Failure Exemption Instructions: When the company has experienced a setback that may negatively affect your work situation, complete this form and post it outside your office or cubicle before your supervisor starts looking for you. Complete a separate form for each failure. Note: For more than three failures, consider omitting forms and simply quitting. Your name: __________________________________________ Position/role: _______________________________________
I [was] / [may possibly be] blamed for the following failure: Possible unjust pretext(s) for blaming me:
Date/time of failure: __________________________________ future/hypothetical Type(s) of failure [check all that apply]: performance schedule budget personnel demeanor personal hygiene faith in humanity
Scope of failure: project event incident behavior organization
seemingly incriminating memo, e-mail, or conversation
grossly/wilfully misinterpreted I never sent/said it
attitude hygiene attendance taste in music race/creed/color disability unfortunate haircut just looked at _____________________ the wrong way Other: ________________________________________
relationship doctrine philosophy/belief system
I am blameless for this/these reason(s):
fiscal year entire company forevermore other
I am in management
Description of failure: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ [Optional]
I was just following orders my co-workers, not that I want to go into detail excessive workload excessive playload exhaustion amnesia disability disease or injury children I knew nothing/nobody told me anything
despite my repeated requests
Other: ____________________________________________
Blame should instead fall on this/these more deserving target(s):
Target name
I am not in management
Importance of role in failure
I suggest this/these punishment(s) for the deserving target(s):
taunting breakroom dishwashing push-ups (#: _____) reprimand demotion dismissal a day in the stocks all-hands company meeting where target(s) is/are forced to debase themselves like audience members at a stage hypnosis show something involving this implement(s): _______________________________________ I don’t know, use your imagination
Copyright ©2009 Ninjalistics. Written by Allen Varney. Find new ways to evade responsibility with the many forms available free at