que se dice funny) grocery: tienda de comestibles (y no grosería, que se dice rudeness o rude word/expression) horn: cuerno (y no horno, que se dice oven) idiom: modismo, locución (y no idioma, que se dice language)
inhabitant: habitante (y no inhabitado, que se dice uninhabited) involve: involucrar (y no envolver, que se dice wrap) large: grande (y no largo, que se dice long) lecture: conferencia (y no lectura, que se dice reading) lentil: lenteja (y no lentilla, que se dice contact lens) library: biblioteca (y no librería, que se dice bookshop) mayor: alcalde (y no mayor, que se dice bigger) media: medios (y no media, que se dice sock) misery: tristeza (y no miseria, que se dice poverty) to molest: abusar sexualmente (y no molestar, que se dice to bother o to annoy) notice: nota, anuncio (y no noticia, que se dice a piece of news) occurrence: aparición (y no ocurrencia, que se dice absurd idea) ordinary: común (y no vulgar, que se dice vulgar) pan: cacerola, cazuela (y no pan, que se dice bread) parents: padres (y no parientes, que se dice relatives) policy: política (y no policía, que se dice police) preservative: conservante (y no preservativo, que se dice condom) to quit: abandonar, dejar (y no quitar, que se dice to remove o to put away) regular: de tamaño normal (y no regular, que se dice bad, not so good) rude: maleducado, descortés (y no rudo, que se dice rough) to realize: darse cuenta (y no realizar, que se dice to make) to record: grabar (y no recordar, que se dice to remember) to remove: quitar, eliminar (y no remover, que se dice to stir) to resume: reanudar, continuar o reasumir (y no resumir, que se dice to summarize o to sum up) salad: ensalada (y no salado, que se dice salty) sane: cuerdo (y no sano, que se dice healthy) sensible: sensitivo (y no sensible, que se dice sensitive) sensitive: sensible (y no sensitivo, que se dice sensible) signature: firma (y no asignatura, que se dice subject) sin: pecado (y no sin, que se dice without) spade: pala (y no espada, que se dice sword) success: éxito (y no suceso, que se dice event) to support: apoyar (y no soportar, que se dice to put up with) sympathy: compasión, comprensión, pésame (y no simpatía, que se dice friendliness, affection) target: objetivo (y no tarjeta, que se dice card) terrific: fenomenal, genial (y no terrorífico, que se dice terrifying) to traduce: calumniar (y no traducir, que se dice to translate) to translate: traducir (y no trasladarse, que se dice to move) tramp: vagabundo (y no trampa, que se dice trap) zealous: entusiasta (y no celoso, que se dice jealous) English Term
Spanish Translation
Real (The English equivalent for the Spanish actual is: present, current)
Ciertamente, verdaderamente, en realidad, en efecto. (The English equivalent for the Spanish actualmente is currently, nowadays, at present)
Anunciar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Advertir is: Warn).
Aconsejar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Avisar is: Warn).
Actividades, programa del dÃa. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Agenda is: Diary).
Inquieto, nervioso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish Ansioso (deseoso) is: Eager, greedy).
Estadio. (The English equivalent for the Spanish arena is: sand)
Discusión debate. (The English equivalent for the Spanish argumento is: plot, topic, issue)
Ayudar, auxiliar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish asistir is: attend)
Intento. (The English equivalent for the Spanish atentado is:terrorist attack)
Asistir a, ir a (The English equivalent for the Spanish atender is: pay attention, take care of)
Aguacate. (The English equivalent for the Spanish abogado is: lawyer) Tarjeta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish carta is: letter)
Años de trabajo, promoción laboral. (The English equivalent for the Spanish carrera is: studies)
Alfombra. (The English equivalent for the Spanish carpeta is: folder, file)
Informal, desenfadado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish casual is: accidental)
Puro. (The English equivalent for the Spanish cigarro is: cigarette)
Cuello (de camisa). (The English equivalent for the Spanish collar is: necklace)
Facultad (Universidad). (The English equivalent for the Spanish colegio is: primary school)
Brújula. (The English equivalent for the Spanish compás is: A pair of compasses)
Cobrador de autobús, director de orquesta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish conductor is: driver)
Congreso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish conferencia is: lecture)
Seguir, aceptar las normas o reglas. (The English equivalent for the Spanish "conformarse" is: To be happy with).
