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Welcome to the August 2009 issue of ClimateNE

Regional round-up Energy PhDs from new collaboration. A new collaboration between Durham University and the New and Renewable Energy Cluster (NaREC) is set to offer two new PhD studentships in North East England. More… Flood watchdog identifies at-risk communities. Communities considered to be at the greatest risk of flooding in Northumberland have been identified by the recently-launched Northumberland Community Flooding Partnership. More… Adapting to climate change on the North East coast. In April 2009 a climate change adaptation in North East England workshop launched the IMCORE project for the region and introduced an expert couplet, between Durham Heritage Coast and coastal research and consultancy company Envision. More… Groundwork helping North East businesses go green. Groundwork North East is helping organisations across the region to improve their environmental performance through the delivery of their Environmental Business Service (EBS) programme, which includes free half day reviews. More… Appointment strengthens sustainable communities’ project. A sustainable development project for North East England has been strengthened by the appointment of a new development worker. More… North East Climate Change Partnership re-branded. Don’t forget that a new brand has been developed for The North East Climate Change Partnership. More… Have you visited the new ClimateNE website yet? The ClimateNE website www.climatenortheast.com acts as a one-stop-shop on information about climate change in North East England. More…

National news John Prescott to use social media in fight against climate change. The former deputy prime minister, is launching a new online campaign using Twitter and Facebook to get more people involved in fighting climate change. More… Flood Management Funding for local authorities. The Government has announced how it will be distributing the remainder of the £15 million funding to support local authorities to undertake the lead role in managing local flood risk. More…

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Managing climate change adaptation in organisations. The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) has published its latest Practitioner guide on Adapting to Climate Change. More… Clouds and climate change. New research has added evidence to suggest low-level clouds may be reduced by climate change, causing further global warming. More… Gardeners taking climate change seriously. Gardeners at the Royal Horticultural Society are already taking the challenges of climate change seriously as new results from the Met Office show how gardens around England may be affected. More… Next round of low carbon projects confirmed. Details of the successful schemes for the second round of funding from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) low carbon infrastructure initiative, totalling £8.80million have been announced. More…

European and international news Global climate deal must be simple, fair and flexible. Negotiations on emissions in the run-up to the UN climate summit show no sign of the radical change we need, argues Claus Leggewie in the Guardian. More… Africa seeks climate change cash. The leaders of 10 African countries are gathering in Ethiopia to try to agree a common position on climate change reports the BBC. More… Global youth pool climate ideas. Hundreds of teenagers from across the world will meet in Denmark for a competition to design products to help tackle climate change. More… How will European cities adapt to new climate conditions? The European Environment Agency has published a web page considering how European cities will adapt to new climate conditions. More… Heat waves in US set to get worse. The US is headed for strong heat waves in coming decades that will hit cities and farmers and threaten wildlife with extinction, a new global warming report warns. More…

Events South Tyneside Enviro fayre. South Tyneside Council will host its third Enviro fayre in Bents Park on Sunday 30 August from 10am to 5pm. More… How will climate change affect your organisation? Following the launch of the UK Climate Projections 09, a series of week-long Projections in Practice events in each English region will take place in the autumn. They are aimed at local and regional organisations. Details about the events taking in place in North East England will be released soon. More… Short training courses at Newcastle University. The School of Civil Engineering at Newcastle University is offering a number of study opportunities including Climate Change: Earth System, Future Scenarios and Threats and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation. More… Climate Change Short Course 2009. A two-week interactive course will take place from 2 to 15 September at the University of East Anglia. More… Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Earthwatch SustainaBall. This charity ball will be held on 5 September 2009 at Henley Business School, Greenlands in Henley-on-Thames. More… Green Building: Making it happen. This seminar will take place on 9 September at the CBI Conference Centre, Centre Point in London from 8am to 11am. It will investigate the success of current legislation and will focus on what needs to be done to make low-carbon buildings a reality. More… Eco-town seminar. Taking place in Woking on 14 September 2009, this free seminar is about the new Eco-towns initiative and how it can be supported by the culture and sport planning toolkit. More… Government ICT Goes Green 09. Taking place on 15 September in London, this conference is aimed at those involved in greening public sector ICT. More… Why does economic policy need to take the environment into account? Taking place on 30 September in Newcastle, this free seminar will look at the impact of environmental concerns on economic policy, and will provide an overview of the challenges of sustainability, climate change and economic growth for the Regional Strategy. More… Sustainable Procurement 09 Conference. This conference will take place on 30 September 2009 at the QEII Conference Centre in London and will bring together delegates and industry experts to discuss and debate how effective sustainable and responsible procurement practices will affect the social, environmental and economic conditions of towns and cities across the UK. More… North East Sustainable Waste Conference. This free conference will take place on 13 October 2009 in Cleveland and is organised by the Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership (RIEP) Waste & Environment Programme team. More… Sustainable Roads 2009. This one-day conference and exhibition will take place on 13 October 2009 at Westminster, London and will explore the link between road maintenance and economic, environmental and social sustainability. More… Green Leaders Conference. Taking place at the Hilton NewcastleGateshead on 14 October, this event, focuses on the importance of firms in North East England embracing the changes national and international concerns about the environment are bringing. More… International Day of Climate Change Action. Organised by international campaign 350.org, this world-wide day calls on people around the globe to organise activities and events in their communities on 24 October. More… Environmental Futures 09. Taking place on 9 and 10 November in London, The Environment Agency annual conference will include a speech by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and Secretary of State at the new Department of Energy and Climate Change, Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP. More… Do you have any events, news, stories or case studies about Climate Change? Let us know your news by emailing [email protected] We cannot be held responsible for any changes made to this message after it was sent or for any unintended disclosure.

