European Nuclear Forces

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FAS Military Affairs Network

European Nuclear Forces

S-2 The original S-2 strategic missile force formed the main land-based element of the French force de frappe, (later the force de dissuasion) from the early 1970s. In 1973 a program was initiated to develop the second generation SSBS Sol-Sol-BalistiqueStrategique) system, the S-3, entailing the renovation of the first two groups of S-2 silos and replacing the missiles with the S-3 model. Development of the S-3 was completed in 1980. Deployment of the S-3 began in 1980, and both groups of nine silos were operational by the end of 1982

S-3 The S-3 was an intermediate range, silo-based, solid propellant, single warhead ballistic missile. In September 1996, France shut down its 18 land-based nuclear missiles. It was expected to take two years to dismantle the missiles and their concrete silos. The French designation for the S-3 is Type S-3D/TN-61. In 1973 a program was initiated to develop the second generation SSBS (Sol-Sol-Balistique-Strategique) system, the S-3, entailing the renovation of the first two groups of S-2 silos and replacing the missiles with the S-3 model. Development of the S-3 was completed in 1980, and it was initially planned that S-3 might be replaced by a land-based version of the M-5 missile by about 2005. By 1993 it was decided that there would be no replacement system, though plans announced in 1994 indicated that a land-based version of the M-4 missile might replace the S-3 missiles on the Plateau d'Albion by 2005. The S-3 is a two stage, solid propellant, intermediate range missile with a length of 13.8 m, a base diameter of 1.5 m and a launch weight of 25800 kg. It has a range of around 3500 km. S-3 has the same first stage as the S-2 with a solid propellant weight of 16940 kg and a burn time of 72 seconds, with a second stage, the P-6, originally developed for the MSBS (Mer-Sol-Balistique-Strategique) M-20 missile, with a solid propellant weight of 6015 kg and a burn time of 58 seconds. An advanced re-entry system is reported to be incorporated in the system. The re-entry system is also said to be radiation hardened and to contain a new system of penetration aids to improve defence penetration. The S-3 has a single nuclear warhead, TN61, believed to have a yield of 1.2 MT and carried within a payload of 1000 kg. Launch facilities include the silo in which the missile is maintained in operational readiness, and an annexe housing the automatic launching equipment and the support services. Launch facilities are hardened against nuclear effects. Deployment of the S-3 began in 1980. The first group of nine missiles and their associated silo installations on the Plateau d'Albion were officially inaugurated in May 1980, and both groups of nine silos were operational by the end of 1982 making a total deployment of 18 missiles. Reports indicate that about 40 S-3 missiles were manufactured with a further 13 test missiles.

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux


13.8 m

Body diameter

1.5 m

Launch weight

25800 kg


Single warhead 1000 kg


1.2 MT nuclear




2 stage solid propellant


3500 km



S-4 The S-4 was an intermediate range, silo-based and mobile, solid propellant, MRV capable ballistic missile. The S-4/S-45 program was cancelled in 1991. In 1987 the French Defence Ministry announced a 10 year development programme for the landbased S-4 IRBM to replace the S-3 missile in the late 1990s. However, doubts were expressed in 1988 and several options were explored including land basing a variant of the submarine-launched ballistic missile M-4, land basing a variant of the M-5, or an improved S-4 design known as S-45. In 1991 it was decided to cancel the S-4/S-45 program and to develop a land-based variant of the M-5 SLBM to replace the existing S3 missiles [an effort which was also cancelled]. The S-4 was a two stage, solid propellant, land mobile or silo-based system, with a range of 3500 km. There was planned to be a MIRV payload of three TN-35 warheads, perhaps with yields in the 20 kT range. The original S-4 program called for 36 missiles capable of random dispersal around France by air or road in times of tension. Some reports suggested that there would be 18 missiles for the land mobile force, and the other 18 would replace the S-3 fixed-based force on the Plateau d'Albion.

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux


10.0 m

Body diameter

1.0 m

Launch weight

10000 kg


3 warheads MRV capable


20 kT nuclear each




2 stage solid propellant


3500 km



Pluton Pluton was a short range, road mobile, solid propellant, single warhead ballistic missile. Design of the Pluton started in the early 1960s, and the system entered service in 1974 with the French Army. Plans for a Super Pluton were dropped in 1983 in favour of a new missile programme, called Hades. The Pluton missile was 7.64 m long and had a body diameter of 0.65 m. The missile had a launch weight of 2423 kg and the single stage solid propellant motor gave the missile a range of 120 km. Inertial guidance gave an estimated accuracy of 150 m CEP. The missile was believed to have conventional HE or nuclear warheads, with two nuclear warhead options at 15 or 25 kT depending upon the target. The missile was carried on a heavily modified AMX-30 tank chassis. Provision was made for real time targeting information to be passed to the Pluton command vehicle from a CT-20 drone. The Pluton system entered service in 1974, and it is believed that there were 30 launchers deployed with missiles, reloads and alternative warheads. The system was phased out of service in 1993.

