Extremely Urgent

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 923
  • Pages: 3
Extremely Urgent Etiquettes With the ones self * A Muslim should always remind and admonish himself in order to purify and elevate himself , so that he dose not become a captive of his own whims and desires, and thereby stray away and become misguided . Allah " God" has praised those who reproach and watch themselves and how they act , Allah says what means : " Indeed , he succeeds ,who purifies his own self . and indeed , he fails , who corrupts his own self " ( Ash-Shams :9-10 ) * A Muslim will commit mistakes for he is not infallible ; but he struggles against himself in order not to commit mistakes . When he is overtaken by his desires and falls into sins , he should not despair of the mercy of Allah "God " , rather , he should return to Allah and rush to repent to Him ; he should blame himself for the disobedience he committed , and punish himself by depriving his soul of the some of it’s the desired things so that it will not command him to disobey Allah again . Repentance requires three things in order for it to be accepted : 1. Shunning the sin . 2. Regret it . 3. Being determined not to perform it again . * When a Muslim sincerely repents , Almighty God , accepts his repentance and forgives his sins . Allah says in the Quran " O you who believed ! turn to Allah with sincere repentance ! it may be that your Lord will remit from you your sins and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow" ( At- Tahreem: 8 )

Etiquettes with other people A Muslim should behave correctly \ with others in all of his dealings ; each type of person has a particular set of etiquettes according to their position and the nature of their relationship with others , therefore : 1. A Muslim obeys his parents in all matters expect when it entails disobedience to Allah " God " , he also honors them , glorifies their position , humbles himself to them , and expresses kindness in words and actions towards them ; he shouldn’t scream at them , nor say words of

disrespect or call them by their names ; but rather , he should say " O father or O mother " and spend on them whenever they need anything from him . 2. A Muslim knows that his children have rights upon him , such as carefully choosing the wife who will be their mother ; ensuring a proper up bringing for them and cultivating and providing for them . he should be merciful and kind until they grow up and become independent . 3. A Muslim accepts that their spouse has rights over him Allah says in the Holy Quran " And they have rights ( over husbands ) similar ( to husbands ) over them to what is reasonable " Al-Baqarah : 228 4.

Among the etiquettes of the husband with his wife are : (1) To have patience , tolerance , and compassion , because the prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) said : " Treat women kindly , because they were created from a crooked bone and the most crooked part of the one is its top part ; if you try to straighten it you will break it , and if you leave it then it will continue to be crooked ; so treat women kindly " ( Bukhaari & Muslim) . (2) To if provide for her sufficiently , which is an Islamic obligation . (3) To be gentle in the treatment of her because the prophet ( peace be upon him ) said : " the best amongst you are the best in treatment to their wives " (4) To love her , for the prophet ( peace be upon him ) said : " A believer shouldn’t hate his wife ; if he dislike one of her characteristics then to there are others in her which he would like " (5) To be just with her . (6) To give her the due sexual right in order to keep her chaste . (7) To hide her secrets. (8) To not focus on her faults and shortcomings . (9) To teach her Islam and command her to do good and forbid her from evil . (10)To play and joke with her .

5- Neighbors in Islam have rights similar to kinsfolk ; among these rights are that one should be (1) kind to them in words and actions. (2) refrain from harming them in any way . (3) Be generous with them (4) Have a smiling face when he meets them . (5) Check on them . (6) Give them gifts . (7) Respect and honor them .

(8) Refrain from mocking them . the prophet ( peace be upon him ) said : " Jibreel " the angel " continued to instruct me about kindness to neighbors , until I thought that they would hare of the will " in another narration the prophet ( peace be upon him ) said : " Let one who believes in Allah and the Hereafter be generous with his neighbor " ( Bukhaari & Muslim) Finally , I ask Almighty God to guide me to His straight path and forgive me , my parents , wife and my kids , and all Muslims .

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