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Regional round-up Energy PhDs from new collaboration A new collaboration between Durham University and the New and Renewable Energy Cluster (NaREC) is set to offer two new PhD studentships in North East England. The positions will focus on the reliability of wind and marine renewable energy systems and on accelerating testing methods for wind renewable energy systems. Stephen Wilson, Director of Wind and Marine at NaREC said: “The successful candidates will make an important contribution to NaREC’s ongoing research and development work, which is helping industry to mitigate the risk of taking new technologies offshore and therefore accelerate their deployment.” Professor Peter Tavner, Head of the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, at Durham University, said: “The new PhDs are an important commitment by NaREC to Durham’s growing research into renewable energy and will give young engineers the opportunity to study advanced methods for improving marine renewables.” Read more.

Flood watchdog identifies at-risk communities Communities considered to be at the greatest risk of flooding in Northumberland have been identified by a new watchdog organisation. Thirteen vulnerable areas of the county have been flagged up for priority attention and support by the recently-launched Northumberland Community Flooding Partnership. The partnership will plan for and tackle flooding by drawing on the expertise of a number of agencies, including the Environment Agency, the Northumbria Regional Flood Defence Committee, Northumbria Police, Northumbria Water and the National Park Authority. It aims to improve cooperation between partners, strengthen community resilience to flooding in rural areas and encourage the creation of local community flood groups. Its work will include assessing and adopting best practice from across the UK and overseas. Contact the Partnership.

Adapting to climate change on the North East coast In April 2009 the IMCORE project for North East England was launched during a climate change adaptation workshop as part of the EU INTERREG IVB project IMCORE (Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource). The workshop also introduced an expert couplet between Durham County Council through the Durham Heritage Coast and the coastal research and consultancy company Envision. The workshop participants, who represented local communities, authorities, and organisations identified the issues and concerns, information needs and constraints within the region in effectively responding to climate change. The Expert Couplet Node will work on climate change adaptation issues using the outcomes from the workshop and interacting with the existing regional networks. This will also be informed through experiences and best practise gained from trans-boundary working with eight other Expert Couplets from around North West Europe. North East England already has an impressive network and activities related to climate change in place and the IMCORE project aims to use the lessons learnt so far and make a beneficial contribution within the coastal area of the region. Find out more at the IMCORE website or email Niall Benson. Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Groundwork helping North East businesses go green Groundwork North East is helping organisations across the region to improve their environmental performance through the delivery of their Environmental Business Service (EBS) programme. The service is available for private businesses, public bodies and voluntary sector organisations, and aims to help them improve their green credentials and promote industry best practice by providing consultancy, training and auditing services across industry sectors. Support is provided on issues such as resource efficiency, carbon reduction, reduction of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes, legal compliance, corporate responsibility and the implementation and management of Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Groundwork EBS offers “free” half day Green Check Environmental Reviews initially to businesses across County Durham, with advisors carrying out on site audits to identify realistic and affordable opportunities for improvements across issues such as waste, energy, water consumption and the provision of associated legislation checks. Groundwork North East operates throughout the region, with dedicated teams based in Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, County Durham and Tees Valley. It specialises in environmental improvements, employment and business services, green economy projects and climate change activities. To organise a free Green Check Environmental Review contact Donna Murphy on 0191 5273333.