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux


7.64 m

Body diameter

0.65 m

Launch weight

2423 kg


Single warhead


HE or 15/25 kT nuclear




Single stage solid propellant


120 km


150 m CEP

Hades Hades is a short range, road mobile, solid propellant, single warhead ballistic missile. Hades began with project definition in 1975 as a replacement for the Pluton system. Development started in July 1984, and flight testing started in 1988. The Hades program planned to build 120 missiles, some with nuclear and some with HE warheads. Originally designed with a range of 250 km, the range requirement was later increased to 480 km. Reports in 1993 suggested that a reversion to the 250 km range missile, but with a hard target HE penetration warhead and a GPS mid-course updating of the inertial navigation system, would provide an accurate and difficult to counter offensive weapon system. A TV digital scene matching terminal guidance system has also been proposed, providing a CEP down to less than 5 m. Hades was designed for transportation on wheeled TELs, with tractor and trailer, each trailer carrying two missiles in containers that also act as launch boxes. The missile is reported to be 7.5 m long, with a body diameter of 0.53 m and a launch weight of about 1850 kg. The missiles will be capable of carrying either the nuclear TN-90 or conventional HE warheads, the former probably having a yield of 80 kT. Reports suggest that the Hades trajectory is kept low, so that the aerodynamic control fins at the rear of the missile can alter the trajectory and range during flight as well as making evasive maneuvres during the terminal phase near the target. The program completed development in 1992, with the first flight test taking place in 1988. It was planned that Hades would enter service in 1992, and that only 30 missiles on 15 TEL vehicles would be built instead of the original plan to build 120 missiles. In 1991 the French Government announced that the Hades missiles would not be deployed, but kept in storage, and the programme was terminated in 1992. However, 20 to 25 missiles were available in a national emergency with their mobile TEL vehicles, and were all located at Luneville. On 23 February 1996 the announcement by the President of France on the new format for French nuclear forces called for dismantling of Hadès missiles. On 23 June 1997 the last of the Hadès missile was destroyed.

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux


7.5 m

Body diameter

0.53 m

Launch weight

1850 kg


Single warhead


Conventional HE or nuclear 80 kT




Single stage solid propellant


480 km



M-20 The M-20 was the third member of the MSBS (Mer-Sol-Balistique-Strategique) family which comprised a number of submarine-launched, intermediate range missiles, similar in form to the US Polaris and Poseidon families. The force constitutes the second leg of the French nuclear deterrent force. The M-1 version went into service in 1971 and was phased out in favour of the M-2 in 1974, itself replaced by the M-20 in 1977. The new M-4 missile entered service in 1985 and has replaced the M-20. French nuclear-powered submarines (SNLE Sous-marines Nucleaire Lanceur d'Engins balistique), are able to carry 16 missiles each. The oldest boat, Le Redoutable, was not converted to carry the M4 and was withdrawn from service in 1991. Logistical support for the MSBS fleet is provided by the Ile Longue Naval Base in Brest Bay where the assembly and storage facilities for maintenance of readiness are located. Three SSBNs are intended to be operational at any one time. The M-20 system entered service in 1977. There were 100 missiles produced, and the M20 ceased operational deployment in 1991. The M-20 was a two stage, solid propellant, intermediate range ballistic missile, 10.4 m in length and 1.5 m in diameter. Launch weight was 20000 kg and the missile had a range of 3000 km. Control of the first stage was by four gimballed nozzles; the second stage by thrust vector control through a single fixed nozzle. The first stage propellant weighed 10000 kg and burns for 55 seconds, the second stage propellant weighs 6015 kg and burns for 58 seconds. Guidance was inertial. The payload was believed to include some penetration aids and the single re-entry vehicle had some hardening against nuclear effects. The TN-60 warhead was reported to be 1.2 MT.

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux


10.4 m

Body diameter

1.5 m

Launch weight

20000 kg


Single warhead with penetration aids


1.2 MT nuclear




2 stage solid


3000 km


1000 m CEP

M-4 / M-45 The M-4 is an intermediate range, submarine-launched, solid propellant, MRV capable ballistic missile. It is the fourth missile in the MSBS (MerSol-Balistique-Strategique) family which comprises a number of submarine-launched, intermediate range missiles, similar in form to the US Polaris and Poseidon families. The M-4 missile is a three stage, intermediate range missile, 11.05 m long and 1.93 m in diameter. The launch weight is 35000 kg with an inertial guidance system. The first stage burns for 62 seconds, the second for 71 seconds and the third for 43 seconds. The three stage solid propellant motors contain 20000 kg, 8015 kg and 1500 kg of propellant respectively. Each motor has a single flexible nozzle for control. The Redoutable class submarines forming France's Strategic Ocean Force have been equipped with M-4 missiles, each with six TN-70 or TN-71 nuclear warheads of 150 kt. The range, 4000 km for M-4A and 5000 km for M-4B, is a significant improvement over that of the earlier M-20. The payload has been increased to six re-entry vehicles, which have independent targeting capability made possible by an additional guidance system incorporated within the delivery system. The TN-71 warheads have a yield of 150 kT, and each re-entry vehicle is believed to weigh about 250 kg. This would suggest a total payload capability of approximately 1700 kg. An estimated accuracy of the M-4 missile system is 500 m CEP. The M-45 variant has a range increased to 6000 km, TN-75 warheads and penetration aids. The principal improvements in the M-4 over its predecessor, the M-20, were in range and payload, the M-4 being upgraded to include multiple re-entry vehicles. There are reported to be two versions of M-4 missile in service; the M-4A with a range of 4000 km and the M-4B with a range of 5000 km. Initial development work for the M-4 was carried out in Le Gymnote, using twin tubes for the tests. The first test launch took place in November 1980 on the Landes test range, the 14th and final test firing taking place from Le Gymnote on 29 February 1984. The M-4 missile entered service in 1985. The current MSBS force is based on nuclearpowered submarines SNLE (Sous-marines Nucleaire Lanceur d'Engins balistique), each able to carry 16 missiles. The M-4 is now operational in L'Inflexible, Le Tonnant, L'Indomptable, Le Terrible and Le Foudroyant. It is believed that there are 16 (one boat load) M-4A missiles and 48 (three boat loads) M-4B missiles in service. The M-4 missiles are carried by the `L'Inflexible' class, with five SSBN in service each carrying up to 16 missiles. Logistical support for the MSBS fleet is provided by the Ile Longue naval base in Brest Bay where the assembly and storage facilities are located.

