Evaluating Alternatives Strategies Reporting

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SYSTEM ANALYSIS (Evaluating Alternatives, Strategies & Reporting)

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Introduction The topic covers the remaining tasks in The systems analysis phase 1. Evaluation of alternative solutions 2. Preparation of the system requirements document 3. Presentation to management

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives Make or buy decision  In-house


 Developed

 Software

by the company’s IS department


 Purchased

or leased from software publishers

or vendors

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives

Developing software in-house  Reasons

for in-house development

 Satisfy

unique requirements  Minimize changes in business procedures and policies  Meet constraints of existing systems  Meet constraints of existing technology  Develop internal resources and capabilities

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives Buying a software package  Reasons

for buying a software package

 Lower

costs  Requires less time to implement  Proven reliability and performance benchmarks  Implemented by other companies  Requires less technical development staff  Future upgrades provided by the vendor CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives Customizing software packages:  Purchase

a basic package that can be customized to suit your needs  Negotiate with software vendor to make enhancements to suit your needs  Purchase the package and make your own modifications

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives Other software alternatives  Outsourcing  End-user


CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives

Outsourcing Using

outside companies to handle part of the workload, on short-term or long-term basis

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives 

End-user systems  Major factor in systems planning and development  Applications can be managed by end-users  Software suites offer integrated applications  Interactive Help features include wizards  Security concerns might require read-only files  Information centers (IC) can support end-user systems

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Evaluating Software Alternatives Selecting a software alternative  Decision

will affect remaining SDLC phases  Systems analyst’s involvement depends on which alternative is selected

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Level of Analyst involvement

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Steps in Evaluating and Purchasing Software Packages Five step process 1. Evaluate the information system requirements 2. Identify potential software vendors 3. Evaluate software package alternatives 4. Make the purchase 5. Install the software package

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Steps in Evaluating and Purchasing Software Packages Step 1: evaluate the information system requirements    

Identify the key features of the system Estimate volume and future growth Specify any hardware constraints Prepare a request for proposal or quotation

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Steps in Evaluating and Purchasing Software Packages Step 2: identify potential software vendors  Next

step is to contact potential vendors  An RFP will help vendors to identify solutions  Various sources of information on supplie CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Steps in Evaluating and Purchasing Software Packages Step 3: evaluate software package alternatives  Object

is to compare software packages and select the best alternative  Obtain information from many sources  Vendor

presentations and literature

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Steps in Evaluating and Purchasing Software Packages Step 4: make the purchase  Software

licenses  Lease agreements  Maintenance agreements

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Steps in Evaluating and Purchasing Software Packages Step 5: install the software package  Installation

time depends on size and

complexity  Before using the package, complete all implementation steps  Loading,

configuring, and testing the software  Training users  Converting data files to new format

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Hardware Alternatives Hardware decisions use the same fivestep approach as software decisions  Evaluate

system requirements  Identify potential hardware vendors  Evaluate hardware alternatives  Make the purchase  Install the hardware CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Hardware Alternatives Other issues to consider  Turnkey

systems  Site preparation  New

workstations  Network cabling  Raised floors  Conditioned electrical lines  Fire extinguishing equipment  Uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Completion of Systems Analysis System requirements document  Also

called software requirements specification  Describes alternatives and makes recommendation to management  Similar to a contract for what will be delivered  Must be clear and understandable to users CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Completion of Systems Analysis Presentation to management  Five

probable management decisions

1. Develop an in-house system 2. Modify the current system 3. Purchase or customize a software package 4. Perform additional systems analysis work 5. Stop all further work

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Completion of Systems Analysis

 Presentation

guidelines and suggestions

 Give

overview of the project’s purpose and objectives  Summarize alternatives, with costs, pros, and cons  Explain why the recommended alternative was chosen  Allow time for discussion, questions, and answers  Obtain final decision from management or timetable for next step CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Communications Tools Objectives List the guidelines for successful communications Explain the importance of effective letters, memos, and e-mail communication Describe the organization of written reports that are required during the SDLC and explain each report section List the guidelines for effective oral communication CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Communications Tools Objectives Organize and plan an oral presentation Review important speaking techniques Successful systems analysts must have good written and oral communications skills

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Guidelines for Successful Communications The major objective is to make sure that your communication answers the questions why, who, what, when, and how

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Guidelines for Successful Communications Know why you are communicating and what you want to accomplish Issues to consider  Is

this communication necessary?  What am I trying to accomplish?  What specific results am I seeking?

