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  • Words: 699
  • Pages: 47
Exodus Let’s get the Egypt out of here

Joseph’s buddy… • • • • • • •

The Pharaoh Dies The new guy Doesn’t know Joe Oh No Here we go. Feel my flow?

No? • • • • •

Oh…… It’s so fun though Rhyming ya know? Okay okay… Anyway….

The new Pharaoh • • • •

Sees that the Israelites have grown “Too numerous” So he enslaves them. And orders the midwives to kill all male children. • They refuse. • So he orders the children to be thrown into the Nile. • So you ask yourself?

What about the Covenant?

A Levite child is born • • • • • •

His mother hides him. In a papyrous basket And sends him down the river. Pharaoh’s daughter finds it. And takes the child in. She names him Moses…which means

“I drew him up out of the water” (Nothing typological here)

Moses • Grows up with the Egyptians. • (We don’t know too much about the Egyptian years…but he grew up with the Egyptians.) • As an adult he sees an Egyptian strike a Hebrew. • And this makes Moses very angry!

You wouldn’t like Moses when he’s angry • He kills the Egyptian. • This angers everybody…Egyptians and Hebrews… • Especially Pharaoh. • Who decided to kill Moses. • (gulp…)

So he does what any one of us would do in his shoes… • He goes to the desert to hang out with the Midianites. • And lays the smack down on some bandits who are attacking the Midainite girls. • And…he gets a wife out of it. • What a hunk, that Moses.

It’s a boy! • Moses and his new lady friend Zipporah have a baby named Gershom. • Moses does the shepherd thing with the midianites and lives happily ever after.

The end

I know.. There’s more

Out there in the desert…

Theophany • God shows up…

•Big time!

• Take your shoes off kids. • Holy Ground! • Burning Bush!!! • Why a burning bush?

God has heard the Israelites • And promises a deliverer • And Moses is to be that deliverer. • Moses is to go to Pharaoh and demand • That the people be allowed to go and worship. • And as a huge bonus

SHEM SHEM • • • • •

God reveals his SHEM HA SHEM!!!! I AM WHO AM YHWH WOW!!!!! What does this reveal?

Who is and Who was and Who is To Come

• God i s “Beauty so Anci ent and Yet so N ew. ” (St. Augusti ne. ) • God I S pure Be ing. ( He e xists through Himsel f and no one el se. ) • His name is MEG A HOLY. • YH WH is the Tetragrammaton…a name so Hol y to the H ebrew peopl e that it was onl y whi sper ed

So Moses has to go back

And tell Pharaoh

Let my people GO!!!

Moses returns to Pharaoh • • • • • • •

And lets him know what’s up. God works wonders. But Pharaoh’s heart is hardened. He will not let the people go. So it comes time for plagues. Nasty plagues… 10 of them.

Know them… in order.

Oh…by the way. • Look at John 2….Jesus’ first public miracle. • Notice anything?

Plague after Plague • • • •

Pharaoh will not give… So there comes the worst. The saddest… The wage of sin…

Nope Even worse

Even worse!!!


The first born • Of the Egyptians were struck down. • Only I the celebration of the Passover are the Hebrews to be saved. • By the blood of the Lamb. • Death passes over. • The blood of a sacrificed, unblemished lamb.

• • • • •

And at this…pharaoh lets them go. So they set out. But his heart is hardened. And he chases them out. To the Red Sea.

God leads with a pillar of fire. Them He splits the sea. The Israelites pass through the waters… From slavery to freedom

And they are led out into the wilderness.

And they all live happily ever

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