Evaluation: Stevie Pell

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  • Words: 1,773
  • Pages: 8
Evaluation Stevie Pell


Uses and Developments •It features continuous narratives dealing with domestic themes and personal relationships: Our soap advert uses these narratives, relationships, homosexuality and personal issues. These issues are also shown in the poster and the magazine. These storylines are extremely common within soaps. We used these effectively, allowing the audience to relate or escape their own reality. Our primary shocker enhanced these themes, adding controversy, encouraging controversial views for the audience to discuss, inevitably promoting the soap. •British soaps most often feature common, ordinary, working class characters: Although our characters were younger, from our target audience and planning, the actors are working class. The house the shots are filmed in or outside are working class places, not an upper-class setting. This relates to the audience further whilst presenting a reality theme throughout the advert. We developed this convention further using younger actors to encourage both young and older audience, within group C, D and E. •As a rule, British soaps are realistic or, at least, aim for realism: Through the themes of a real soap media, our primary shocker and meta-narratives are all realistic, though some unlikely circumstances, the narratives are still aimed for realism. This allows audiences to relate to specific narratives or characters. Even though the primary shocker is controversial, it is still a realistic narrative, even though it may be uncommon in the present time. •The plots are open-ended and usually many storylines are featured or even interlinked in an episode:


Uses and Developments •Three, four or even five storylines will be in progress during any one episode, with the action switching between them: We used and developed this convention through the many meta narratives and the main primary shocker we showed. The advert interlinks the narratives just like the soap opera itself would do. We have a total of around 4 meta narratives, some combining with the main primary shocker. By using the advert as a prototype model of the soap, the storylines switch between themselves, varying the pace of the advert. •British soaps deal with controversial issues such as homosexuality, drugs and underage pregnancies: These issues stir up public debate and media interest, consequently pushing up ratings and, of course, the issues themselves get more and more controversial as time goes on. Therefore we developed these theme conventions to make our soap interesting and produce controversy between the target audience. These conventions relate to the purpose of the soap, allowing the audience to escape or relate to individual narratives and characters. We developed this convention by using the homosexuality theme as our primary shocker. •Strong emotions, female orientation and unlikely circumstances: We used strong emotions through our advert in the narratives used, the physical contact near to the end of the advert showed anger, creating a juxtaposition between the first shot of lust and love between homosexuals. Therefore we also used female orientation in our soap, using two females in the primary shocker as well as loosing a female presented on the magazine. As well as this, the posed photo on the magazine cover presents the woman in front and the male behind, in competition with another female. The unlikely circumstances we produced was the

Conventions Challenged Forms

We challenged the structure form of the soap conventions through the characters used. We didn’t follow the common character types, instead we combined types of character to produce more interesting and controversial storylines. We used the independent woman and young couple along with a homosexual theme to create a contentious primary shocker. The meta narratives then followed the common structure of the narratives. As well as this, the characters shown on the advert, posters and magazine cover are fairly compact as there aren’t many characters. Although this differs from the main conventions of a soap, the storylines allow more characters to be introduced within the weekly soap opera. A soap convention is, ‘British soaps are deeply community based and usually have a central meeting point (often a pub) where all the characters meet’ which we did not quite follow. Although we included our pub, our narratives are fairly separate to each other, and as the character number is less than an original soap, the meting place of a pub would not fit our narratives. If we did the product again, we would research in to the relationships between a neighbourhood, involving separate narratives, however having all the character’s knowing each other. This could therefore produce more storylines for the soap to carry on. However, as we were only to produce an advert, the characters that can be shown are limited. The soap created form our advert can show relationships between all the characters in the soap, even though this relationship was not shown in the advert and ancillary tasks.