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Guidelines for Successful Communications Know who your targets are Issues to consider  What

are the organizational and knowledge levels of the audience, and what are their information needs?  What is my overall communication strategy?  What feedback am I getting from the audience? CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Guidelines for Successful Communications Most importantly, know your subject  Consider

what others will expect you to know and what questions they will ask  If you do not know the answer to a question, it is better to say “I don't know, but I’ll find out” rather than to guess

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Two main types of communication Written Reports Oral Presentations

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Written Communications Good writing is an essential skill Written errors exist long after spoken words are forgotten The major objective is to avoid grammatical, typographical, and spelling errors There are many sources of information about developing good writing skills Courses, especially business writing courses  Bookstores and libraries 

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Written Report - System Proposal What should be included in the system proposal? Ten main sections are recommended

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Written Communications Suggestions for preparing written documents Know your audience  Use active voice whenever possible  Keep your writing concise  Use one paragraph to convey a single idea  Use the right style  Use lists  Use short, easy-to-understand words  Check your work  Avoid repeating the same word too often  Check your spelling CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design 


Written Communications Reports You prepare many reports during the SDLC  You can use a basic format and modify it as necessary 

Cover letter  Introduction (title page, table of contents, brief description)  Summary  Findings  Recommendations (can include alternatives)  Appendix 

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and ClickDesign to see Figure 2

33 Package

Oral Communication An oral presentation might be necessary at any time during systems development Oral presentations are especially important  At

the end of the preliminary investigation  At the conclusion of the systems analysis phase CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


What is CASE Provides automated assistance to analysts and designers to build computer systems through implementation of tools, techniques and methodologies of system development Analogous to CAD/CAM in manufacturing environment CASE systems do not analyse or design systems - they ASSIST in this process CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Definition of CASE Category of automated tools to assist system development through computerisation Provides development support from early in Requirements Specification phase through to Maintenance Ultimate promise of CASE is not merely to assist in analysis and design, but to create actual production systems Products now exist that span the entire SDLC CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) CASE tools increase productivity Full set of CASE tools is called a toolkit CASE tools can handle variety of tasks  Create

and integrate data flow diagrams  Logical and physical design  Generation of program code

CASE tool example is Visible Analyst CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Using CASE tools  Data

design tool  Programming tool  Program debugger  Code generator  Project management tool  Maintenance tool CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Categories

of tools Front-end, or upper-CASE tools (used in first three SDLC phases) Back-end, or lower-CASE tools (used during systems implementation and operation phases) CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Goal of CASE Technology Automate the entire SDLC process with a single family of integrated software tools Currently CASE tools may be grouped into two main categories: ... Upper CASE - address early phases of SDLC Requirements Investigation  Analysis 

... Lower CASE - address late phases of SDLC 

Code generation CSC 2202

Systems Analysis and Design


Major components of CASE Documentation assistance Graphics generator; Word processor  Data dictionary  Report and screen designer 

Upper CASE

Analysis enhancements 

Verification processes; Prototyping

Project coordinators Project Management  Application interface 

Application generators 

Code generators; Interface to 4GL

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design

Lower CASE


Traditional vs CASE SDLC

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


DFD Gane and Sarson version of DFD

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


DFD Yourdo n version of DFD

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Data Dictionary and Word Processing Data dictionary serves as a central repository Contains information on file structures, elements, processes, programs, reports/screens CASE also includes text editing capability Use for design specifications for processes Provide “forms” (templates) with predetermined formats for various design entities CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Analysis reporting DFD under examination by the CASE tool

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Prototyping A (limited) prototype of the final system may be built with a CASE tool May only comprise a logical sequence of screen displays and output reports Some data entry may be possible Helps Users refine their requirement

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Project coordination Keep group members informed on project progress May include or interface to project management facilities - PERT and GANTT charts

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


Review questions 1. What are CASE tools? 2. Explain the differences between upper CASE and lower CASE tools. 3. Explain the role of CASE tools in the systems development life-cycle. 4. Explain prototyping and its advantages in the systems development process.

CSC 2202 Systems Analysis and Design


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