2018-XXX MONTH DAY, YEAR Author(s):
Name, Position
Name, Position
A BILL TO FUND NAME OF STUDENT ORGANIZATION AND EVENT NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
WHEREAS, the Preamble to the Student Senate Rules and Regulations states, choose one or more statements from the Preamble of SSRR Art. I § 2 that relate to the event or organization requesting funding. , and WHEREAS, the STUDENT ORGANIZATION NAME is a/an UNDERGRADUATE or GRADUATE student organization, open to all students, that is registered with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center, and WHEREAS, PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PURPOSE/GOALS/ETC. OF THE STUDENT ORGANIZATION REQUESTING FUNDING, and WHEREAS, provide information about the event/speaker/project including: (1) name of the event/project and/or speaker(s), (2) date of the event, (3) description of the event/project/speaker, etc., (4) event location, and (5) expected participation/attendance for the event/speaker/project, and WHEREAS, detailed description of the event/speaker/project’s multicultural and/or education purpose, and WHEREAS, provide the total cost of the event/speaker/project/items and how much money has been raised by non-Student Senate sources, and WHEREAS, any additional information you believe will be helpful for the consideration of the request by the Senate. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the University of Kansas Student Senate here assembled that the sum of $_____TOTAL____ be allocated from the Student Senate Unallocated Account to (STUDENT ORGANIZATION NAME) for the following:
Honorarium/Item/Event Honorarium/Item/Event TOTAL
$____________ $____________ $____________