Emergency And Safety Procedures

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,423
  • Pages: 22


A clean workstation free of debris and clutter is critical to maintaining a safe work environment. Housekeeping is a continual effort, but one where the rewards are far greater than the effort. The proper management of routine tasks should be maintained at all times.  Poor housekeeping affects all aspects

Application Housekeeping is the responsibility of all employees. Employees are responsible for their departments and any other locations they do work for Supervisors are responsible for overseeing employees and insuring that proper housekeeping is maintained.  We must take every precaution to prevent accidents. Managers and employees must take responsibility for their safety and for the safety of our customers. The key is consistent use of safe work practices. Work areas should 

If a problem exists at any point the employee should contact a supervisor or complete a “Report of Unsafe Conditions” form. Aspects of proper housekeeping practices are outlined in all safety programs and trainings. This is a summary of the major housekeeping tasks that must be maintained on a regular basis. 

Emergency and Safety Procedures 

Executive housekeepers should institute safetytraining programs design to instruct housekeeping employees in safe work practices. Specific instructions to guard against hazards and dangers unique to their job assignments should also be provided. Housekeeping departments of large lodging establishments often form safety committees consisting of three or four employees for the purpose of preventing accidents from happening and investigating accidents after they take place in the workplace. Members of the safety committee regularly inspect all areas in the department, such as the laundry room, and employee areas, looking for possible and safety and fire hazards.

Problems that are usually encountered in a hotel are as follows: 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fire Floods Earthquake Typhoons

Fires and Explosions Small fires can easily be extinguished without evacuating the building or calling the fire department. However, even a small fire can quickly become a serious problem. The first few minutes are critical to preventing a larger emergency. Classification of Fire: 4. Class A fires- ordinary combustible solids such as paper, wood, rubber, and textiles. 5. Class B fires- petroleum hydrocarbons and volatile flammable solvents. 6. Class C fires- electrical equipment. 7. Class D fires- combustible or reactive metals such as sodium, potassium, or magnesium, metal hydrides, or organometallics.

Causes of Fire ØCarelessness (including smoking) ØBurning rubbish / waste ØPoor housekeeping ØElectrical faults ØMisuse of electrical installations

Fire Prevention 

Fires in lodging properties are quite common but so is the fact that most hotels, motels and resorts with state of the art equipment to suppress fires when they occur. Executive housekeepers can help prevent fires by fireproofing guestroom furnishing. Curtains, carpets, pillows, blankets, and upholstery should be purchased labeled as fire-retardant or flameproof, as cigarette smoking in bed by guests is the typical cause of fires in guestrooms. Above all, employees must be trained not to panic in case of fire but remain calm in all cases. Panic emotion can cause people to feel disoriented, preventing them from acting rationally.

If there is any doubt whether the fire can be controlled locally by available personnel or equipment, the following actions should be taken: 2. 3.

4. 5.


Activate the emergency alarm system. Confine the fire (close window, doors between rooms, and fire doors) to prevent further spread of the fire. Assist injured personnel. Evacuate the building; move to an assemble point for accountability. (See the Emergency Response Plan for your assembly area.) DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO GO BACK INTO THE BUILDING!

Emergency Exit Plan

Flood Prevention  By

installing and maintaining floodgates at all potential entry points into the hotel.  Sandbags are on hand during typhoon season in preparation for any continuous downpour that may occur

Earthquakes Dangers associated with Earthquakes: 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Partial building collapse such as collapsing walls, falling ceiling plaster, dislodged light fixtures and pictures. Flying glass from shattered windows. Overturned furniture such as cabinets, standing lamps or bookcases. Fires, broken gas lines and similar causes. Fallen power lines. Inappropriate actions resulting from panic.

Safety Rules during Earthquake: 

Remain Calm!

If your inside the hotel: 4. Stand in doorway. 5. Get under a table or desk. 6. Brace yourself in an inside corner away from windows. 7. Move to an inner wall or corridor. 8. Watch for falling objects.


3. 4.

5. 6.

Stay away from tall shelves, cabinets and other furniture that might slide or topple. Stay away from windows, sliding glass doors and mirrors. Grab anything handy to shield your head and face from falling debris and splintering glass. Do not be alarmed if the fire alarm or sprinklers go off. Do not rush outside...stay on the same floor that you are on.

Do not use the elevators as the power for elevators may go out and leave you trapped. 12. The greatest danger from falling debris is just outside doorways and close to outer walls. 11.

If you are outside the hotel: 4. Move away from the building, garage walls, power poles and lamp posts. 5. If possible, proceed cautiously to a safe area.

General Safety Rules after an Earthquake:        

Remain calm. Do not panic. Do not light matches, cigarettes or turn on electrical switches. Protect hands and feet in all areas near broken glass or debris. Keep head and feet protected (with blanket, hat, pillow, etc). Fill your bathtub and sink with water. Wait for further instructions by the Hotel Emergency Response team

Other Safety Tips for Housekeeping Workers:          

Use gloves as often as possible in the workplace. Use goggles when decanting hazardous chemicals. Wipe all spills immediately, particularly on the floors. Walk; do not run! Report all hallway obstructions. Discard chipped or broken glassware safely. Use pan and brush to sweep up broken glass. Never touch electrical switches with wet hands. Do not use equipment that has frayed electrical cords.

         

Keep stored material away from sprinkler heads and light bulbs. Do not use chairs or boxes to reach for stored material. Keep loads close to body when lifting. Bend knees and keep a straight back when lifting heavy objects. Never try to give heavy liquids to an unconscious person. Control bleeding by pressing on the wound with a clean towel. Do not use bare hands to push or pull trash in wastebaskets. Handled soiled linen with care to avoid contact with sharps. Always use gloves to handle blood spills or stains, Report any real or potential safety hazard to your supervisor.

Employee Theft 

Estimates of employee theft in the workplace are very high. It is believed that half of all employees steal from their employers. Housekeeping employees have ample opportunities to steal and pilferthey can steal from guests, as they have master keys to access the guests’ rooms; and they can pilfer company property, particularly guest and cleaning supplies, linens, and tools.

Minimizing Theft 

An effective way of controlling employee theft is by implementing a parcel-pass system by which employees leaving the property must show security officers a signed authorization to remove any items from the premises. A designated entrance/exit for employees that is controlled by security can be very effective, deterring individuals from exiting the premises through unmonitored doors. Properties that use keys rather than cards must establish an effective way of limiting access to guestrooms, floor closets, and storerooms by establishing a key-control system. Keys must be accounted for at all times by logging them in and out at the beginning and end of shits. To avoid misplacement, master keys should be attached to a cord or lanyard or placed in large metal rings.

Theft by guests and Intruders 

The proverbial filching of towels by guests is a common today as it has ever been. In some cases, cash-only guests take with them bathroom appliances, coffee makers, blankets, pillows, clock/radios, telephones, TV sets, and, in rare cases, the entire furniture of rooms by parking a van behind the room sliding door/window. Guest theft can be minimized by the establishment’s not admitting travelers who don’t own a credit card. In any case, section housekeepers should be trained to report immediately any missing item from rooms or when observing a guest’s suitcases or trunks and the presence of suspicious characters loitering in

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