Appointment strengthens sustainable communities’ project A sustainable development project for North East England has been strengthened by the appointment of a new development worker Ben Jewell (pictured right). He has been employed by Sustaine to work on the Sustainable Communities North East Initiative, which aims to help the region by supporting a vibrant and sustainable economy, creating healthy and happy communities and a protected and enjoyable environment.

Ben Jewell appointed to work on Sustainable Communities North East Initiative

In his new role, Ben will develop the Brighter Futures Toolkit, which provides practical help for community groups who want to make a difference and improve their environment. The toolkit offers step-by-step advice and information on a range of topics from carrying out a wildlife survey to learning about renewable energy. Ben will also be developing a website, which will be a key tool in helping communities to take direct action in their bid to become more sustainable. Wyn Jones, chair of Sustaine, said: “I’d like to congratulate Ben on his appointment. In these tough times, it is vital that we work together to secure a sustainable future for North East England. The actions of local people and communities can help to deliver that future.” To contact Ben email [email protected]

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

North East Climate Change Partnership re-branded The North East Climate Change Partnership is now known as ClimateNE. The new brand (pictured right) is available for all stakeholders and partners to use when referring to the Partnership. The strap line Supporting action on climate change has also been finalised. Please contact Jennifer Robson on 0191 497 8464 to request a copy of the logo.

The new brand is available for use by ClimateNE stakeholders and partners

Check out the ClimateNE website The ClimateNE website www.climatenortheast.com acts as a one-stop-shop on information about climate change in North East England. You can browse information about ClimateNE, the work taking place on climate change in North East England, and climate change in general. Partners can request a password and, once logged into the website, can access a resource library and safe, secure areas where collaborative work can take place. Visit the website.

ClimateNE now online – visit www.climatenortheast.com

National news John Prescott to use social media in fight against climate change John Prescott, the former deputy prime minister, is launching a new online campaign using Twitter and Facebook to get more people involved in fighting climate change, reports the Telegraph. In his new role as the Council of Europe's Rapporteur on Climate Change, Mr Prescott will champion the fight against climate change. In the autumn he will embark on an "Al Gore" style tour of schools, travelling by public transport, to lecture children about the dangers of global warming and showing video clips of an apocalyptic world after climate change. The Labour MP will also use social networking sites to get people involved in a global deal on climate change, and will also launch a new website, New Earth Deal, designed to promote the idea of a fairer settlement on climate change by requiring bigger cuts in emissions by rich countries and financial help for developing countries. Read the full article.

Flood Management Funding for local authorities The Government has announced how it will be distributing the remainder of the £15 million funding to support local authorities to undertake the lead role in managing local flood risk. Details about how authorities can bid for a share of this funding and the criteria on which bids will be assessed will be available on the Defra website. Read more. Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Managing climate change adaptation in organisations The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) has published its latest Practitioner guide on Adapting to Climate Change: a guide to its management in organisations. The guide is free to IEMA members, or £15 to non-members. Get more information.

Clouds and climate change New research has added evidence to suggest low-level clouds may be reduced by climate change, causing further global warming. The study, published in Science, relied on the Met Office’s climate model as the only one which accurately reflects real-life observations. The findings also support many years of Met Office research looking at how climate change may affect clouds and how clouds may affect climate change. Read more.

Gardeners taking climate change seriously Gardeners at the Royal Horticultural Society are already taking the challenges of climate change seriously as new results from the Met Office show how gardens around England may be affected. The biggest challenge likely to face gardeners everywhere is water management as rainfall is likely to fall by around one fifth by the middle of the century, leading to an increased risk of summer droughts. Conversely winter rainfall is likely to increase by around 15%. Chris Bailes, Curator at RHS Rosemoor, said: "In common with gardeners everywhere we’re continually adapting to the changes we experience, trying new plants to reduce the need for water in hotter, drier summers, while also taking advantage of warmer temperatures to grow subjects previously considered too tender." Read more.

Next round of low carbon projects confirmed Details of the successful schemes for the second round of funding from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) low carbon infrastructure initiative, totalling £8.80million have been announced. The initiative is a partnership with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and Communities and Local Government (CLG) and will provide funding for schemes across the country to benefit from new and existing low carbon energy plants by creating the infrastructure needed to link them up. Energy and Climate Change Minister Lord Hunt said: “This latest round of funding will make it possible for thousands more people to keep warm in their homes whilst reducing energy bills and carbon emissions. Community heating schemes are an excellent example of how we can work together to tackle climate change.” With more than a quarter of Britain’s carbon emissions produced from homes, the announcement are a major step towards meeting the Government’s green policy pledges and Britain’s transition to a low carbon country. Read more.

