Explosion Mod

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,930
  • Pages: 9
#wxsand: owen piette's falling sand game #version 4, file subversion 2 #element element r g b gravity slip density conductivity visible group basic fire water empty wall wall-remover heating-block cooling-block group burnables fire black-powder greek-fire astrolite-g astrolite-a sodium-gunpowder rocket-fuel group black-powder fire potassium sodium-nitrate sulfer charcoal black-powder potassiumsulfer s-nitratesulfer group flash-explosion fire zinc-dust sulfer group greek-fire water ammoniumnitrate ammoniumchoride zinc-dust iodinecrystal ammoniumnitcho ammoniumnczm greek-fire group astrolite fire ammoniumnitrate hydrazine astrolite-g aluminium astrolite-a group sodium-gunpowder fire sodium-chlorate charcoal sulfer sodiumcharcoal sodium-gunpowder group rocket-fuel fire sodium-chlorate rubber-cement polyepoxide sulfer sodiumrcement sodiumrcepoxy rocket-fuel #erases. element 1

empty 0



#dissolves other elements. element water 32 32 255 1 hotcolor water 180 201 226 neighbor 0.75 water greek-fire












#if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element water2 32 32 255 1.000000 1.000000 0.500000 0.400000 0 hotcolor water2 180 201 226 self 0.08000 water2 1 empty neighbor 0.75 water2 greek-fire 1.0 water2 fire #a solid element which reacts with nothing. element wall 128 128 128 0.000000 hotcolor wall 255 0 0 #burns other elements. element fire 255 1 self 0.08000 fire neighbor 0.45 fire neighbor 0.60 fire neighbor 0.75 fire neighbor 0.55 fire neighbor 0.85 fire #if you are seeing this element fire2 223 0 self 0.08000 fire2 neighbor 0.45 fire2 neighbor 0.60 fire2 neighbor 0.75 fire2 neighbor 0.55 fire2

source of energy. 160 50 -0.500000 1 fire2 black-powder astrolite-g 1.0 astrolite-a 1.0 sodium-gunpowder rocket-fuel 1.0







1.0 fire fire astrolitegb1 fire astroliteab1 fire 1.0 sodiumgunpowderb1 rocketfuelb1 fire


element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 102 33 -0.500000 0.000000 0.001000 1.200000 0.900 empty 0.10 black-powder astrolite-g 1.0 astrolite-a 1.0 sodium-gunpowder

1.0 fire fire 1.0

smoke fire fire

fire fire

fire fire

#if you are seeing this element smoke 105 0 self 0.002 smoke 1 hotcolor smoke 1

element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 105 105 -0.800000 1.000000 0.001000 0.200000 empty 1 1

#a element that constantly provides major heat to anything it comes in contact with. element heating-block 255 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1 #a element that constantly removes heat from anything it comes in contact with. element cooling-block 0 0 255 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1 self 1 cooling-block 1 cooling-block hotself 1 cooling-block #an alkali metal that is used in the production of black powder. it is also known as saltpeter. element potassium 190 190 190 1.000000 1.000000 0.800000 0.400000 1 neighbor 0.9 potassium sulfer 1.0 empty potassiumsulfer #a type of salt that is used in explosives and propellants as an oxidizer. can be used in place of potassium as an ingredient in black powder. element sodium-nitrate 255 255 255 0.900000 1.000000 0.875000 0.400000 1 neighbor 0.9 sodium-nitrate sulfer 1.0 empty s-nitratesulfer #a non-metal that is found normally found near hot springs and volcanic regions. it is used in the production of black powder. element sulfer 210 255 80 1.000000 1.000000 0.875000 0.400000 1 neighbor 1 sulfer sodiumrcepoxy 1.0 empty rocket-fuel #a piece of wood heated without oxygen and transformed into impure carbon. it is used in the production of black powder. it is also used in a "flash explosion". element charcoal 60 55 40 1.000000 1.000000 0.885000 0.400000 1 neighbor 0.9 charcoal potassiumsulfer 1.0 empty black-powder neighbor 0.9 charcoal s-nitratesulfer 1.0 empty black-powder #a powder that is used as an element black-powder 70 0.400000 1 hotcolor black-powder 255 self 1 black-powder hotself 75 black-powder