Aerospatiale developed an improved version of the M4 naval missile, the M45. The M-45 missile, armed with six TN-75 nuclear warheads, is a far more sophisticated weapon than its predecessors; its different technical characteristics allow it to respond better to the level of advancement reached by foreign defenses. It has penetration capabilities and decoy systems which allow it to divert the electronic counter-measures of an enemy's sophisticated defences. The M 45 also differs from the M 4 by the nature of the nuclear warhead (TN 75). Six of these nuclear warheads are to equip each M-45 sea-to-ground missile. Budget cuts announced in 1992 indicated that M-45 development would be reexamined. The system synthesis test firing, which qualified the M45 took place successfully from Triomphant in February 1995. The improved version, the M-45, provided a range extension to 6000 km, and in March 1986 a French boat fired an M-4 over a distance of 6000 km; the payload for this flight is not known. Proposals were made in 1988 to adapt a variant of the M-4 missile for land basing instead of developing the S4, but these were not pursued. The M-45 variant entered service in March 1997, fitted to Le Triomphant, the first of the SNLE-NG (new generation) boats. Compared with these TN-70 or TN-71 nuclear warhead models, the TN-75 is what the experts at the Direction des Applications Militaires du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (DAM-CEA) have termed to be a major technological leap. This is a particularly high-performing warhead, unprecedented in France, whose only equivalent is to be found in the most sophisticated United States or Russian weapons. It is known that the power of this thermonuclear device is some 100 kt and its load has been miniaturised to the maximum. It is also lighter than previous weapons, which increases the range of the missile. The new warhead has been hardened, which makes it less vulnerable to electromagnetic impulses which might deregulate its operation in-flight and it also has stealth features to make it less detectable and is equipped with more decoys to divert antiballistic missile defenses. The need for replacing the M 45 resulted in the development beginning in 1992 of a new missile, the M 5. Falling under the concept of strict sufficiency, this program was reorientated towards the version M 51, whose range will be about 6 000 kilometers and who will be able to carry from 2015 of the nuclear heads of new generation (TNO).

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux


11.05 m

Body diameter

1.93 m

Launch weight

35000 kg


6 re-entry vehicles in MRV configuration


150 kT nuclear each


Inertial plus computer payload control


3 stage solid


4000 km (M-4A) 5000 km (M-4B) 6000 km (M-45)


500 m CEP

M-5 / M-51 In 1992 the French defense ministry launched the development of the new generation MSBS, the M-5. This continues the tradition of improvements in the MSBS system since 1971, when the first system, M-1, entered service. The latest development of the MSBS (Mer-Sol-Balistique-Strategique) family will be the M-5 SLBM planned for the seventh French SSBN Le Triomphant, which entered service in 1995, and will be the first of four new SSBN known in France as the SNLE-NG (Sousmarines Nucleaire Lanceur d'Engins Balistique - Nouvelle Generation). The first boats are expected to carry the improved M-45 variant SLBM, until the M-5 becomes available in 2010. The `Le Triomphant' submarines are fitted with 16 SLBM launch tubes. Fullscale development of M-5 was scheduled to start in 1993. A proposal was made to develop a land-based version for location in the Plateau d'Albion as a replacement for the S-3 missiles, with up to 10 land-based M-5 missiles (known as S-5) located in the S-3 silos, but this proposal was cancelled in 1993 in favor of adapting the existing M-4 design. The three stage solid propellant M-5 missile is to have a range of 11000 km, together with modern penetration aids capable of matching the perceived upgrades to the Moscow anti-ballistic missile system. It is believed that the missile will be around 12.0 m long, with a body diameter of 2.3 m and a launch weight of 48000 kg. The payload has been reported as being between 6 to 10 MIRV using the TN 76 nuclear warhead with an expected yield of 100 kT. It is expected that penetration aids will be carried. The M-5 missile was planned for introduction into service in 2010 as a replacement for the M-4 and M-45 SLBM, with full-scale development scheduled to start in 1993. In February 1996 the President of France confirmed the pursuit of the program with certain changes in specifications to conform with budgetary constraints. The new missile, the M-51, will none-the-less, conserve the essential characteristics planned for the M-5. Falling under the concept of strict sufficiency, this program was reorientated towards the version M 51, whose range will be about 6,000 kilometers and who will be able to carry from 2015 of the nuclear heads of new generation (TNO). The M51 system is destined to arm the SNLE-NG from the year 2010. The M51 missiles have a range of around 6,000 km and cost 32.7 billion francs to develop rather than 42 billion for the M5. This saving comes at the cost of a reduced range. The M5 was to be able to carry a 1,400 kg payload to a range of 6,000 km or a 200 kg as far as 14,000 km, in the latter case with one or two rather than six nuclear warheads. The M-51 is a three-stage missile with a total mass of over 50 tonnes (compared to 35 for the M4). The stages use solid propulsion and are equipped with flexible nozzles. Their structures are made by filament winding of carbon fiber/epoxy material. The system takes the evolution of the threat, and new types of defenses into account. The M-51 missile will

have multiple warheads. The volume and mass available for the payload (nuclear warheads and pen-aides) are greatly superior to the M4. Range, significantly higher than 5000 km, will among other advantages, extending the patrol area of the submarine fleet.

Specifications prime contractor

Aerospatiale, Space and Strategic Systems Division, Les Mureaux




12.0 m

Body diameter

2.3 m

Launch weight

48000 kg


6-10 MIRV


Nuclear 100 kT each




3 stage solid


11,000 km




? 50,000 kg

6,000 km

Le Redoutable / L'Inflexible The decision taken by General de Gaulle, to start in 1962 the program " COELACANTH ", equipped France with nuclear submarines launchers [SNLE sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d’engins ], major elements of nuclear dissuasion. It was the birth of the Strategic Oceanic Force (FOST - Force Océanique Stratégique ). A total of six submarines of the Redoutable class were built at Cherbourg Naval Dockyard - part of the major French Naval builder DCN (Direction des Constructions Navales) from 1967 to 1982. S609 Le Redoutable was launched on 29 March 1967, in the presence of General de Gaulle. It was not until 1971 when she became operational. She was decommissioned in December of 1991. With the de-commisioning of Le Redoutable in December 1991, the remaining submarines of this class are known as L'Inflexible class SNLE M4. Four submarines underwent a two and a half year modernization overhaul in the 1980s. All were backfitted with the M4 missile and other equipment to the same standard as L'Inflexible. Improved streamlining of M4 conversion submarines changed the silhouette so that they resemble L'Inflexible. The first operational launch of the M4 was by Le Tonnant on 15 September 1987 in the Atlantic. Other work included an improved reactor core, noise reduction efforts, and updating the sonar. Le Tonnant was recommissioned 15 October 1987; L'Indomptable on 15 June 1989; Le Terrible on 7 June 1990; and Le Foudroyant 15 February 1993. Despite the expense of these upgrades, Le Terrible was de-commissioned in July 1996, and Le Foudroyant was de-commissioned in February 1998.

