Fabrication & Performance Testing1

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Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

1. INTRODUCTION Man has needed and used energy at an increasing rate for his substance i.e. he can use either conventional energy or unconventional energy but most of time all over the world human beginning use unconventional energy. Unconventional energy sources are limited so after few years man will be facing for them to avoid this problem in some quantity used to fulfill its need unconventional source of energy for domestic purpose. Such as solar energy is the best and economically less for used. Solar energy used in various manners in daily life such as water heating, cooking to produce electricity etc. Due to rapid growth of industrialization man need more and more energy due to this government does not supply proper electricity to human being some problems are created such as daily load shading. To avoid this problem the best way to heating water by solar energy. Solar energy are freely all over the world. It utilized in various manner but domestic water heating is the less economic an easy way to utilized solar energy to help the environment.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

UTILIZATION OF SOLAR ENERGY DIRECTLY INTO HEATING WATER :A solar water heater commonly comprises a blackened Flat plate metal collector with associated metal tubing. Facing the general direction of sun. The collector is provided with transparent glass cover and a layer of thermal insulation beneath the plate. The collector tubing is connected by a pipe to an insulated tank that store hot water during non-sunny periods.

The collector

absorbs solar radiation and by transfer of resulting heat to the water circulating through the tubing by natural circulation (temperature different) or by gravity. Performance of the Focusing collector depends upon the selective coating on the absorber plate. Solar still can produce 3 to 5 liters of distilled water per square meter on an average sunny day.

The solar distillation technology to convert

brackish water into potable water is simple and small solar stills can be fabricated locally in rural areas. Solar energy is very UN-exhausted source of energy. The power from the sun intercepted by the earth is approximately 1.8 x 10” MW which is many thousand of time longer than the present consumption rate on the earth of all commercial energy sources. Thus in principle solar energy could supply all the present and future energy needs of the entire world on a continuing basis. This makes it on of the most promising of the unconventional energy sources. Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

In addition to its size solar energy has two other factors in its favor. Firstly unlikely fossils fuels and nuclear power it is an environmentally clean source of energy is secondly it is free and available in adequate quantities in all most all part of the world where people alive. However there are many problem associated with its use. The main problem is that it is dilute source energy even in the hottest region of earth solar radiation fuel available rarely exceeds 1 KW/MZ which is low value for technological utilization consequently large collecting areas are required in many application and these results excessive cost. A second problem associated with the use of solar energy is that its availability various widely with time. The variation in the availability occurs daily because of the day eight cycle also seasonally because of the earth’s orbit around the sun in addition variation occurs at a specific location because of local weather condition consequently the energy collected when the sun is shining must be stored for use during periods when it is not available. The need for storage also adds significantly to the cost of any system. Thus the real alternative is of an economic nature. One has to strive for the development of cheaper methods of collections and storage so that the large initial investment read at present in most application are reduced.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

SOLAR ENERGY SITUATION IN INDIA: The solar liquid heater was invented by H. B. source during the second half of 17th century. Hersehel and Tellier also experimented with solar water heater in 1837 and 1885 respectively. Even in earlier times the indigenous people in Africa, the Arab countries the China and India used their ingenuity in heating water by placing specially shaped copper pot filled with water in the sun during the time in winter. Now a day it is economical to use solar water heater for domestic application. As such they are used all over the world. Approximate quantity of solar energy falling on India is 3000 million Kwh/year which is 3000 times energy consumed by to day and 200 times energy required in 2000 A. D. These are between 250 to 300 days of useful sunshine per year in most part of the country over 3000 his of bright sunshine per year in most part of the country over Rajasthan, Gujarat, West M. P. & North Maharashtra 2600 to 2800 hrs over rest of the country except Kerala. Asam and J & K where there are acceptable lower. Systematic efforts to harness solar energy where initiated in India in year 1950 with emphasis on low grade thermal processor all the recording instruments are now available in India.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

2. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF SOLAR WATER HEATER WITH PARABOLIC COLLECTOR. The sun is a huge and unlimited source of heat and light energy. Now a days we are using coal, natural gas, wood as a source of energy but this are limited and polluted one. Therefore for reducing pollution and taking the use of solar energy which is available free of cost. The solar water heater is used. The rays from the sun falls on the aluminum sheet through transparent glass. The sheet is in parabolic shape, it absorb the maximum amount of treat from rays to increase efficiency. The solar rays are absorbed by the absorbing tube, which is fitted on the concentrator. The absorber tube is painted by black paint due to black paint maximum amount of solar rays are absorbed by absorbing tube. The reason for giving the black paint to tube is to absorb whole rays by the black body principle. “Black body absorb all the incident rays. Falling on it”. So to increase the absorbivity of tube it is painted with the black paint. The absorbing tube is cover with transparent glass, which is fitted on parabolic collector. The function of transparent cover is to reduce the loss of energy by convection and radiation. It helps to increase the efficiency of plant.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

The tracking is also given to the collector to increases the efficiency. In tracking the collector is fitted on MS. Angle frame structure and the tracking unit of gear is connected to it with the help of handle the tracking is given to collector according to sun position due to which maximum energy is gets absorb by the absorbing tube. The solar energy of sun gets converted into heat energy. Therefore, the temperature of the fluid passing through the tube is get heated the fluid is water. The circulation of water from storage tank to tube is done with the help of thermo siphon system natural circulation of waters. In this system, the Flow of water takes place with the help of gravity. In thermo-syphon system to maintain the flow of hot water, storage tank has to be placed as a higher level usually above focusing point to concentrator. In this system cold water first enters into the tube from storage tank through flexible pipe and gets heated in the absorbing tube due to solar energy. Due to which density of water is decreased so water rises automatically and it is collected at upper side into storage tank through pipe. The circulation is caused due to density difference. The cold water pushes the hot water and takes place of hot water in absorbing tube. This process goes on and whole water is heated and collected in storage tank.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

3. LITERATURE REVIEW OF SOLAR ENERGY VARIOUS APPLICATION OF SOLAR ENERGY As we seen solar energy option is one of the most promising alternative energy source of the future. The solar energy can be used for two basic purposes are as, (1) Heating (2) Cooling Following are the application of solar energy option in relation of heating or cooling. (1) Power Generation. (2) Solar heating and cooling of the building. (3) Photovoltaic power generation. (4) Solar space power system (5) Solar pump. (6) Solar Refrigeration.

1. Solar Power Generation The generation of electrical or mechanical power is one of the most important applications of solar energy source. Solar energy can be converted the thermal energy by flat plate or focusing collectors. That thermal energy can then, in principle used drive a heat engine, thus converting solar energy into mechanical

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

energy, solar thermal power angles can be broadly classified as low medium and high temperature cycles, low temperature cycle generally used flat plate collector so that maximum temperature are limited to about 1000 C medium temperature cycles work at maximum temperature cycles work at maximum temperature ranging from 1500 C to 3000 C. For the low and medium temperature ranges the thermodynamic cycle preferred is the ranging cycle. For the high temperature range, apart from rankine cycle the bryton and the starting cycle are also been considered.

2. Solar Heating & Cooling of the Building: Once of the promising thermal applications of solar energy is for the purpose of heating and cooling the space. Space cooling and heating may be done with the objective or providing comfortable living conditions. Water is heated is solar collectors and started in the tank. Energy is transferred to the circulating in the house by means of the water to air heat exchanger. Two pumps provide forced circulation between the collectors and the tank and between the tank and heat exchanger. The heat is stored in a tank packed with rock, graver or pebbles, this method is called active method. Another method is passive method in which the thermal energy flows through a living space by means without the help of a mechanical device like a pump or shower. The use of solar energy for cooling can be either to provide refrigeration for food preservation or to provide comfort cooling. Govt. Poly., Washim

The two 8

Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

principle methods are refrigeration evaporating cooling.

