Exodus 33-34

  • October 2019
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Sunday School 8/10/2008

Moses Petitions the Lord and Beholds His Glory Exodus 33:1-34:35 I. Context Who are the main characters in this passage? What do we know about them? The Israelite people: Moses: When and where does this passage take place? The events of this passage take place after Moses destroyed the golden calf that the people were worshipping, as Moses returned up Mt. Sinai to seek atonement for the sins of the people. It took exactly three months from the time the Israelites left Egypt until they arrived at Mt. Sinai (19:1), and almost 2 months passed until Moses destroyed the golden calf (3 days of preparation after arrival [19:16], 7 days of God's glory descended upon Mt. Sinai before Moses is called up to the top [24:16], and 40 days that Moses dwelt on the mountain with the Lord [24:18], not including any unmentioned travel time, if any). This places the start of this passage around 5 months since they left Egypt and the end of the passage about 40 days later (34:28). What is going on? (Summary of Events) At the end of Chapter 32, Moses is ascending the mountain again to seek atonement for the people's sin in worshipping the golden calf. The Lord tells Moses to leave Mt. Sinai with the people and proceed to the Promised Land, but because of their stiff-necked ways, the Lord would send an angel ahead of them instead of going with them himself. When Moses told the people this, they mourned and did not put on any ornaments as a demonstration of their mourning. (33:1-6) There is a brief description of the Tent of Meeting, which is the tent where Moses would meet with the Lord as they traveled from Egypt to Sinai. When Moses would approach the tent, the people would watch him, and when the pillar of cloud descended over the entrance to the tent, they would all worship the Lord. (33:7-11) The passage then rejoins Moses as he petitions the Lord to go with the Israelites to Canaan, to which the Lord agrees. Moses then asks to see the Lord's glory and the Lord permits Moses to see only his back, because no one who saw the Lord's face would be allowed to live. The Lord instructs Moses to bring two new tablets with him the next day and the Lord would pass by him to allow Moses to see his glory and would write out the testimony again on the tablets. Moses obeyed and the next day the Lord passed by Moses and proclaimed his own name as he passed Moses. Moses's response was to worship the Lord and beg forgiveness for the people. (33:12-34:9) The Lord makes a covenant with Moses and reiterates the words of the law that would be written on the stone tablets. Moses wrote down everything the Lord said and dwelt with the Lord on the top of Mt. Sinai for 40 more days and nights without eating bread or drinking water. When Moses returned to the people from the mountain, his face was radiant from being in the Lord's presence (34:10-35) II. Interpretation What principles are illustrated in this passage? What would you consider the theme of this passage? What do we learn of God's character from this passage? Does this passage point us toward or connect with Christ? If so, how? Is God glorified by the events of this passage? If so, then how? What specifically about these actions or events bring glory to the Lord or reflect his glory? What actions or events detract from God's glory? What attributes does the Lord proclaim about himself? How might this be a model for how we can proclaim his name? III. Application Our sole purpose for existing is for the glory of the Lord. In everything that we do, we ought to make it our primary focus to bring glory to God. Experiencing God means seeking his glory step by step, day by day. Is it evident to others when you've met with the Lord? Moses's face was radiant from his time with the Lord. Do other people notice something different about us as a result of spending time with God?


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