Specifications Displacement, tons

8080 surfaced; 8920 dived


422.1 (128.7 meters)


34.8 (10.6 meters)


32.8 (10 meters)

Main machinery

Nuclear; turbo-electric; 1 PWR; 2 turboalternators; 1 Jeumont Schneider motor; 16000 hp(m) (11.76 MW); twin SEMT-Pielstick/Jeumont Schneider 8 PA4 V 185 SM diesel-electric auxiliary propulsion; 1.5 MW; 1 emergency motor; 1 shaft

Speed, knots

25 dived; 20 surfaced

Range, miles

5000 at 4 kts on auxiliary propulsion only

Diving depth

250 m (820 ft) approx.


114 (14 officers) (2 crews)


SLBM: 16 Aerospatiale M4; three stage solid fuel rockets; inertial guidance to 5300 km (2860 nm); thermonuclear warhead with 6 MRV each of 150 kT.


Aerospatiale SM 39 Exocet; launched from 21 in (533 mm) torpedo tubes; inertial cruise; active radar homing to 50 km (27 nm) at 0.9 Mach; warhead 165 kg (to be carried in all in due course).


4 - 21 in (533 mm) tubes. total of 18 torpedoes and SSM carried in a mixed load. ECAN L5 Mod 3; dual purpose; active/passive homing to 9.5 km (5.1 nm) at 35 kts; warhead 150 kg; depth to 550 m (1800 ft); and ECAN F17 Mod 2; wire-guided; active/passive homing to 20 km (10.8 nm) at 40 kts; warhead 250 kg; depth 600 m (1970 ft);


ESM: Thomson-CSF ARUR 13/DR 3000U; intercept.

Weapons control

SAD (Systeme d'Armes de Dissuasion) data system (for SLBMs); SAT (Systeme d'Armes Tactique) and DLA 1A weapon control system (for SSM and torpedoes).


Navigation: Thomson-CSF DRUA 33; I band.


Thomson Sintra DSUX 21 `multi-function' passive bow and flank arrays. DUUX 5; passive ranging and intercept; low frequency. DSUV 61; towed array.

Boat List Boat


Le Foudroyant Le S-611 Redoutable S-612 Le terrible S-613 L'Indomptable S-610


Laid Down

Cherbourg 12 Dec 1969

Launched Commissioned Decommissioned 4 Dec 1971

6 June 1974

Feb 1998

29 Mar 1967


Dec 1991

Cherbourg 24 June 1967 12 Dec 1969

1 Jan 1973

Jul 1996

23 Dec 1976

Dec 2003



4 Dec 1971 17 Sep 1974

S-614 Le Tonnant S-615 L'Inflexible

Cherbourg 19 Oct 1974 17 Sep 1977 Cherbourg 21 Mar 1980 23 June 1982

3 May 1980 1 Apr 1985

Sep 1999 Jul 2006

Le Triomphant SNLE The SNLE-NG (Sous-Marins Nucleaires Lanceurs Engins-Nouvelle Generation) will replace the Redoutable class. The class was originally planned to include six boats. Later versions were possibly to have been longer, up to 170 meters, versus the 138 meters of the initial boats. The strategic submarine program was reduced to three for budgetary reasons, but President Chirac decided that the SNLE-NG programme would produce four submarines. On 23 February 1996 the announcement by the President of France on the new format for French nuclear forces called for scaling down of ballistic missile nuclear submarine force from five to four. Constructing the fourth SNLE cost 13 billion francs, and avoided a drawdown in deployments. Of the submarines currently in the strategic submarine force (FOST), four are always operational and two are at sea. With four SNLEs, three could be operational at any given time. The SNLE-NG program is estimated to cost 88.4 billion francs for four submarines. The average cost per submarine has increased from 10 billion francs in 1986 to 12.5 billion. The first of the class was ordered 10 March 1986 with building decision taken 18 June 1987. The second was ordered on 18 October 1989; the third was delayed until 27 May 1993. Sea trials of Le Triomphant started in early 1994, and the boat was commissioned on 21 March 1997. Le Téméraire, the second in the series of new SNLE-NG generation of missile-launching nuclear submarines, was commissioned into active service on 23 December 1999, after successfully passing its sea trials. The ship is now operational in the Oceanic Force. As of 1996 the schedule for the third, Le Vigilant, had slipped until 2001 and the service date for the fourth SSBN was approximately 2005. The admission with the active service of Vigilant, ordered in May 1993, was delayed, first by six months, and a second time in 1996 by two years. In the 1998 budget the Vigilant was delayed one year, which involved the corresponding prolongation of a SNLE in service. It will enter active service in July 2004 (a four and a half year delay). Construction of the third unit, Le Vigilant, continued in 1999. This submarine should be commissioned in 2004. The order for the fourth unit, planned initially for 1996 was deferred into 2000 for an admission to the active service in July 2008 (four years and eight month of delay), requiring the maintenance in service of l’Inflexible until that time. SNLE NG n°4 was finally ordered by the Commission de la défense de l’Assemblée nationale on 15 September 1999. The upgraded M45 missile will equip the first three SNLE-NGs when they become operational. The fourth will receive a new model missile, the M51. The M-5 missile development was first funded in the 1988 budget and the program was accelerated to start in 1993, which was earlier than inially planned. Le Vigilant was intended to be the first to commission with M-5, the others being back fitted. But as of 2000 Le Vigilant will be equiped with the M 45 missile. To remain acoustically furtive, with respect to the new means of detection, the objective attached to the design of the submarines was to gain in this field, a factor 1000 compared