The evaporate of

perspiration from the skin is on of the msm. Which our bodies use to remain cool. Evaporate cooling occurs when water vaporized.

Evaporative cooling for

buildings work heat in dry climate.

3. Photo Voltaic Power Generation One way of utilization the energy of the sun is to generate electricity directly from the sum sight by the photovoltaic process. The photovoltaic effect is defined as the generation of a electromotive force as a result of absorption of ionization radiation. Solar cells are used to convert sunlight into electricity. By this process electricity costs of Rs. 8 to 15 Kwatt per hour. Another disadvantages is that solar coil output is not constant and varies with the time of day and weather. The costs can be reduced by (1) Reducing the cost of manufacturing the solar single crystal silicon cells. (2) Developing the high efficiency cells which can be installed at the focus of magnifying optical system. If this goals are achieved it is estimated that 20000 MW of solar cell power will be available.

(4) Solar Distillations: In many small communities the natural supply of fresh water is inadequate but brackish or saline water is available. Solar distillation can prove to be an effective way of supplying drinking water in such communities. Solar stills are used for distillation of water. Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

(5) Solar Refrigeration: Space cooling may be done with the objective or providing comfortable living conditions or to keeping a food product cool. There are two types of refrigeration. (1) Vaporizers compression system. (2) Vapour absorption system.

APPLICATION OF SOLAR WATER HEATER (1) In domestic sector hot water is used for bathing water may many with season of year and no. of finally members or an average 20 lit. of hot water also declension is consumed by and individual. Thus for family of 5 members 100 LPD solar water heating system is sufficient. (2) In commercial and industrial sectors where large quantity of water is required at high tank is degcelcius the solar water heating system with flat plate collectors having selective cooling on absorbers are used. Depending upon the requirement either the hot water from the system could directly used. (3) Organization like hotel, departmental stores hospitals, restaurants, hostels and similar commercial and industrial sector can which over from using conventional system to meet their hot requirement and saw the expenditure on energy and also avoid pollution from fired boilers.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

4. CONSTRUCTION VARIOUS PARTS OF SOLAR WATER HEATER. 1) Parabolic concentrator: This is one of the main part of solar water heater, mainly it consist of transparent glass attached to parabolic collector. Aluminum sheet having thickness range from 0.5 mm to 1 mm and glass having thickness 4 mm is used. For forming the collector. This collector is covered a bottom from thermocoule sheet. It is connected to support structure. To give the traction to collector some suitable system is used.

2) Traction System: Tracking means to rotate or titling the collector through given angle. For increasing the efficiency of concentrator. Due to tracking concentrator is always in front of sun and so the maximum amount of ‘Sun rays’ are get collected and hence collector work whole days. In tracking system one gear is fixed on the shaft of concentrator, which is fixed on the support structure by means of bearing for giving rotation. And second parallel gear with it which is fixed on support structure handle is provided to the shaft of this gear at end link with the help of handle and tracking is provided to the concentrator in certain angle according to the sun position in a day.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

3) Absorber tube: It is also an important part of the collector. The material used for the absorber tube is aluminum because it has an absorption co-efficient 0.89 and emission coefficient in long wave region of order 0.039 which is better than any other material. The weight of aluminum is also less than other material for stand long on a structure. Coil shaped is provided to the absorber tube on concentrator sheet so that water should remains more time in tube and gets heated at the end of tube according to the capacity of water heater. The absorber tube is painted with black paint, as the heat absorption capacity of black colour is high. The absorber tube is located at upper side of collector. The supports are provided to hold it from concentrator. The function of tube is to receive the maximum amount of sunrays and heat the water passing through it by converting solar energy into heat energy by the law of conservation of energy.

4) Supporting Structure It is made up of cast iron angles.

