Extra Credit

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Subject: RE: Study Guide Answers for Exam 1 From: Maria Letargo

Sent: September 14, 2009 11:02 PM To: Cathy McDaniel CC:

Got it. Thanks. Include a copy of this email recfeipt in your extra credit folder. Comments: 2) What happens if the hypothesis is not proven? 4) List 4 criteria used to define what a mineral is. 5) Cleavage and shape are properties we discussed in class. How does mineral structure affect these properties? 9) Discuss the following processes: magmatic differentiation, magma mixing, and assimilation. 11) List the minerals in the continuous and discontinuous series. | From: Cathy McDaniel | Subject: Study Guide Answers for Exam 1 | Date Sent: September 13, 2009 2:46 PM | To: Maria Letargo | | | Attached are the answers to the study guide questions. Thanks.

Subject: RE: Study Guide answers for Exam 3 From: Maria Letargo

Sent: November 2, 2009 6:50 PM To: Cathy McDaniel CC:

Got it. Thank. Include a copy of email receipt in your extra credit folder. Comments: 4) Low confining pressure/temperature or high confining pressure/temperature - brittle or ductile? High stress, short time or low stress, long time - brittle or ductile? Rock type? 13) Mantle is not totally all magma. See your answer to questions 14 and 17. 17) 3rd statement is confusing. | From: Cathy McDaniel | Subject: Study Guide answers for Exam 3 | Date Sent: November 2, 2009 5:17 PM | To: Maria Letargo | | | Cathy McDaniel | Nov. 2, 2009 |   | GEOLOGY STUDY GUIDE CHAPTERS 15,16 AND 17

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Journey to the Center of the Earth Movie Synopsis – Extra Credit This movie starts with an immature uncle that has to take care of his nephew. The nephew’s father, Maxwell is brother to Trevor who is a professor that teaches about volcanoes and their activity. Maxwell has a son, Trevor’s nephew, named Sean. When Sean’s mom drops him off to his Uncle Trevor, she gives her husband’s brother a box that contains the Maxwell’s last trip information and the location of three volcanic monitors. This is the trip that Max took and came up missing. He has been missing for ten years at this time. No one knows where he is or if he is still alive. So, that is what the movie revolves around. Trevor and Sean are trying to find Max. Trevor takes Max’s book and maps and travels to Iceland to try to find these, now, four monitors and his brother. While in Iceland, they meet a woman that knows the mountains and how to get around through them. She is also the daughter of the man that was working with Max. They believed that the book found in Max’s belongings, Journey to the Center of the Earth, is actually true and went to seek it out. She reluctantly agrees to guide them through the mountains. During their time exploring in the mountains, there is a storm that traps them in a cave.

Trevor, Sean and Hannah, their mountain guide start exploring the cave and end up

falling through a hole to the center of the earth. This is the obviously fictional part, there is no way one could fall to the center of the earth and live once they got there. Plus, even if they did, it would not be a beautiful place of greenery with sun and water. This would never happen in real life. However, once Trevor and Sean get to this place, the mountain guide stumbles upon Max, Sean’s dad and Trevor’s brother. The mountain guide then take Sean away so that Trevor can bury his brother. After talking and arguing, Trevor and Hannah both agree that they need to get out and back to the Earth’s surface within 48 hours. The center of the Earth’s temperature is increasing and if they do not get back to the surface soon, they will die. This is probably what

happened to Trevor’s brother; he could not get out in enough time. They make a raft, going on Max’s theory, and are able to shoot up through the Earth by using the heat from magma to force water up. The three make it and as with most movies, there is a happy ending. While in the center, they find minerals that they sell back on Earth and make a small fortune. This movie was great entertainment, but pure fiction. There is really no way any of that could actually happen.

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