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

European and international news Global climate deal must be simple, fair and flexible Negotiations on emissions in the run-up to the UN climate summit show no sign of the radical change we need, argues Claus Leggewie, a member of the Global Change Council of Germany (WBGU), in the Guardian. Leggewie says that to reach simple, fair, and flexible global climate deal, a budget formula should be adopted. The idea is that all states will be allocated a national per-capita emissions budget that links three core elements of a fair global climate deal: the major industrial countries' historical responsibility, individual countries' current performance capacity, and global provision for the survival of mankind. In order to achieve this immense task, the central climate bank must be accountable and have democratic legitimacy coupled with additional changes to global governance. Read the full article.

Africa seeks climate change cash The leaders of 10 African countries are gathering in Ethiopia to try to agree a common position on climate change reports the BBC. The summit’s objective is to agree a set of key ideas on the way forward on climate for Africa so that the continent can be represented by one delegation at the global negotiations in Copenhagen in December. Proposals for discussion include the suggestion that developed countries should cut their emissions by at least 40% by 2020, and that the richer nations should provide funds of £40billion a year to help the least well off cope with the impacts of rising temperatures. Read the full article.

Global youth pool climate ideas Five hundred teenagers from across the world are meeting in Denmark for a competition to design new products to help tackle climate change. A panel of judges, including businesses and environmental campaigners, will select four winning ideas to be handed over to the United Nations. They will be debated at December's climate summit in Copenhagen, where UN representatives will try to negotiate a new international treaty to cut emissions of greenhouse gasses. The teenagers will come from the world’s climate hot spots and many have already experienced the impact of climate change first hand. Find out more.

How will European cities adapt to new climate conditions? The European Environment Agency has published a web page considering how European cities will adapt to new climate conditions. It cites London and Copenhagen as examples of cities which have developed strategies enabling adaptation to the "new" climate change conditions, but warns that actual implementation of measures is, as yet, mostly limited to small scale projects. It also states that information exchange between cities is vital. Read more. Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Heat waves in US set to get worse The US is headed for strong heat waves in coming decades that will hit cities and farmers and threaten wildlife with extinction, a new global warming report warns. The report, More Extreme Heat Waves: Global Warming's Wake Up Call, from the National Wildlife Federation and Physicians for Social Responsibility, suggests that global warming is bringing more frequent and severe heat waves and the result will be serious for vulnerable populations. That means air pollution in urban areas could get worse, bringing increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and asthma attacks. Children, the elderly and the poor are especially vulnerable to these effects. Download the report.

Events South Tyneside Enviro fayre South Tyneside Council will host its third Enviro fayre in Bents Park on Sunday 30 August from 10am to 5pm. With wildlife presenter Michaela Strachan as the special guest, the Enviro fayre will highlight the climatic changes that can be expected in South Tyneside up to the year 2050, and actions that need to be taken to adapt and prepare for the challenges. This year’s Enviro fayre will take place at Bents Park in South Tyneside on Sunday 30 August from 10am to 5pm.

ClimateNE and SustaiNE will both be present at the fayre alongside a number of organisations and initiatives including: Low Impact Living Initiative; Scottish and Southern Energy; Groundwork South Tyneside and Newcastle; The Energy Saving Trust; and many local and national companies. All will provide a host of information, advice and products. ClimateNE and SustaiNE will both be present at the fayre alongside a number of organisations and initiatives including: Low Impact Living Initiative; Scottish and Southern Energy; Groundwork South Tyneside and Newcastle; The Energy Saving Trust; and many local and national companies. All will provide a host of information, advice and products. Other attractions include: live music; an arts and crafts marquee; a farmers market; a climbing wall; plant and tree sales; an environmental magician; farm animals; an inflatable obstacle course; cookery demonstrations; free park rides on the sports recycler ecocycle; free compost vouchers and seeds; and competitions for all the family. Call 0191 424 7937 or visit the website.

How will climate change affect your organisation? Following the launch of the UK Climate Projections 09, a series of week-long Projections in Practice events in each English region will take place in the autumn. They are aimed at local and regional organisations. The Projections in Practice events aim to equip organisations with the right training and guidance to be able to use the Projections to adapt to the Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

changing climate – this means managing the risks and exploiting the opportunities. Details about the events taking in place in North East England will be released soon. Reserve your place at an event.

Short training courses at Newcastle University The School of Civil Engineering at Newcastle University is offering a number of study opportunities for those in full-time employment in the autumn. The portfolio of short courses, which are specifically designed to match the training requirements and work commitments of Civil Engineering, Geomatics and Geoscience professionals, include Climate Change: Earth System, Future Scenarios and Threats and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation. Find out more.

