Facts Of World War 2

  • June 2020
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More details

  • Words: 323
  • Pages: 16

Introduction: • Most devastating war in human history • 55 million dead • 1 trillion dollars

• Began in 1939 as strictly a European Conflict • Widened to include most of the world

How It Began • Lots of factors • WWI leftovers • Germany defeated in and had to pay cost of war. In huge economic depression • Italy victorious but wanted more territory • Japan victorious but wanted China

• Outside factors…

What Were These Outside Factors? • • • •

Germany reduced size Organized League of Nations French and Britain unsure U.S. isolationist

Rise of Hitler • Nazi Party organized, 1920s • Nazi party largest in Germany, 1932

• Hitler voted as chancellor, 1933 • New parliament created • 450, 000 members • Larger than German army

Hitler Gets Busy • • • • • •

Gestapo Created -- April, 1933 Jewish Boycott – April, 1933 Jewish Books Banned & Burned – May, 1933 27,000 People in Camps – July, 1933 60,000 People in Camps – 1938 Illegal to Leave Germany – October, 1941

German Territorial Gains • • • • •

Austria – March, 1938 Border of Czechoslovakia – Sept., 1938 All of Czechoslovakia – March, 1939 Poland – Sept., 1939 By Summer of 1940, Germany Controlled Most of Europe • World shocked as France falls to Germans

Those Dumb Enough To Ally • Stalin and the Soviet Union, 1939 • Betrayed by 1941

• Mussolini and Italy, 1939 • Off and on betrayed until Italian defeat in 1943

Alliance That Changes War • Germany “allies” with Japan • Japan was “China Hungry” • Japanese angry over U.S. support of China • Agreed to peace negotiations with U. S.

Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941


U. S. Involved In War

Allies United: U.S.S.R, England and The U.S.

Normandy Invasion, D-Day

D-Day Landing on Normandy Beach

Germany Surrenders May 7, 1945

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