propellant and explosive. 30 40 0.800000 1.000000 150 1.0


0 fire

#if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element potassiumsulfer 60 80 40 1.000000 1.000000 0.900000 0.400000 0 #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element s-nitratesulfer 60 80 40 1.000000 1.000000 0.900000 0.400000 0 #grinded up zinc that helps contribute to a "flash" explosion.

element zinc-dust 100 1







neighbor 0.9 zinc-dust sulfer 1.0 empty explosion1 #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element explosion1 0 0 0 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0 explode explosion1 fire 16 #a pure white powder that is a oxidizing agent in explosions. also commonly used in fertilizers due to high nitrogen content. element ammoniumnitrate 255 255 255 0.800000 1.000000 0.825000 0.400000 1 neighbor 0.9 ammoniumnitrate ammoniumchoride 1.0 empty ammoniumnitcho neighbor 0.9 ammoniumnitrate hydrazine 1.0 empty astrolite-g #a pure white salt that forms in volcanic regions. is used in certain explosives, mainly in water igniters. element ammoniumchoride 255 255 255 0.900000 1.000000 0.825000 0.400000 1 #a virtually unreactive halogen that is also the second most electropositive halogen. commonly found in seawater. element iodine-crystal 150 10 200 1.000000 1.000000 0.850000 0.400000 1 #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element ammoniumnitcho 250 10 200 1.000000 1.000000 0.875000 0.400000 0 neighbor 0.9 ammoniumnitcho zinc-dust 1.0 empty ammoniumnczm #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element ammoniumnczm 250 100 100 1.000000 1.000000 0.900000 0.400000 0 neighbor 0.9 ammoniumnczm iodine-crystal 1.0 empty greek-fire #an explosive that instead of being ignited by fire, is ignited by water. greekfire anyone? element greek-fire 100 150 200 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.400000 1 hotcolor greek-fire 255 150 0 self 1 greek-fire 1.0 water2 hotself 75 greek-fire #a chemical compound commonly used in rocket fuel, and is used in making astrolite. this compound becomes useless if water is added to it. element hydrazine 120 255 100 1.000000 1.000000 0.875000 0.400000 1 #the most common type of astrolite. a explosive mixture that is comparable to tnt and nitroglycerine in detonation velocity. however it's of lower density then either of them. element astrolite-g 200 240 12 1.000000 1.000000 0.900000 0.400000 1 hotcolor astrolite-g 255 150 0 self 1 astrolite-g 1.0 fire hotself 75 astrolite-g

#a metal that is used in aerospace and explosions. found mainly in bauxite ore, and is very resistant to corrosion. element aluminium 230 230 180 1.000000 1.000000 0.825000 0.400000 1 neighbor 0.9 aluminium astrolite-g 1.0 empty astrolite-a #the synthesized form of astrolite-g and the most potent version of all the astrolite compounds. interestingly it can be stored in soil for up to four days, and retain its explosive charge. element astrolite-a 200 240 200 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.400000 1 hotcolor astrolite-a 255 150 0 self 1 astrolite-a 1.0 fire hotself 75 astrolite-a #a oxidizing agent used in unstable explosions. it is mostly used to produce chlorine dioxide for bleaching paper pulp. element sodium-chlorate 245 245 245 0.900000 1.000000 0.825000 0.400000 1 neighbor 0.9 sodium-chlorate rubber-cement 1.0 empty sodiumrcement #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element sodiumcharcoal 190 190 190 0.900000 1.000000 0.900000 0.400000 0 #a mixture that burns fairly well. gunpowder. element sodium-gunpowder 230 0.400000 1 hotcolor sodium-gunpowder 255 self 1 sodium-gunpowder 1.0 hotself 75 sodium-gunpowder

