Face To Face Teachers Guide

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,308
  • Pages: 13
Lesson guides Part of the Licence to Cook cooking entitlement is a minimum of 3 hours of learning about diet and nutrition, wise food shopping and hygiene and safety – supported by face-to-face lesson suggestions, i.e. at least 1 hour for each learning area. A range of activities are suggested for each of the three learning areas. This provides you with flexibility to select the most appropriate activities to fit your circumstances, students and time available. All activities are supported with plans and support resources. You may decide to skip, minimise, expand or add-to any of the suggested activities – the choice is yours.

Activities Diet and Nutrition

The eatwell plate The 8 tips Healthy eating in action

Wise food shopping Going shopping Money matters Influences

Hygiene and safety Personal hygiene Storing food Cooking safely

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Learning area: Diet and nutrition Activities 1. The eatwell plate (20-30 minutes) This activity is about introducing or refreshing pupil’s knowledge of the eatwell plate (formerly known as the Balance of Good Health model). The eatwell plate shows the balance and variety of different foods that make a healthy, balanced diet. Use the Eatwell plate PowerPoint presentation to introduce the model. Review its 5 food groups: Fruit and vegetables; Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods; Milk and dairy foods; Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein; Foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar. Talk about each of the food group. Ask the students: What foods belong to each group? Which group should you eat at least 5 portions a day? Which groups should we eat in the largest amounts? Which group is important for healthy teeth and bones? Which group should we eat in the smallest amount? Explain that the Eatwell plate: is a pictorial representation of a healthy diet, shown as a plate; shows the balance of foods that make up a healthy diet over a day or more; does not have to meet at every meal time; can be used by most people, no matter their background. Pregnant women and very young children can also use it, but also need to consider over requirements. Show that the Eatwell plate can be seen as a pie-chart. It shows the proportion of different foods that make up a healthy diet over a period of time. a) Know your plate (15-20 minutes) Use the Know your plate worksheet to get students to label their own Eatwell plate with the correct food group names. Then ask them to draw or write 5 examples of foods, for each food group, on their plate. Resources: you will need copies of the Know your plate worksheet, pencils and pens. 2 © Crown copyright 2008

b) Practical tips (20 minutes) Use the Practical tips worksheet to get students to suggest ways in which foods from the different food groups can be incorporated into a healthy balanced diet. You may wish for students to work in pairs. If you have time, allow students to share their thoughts to the class. Resources: you will need copies of the Practical tips worksheet, pencils or pens.

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2. The 8 tips (20-30 minutes) This activity is about introducing or refreshing pupil’s knowledge of the 8 tips for making healthier choices. Use the 8 Tips PowerPoint presentation to introduce the tips. Review the 8 tips: 1) Base your meals on starchy foods. 2) Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. 3) Eat more fish – including a portion of oily fish each week. 4) Cut down on saturated fat and sugar. 5) Try to eat less salt – no more than 6g a day for adults. 6) Get active and try to be a healthy weight. 7) Drink plenty of water. 8) Don’t skip breakfast. Go through each tip. Ask the students: Name 3 different types of starchy foods. How much is a portion? How many portions of fish a week should we eat? What type of fat should we be cutting down? Why can sugary foods be unhealthy between meals? How much salt should an adult have a day? How can we all be more active? How many glasses of fluid should we drink per day? Why is breakfast important? You could get students to write down the answers to these questions, or answer verbally. a) Make a pledge (20-30 minutes) Get students to make a pledge to show how they could incorporate the 8 tips into their own diets. This could be presented as a poster or PowerPoint. You might like to use the Make a pledge worksheet as a guide for students. Resources: you may need copies of the Make a pledge worksheet, pens or pencils. If students are creating PowerPoint presentations, then ICT facilities will be required. b) Read all about it (20-30 minutes) Working in pairs, ask students to develop a one-page A4 leaflet about the 8 tips for either primary school children or older people. They will need to think about how they explain the 8 tips and the examples that they use. Resources: paper, pens and pencils

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3. Healthy eating in action (20-30 minutes) This activity is about students using their knowledge of the Eatwell plate, and the 8 Tips, to plan a healthy diet. Organise the students into small groups. Share out the Making a meal of it cards. Ask students to look at their meal card and suggest practical ways in which it could be healthier. Remind students to think about: Encouraging lots of fruit and vegetables – at least 5 A DAY; Basing meals on starch foods; Eating more fish; Cutting down on fat, sugar and salt; Drinking plenty of water and other fluids; Not skipping breakfast. Students may also need to consider: adding or removing ingredients; increasing or decreasing the amount of a particular ingredient or food; using a different cooking technique, e.g. grilling is healthier than frying. Get students to talk to the class about their decisions. What do other students think? Could other changes be made? Links to tutorials Diet and nutrition: students can review the information discussed in these face-to-face activities in their own time. The information is differentiated. Sources of further information 5 A DAY www.5aday.nhs.uk British Dietetic Association www.bda.uk.com British Nutrition Foundation www.nutrition.org.uk EatWell plate www.eatwell.gov.uk Food Standards Agency www.food.gov.uk Salt www.salt.gov.uk