Invernadero. (The English equivalent for the Spanish conservatorio is: music academy)
Estreñido. (The English equivalent for the Spanish costipado is: a cold)
Satisfecho. (The English equivalent for the Spanish contento is: happy)
Acto delictivo. (The English equivalent for the Spanish crimen is: murder, serious crime)
Maldición. (The English equivalent for the Spanish 'curso' is: Course) Conversacion. (The English equivalent for the Spanish discusión is: argument)
Repugnancia. (The English equivalent for the Spanish disgusto is: annoyance)
Desviar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish divertir is: enjoy, have a good time)
Con una buena educación. (The English equivalent for the Spanish educado is: polite)
Avergonzado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish embarazada is: pregnant)
Finalmente. (The English equivalent for the Spanish eventualmente is: temporarily, by chance)
Salida. (The English equivalent for the Spanish éxito is: success)
Tela, textil. (The English equivalent for the Spanish fábrica is: factory)
Profesorado. (The English equivalent to the Spanish "facultad" would be College).
Cifra, número, cantidad (The English equivalent for the Spanish 'figura' is: appearance, although figure can also be used.) Uva. (The English equivalent for the Spanish "Grapa" is Staple). Expresión idiomática, frase hecha. (The English equivalent for the Spanish idioma is: language)
Grape Idiom
Informal Large
Desenfadado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish informal is: irresponsible) Grande. (The English equivalent for the Spanish largo is: long)
Conferencia. (The English equivalent for the Spanish lectura is: reading)
Biblioteca. (The English equivalent for the Spanish librería is: bookshop Alcalde. (The English equivalent for the Spanish mayor is: main, bigger, older) Nota. But if you talk about "qualifications" the word is Marks or Grades instead of "notes".
Mayor Note
Notice Parcel
Aviso. (The English equivalent for the Spanish noticia is: news) Paquete. (The English equivalent for the Spanish parcela is: plot of land)
Madre o Padre. (The English equivalent for the Spanish pariente is: relative)
Especial. (The English equivalent for the Spanish particular is: private)
Conservante. (The English equivalent for the Spanish preservativo is: condom)
Asumir, pretender. (The English equivalent for the Spanish presumir is: show off)
Fingir. (The English equivalent for the Spanish pretender is: intend, try, seek)
Demostrar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish probar is: try, try on) Callado. (The English equivalent for the Spanish quieto is: still, motionless) Darse cuenta. (The English equivalent for the Spanish realizar is: carry out, implement)
Quiet Realize
Quitar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish remover is: stir)
Continuar, reanudar. (The English equivalent for the Spanish resumir is: summarize)
Cuerda, soga. (The English equivalent for the Spanish ropa is: Clothes, garnment) Sensato. (The English equivalent for the Spanish sensible is: sensitive)
Firma. (The English equivalent for the Spanish asignatura is: subject)
Pala (para cavar). (The English equivalent for the Spanish espada is: sword)
Gafas. (The English equivalent for the Spanish espectáculos is: shows)
Barrio residencial. (The English equivalent for the Spanish suburbio is: slum)
Éxito. (The English equivalent for the Spanish suceso is: event)
Comprensivo. (The English equivalent for the Spanish simpático is: nice, friendly)
Compasión, pésame. (The English equivalent for the Spanish simpatía is: affection, kindness) Más alto (forma comparativa de superioridad del adjetivo tall:alto). (The English equivalent for the Spanish "Taller" is Workshop.)
Tema. (The English equivalent for the Spanish tópico is: Cliché)
Translate Vicious
Traducir. The English equivalent for the Spanish trasladar is: Move Malvado, saludable. (The English equivalent for the Spanish vicioso is: addict, depraved)