Advert, Poster and Magazine Cover The combination of the ancillary tasks were effective in the promotion and advertising of the main advert product. The aesthetics of the poster and the magazine attract the audience and gives a brief outline of the narratives included within the advert. The advert promotes the soap further by showing clips of the soap, relating to homosexuality, domestic relationships, disappearance and suicide. These themes we have included in our advert, are reiterated in the poster and the magazine cover, producing clear narratives for the target audience. The screen shots as well as posed shots on the poster and magazine cover, create a variety of clips and images from the soap for the audience. The magazine cover is a promotional aspect through use of images, as well as the rhetorical questions and language on the cover. This makes the audience ask questions, hooking the target audience and encouraging them to watch the soap. The poster is a very vague promotional aspect, however, the posed photo provides the characters attitudes towards each other showing confliction and a hint at The advert creates moving clips and snippets for the audience, leaving homosexuality and cheating. cliff hangers at the end of each shot. This is a common aspect of soap opera’s, promoting the soap as well as hooking the targeted audience Although the poster only presents the primary shocker, the fire in the background presents tension and relates to other narratives within the soap advert.

Audience Feedback Survey Questions

For the soap advert and ancillary tasks to be successful, questions were produced to ask our target audience. To target our audience, the shots produced different perspectives of life and contributed to ethnology (observing and interacting with living people) The feedback was positive and beneficial towards are advert. We asked the following questions and this is our feedback, presented in graphs and charts. Did the advert make you watch the soap? Did the advert make you want to watch the soap?

Did the poster and magazine give you a brief idea of the narratives included? Did the poster and magazine give you a brief idea of the narratives included?

Were the narratives used relative to a real soap media? Were the narratives used relative to a real soap media?


7 6

7 6


5 Number of Target 4 Audience


6 5 Number of Target Audience

Number of Target 3 Audience


4 3











0 Yes




Audience Feedback Survey Questions

Were the narratives and shots shown in the advert used realistic? Were the narratives and shots shown in the advert used realistic?

Did the narratives shown in the main product relate or encourage you to escape from your own life issues? Did the narratives shown in the main product relate or encourage you to escape from your own life issues?

Were the poster and magazine cover contents relevant to the advert? Were the poster and magazine cover contents relevant to the advert?

6 5








Number of Target 3 Audience


6 5 Number of Target 4 Audience 3

Number of Target 2.5 Audience 2







0.5 0

0 Yes




0 Yes


We gained constructive feedback, positive and encouraging for our main product and ancillary tasks. A couple of our audience stated reasons for their decision. The graph feedback from the ancillary tasks relevance was explained, as the poster only included one storyline. However, when researching in to posters on soaps, there is only one narrative shown and the others are shown through the advert and magazine cover. From the feedback, if we were to do the soap opera advert and ancillary tasks again, we would research further in to soap narratives and characters, and aim to meet the common characters shown in the soap which will result in all the narratives being similar to a soap opera.

New Media Technologies

Construction, Research, Planning and Research: For the research we used Google tools and the internet to gain knowledge Evaluating on soaps, adverts and their promotion techniques. Planning: For the planning and the overall project, we used new media technologies in the form of the Wiki (Wetpaint) which is a collection of web pages that can be edited and monitored by a group. This software enabled the group to see each person’s document that has been uploaded as well as this recent activity. We used this to keep track on the project development as well as the individual’s progress. As well as this, we used Scribd. Scribd is a digital uploading website, in which conversion tools are used, such as html embed, to show the whole document rather than using just a hyperlink.

Construction: For the construction and editing, we used

both hardware and software

as well as other media technologies to produce the best advert, poster and magazine cover. For the advert, we used two media cameras, enabling us to film each shot from different angles and closeness. We also used Adobe Premier 7 to edit our filming. Although this was a new technology used, we had continuous problems with the software freezing, therefore increasing the contingency time. To produce the film on our Wiki, we You Tube, a form of Video Sharing. We then used html conversion tools to embed the advert in to our Wiki. We also used the i-phone in the construction of our film, involving technology within our soap. For our ancillary tasks, we used publisher and Photoshop to produce a magazine cover and poster similar to real soap ancillary promotion tasks.


The use of PowerPoint enabled the layout of the evaluation to be clear as well as separate the individual sub-titles. Microsoft Excel was also used to display the

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