to the submarines of the type "Le Redoutable M4 ". During the design of the Le Triomphant, studies were carried out in order to limit the sound sources and the vibrations of many elements, as well on the level of the hull and the engine as to that of the 750,000 embarked apparatuses and the 50 km pipings conveying the fluids on board. While moving the hull of a submarine creates in the water flows which can be noisy. Also, very particular care was taken with the hydrodynamics of the hull and the appendices (work completed by the basin of test of the hulls). Each part was studied to limit turbulences. The external bridge, made out of composite materials by DCN Lorient to avoid, in particular, with the submarine resounding like a " skin of drum ". The pusher propeller is also a significant source of disturbance of the marine medium, in particular because of cavitation, a phenomenon which releases from the bubbles of air crépitantes at the end of the blades. The standard SNLE Le Triomphant, for this reason, was equipped with a ducted propeller, called " propeller pump " developed by the basin of tests of the hulls and produced by DCN Indret and DCN Cherbourg. To limit the vibrations of the revolving machinery, the ball bearings which tend to hum were replaced by smooth stages , certainly more difficult to adjust with manufacture, but infinitely less noisy and more stable in the long run. To ensure that inevitable noises are not propagated outside the hull, the rigid connections which connect the noisy hardware with the hull were defined to damp out all the vibrations. The rigid connections were replaced by kinds of cradles connected to the hull via suspensions filtering the vibrations. On these cradles, each engine, each pipe, each electric cable is in its turn suspended or posed on other suspensions filtering noises and vibrations. The noisy machines are covered with insulating caps. As for the crew, it will have to be compelled with simple rules by avoiding any inopportune din. The profits in acoustic discretion are done initially with the design then, throughout construction, by a constant care taken to the realization of the systems of insulation of the apparatuses and pipings. The discretion of a submarine depends, also, of the depth which it can reach, because the layers of cold water depths keep the captive sounds. Thanks to its hull, carried out in a special steel, 100 HLES (high weldable elastic limit -- HY 130 to US Standards), supporting a constraint of 100 kilograms per square millimetre, developed by CREUSOT the LOIRE INDUSTRY and DCN Cherbourg, its performances in diving is greatly increased. The power of its new integrated nuclear reactor room, built by TECHNICATOME and DCN Indret, as well as the effectiveness of its pump propeller, confers high quiet speeds. To gain the " war of silence ", it is not enough to do little noise. It is also necessary " to hear before being heard ". The Le Triomphant, for this purpose, is equipped with a sonar more powerful than those of the present generation, provided by THOMSON. On its hull, were laid out various antennas and chains of sensors. In operation, it trails behind him an immense chain of hydrophone sensitive to all the ranges of acoustic waves. The whole of

the data, thus collected by these sensors, is analyzed and exploited on board by powerful computers, federated within the tactical operating system, whose DCN INGENIERIE ensured the control of work. But, in fine, it is also with the " gold ears ", i.e. ultimately to men specialists in underwater acoustics, which returns the care to recognize the " sound signatures " of the potential adversaries. The requirement for the submarine to know, at any moment, its exact position is essential for the precision of firing of its missiles. With the origin and before their recasting, it was necessary to the SNLE of the old generation to return in the vicinity of surface, with regular intervals, to readjust their equipment of navigation on the stars, the satellites, or the radioelectric signals of station to ground. Today, with the development, by the SAGEM (Company of general applications of electricity and mechanics), of a very sophisticated inertial power station, it is not necessary any more. One " more " for discretion. The same company provides the periscopes and the autopilot. The qualities of the system of combat of the submarine and very thorough automation made it possible to reduce the crew from 130 to 111 men, but more especially to increase the reliability of the vehicle by giving again with the man his place: that of that which monitors the machine. The quality and the endurance of the embarked hardware were improved, so that the submarine will not be immobilized any more, for the great careenages, than every seven years (instead of five years before).

Specifications Displacement, tons

12640 surfaced; 14335 dived


453 feet (138 meters)


41 feet (12.5 meters) 55.8 feet (17 meters) aft planes


41 feet (12.5 meters)

Main machinery

Nuclear; turbo-electric; 1 PWR Type K15 (enlarged CAS 48); 150 MW; 2 turbo-alternators; 1 motor; 41500 hp(m) (30.5 MW); diesel-electric auxiliary propulsion; 2 SEMT-Pielstick 8 PA4 V 200 SM diesels; 900 kW; 1 emergency motor; 1 shaft; pump jet propulsor

Speed, knots

25 dived


111 (15 officers) (2 crews)


SLBM: 16 Aerospatiale M45/TN 71; three stage solid

fuel rockets; inertial guidance to 5300 km (2860 nm); thermonuclear warhead with 6 MRV each of 150 kT. (To be replaced by M5/TN 75 which has a planned range of 11000 km (6000 nm) and 10-12 MRVs). SSM

Aerospatiale SM 39 Exocet; launched from 21 in (533 mm) torpedo tubes; inertial cruise; active radar homing to 50 km (27 nm) at 0.9 Mach; warhead 165 kg.


4 - 21 in (533 mm) tubes. ECAN L5 Mod 3; dual purpose; active/passive homing to 9.5 km (5.1 nm) at 35 kts; warhead 150 kg; depth to 550 m (1800 ft); total of 18 torpedoes and SSM carried in a mixed load.


ESM: Thomson-CSF ARUR 13/DR 3000U; intercept.

Weapons control

SAD (Systeme d'Armes de Dissuasion) data system (for SLBMs); SAT (Systeme d'Armes Tactique) and DLA 4A weapon control system (for SSM and torpedoes).


Search: Dassault; I band.


Thomson Sintra DMUX 80 `multi-function' passive bow and flank arrays. DUUX 5; passive ranging and intercept; low frequency. DSUV 61; towed array.