It is used for holding and

supporting the collector and storage tank. It is also an arrangement of tracking on collector holding structure. It is rigid enough to carry the load of collector and component supported to it. Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

5) Storage tank – The storage tank is used for storing the hot water. It is situated near the collector assembly on a certain height. approximately 35 liters.

The capacity of storage tank is

The material used for storage tank is P.V.C.


insulation is provided around the tank is of cotton wool, thermocouple sheet, glass and plywood. In plant natural circulation of water is used. The natural circulation is takes place due to gravity of density difference. For this purpose the storage tank is provided with three holes. One for inlet of cold water from inlet tank to the absorber tube second for hot water from absorber tube to again tank for circulation purpose. Third for removing hot water for use. The flexible pipes are connected between the inlet of tank to tube and between outlet of absorber tube to inlet of tank. For circulation of hot water.

FABRICATION OF SOLAR WATER HEATER Various parts of solar water heater are 1. Parabolic concentrator. 2. Absorber tubes. 3. Supporting stands and 4. Storage tank.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

1. Parabolic concentrator Parabolic concentrator used for concentrating sunrays is made from

Aluminum sheet. The size of sheet = A sheet of this size is taken and is turn to a particular rim angle, with the help of a bending machine. To increase concentrating power a glass is fitted on parabolic collector and backside of collector is made insulated with thermocol to interrupt the flow of heat to atmosphere from backside.

2. Absorber tube Absorber tube is used to receive sunrays from concentrator and heat the water flowing through it. Material used – Aluminum pipe. Size of tube

- length –

diameter – A coil shape absorber tube of black color is fitted in concentrator. Absorber tube of given size is bended in four loops with the help of bending machine.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

3. Supporting stands: In water heater assembly two stands are fabricated, one for storage tank assembly and other for collector. On collector assembly stand tracking arrangement to provide using three standard plummers and pair of gears. Material used – Mild steel bars of ‘L’ shape. These angles of M. S. are cut and welded to give desired strength.

4. Storage tank Storage tank is one of the important elements of this assembly; it is specially designed to reduce heat loss. Heat gained by water for whole day is retained for whole night with merge heating in morning it can be used. For this purpose, storage tank is made insulated with various insulating materials like. 1st layer – Thermocole 2nd layer – Glass 3rd layer – Cotton wool 4th layer – Thermocole 5th layer – Plywood. Two holes are provided for inlet and outlet of water to concentrator also one outlet for hot water is provided specially. Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater


Date 6/10/02 (Without insulated Tank) Inlet Water Temperature: - 210C. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Time 8.80 10.80 12.80 2.30 4.30

Rise in Temperature 00C 260C 300C 400C 420C 400C

Atmosphere Temperature 0C 280C 250C 320C 320C 300C

Date 14/12/02 (Without insulated Tank) Inlet Water Temperature: - 180C. Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Rise in


9.30 10.30 11.80 12.30 1.30 2.80

Temperature 00C 320C 360C 440C 490C 420C 400C

Temperature 0C 200C 240C 300C 320C 300C 300C

Date 15/2/03 (On insulated Tank) Initial Temperature: - 260C. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Rise in


10.30 11.90 12.90 1.30

Temperature 0C 330C 360C 390C 410C

Temperature 0C 290C 310C 320C 320C

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater





Date 16/2/03 ( On insulated Tank ) Initial Water Temperature :- 260C. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Rise in


9.00 11.00 1.00 3.00 5.00

Temperature 0C 310C 360C 400C 450C 450C

Temperature 0C 280C 340C 340C 320C 300C


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

Date 23/02/03 ( On insulated Tank ) Initial Water Temperature: - 250C. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Rise in


8.00 10.00 12.00 2.00 4.00

Temperature 00C 290C 340C 390C 430C 450C

Temperature 0C 230C 280C 320C 340C 330C


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater






Plastic container

4 mm

0.5 Kcal


Cotton wool

6 mm

0.5 Kcal



10 mm

0.27 to 0.29 Kcal



3 mm

0.35 to 0.43



6 mm

0.5 Kcal





5 P.M.



7.30 A.M.



5 P.M.



7.30 A.M.



5 P.M.


Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater


7.30 A. M.



5 P.M.



7.30 A.M.



5 P.M.



7.30 A.M.








2.5 x 2.5 Feet.