although not nearly as well as "real" 160


150 fire





#a special chemical that only reacts with solids. specifically walls, it incinerates them. element wall-remover 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 self 0.002 wall-remover 1 empty neighbor 1 wall-remover wall 1.0 wall-remover wall-remover #a adhesive made from polymers mixed in a solvent such as acetone, hexane, heptane or benzene to keep them fluid enough to be used. it is used in obscure explosives. element rubber-cement 80 0 0 1.000000 1.000000 0.850000 0.400000 1 #a thermosetting epoxide polymer that cures when mixed with a catalyzing agent or hardener. it is used in obscure explosives. element polyepoxide 200 100 0 1.000000 1.000000 0.870000 0.400000 1 neighbor 1 polyepoxide sodiumrcement 1.0 empty sodiumrcepoxy #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element sodiumrcement 190 100 50 1.000000 1.000000 0.860000 0.400000 0 #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere.

element sodiumrcepoxy 0.400000 0







#a mixture that burns exceedingly well. used mostly in space-crafts. element rocket-fuel 190 90 90 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.400000 1 hotcolor rocket-fuel 255 150 0 self 1 rocket-fuel 1.0 fire hotself 95 rocket-fuel #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element sodiumgunpowderb1 255 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.00000 0 self .05 sodiumgunpowderb1 1 fire neighbor 1 sodiumgunpowderb1 empty 1 sodiumgunpowderb1 sodiumgunpowderb2 #if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element sodiumgunpowderb2 255 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.00000 0 self .05 sodiumgunpowderb2 1 fire neighbor 1 sodiumgunpowderb2 empty 1 sodiumgunpowderb2 fire #if you are seeing this element in element astrolitegb1 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astrolitegb1 1 neighbor 1 astrolitegb1

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astrolitegb2 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astrolitegb2 1 neighbor 1 astrolitegb2

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astrolitegb3 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astrolitegb3 1 neighbor 1 astrolitegb3

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astrolitegb4 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astrolitegb4 1 neighbor 1 astrolitegb4

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astrolitegb5 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astrolitegb5 1 neighbor 1 astrolitegb5

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab1 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab1 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab1

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1













#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab2 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab2 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab2

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab3 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab3 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab3

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab4 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab4 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab4

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab5 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab5 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab5

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab6 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab6 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab6

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab7 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab7 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab7

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab8 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab8 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab8

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab9 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab9 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab9

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element astroliteab10 255 2.00000 0 self .05 astroliteab10 1 neighbor 1 astroliteab10

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1



















#if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere. element rocketfuelb1 255 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.00000 0

self .05 neighbor

rocketfuelb1 1 1 rocketfuelb1

fire empty 1



#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb2 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb2 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb2

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb3 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb3 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb3

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb4 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb4 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb4

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb5 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb5 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb5

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb6 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb6 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb6

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb7 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb7 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb7

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb8 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb8 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb8

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb9 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb9 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb9

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb10 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb10 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb10

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1



















#if you are seeing this element in the list then there was a mistake somewhere.

element rocketfuelb11 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb11 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb11



#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb12 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb12 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb12

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb13 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb13 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb13

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb14 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb14 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb14

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb15 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb15 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb15

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb16 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb16 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb16

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb17 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb17 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb17

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb18 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb18 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb18

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb19 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb19 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb19

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb20 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb20 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb20

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1
























#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb21 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb21 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb21

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb22 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb22 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb22

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb23 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb23 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb23

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb24 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb24 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb24

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

#if you are seeing this element in element rocketfuelb25 255 2.00000 0 self .25 rocketfuelb25 1 neighbor 1 rocketfuelb25

the list then there was a mistake somewhere. 214 78 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1

fire empty 1











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