Boat List Boat




Laid Down Launched Commissioned Decommissioned

Le Cherbourg 18 June 1987 9 June 1989 13 July 1993 Triomphant Le S-617 Cherbourg 18 Oct 1989 1994 1996 Temeraire S-618 Le Vigilant Cherbourg 27 May 1993 S-619 N° 4 Cherbourg 2000 S-620 Cherbourg CANCELLED S-621 Cherbourg CANCELLED S-616

21 Mar 1997 23 Dec 1999 July 2004 July 2008

Mirage IV Developed in the wake of the Suez crisis (1956), the Mirage IV is a two-seater, twinengine supersonic bomber having an effective range of up to 4,500 km with in-flight refueling. The exterior similarity between this strategic bomber and the Mirage III is noteworthy, in particular the wing design, which is of the delta-type in the Mirage tradition. In June 1996, the Mirage IVP were retired. It was the linchpin of France's strategic nuclear strike force. Dassault was the prime contractor for the complete weapon system: aircraft, navigation and attack management system, as well as casing and release system for the nuclear device. The Mirage IV 01 made its maiden flight 17th June 1959 at Melun-Villaroche (the Seineet-Marne region of France), piloted by Roland Glavany. The first Mirage IV-A was delivered to the Air Force in February 1964. At the time of its delivery, the Mirage IV was the only plane in the world able to fly at Mach 2 during more than one half an hour. The 50 Mirage IV-A ordered in March 1959 were all finally delivered between 1964 and 1966; dispersed on nine air bases, organized into three mixed squadrons of bombardment, composed each of three squadrons of bombardment and a squadron for in-flight refueling. In June 1964, it was decided to order 12 additional Mirage IV-A having in addition the strategic capacity; this was explained by the fact that the force Mirage IV was to remain in service at least until 1975, and that had consequently to be compensated for attrition. Thus, in less than 2 years, the first component of the nuclear forces strong of 36 Mirage IV-A and 12 C 135 became operational. The production aircraft equipped French strategic nuclear forces between 1964 and 1996 (62 planes). The most significant modification in the 1970s related to the flight profile of flight of the system. To respond to the increasing effectiveness of air defenses, the system focused on penetration low altitude in order to face the increasingly large effectiveness of the ground-to-air missiles in the Eastern European countries. Some modifications of the structure of the plane were necessary to face the constraints of the flight imposed by low altitude. Internal countermeasures were added, and the the model AN 22 nuclear weapon was modified to be releasable at low altitude. The Mirage IV-P/ASMP program was made possible only by the control of very modern techniques and the judicious choices of the selected options. In addition, the Air Force had to adapt the men and the structures to the integration of the Mirage IV-P and the ASMP. Between 1986 and the end of the lifetime of Mirage IV-P [envisaged in 1996], the deployed component included the 91ème Escadre of bombardment with two squadrons, the Center of Instruction of the strategic air Forces and the 93ème Escadre of in-flight refueling with three squadrons.

Specifications Builder team :

Dassault Aviation / SNECMA

First flight :

June, 1959 (aircraft) / October, 1982 (recce system)

In-service in French Air Force : May 1986 (strategic recce version) Wingspan / Length / Height :

11.84 m / 23.32 m / 5.65 m

Weight : empty / maximum at takeoff :

14.5 t / 33 t

Fuel capacity :

Internal / External / In-flight refuelling

Power plant / Thrust :

2 SNECMA Atar 9K14 jet engines / 2x4.7 t and 2x6.7 t with afterburner

Operational ceiling :

66,000 ft

Maximum speed :

Mach 2.2

Crew :

1 pilot + 1 weapon system navigation officer

Special equipment :

Highly developed navigation system including 2 inertial navigation systems and a cartography radar, an optical or infrared CT52 pod (75 and 150 mm cameras for low altitude, 150 and 600 mm Wild cameras or Super Cyclope camera for infrared imagery)

Number of units produced :


Main user countries :

No authorisation for export

NATO interoperability :

In-flight refuelling by French or foreign tanker

French Air Force inventory :

One 5-aircraft squadron (after suppression of nuclear attack Mirage IV)

ASMP The ASMP (Air-Sol Moyenne Portee) is powered by by a ramjet [statoréacteur] with an integrated accelerator. Armed with a tactical nuclear warhead, the ASMP is produced by Aerospatiale, except for the military head, that is provided by the Atomic Energy Commission. The ASMP's nuclear warhead has five times the power of free-fall weapons it replaces. This supersonic missile is guided by a standalone system of inertial navigation that provides it precision requise and allows the launcher aircraft to remain a safe distance from the enemy defenses. The propulsion system constists of a statoréacteur using liquid fuel developed by Aerospatiale. The necessary speed for ignition is reached with a solid rocket motor accelerator housed in the combustion chamber of the statoréacteur. ASMP became operational in May 1986 on Mirage IVP and beginning in 1988 on Mirage 2000 N. It was also adapted on Super Standard for the National Navy, and on-board on the aircraft carrier Foch. At the beginning of 2000, 60 ASMP missiles (and 42 TN81 warheads) were allotted to Mirage 2000N planes belonging to the air force and 24 ASMP missiles (and 20 TN81 warheads) to the Super-Etendard of the air-naval service. Following the orientations taken in strategic committee and ratified in the law of programming 1997-2002, the choice was made on a missile to ramjet called improved ASMP or ASMPA to succeed the current airborne component. The phase of feasibility the ASMPA program began at the end of 1997. The launching of the development is envisaged at the beginning of 2000 for a entry into service into 2010. Compared to current missile ASMP, the ASMPA will offer a greater range (500 to 600 km) and a greater diversity of trajectories, including final penetrations man_uvrantes at very low altitude. The development of the ASMPA is also prepared by an operation, called Vesta, financed to the title of the line " work of aerobic transition " from the law of programming, which will make it possible to test in flight a vector with ramjet common to the improved ASMP and anti-ship missile future ANF. The two missiles will share the same liquid ramjet with prolonged combustion and the same section of guidance piloting. They will differ by their final guidance and, obviously, the nature of their payload. The three exploratory developments launched in 1993 and the exploratory research preparing the project of missile air/sol long range (ASLP) were the major reorientation object in order to cover complementary work necessary to the ASMP improved and not included in the tests of feasibility or the Vesta operation. The Air-Sol Longue Portee (ASLP) was a longer-range version of the ASMP proposed as a co-development project with Britain. It would have had a range of 1,000-1,200 km and would replace the WE177 nuclear gravity bombs providing the Royal Air Force.

