Excavation Safety: Excavation Procedures Department: Chemical And General Safety Program:

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Excavation Safety: Excavation Procedures Department: Chemical and General Safety Program: Excavation Safety Owner: Program Manager Authority: ES&H Manual, Chapter 11, Excavation Safety1 Introduction The following procedures are to be used when planning and conducting excavation operations, defined in Chapter 11, �Excavation Safety�, as �operations where contact with soil is expected, such as trenching and removing soil�, that meet any of the following conditions, at any time: 1. Are one foot or more in depth 2. Involve the use of power tools 3. In which utilities are identified or any hazardous conditions are likely to be encountered

Note The following operations are exempt: soil, concrete, and asphalt sampling from bins, hoppers, or stockpiles, using hand tools and replacing of existing sign posts in and around SLAC roads, parking areas, and pathways, provided sleeves are utilized. Legend CE: construction engineer EP: Environmental Protection Department EP-WM: Environmental Protection Department, Waste Management Group ESPM: excavation safety program manager JHAM: job hazard analysis and mitigation JSA: job safety analysis MD-FDS: Mechanical Design Department, Facilities Design Services Group PM/UTR: project manager/university technical representative RP: Radiation Protection Department

RP-FO: Radiation Protection Department, Field Operations Group SSSP: site-specific safety plan

1 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 11, �Excavation Safety�, http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/hazardous_activities/excavations/policies.htm

2 �Facilities Design Services�, http://mdweb.slac.stanford.edu/Facilities%20Design.php 3 Excavation Safety: Excavation Permit Form (SLAC-I-730-0A23R-004), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsFormPermit.pdf | .doc (Word) 4 Excavation Safety: Utility Marking Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A23S-009), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsReqUtilityMarking.pdf 5 Excavation Safety: Utility Line Location Results Form (SLAC-I-730-0A23J-004), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsFormUtilityLocation.pd f Excavation Planning Procedure Phase Step Person Action 1. Planning

1.1. Define Excavation

1.1. 1. PM/UTR Submits service request to MD-FDS2 1.1. 2. MD-FDS Initiates permit process (numbering permit), pulls all as-builts

pertaining to the proposed excavation area, and sends permit and as-builts to the PM/UTR3 1.1. 3. PM/UTR Marks specific location, width, length, and depth of the proposed excavation on the as-builts 1.1. 4. PM/UTR Completes Section A of the permit 1.1. 5. PM/UTR Requests a utility line locator to survey and mark the proposed work area. May contract this utility survey work or ask MD-FDS to contract it for them. 1.1. 6. PM/UTR Notifies building or area manager 1.2. Survey Site

1.2. 1. Utility locator Surveys excavation and marks utilities following requirements.4 . Area surveyed must extend five feet beyond excavation. . Different techniques must be used to locate all utilities.

. Survey must result in the successful location and marking of all utilities shown on the as-built drawings. If known utilities are not located, potholing of the entire excavation is required until the utility is found.

1.2. 2. PM/UTR Must be present during location. Should be familiar with the limitations of the available survey techniques. 1.2 3. MD-FDS Must be present during location 1.2. 4. Utility locator Completes an utility line location results form5 1.2. 5. PM/UTR Signs completed utility line location results form 1.2 6. MD-FDS Signs completed utility line location results form 1.2. 7. PM/UTR Gives permit to MD-FDS

1.2 8. MD-FDS Completes Section B of the permit 1.2. 9. MD-FDS Sends permit to EP

6 Beam Line Map (8628A1), https://wwwinternal.slac.stanford.edu/esh/hazardous_activities/excavations/resources/BeamLine map.pdf 7 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 2, �Work Authorization�, http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/general/work_authorization/policies.htm 8 SLAC Environment, Safety, and Health Manual (SLAC-I-720-0A29Z-001), Chapter 42, �Subcontractor Construction Safety�, http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/hazardous_activities/subcon_construction/policies.htm 1.2. 10. EP Completes Section C of the permit, examining project area for chemical contamination issues and other environmental impacts and noting recommendations for excavated material handling and disposition on permit 1.2. 11. EP Sends permit to RP if applicable (excavation within an radioactive material area (RMA) or radioactive material management area (RMMA), or with 25 lateral feet of beam housing) (and copy to EPWM with waste disposal recommendations)6 1.2. 12. RP If applicable, completes Section D of the permit, reviewing excavation for radiological and radiation shielding concerns 1.2. 13. EP (RP if applicable) Sends permit to ESPM for approval 1.3. Plan Work