ii) Transparent cover (glass)


67 x 37 inch


iii) Insulator (Thermocol) Stands


i) Concentrator stand


ii) Storage tank stand


iii) Plummer block




iv) Gear


Standard 8.5


v) Nut bolts




vi) Bearings


7.5 cm



Standard 3.


Absorber tube i) AL - Tube


11 Feet.


ii) Black coloc


50 ml.


iii) Colour Storage tank


i) Plastic container


ii) Insulators


Govt. Poly., Washim

85 35 litres

90 332


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

5. 6. 7.

(cotton wool, glass, Thermocol) Flexible pipe Shaft Labor cost Total Cost

2 1

13 Feet 3.5 Feet

57 63 180 2718

COMPARISION We compare our project (Solar Water heater) with other existing solar water heater following observation are conclude. (1) Cost of our solar water heater is very less than other existing other solar water heater, which is near about 5 to 6 thousand less. (2) Other solar water heater having more cost as compare to our collector which is not suitable for ordinary man. (3) In our project we make insulated tank, which doesn’t losses the heat i.e., insulated tank keeps the temperature of water constant from evening to next day morning. (4) Our solar water heater is suitable for any family, which is in town, city, or any village. (5) Insulated tank like our tank is not available in market.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

8. RESULT In this way we take performance of household solar water heater. Finally we can concluded that, our solar water heater is very suitable for ordinarily family having 5 to 6 member. It does not occupy more space, stand on roof or terres of the house also by using this water heater for heating water we save electricity about per month for this electricity we spend electric bill near about Rs.200 per month by using this we can help for saving national wealth. Cost of our solar water heater is very low which is neglected in one year by using then after we get free of cost hot water. In this heater water temperature goes up to 490C, which is suitable for sanitary purposes. In this project we makes insulated tank which store not water for long time and also this hot water we can use after 12 to 14 hours with very less amount of heat loss. Finally we says that this is very good source of unconventional source of energy, which is need of to days world.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater

9. FUTURE MODIFICATION 1. Electroplating of solar collector. 2. Use of “HONEY – COMB” absorber tube. 3. Using Solar panels. 4. Using Number of transparent glass. 5. Using high standard insulator having low Thermal conductivity.

Govt. Poly., Washim


Fabrication Performance Testing of Household Solar Water Heater



Govt. Poly., Washim


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The completion of our project on “FABRICATION &






WATER HEATER” has given us immense pleasure, satisfaction and knowledge. Everybody is familiar with the saying that, “Ideas rule the world”. Ideas provide us knowhow or techniques. Blind efforts and mere mechanical toil can not deliver the goods. Success is not merely a question of luck or genius. It depends on hardwork, sustained toil and most important of all its guidance. Working under the guidance of Prof. S.A. DHANKUTE, we learned to understand and accept responsibilities. We were inspired to take reasonable work under his guidance. We extend our deep sense of gratitude to him. We are also thankful to our respective Prof. N. J. PANDE for his valuable suggestion and guidance for the successful completion of this project work. Our foremost thanks to Principal Prof. F.A. KHAN who have extended every facility to us for the completion of our project. We are greatly thankful to all those who helped us directly or indirectly in our project work..

Projectees ...

INDEX Sr. No. Particulars 1 Introduction 2 Working Principle of Solar Water

Page No. 1 5

3 4

Heater With Parabolic Collector Literature Review of Solar Energy Construction & Fabrication of Solar

7 11

5 6

Collector & Storage Tank Testing Analysis Constructional Details Of Insulated

16 21

7 8 9 10

Container Cost Estimation Result Future Modification Bibliography

22 24 25 26

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