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  • Words: 366
  • Pages: 11
Early Warning Systems:

Fundamental Component of Disaster Risk Management

By Marzuki Sinambela

Disaster Risk Management Framework Derived from Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 Governance and Organizational Coordination and Cooperation Risk Identification

Historical hazard data, analysis and changing hazard trends Exposed assets & vulnerability Risk quantification

Risk Reduction

PREPAREDNESS: early warning systems, emergency planning and response capacities MITIGATION AND PREVENTION: Medium to long term sectoral planning (e.g. building resilient infrastructure)

Risk Transfer

CAT insurance CAT bonds Alternative Risk Transfer mechanisms Other emerging products

Information and Knowledge Sharing Education and training

Global Coordination in Hazard Detection and Forecasting to Support Multi-Hazard EWS Global Observing System

Coordinated Satellite System

Global Data Processing and Forecasting System

Global Telecommunication System

Communication and Dissemination

National Meteorological and Hydrological Services


General public

Private sector Government and civil defence authorities


What is an Effective EWS?


k ac b d fee gs n i rn wa

supported by DRR plans, legislation and coordination mechanisms






Marine Health (etc.)




feedback pr ev ac ent tio iv ns e

wa rn in gs



Community Preparedness

National to local governments




Effective Early Warning Systems National to local disaster risk reduction plans, legislation and coordination mechanisms are critical to ensure emergency planning and response involving 4 technical components

National Example: Cyclone Preparedness Programme in Bangladesh

Analysis of NMHSs’ Capacities, Gaps and Needs related to DRR and EWS 139 National Meteorological and Hydrological Services participated: 1. Assessment of role of NMHSs as reflected in planning, legislation and national DRR coordination mechanisms; 2. Assessment of NMHS' capacities in observing, data management, forecasting and warning services; 3. Capacities to deliver products and services and warnings; 4. Assessment of NMHSs’ cooperation and coordination with other agencies and ministries.

Responses to the WMO Country-Level Survey 44/48 92 %

18/22 82 %

25/34 74 %

10/12 83 %

14/19 74 %

24/52 54 %

139 out of 187 Members (74 %) responded Least developed countries: 25/50 50 %

Developing countries: 85/137 54 %

Status of EWS Projects with Multi-Hazard Approach

South-Eastern Europe, East Asia Caucasus South Asia China (Shanghai)

Central America

South-Eastern Asia South-Eastern Africa

Thank You

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