1.3. 1. PM/UTR Ensures hazard analysis and work planning documents are complete (JHAM for work performed by SLAC employees; SSSP and JSA, plus Cal/OSHA annual permit if excavation five feet or more deep, if by subcontractor). Prepares any additional paperwork required. See Chapter 2, �Work Authorization�,7 and Chapter 42, �Subcontractor Construction Safety�8 1.3. 2. PM/UTR Contacts EP Waste Management Group to arrange for disposal coordination or waste containers 1.4. Approve Permit

1.4. 1. ESPM Approves permit 1.4 2. ESPM Sends copy of approved permit to PM/UTR for posting at work site Notifies EP and MD-FDS that the excavation has been approved

9 Excavation Safety: Excavated Material Handling Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A23S006), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsReqMaterial.pdf 10 Excavation Safety: Physical Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A23S-007), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsReqPhysical.pdf 11 Excavation Safety: Potholing Requirements (SLAC-I-730-0A23S-004), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsReqPotholing.pdf Excavation Procedure Phase Step Person Action 2. Excavating

2. 1. PM/UTR Posts completed permit with job safety plans (JHA or SSSP and JSA, Cal/OSHA annual permit). Permit must be posted at job site before work can begin. 2. 2. PM/UTR If scope of project changes, for example, size of excavation changes or unexpected conditions are encountered, must notify the ESPM. The ESPM will then determine whether the permit needs to be revised and resubmitted. 2. 3. PM/UTR and/or competent person

Any time an unknown/unidentified subsurface utility is encountered, stops the activity until the exact nature and condition of the utility can be determined 2. 4. PM/UTR and/or competent person If sheen is observed, odor is detected, or discoloration of soil is encountered in an excavation, stops the activity and contacts EP9 2. 5. Personnel Conduct work according to permit conditions and excavation requirements10, 11 2. 6. Personnel In the event of an emergency situation requiring rescue from an excavation, SLAC or subcontractor personnel will not attempt to enter an unprotected or failed trench to perform a rescue. The fire department will be notified at 9-911 and the exact location of trenching activities given. The fire department will be notified by the UTR of the details of the trenching or excavation activities according to the posted permit at the excavation site. Personnel in the excavation who are physically able will exit immediately, providing assistance to others only when not endangering their own safety. Rescue services that can be performed safely from outside the excavation, such as hoisting a harnessed victim, may be undertaken while waiting for rescue personnel. 2. 7. ESPM/CE Visits excavation site periodically, checks presence of a competent person and compliance with requirements. If problems noted, meets with PM/UTR/competent person. 2. 8.

Competent person Whenever employee presence can reasonably be anticipated, completes daily inspection of excavations, the adjacent areas, and protective systems for evidence of a situation that could result in possible edge or wall collapse, cave-ins, indications of failure of protective systems, hazardous atmospheres, or other hazardous conditions

12 Excavation Safety: Daily Inspection Checklist (SLAC-I-730-0A23J-003), http://wwwgroup.slac.stanford.edu/esh/eshmanual/references/excavationsChecklistInspectDaily. pdf 13 SLAC University Technical Representative Requirements and Procedures for Construction (SLAC-I720-0A03Z-002), https://wwwinternal.slac.stanford.edu/operations/manuals/UTRManual.pdf An inspection must be conducted before the start of work and as needed, as determined by the competent person and the PM/UTR, throughout the shift. In addition, inspections must be conducted after every rain event, exposure to vibrations or heavy loads, or other hazard increasing occurrences. Where evidence is of found of a situation that could result in a possible edge or wall collapse, cave-in, indications of failure of protective systems, hazardous atmospheres, or other hazardous conditions, must remove exposed employees from the hazardous area until the necessary precautions have been taken to ensure their safety Maintains record of inspections12 2. 9. Competent Person Must be present during active operations 2. 10. PM/UTR Must be present at the excavation site during . Active operations in which employees are expected to descend and when powered machinery is to be used . Placement of access/egress components such as ramps, ladders, or stairs . Placement of support systems . Activities where heavy equipment is used . Activities that present a significant hazard to personnel or equipment

Meets at least daily with subcontractor to discuss the JSA for that day Documents activities at the job site in a daily log and signs daily inspection checklist See SLAC University Technical Representative Requirements and Procedures for Construction13 2. 11. EP-WM Coordinates disposition of excavated material with PM/UTR according to recommendations from EP and RP

Excavation Close Out Procedure Phase Step Person Action 3. Closing Out

3. 1. PM/UTR Ensures completion of as-builts, if required, and verifies in the field 3. 2. PM/UTR Ensures completion of excavation Meets with ESPM, delivers as-builts, if required, and signs Section F of permit 3. 3. ESPM Closes permit record, signs Section F of permit Notifies EP and MD-FDS that the permit has been closed, delivers as-builts, if required, to MD-FDS 3. 4. MD-FDS Updates as-builts

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