Specifications Weight

1,896 lb. (860 kg)


17 ft 8 in (5.38 m)


12 in (300 mm)


3 ft 2 in (0.96 m)


SNPE solid-propellant booster ONERA/Aerospatiale kerosene-fueled ramjet


Mach 3 @ high altitude Mach 2 @ low altitude


300 km @ high altitude 80 km @ low altitude 60 km against naval targets


300-kiloton nuclear

Polaris A-3P In December 1962, the then Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr. Harold Macmillan, met with John F. Kennedy, then President of the United States, at Nassau in the Bahama Islands. They discussed the cancellation of the Skybolt project. Skybolt was a U.S. development project which the U.S. had agreed to share with the U.K. It had been planned as U.K.'s prime deterrent and its cancellation caused the U.K. some concern. At this Nassau meeting, it was agreed that the POLARIS A3P would be made available to Britain in order to maintain the U.K.'s deterrent potential during the years ahead. This agreement became known as the "Nassau Agreement." It eventually resulted in signing of the "U.S./U.K. POLARIS Sales Agreement" in April 1963. It was further agreed that Britain would build its own submarines of their own design, including the nuclear propulsion plant, but would be armed with the POLARIS A3P missile. Britain would also design and construct its own nuclear warheads for the POLARIS missiles. A British Admiralty negotiating team came to the U.S. to negotiate a detailed U.S./U.K. agreement. The POLARIS Sales Agreement was signed on 6 April 1963. Upon approval of this agreement, work began in earnest and continued at an intense pace ever since. VADM R. N. MacKenzie was named the U.K. Chief POLARIS Executive (CPE) and he was authorized to use personnel from the MOD(N) for the production of submarines, ground support, and mechanical and electrical equipment. The Ministry of Public Buildings and Works has prime responsibility for providing facilities ashore for supporting and maintaining the entire system. The Ministry of Aviation has the responsibility, within the U.K., for procurement of the POLARIS missile, including the reentry system and all necessary associated support equipment. It also acts as the U.K. approving authority for the reentry system's warhead. Through the U.K. Atomic Energy Authority, design responsibility for the U.K. warhead is in the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE), under the direction of the Ministry of Aviation. To ensure cooperation and coordination, a Joint U.S.-U.K. Steering Task Group and a Joint U.S.-U.K. Reentry System Working Group were formed. These were parallel structure groups to those in the U.S. FBM Program. Contracts were released to British industry for various parts of their weapon system. Among them were: a. Vickers Ltd. (shipbuilder) for the launching system b. BAC for the POLARIS missile, test equipment, ULCER c. GECfor fire control and test instrumentation subsystem d. Elliott & Sperryfor the navigation system

e. EMIfor the weapon control subsystem simulator f. Vickers, Barrow & Cammell Laird, Burkenhead shipbuilder for the submarines.

Trident-II D-5 The Trident D5 missile is a three-stage solid-fuel rocket approximately 13 metres long, over two metres in diameter and weighing 60 tonnes. It has a range of over 6,000 kilometres. Each missile is technically capable of carrying up to twelve warheads and delivering them on to different targets with an accuracy that can be measured in metres. The advanced capabilities of the system enable it to carry out both the strategic and substrategic roles. On 11 March 1982 agreement was reached between the U.K. and the U.S. to purchase the TRIDENT II missile system. The procurement of D5's replaced the U.K.'s original request of 10 July 1980 to procure C4's. Although the Trident missiles are being bought from the United States, their warheads and the submarines that carry them are British designed and built. The warheads are designed by the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston and assembled at Aldermaston and Burghfield. The Vanguard Class submarines are larger than the Resolution Class mainly because of the need to accommodate the Trident D5 missile. The 16-tube missile compartment is based on the design of the 24-tube system used by the United States Navy's Ohio Class Trident submarines. Although each Vanguard Class submarine is capable of carrying 192 warheads, the boats will deploy with no more than 96, and possibly with significantly fewer.

Resolution In January 1963, the U.K. Defense Committee decided that four FBM submarines should be built, with an option on a fifth which was later canceled. Submarine Number Submarine Name SSBN-01 HMS Resolution SSBN-02 HMS Renown SSBN-03 HMS Repulse SSBN-04HMS Revenge The HMS Resolution (SSBN-01) deployed with POLARIS A3P on its first operational patrol in June 1968. Since 1968 the United Kingdom has deployed a force of four ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) each of 7,500 tonnes displacement, adapted from the then existing Valiant Class SSN, armed with Polaris missiles. This force conducted over 229 consecutive and continuous patrols. The age of the force, and improvements in potential adversaries' capabilities, led the Government to upgrade the Polaris system. The replacement of Polaris with Trident has involved successive Resolution Class boats being retired as the larger Vanguard Class SSBNs entered service.

