
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,658
  • Pages: 5
Faith It is an interesting concept. In this writing I am primarily referring to the Faith that pleases God. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

There are many definitions of what Faith is and even more examples of it being used. By its very nature Faith will not allow “facts” to support it. Our Faith has a quality of vagueness and uncertainty about it. Faith is a virtue that God has and one that He demands from His followers. God has the ability to sense and identify Faith. There are different kinds and types of Faith. There is a Faith that God enjoys and seeks after. Faith is required to please God. God is the source of Faith. Faith has great power. Faith cannot be misused. Faith cannot be bought or sold. Faith can be given. Faith can be asked for. Faith can be “grown”, it can thrive off of experience or past Faith, or both. Faith can be refined. Faith is not constant, it can grow and diminish. We cannot measure Faith. Faith is required For Salvation. The exact amount of Faith required for Salvation is unknown. Faith is a commodity that any one could have. Faith is what allows us to be Righteous. Faith is not linked with knowledge, wealth or power. Faith is something that every one could generate. Every one’s Faith is unique. Faith may be used by us to lean on God. Faith may be used by us as a shelter. We have not yet reached the ultimate state of Faith. Faith used by God is an Amen Faith; that is an absence of doubt kind of Faith. It is possible to live one’s whole life with no Faith. It is possible to never have a desire to be in possession of Faith.

The whole history of mankind has been a struggle regarding Faith. Lack of Faith caused man to fall and use of it allows man to be united with God. The Bible is a story on the subject of Faith; man’s, God’s and even Jesus’. Regrettably, the English language has done the concept of Faith a disfavor; i.e. we should have words like faither and faithing, etc. We do not even have the proper words that represent the idea of Faith.

It is to bad that so many people believe that science and Faith are exclusive of each other. I am not going to tell you how to live a Faithful life; because as you have read, that understanding can only belong to the Creator. Some neatly packaged rules of conduct can not encompass God’s thoughts of Faith. Below are some examples of Faith. They entail trusting God, but they are all distinctively different actions. They were copied from and Nave’s Bible Index. INSTANCES OF FAITH • • • • • • • • •

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Noah, in building the ark - Ge 6:14-22; Heb 11:7 Abraham, in forsaking the land of his nativity at the command of God - Ge 12:1-4 Believing the promise of many descendants - Ge 12:7; 15:4-8 In the offering up of Isaac - Ge 22:1-10; Ro 4:18-21; Heb 11:8-19 Jacob, in blessing Joseph's sons - Heb 11:21 Joseph, concerning God's providence in his being sold into Egypt, and the final deliverance of Israel - Ge 50:20; Heb 11:22 Jochebed, in caring for Moses - Ex 2:2; Heb 11:23 Pharaoh's servants, who obeyed the Lord - Ex 9:20 Moses - In espousing the cause of his people Heb 11:24-28 - At the death of Korah Nu 16:28,29 - The miracles The Israelites - When Aaron declared the mission of himself and Moses Ex 4:31 - In the battle with the Canaanites 1Ch 5:20 - And other conquests 2Ch 13:8-18 Caleb, in advising to take the land of promise - Nu 13:30; 14:6-9 Rahab, in hospitality to the spies - Jos 2:9,11; Heb 11:31 The spies, sent to reconnoiter Jericho - Jos 2:24 Conquest of Jericho - Jos 6 Manoah's wife - Jud 13:23 Hannah - 1Sa 1 Jonathan, in stricking down the Philistines - 1Sa 14:6 David, in striking down Goliath - 1Sa 17:37,46,47 In choosing to fall into the hands of the Almighty for his punishment for counting the people of Israel - 2Sa 24:14 In believing God's promise, that his kingdom would be a perpetual kingdom - Ac 2:30 Elijah, in his controversy with the priest of Baal - 1Ki 18:32-38 Widow of Zarephath in feeding Elijah - 1Ki 17:13-15 Amaziah, in dismissing the Ephraimites in obedience to the command of God, and going alone to battle against the Edomites - 2Ch 25:7-10 Hezekiah - 2Ki 18:5; 19; 20:1-11 Daniel, in the lions' den - Da 6

