Explanations In Every Article

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 565
  • Pages: 2
Explanations in every article: Section 20 Role of the private sector in the economy The Constitution recognizes the importance of the private sector in the development of the national economy. For this reason, the State is commanded to encourage private enterprise & to give incentives to investors, local or foreign, who may want to do business in our country. The Constitution does not favor an economy where the State directly competes w/ private business. The business of government is governance & not money- making. It should not engage in business activity w/c can be or are competently & efficiently undertaken by the private sector. Section 21 ➢

covers all phases of rural development-economic, social, political, cultural and industrial

Section 22

this rights wishes to preserve ethnic, religious, or linguistic traditions or characteristics markedly different from the rest of

the population SECTION 23 ∙the state as it encourages community based or sector organizations should refrain from an actuation that would tend to interfere or subvert the rights of these organizations Section 24

Communication & information here refer to mass media.

➢ Means of communication such as motion pictures, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc. are called mass media because they are able to reach the mass of people. They play a very important role in nation- building for through them the people are enlightened on certain public issues. They can also serve as useful tools to promote unity among the Filipinos despite differences in cultural backgrounds & customs. ➢ The state recognizes the rights of the media as an effective instrument in promoting national integration and preserving Filipino values and tradition ➢

SEC. 25

➢ The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law SECTION 26 ➢

Equal access to opportunities for public service

➢ This policy does not allow the existence of political dynasties or the practice of keeping political power w/in the control of selected families. It emphasizes the duty of the gov’t. to uphold democratic election & appointments to positions in the gov’t. based solely on merit & fitness. Less influential & poor but deserving individuals must be given a chance to run for public office or be appointed to resposible positions in the gov’t. SECTION 27-Section 27 of the Constitution seeks to minimize, if not completely eliminate, graft and corruption in government. What is needed is for public officials to lead by moral example. They must live up to the trust given them by the people by always seeing to it that they do not engage Inany "under the table” transactions. Honesty and integrity in the public service will strengthen the faith of the people in their government and make available much needed funds for the development of our country and the improvement of the lives of our people. SEC. 28-Full disclosure by the State of all its transaction

Section 7 of the Bill of Rights guarantees the people’s right to know any transaction entered into by the government which involves matters of public concern. Sections 28, on the other hand, demands that the State disclose information regarding transactions without the people demanding such. The policy covers matters involving public interest especially those concerning the utilization of public funds and property. It does not, however, cover confidential matters, public knowledge of which may endanger the security of the State.

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