Excerpt From Ford Motor Company Business Plan - One Team

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  • Words: 332
  • Pages: 3
“Work together effectively as one team” An Excerpt from FORD MOTOR COMPANY BUSINESS PLAN


December 2, 2008


IV. Work together effectively as one team As part of the One Team approach, we have implemented a disciplined business plan process to regularly review our business environment, risks and opportunities, our strategy, our Plan, and identify areas of our Plan that need special attention and pursue opportunities to improve our Plan. Everyone is included and contributes, openness is encouraged, our leaders are responsible and accountable, we use facts and data to make our decisions, high performance teamwork is a performance criteria and we follow this process every week, every month, and every quarter, driving continuous improvement. We believe this process gives us a clear picture of our business in real time and the ability to respond quickly to new issues and changing conditions – as we have done in the face of rapid changes in the market and business environment in 2008. In addition, we are partnering with and enlisting all of our stakeholders to help us execute our Plan to deal with our business realities and create an exciting viable Ford business going forward. We are reaching out and listening to customers, dealers, employees, the UAW, suppliers, investors, communities, retirees, and federal, state and local governments. Each of these constituencies is a critical part of, and critical to, the success of our business going forward. Realizing our goal of profitable growth for all is as important to these stakeholders as it is to our shareholders. Implementing the elements of our Plan in North America will deliver a viable and profitable business, poised for profitable growth for all. Under our Plan we expect our profitability (operating profit before taxes – excluding special items) to be at or above breakeven for both Corporate and North American Automotive in 2011 and our Corporate operating cash flow to be at or above breakeven in 2011.




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