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The three Hebrews, who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzars idol - Da 3:13-27 Ninevites, in obeying Jonah - Jon 3:5 Ezra, in making the journey from Babylon to Jerusalem without a military escort - Ezr 8:22 Joseph, in obeying the vision about Mary and to flee into Egypt - Mt 1:18-24; 2:13,14 Abel - Heb 11:4 Eliphaz, in the overruling providence of God, that afflictions are for the good of the righteous Job 5:6-27 • Mordecai, in the deliverance of the Jews - Es 4:14 • Simeon, when he saw Jesus in the temple courtyard - Lu 2:25-35 • Conquests by - Heb 11:32-34 INSTANCES OF TRIAL OF FAITH • Noah - Ge 6:14-22; Heb 11:7 • Abraham, when commanded to leave his native land and to go where he did not know - Ge 12:1-4; Heb 11:8 • Abraham, when commanded to offer Isaac - Ge 22:1-19; Heb 11:17-19 • Moses, when sent to Pharaoh - Ex 3:11,12; 4:10-17; Heb 11:25-29 • Moses, at the Red Sea, by the complaints of the people - Ex 14; 15 • Joshua and the people of Israel, in the method of taking Jericho - Jos 6; Heb 11:30 • Gideon, when commanded to deliver Israel - Jud 6:36-40; 7; Heb 11:32 • Job, by affliction and adversity - Job 1; 2 • Ezra, in leaving Babylon without a military escort - Ezr 8:22 • Daniel, when forbidden to pray to Jehovah - Da 6:4-23; Heb 11:32,33 • The three Hebrews, when commanded to worship the image - Da 3:8-30; Heb 11:32-34 • The Syrophoenician woman - Mt 15:21-28; Mr 7:24-30 • The two blind men who appealed to Jesus for sight - Mt 9:28 • The disciples, when Jesus came walking upon the Sea of Galilee - Mt 14:25-33 • The disciples - By the question of Jesus, as to who he was Mt 16:15-20; Lu 9:20,21 - By their inability to cast out the evil spirit from the epileptic boy - Mt 17:14-21; Mr 9:14-29; Lu 9:37-42 - In the tempest at sea Mt 8:23-27; Mr 4:36-41; Lu 8:22-26 • Of Philip, when questioned by Jesus as to how the multitude would be fed - Joh 6:5,6 • Of Peter, when asked whether he loved Jesus - Joh 21:16,17 INSTANCES OF FAITH IN CHRIST • • • •

The wise men from the east - Mt 2:1,2,11 Peter - Mt 4:18-22; Mr 1:16-20; Lu 5:4,5; Joh 6:68,69 Andrew - Mt 4:18-22; Mr 1:16-20; Joh 1:41 James and John - Mt 4:21,22; Mr 1:19,20

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The woman with the issue of blood - Mt 9:21,22 Jairus, for the healing of his daughter - Mt 9:18,23-25 Two blind men - Mt 9:29,30 Blind Bartimaeus and a fellow blind man - Mt 20:30-34; Mr 10:46-52; Lu 18:35-42 The Samaritan leper - Lu 17:11-19 The sick people of Gennesaret - Mt 14:36; Mr 3:10; 6:54-56 Those who brought the paralyzed man to Jesus - Lu 5:18-20 The Syrophoenician woman - Mt 15:22-28; Mr 7:25-30 The woman who anointed Jesus' feet - Lu 7:36-50 Those who brought those who were sick with palsy - Mt 9:2 Philip - Joh 1:45,46 Nathanael - Joh 1:49 The Samaritans, who believed - Through the preaching of Jesus Joh 4:39-42 - Through the preaching of Philip Ac 8:9-12 The nobleman whose child was sick - Joh 4:46-53 Abraham - Joh 8:56 The blind man whom Jesus healed on the Sabbath - Joh 9:13-38 Mary, the sister of Martha - Lu 10:38-42; Joh 11:32 John the disciple - Joh 20:8 The disciples, through the miracle at Cana of Galilee - Joh 2:11 Jews at Jerusalem - Joh 2:23; 8:30; 11:45; 12:11 About three-thousand people on the day of Pentecost - Ac 2:41 About five-thousand people - Ac 4:4 Multitudes - Ac 5:14 The crippled man at Lystra - Ac 14:9 Stephen - Ac 6:8 The Ethiopian eunuch - Ac 8:37 The people of Lydda and S h) aron - Ac 9:35 The people of Joppa - Ac 9:42 The people of Antioch - Ac 11:21-24 Barnabas - Ac 11:24 Eunice, Lois, and Timothy - 2Ti 1:5; Ac 16:1 Lydia - Ac 16:14 The Philippian jailor - Ac 16:31-34 Crispus - Ac 18:8 The Corinthians - Ac 18:8; 1Co 15:11 Jews at Rome - Ac 28:24 Ephesians - Eph 1:13,15 Colossians - Col 1:2,4 Thessalonians - 1Th 1:6; 3:6-8; 2Th 1:3,4

• Philemon - Phm 1:5 • The congregation at Thyatira - Re 2:19

INSTANCES OF FAITHFULLNESS • • • • • • • • • • •

Abraham - Ga 3:9 Moses - Heb 3:5 David - 2Sa 22:22-25 Elijah - 1Ki 19:10,14 Abijah - 2Ch 13:4-20 Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 20:1-30 Job - Job 1:21,22; 2:9,10 See HEZEKIAH See JOSIAH See JOASH See DANIEL

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