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Learning area: Wise food shopping Activities 1. Going shopping This activity is about introducing or refreshing students’ knowledge and understanding of the different factors that need to be taken into account when shopping for food. a) Factors (15-20 minutes) Ask students what factors they think affect what food they buy. You may wish students to work together first to write a list. If so, ask some students for suggestions. Resources: you will need paper and pens/pencils. Factors will include: who are you cooking for; the occasion, e.g. a simple lunch or dinner with friends; the time you have, as well as your skills, kitchen and equipment; how much money you have; the food you already have, e.g. dried pasta in the cupboard; where you can go shopping. Explore each of these factors in more detail, using the Going Shopping PowerPoint presentation as a guide. b) Making a smart choice (15-20 minutes) When shopping, students might be faced with lots of different similar foods and will need to make a choice. How would they make that choice? Would they buy the most expensive item, because they believe it will be the best? Deciding what to buy means that they need to make a choice - a simple way is to compare foods. Ask students how they would make a choice between similar foods. What would they consider? How would they compare? You could use the following prompts: I’m on a budget - cost; I need enough to feed my family - pack size; I’m worried about by weight – nutrition (e.g. fat content); I want to impress by mates – brand (premium, economy); I’m worried about the environment – country (reducing food miles); I like a bargain - special offers. Get students to list and explain how they would make a choice between similar foods, based on the discussion. What factors affect food choice? How would they make a smart choice? 6 © Crown copyright 2008

Resources: paper and pens/pencils.

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2. Money matters (20 minutes) This activity is about students employing budgeting skills to make good decisions about food based on cost. Explain to students that the amount of money you have can influence what you can afford to buy and where you can shop. Therefore, it is always a good idea to set aside a sum of money for food, either for a day, week or month. Use the Money matters PowerPoint presentation to explore this area in more detail. Talk about: planning in advance and writing a shopping list; cooking from scratch can be cheaper than take-aways; buying in bulk can save money; substituting expensive ingredients with cheaper varieties; looking out for bargains while shopping; saving left-overs for other meals. What other ways to save money, or be a wise food shopper, can the students suggest? You could get students to write down the answers to these questions, or answer verbally. a) Saving money (10-15 minutes) Get students to compile a Top Ten list of tips about saving money in relation to food. They need to consider before, during and after they shop. b) Counting the pennies (20-30 minutes) Set the students the challenge of using an on-line food shopping web-site to calculate and compare the costs of buying food dishes ready-made and making them from scratch. You may wish to use the Licence to Cook recipes as a starting place to set the challenge. 3. Influences (20-30 minutes) This activity is about students working together to identify and explore the different advertising and marketing influences that exist to influence the food we buy and eat. In small groups, set students the challenge of producing a montage highlighting these influences. They may need to consider TV advertising, magazines and newspapers, the internet, Podcasts, mobile phones, special offers, street advertising and bus stops. Ask them to also consider what advertising they believe works or has made them change their mind. It might be that this is because it is seen as trendy, new, novel, innovative or just different. Get the students to suggest the reasons for their actions. 8 © Crown copyright 2008

Resources: scissors, pens/pencils, paper and a range of food packaging, magazines and newspapers.

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Links to tutorials Wise food shopping: students can review the information discussed in these face-to-face activities in their own time. The information is differentiated. Sources of further information BNF Life Skills www.nutrition.org.uk/lifeskills National Consumer Council www.ncc.org.uk/ Food labelling www.food.gov.uk/foodlabelling www.whatsinsideguide.com

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Learning area: Hygiene and safety Activities 1. Personal hygiene (20-30 minutes) This activity is about the importance of personal hygiene to prevent risk of food poisoning. Students should understand that before you start preparing or cooking food, there are a number of steps that you need to take to ensure that you are hygienic and safe. Ask the students whether they can name any personal hygiene rules. Use the Personal Hygiene PowerPoint presentation to introduce this area. Ensure that you highlight: tying back long hair; rolling up long sleeves; wearing an apron; removing jewellery; covering cuts or boils; making sure you do not cough or sneeze over food; washing hands. a) Get students to select 2-3 hygiene issues and describe why these are important and how people can be encouraged to follow them while cooking. 2. Storing food (20-30 minutes) This activity is about how food labels provide important information about how to store a food safely and by when to eat it. This information is vital as it helps to prevent food poisoning. Use the Storing food PowerPoint presentation to highlight: the different types of date-marks; storage instructions; where different foods are stored in the kitchen, particularly the fridge. You may wish to have a range of different type of food packaging on display so that students can identify different date marks and storage instructions. a) Where about? Use the Where about? worksheet to get students to indicate where they would store a range of different food types. 11 © Crown copyright 2008

Resources: you will need copies of the Where about? worksheet, pencils or pens.

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3. Cooking safely (20-30 minutes) This activity is about how to prepare and cook food safely in order to prevent risk of food poisoning. Start the activity by posing students a question about cooking safely. For example you could say: “What do we mean by preparing and cooking food safely?” “We do we need to do practically in the kitchen to prepare and cook food safely?” Write the suggestions on the board. You may wish to use the Cooking safely PowerPoint to help with the questioning. The PowerPoint looks at: preparing ingredients carefully, e.g. wash fresh fruit and vegetables before use; clearing-up and cleaning; cooking food until it is piping hot; chilling food quickly; covering food properly. using any leftovers within 2 days. a) Using copies of the Licence to Cook recipes, or other recipes you may have, get students to identify all the possible stages where there might be a hygiene or safety risk, e.g. storing, chilling, covering. Then get the students to suggest a way in which these risks can be managed. Students could use the Recipe risk worksheet. Links to tutorials Hygiene and safety: students can review the information discussed in these face-to-face activities in their own time. The information is differentiated. Sources of further information FSA www.food.gov.uk Food Link www.foodlink.org.uk

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