Fall 09 Newsletter 2

  • May 2020
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Atascocita Basketball

13300 Will Clayton Pkwy Humble, Texas 77346 281-641-7582 I N S I DCEOTNHTI A S CT I S SI N UF EO : RMATION

Welcome •

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.


Off-Season 1 Athletic Periods •

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

Ways to stay 2 informed Eagle Core Values


Try-Outs Checklist


3 Coaches Contact Info

Parent Meet- 3 ing Agenda FAQ’s


______________ “Encourage and support your kids, because children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” - Larry Bird _________________




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Welcome Back In addition to our youth basketball camps, the AHS gym was available to future Eagles for the duration of the summer. Open gym sessions were availThe AHS Basketball program able to the public for two has just finished up another hours on over 20 different successful summer of basoccasions. Its not uncomketball camps, in which over mon to see up to 50 kids 100 youngsters attended two coming in during the sumdifferent camps that serviced mer for some pick-up 3rd-9th graders. From fungames. damental camps to shooting The AHS Basketball staff camps and from learning 1 on 1 moves all the way up to will be there to monitor these open gym sessions 5 on 5 tournaments, the Atascocita youth did not dis- all the way up to the start appoint once again. The fu- of the season. So come in out of the heat and enjoy ture at AHS is bright and the open facilities. loaded with potential. It’s that time of year again. The start of the new school year has begun and the excitement in the gym is at an all time high.

As the summer comes to an end, we look forward to a new school year with excitement and anticipation. The road ahead assures to be filled with many memorable experiences. So whether you’re already a member of the AHS basketball family or brand new to AHS, we would like to take this opportunity to officially say “Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year and basketball season”.

Understanding Off-Season and the Athletic Period Since basketball does not officially begin until October 28th, the time spent during the athletic period from Aug 24-Oct 28 is known as the Fall Basketball Off-Season. Practices and work-outs can only be conducted by AHS coaches during the athletic period within the school day. During this time more emphasis is placed on individual development. Athletes that wish to be on one of the 5 teams at AHS must be enrolled in Basketball Athletics. The only exception to this policy is for athletes who are currently participating in Football. During the first two weeks of the school year players will be evaluated by the AHS Coaching Staff and

could potentially be moved out of the athletic period based on some of the following criteria: Ability level, behavior, grades, and experience. A student enrolled in basketball athletics is not guaranteed a position on an AHS Basketball Team although we estimate 90-95% of players in the athletic period go on to play on an AHS Basketball team during the season. Basketball off-season is an important time for players to get individual attention from coaches. Building strength, speed, and skill development is the focus and is crucial to being a successful basketball player at AHS.




Get Informed !

One of our goals at AHS is to keep our parents and fans as informed as possible. We want you to know everything that is going on with Eagle Basketball, and we want you to know it in advance. CONTACT In order to do this we have come up with some creative ways to get information to parents and INFORMATION players. TEXTING: Information sent from coaches to players via text messages always seems to get there quickly and efficiently. Usually these messages go out to a number of kids at once and consist only of important reminders, game or practice times, bus departure times, etc. At the height of the season players may receive one or two text messages a week. Let us know if you do not apIf you have not prove of this as a means of communication for your son, and we will use alternative methods. joined our AHS EMAIL: At times information can also be sent •

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

Briefly highl igh t your point of inter est her e.

home via email. This a good way to send forms and reminders to parents. We will be using the email addresses we have on file at AHS. Communicate with a coach if we do not have your current email address. TWITTER: This could be great for parents, but you have to sign up! You can follow AHS Basketball at www.twitter.com/ahsbasketball. This is a free service that lets AHS Basketball send out information to select members called followers. We will be posting our practice/game times and important reminders almost daily. You can sign up to have twitter go directly to your cell phone. This will allow you to take an active interest in what’s going on and stay informed. INTERNET: You can always check our website for information at www.humbleisd.net/ ahsbasketball

“All-Sports Booster” Club, we encourage you to do so. Our booster club has done so much to help our program and our athletes. Check out their website at: ahsathleticboosterclub.org

Eagle Core Values Academics- As a staff we emphasize the importance of putting Academics first. We believe that education is a lifelong pursuit that encompasses the whole person. We are committed to excellence from our athletes and our expectation is nothing less than their very best. We will always be here to assist them.

Service-Through both our academic and athletic programs we strive to develop men who dedicate their lives to the service of others. We expect our athletes to be committed to the idea of putting the needs of many before the needs of oneself. This is in alignment with our TEAM philosophy and Habit of Service to the Common Good.

Leadership-The Eagle Program is built around allowing student athletes to develop their leadership skills and character awareness. This spirit is instilled in all of our athletes. It is our expectation that our athletes lead through action and attitude in the classroom, on the court and in the community. It is our hope that our athletic program gives them the values, the confidence and the experience to become the successful leaders of tomorrow

Basketball Try-Outs Check List All athletes that wish to be enrolled in basketball athletics and participate in AHS basketball try-outs must obtain and complete each of the items noted to the right. Each of the these forms can be picked up in the AHS Boys Basketball coaching office located outside the Competition Gym or will otherwise be issued on the first day of school.


Steroid Policy Sheet

Red Info Card

Physical (on Record with AHS Trainer)

Athletic Policy

PAP Form (9th only)






Atascocita Basketball CONTACT

If you have questions or concerns please call or e-mail us.


Basketball Office - 281-641-7582 Coaches E- Mail:

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

John Castles (Head Coach)

[email protected]

Keith McFarland (JV)

[email protected]

Chris Brown (Freshman A)

[email protected]

Marcus Jackson (Freshman B)

[email protected]

Kevin Freightman (assistant)

[email protected]

Charles Nichols (10th)

[email protected]

Parent Meeting Agenda On Monday September 01, we will be having a parent meeting to discuss events of the coming months. The meeting will last approximately 1 hour and be in the Red LGI at 6 pm. The Red LGI is located in the back of the Red House. The Red House is the located down the hall from the Competition Gym across from the Performing Arts Center. We encourage all parents and players to attend and receive important information about the 2009-

2010 basketball season. Listed below are the main topics we plan to discuss in the meeting. • • • • •

New Rules and Policies Try-Outs and Athletic Periods Fund Raisers/ 3 on 3 Tournament Equipment purchases and sales Sponsorships

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ What is zero hour? Since school begins at 9:25 on Thursdays students have “late arrival” and only attend periods 2,4,6. The athletic period on Thursday is after school from 2:45-3:45 and is called zero hour. It is not after school practice, its just Basketball Athletics, held after school due to late arrival.

Do I need a physical? All athletes enrolled in Basketball Athletics will have to have a physical on file with the AHS Trainer, before participating in any activities. What should I do if I am absent? If an athlete is going to be absent from school he is required to notify a coach by phone, message or email. Be responsible, let us know what is going on,

What should I bring for Basketball Athletics? During the off-season athletes will be required to wear their own practice clothing. You will be required to bring basketball shoes, shorts and t-shirt everyday. Do I have to try-out? Any student that is new to AHS will be given a proper try-out consisting of 3 different sessions on Nov 6, 7. Keep in mind Will I be issued a locker? All athletes enrolled in Basketball Athletics will be issued a athletes not playing football should be enrolled in the Basketlocker and combination. We highly recommend bringing soaps ball Athletics period. and deodorants and storing in your locker for use after the athletics period. ATASCOCITA BASKETBALL If you have questions or concerns about this newsletter contact Keith McFarland at [email protected]

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