Climate Change Short Course 2009 This two-week interactive course will take place from 2 to 15 September at the University of East Anglia. The purpose of the course is to equip non-specialists with a broad understanding of what climate change may mean for low-income populations and what the scope and prospects are for adapting to change in the context of development issues and poverty reduction. Read more.

Earthwatch SustainaBall This charity ball will be held on 5 September at Henley Business School, Greenlands, Henley-on-Thames. The evening will start at 5.30pm with a drinks reception followed by dinner at 7pm. Music and Dancing will take place from 10pm to 1am. For more details email [email protected]

Green Building: Making it happen This seminar will take place on 9 September at the CBI Conference Centre, Centre Point in London from 8am to 11am. It will investigate the success of current legislation and will focus on what needs to be done to make low-carbon buildings a reality, in preparation for 2019. Case study speakers will also share best practice of green building techniques and will inform delegates of new technological developments being used to achieve zero-carbon targets. Book your place.

Eco-town seminar Taking place in Woking on 14 September 2009, this free seminar is about the new Ecotowns initiative and how it can be supported by the culture and sport planning toolkit. For more information or to reserve a place email Batool Khan.

Government ICT Goes Green 09 Taking place on 15 September at the QEII Conference Centre in London, this event is aimed at those involved in greening public sector ICT. Over 400 key decision makers from across the UK will be present at this high-profile conference, along with over 20 speakers and more than 20 exhibitors. The event will act as a centre for discussion and networking, exposing delegates to key presentations directly relevant to the Greening Government ICT agenda while also analysing the key issues, technologies and industry best practice. Read more.

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

Why does economic policy need to take the environment into account? Taking place from 11am to 4.15pm on 30 September at the Centre for Life in Newcastle, this free seminar will look at the impact of environmental concerns on economic policy, and will provide an overview of the challenges of sustainability, climate change and economic growth for the Regional Strategy. Organised by the North East Regional Information Partnership (NERIP), the event will also highlight analytical tools available to regional analysts and policy colleagues: one which models greenhouse gas emissions against economic growth scenarios; the second looks at the future environmental impacts of consumer spending as a function of economic growth. Register to attend.

Sustainable Procurement 09 Conference This conference will take place on 30 September 2009 at the QEII Conference Centre in London and will bring together over 350 delegates and 25 industry experts to discuss and debate how effective sustainable and responsible procurement practices will affect the social, environmental and economic conditions of towns and cities across the UK. Designed for public sector decision makers in the UK, the conference will include the following speakers: Shaun McCarthy, Director, Action Sustainability (Conference Chair) and Dr. Peter Walmsley, Programme Lead, Supplier Relationship Management, Commercial Directorate, Home Office. Read more.

North East Sustainable Waste Conference This free conference will take place on 13 October 2009 at Guisborough Hall Hotel. Organised by the Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership (RIEP) Waste & Environment team this conference will have a focus on sustainable waste in the region and aims to broaden delegates’ understanding of a range of current issues in the sector. Register your interest.

Sustainable Roads 2009 This one-day conference and exhibition will take place on 13 October 2009 at Westminster, London and will explore the link between road maintenance and economic, environmental and social sustainability. Focusing on the challenge for the highways maintenance industry to meet transportation, community and business needs and still improve the environment at a moment when major challenges such as climate change, urban congestion, traffic safety and increasing demand for passenger and freight transport are placing increasing demands on our road network. Speakers confirmed include Norman Baker MP, Lib Dem Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, Dame Julia Cleverdon, Vice President, Business in the Community and Lorna Pelly, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Forum for the Future. Read more.

Green Leaders Conference Taking place at the Hilton NewcastleGateshead on 14 October, this event focuses on the importance of firms in North East England embracing the changes national and international concerns about the environment are bringing.

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

It aims to highlight the economic benefits of adopting a green agenda, both for the business and the wider economy, and to inspire businesses to implement lessons they have learned. The conference will also explore how an open mind and innovative approach can make environmentally-friendly changes easy to implement. Book a place.

International Day of Climate Change Action Organised by international campaign 350.org, this world-wide event calls on people around the world to organise an event in their communities on 24 October. Find out more.

Environmental Futures 09 Taking place on 9 and 10 November in London, The Environment Agency annual conference will include a speech by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and Secretary of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP. The conference is particularly suitable for senior management in Government departments and offices, regional development agencies and regional assemblies. Find out more.

Page of 12 North East Climate Change Partnership eZine Contact [email protected] with your Climate Change news, stories and case studies. Visit www.climatenortheast.com

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