Vanguard The deployment at the beginning of 1996 year of HMS Victorious, the second Vanguard Class submarine, marks a major step in the transition from Polaris to Trident. Trident has now taken over the main burden of providing UK strategic nuclear deterrent, and also provides a continuously-available sub-strategic nuclear capability, a role the Trident force took over fully when Vigilant entered service and the WE177 bomb was withdrawn in 1998. At that point, Trident became the only UK nuclear weapon system. The Vanguard Class submarine has been purpose-built as a nuclear powered ballistic missile carrier, incorporating a selection of successful design features from other British submarines. In this respect it is unlike its Polaris predecessor, which was adapted from the then existing Valiant Class SSN. At over 150 metres in length and over 16,000 tonnes, about twice the displacement of the Polaris submarines of the Resolution Class. The submarines were designed and built by Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited [VSEL] at Barrow-in-Furness. They are by far the largest submarines ever manufactured in the United Kingdom and the third largest unit in the Royal Navy. A special manufacturing facility, the Devonshire Dock Hall, had to be purpose-built at Barrow for their construction. The Vanguard Class submarines are larger than the Resolution Class mainly because of the need to accommodate the Trident D5 missile. However, the complement of a Vanguard Class boat is smaller - 132 officers and men compared to a Polaris submarine's crew of 149. The Vanguard Class boats include a number of improvements over previous British submarines, including a new design of nuclear propulsion system and a new tactical weapon system for self-defence purposes both before and after missile launch. The 16-tube missile compartment is based on the design of the 24-tube system used by the United States Navy's Ohio Class Trident submarines. Although each Vanguard Class submarine is capable of carrying 192 warheads, the boats will deploy with no more than 96, and possibly with significantly fewer. Since January 1995 Trident submarines have taken on a secondary "sub-strategic" role, with a number of Trident missiles carrying one nuclear warhead. The submarine in reserve may be armed with 11 missiles with 8 warheads, 4 missiles with 1 warhead on each, plus an Active Inert Missile during trials. Some fourteen years after the start of the Trident project, the first submarine, HMS Vanguard, entered service on time in December 1994. HMS Victorious repeated that achievement, entering service in December 1995. The third Trident submarine, Vigilant, was commissioned in Barrow on 2 November 1996. In late 1997 HMS Vigilant emerged from the nuclear weapons store at Coulport fully armed with Trident missiles and nuclear warheads.Vigilant test fired two missiles in October 1997, then loaded missiles from 19 November to 3rd December, in which time nuclear warheads were attached to the missiles at Coulport. There was a final inspection on 05 December 1997, then the

submarine became operational. The fourth and last UK Trident submarine, the Vengeance, was launched at the Barrow-in-Furness shipyard in Cumbria on 22nd August 1998. The Vengeance was commissioned into the Royal Navy at the GEC Marine (formerly VSEL) shipyard in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria on 27 November 1999. It is too early in the life of the Trident program accurately to assess operating costs but the Government estimates them to be in the order of £200 million per annum over a 30 year in-service life. This estimate encompasses manpower and related costs, refits of the submarines, stores and transport costs, a share of the running costs of shore facilities, an element of the costs of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, in-service support of the submarines and their weapon systems and decommissioning and disposal costs. The latest estimate of the total acquisition cost of the Trident programme is £12.57 billion at 199697 economic conditions, over £3.6 billion less in real terms than the original 1982 estimate.

Trident Class Vanguard Displacement 16,000 tonnes Victorious Length 149.5 metres Vigilant 12.8 metres Vengeance Beam Complement Two crews of 132 Armament Trident D5 missiles, Torpedoes

Canberra Over 1,000 Canberras of all types were built between 1949 and 1963, and used by the air arms of 16 countries world-wide; Australia, South Africa, Venezuela, India and Germany amongst others, all flew the Canberra for many years in a wide range of roles such as bombing, reconnaissance, electronic counter-measures and target towing. Indeed, Argentinean Canberras fought against RAF aircraft during the Falklands conflict in 1982, and licence-built bomber and reconnaissance Canberras even saw service with the Australian and United States Air Forces during the Vietnam War. In 1944, the first Meteor jet fighters were entering service with the RAF, and companies with experience in building bomber aircraft were tasked with designing and developing the country's first jet-bombers. To this end such famous companies as Vickers, Avro and Handley Page were chosen along with English Electric, a relative newcomer to aircraft design and production, to bid against a series of specifications that were being drawn up by the Air Ministry and Ministry of Aircraft production. English Electric were awarded contract E3/45 (later changed to B3/45) in May 1945 covering the production of four prototype aircraft by the end of 1949. This short timescale meant that the aircraft would be conventional in design, but, as Freddy Page, Chief Aerodynamicist said, the company's policy was to produce an aeroplane that was 'the extreme in adventurous conventionalism'. A team of some 260 people was quickly recruited under the leadership of WEW 'Teddy' Petter who had previously worked for Westland Aircraft at Yeovil. During 1947, the specification was amended to include a visual bomb aiming system, and this resulted in the addition of a third crew member as bomb aimer. From the outset, the aircraft was designed to operate at speeds comparable to fighter aircraft of the time, and so particular attention was given to producing a clean aircraft with high quality flying controls. Final assembly of the first aircraft, known as the A1, began in early 1949, and on 2 May the completed airframe, serial number VN799, was rolled out of its hangar at Warton and prepared for a series of engine runs and taxying trials. These had been satisfactorily completed by the 11th, and the team now felt confident enough to prepare the aircraft for its first flight at the first available opportunity. Weather conditions on the morning of May 13 were favourable and a decision was made to fly the A1. No major problems were discovered, and, after some minor modifications to the rudder, the test programme began in earnest. By the end of August the aircraft had exceeded 40,000ft (12,200m) and reached speeds in excess of 500mph (805km/h), and a few weeks later the aircraft was shown to an admiring public at the Farnborough airshow. Such was the vigour of Wg Cdr Beamont's display, that when the bomb bay doors were opened, the flight instrumentation pack fell out over the airfield! The three remaining the Canberra B1 prototype aircraft joined the programme before the end of the year, and a variety of tests were carried out over the coming months to clear the aircraft for RAF service. The next batch of 132 aircraft ordered was to the revised three-crew specification of 1947; the B2 was a straight development of the existing

A1/B1 airframe, the PR3 was the first reconnaissance version and the T4 was a dual control trainer. The first B2 flew for the first time on 21 April 1950 followed by a second in August and the first production standard aircraft in October of that year. With trials now being carried out at a very intensive rate, the aircraft was eventually cleared for RAF service in the Spring of 1951. The first RAF Squadron to receive the Canberra was No. 101 based at RAF Binbrook in Lincolnshire. Its first aircraft, a Canberra B2, arrived on 25 May 1951, and was delivered by Wg Cdr Beamont, who gave a short demonstration of the aircraft's aerobatic capabilities, before being met by the Station Commander and other executives for a short hand-over ceremony. Prior to receiving Canberras, the squadron had flown Lincoln bombers, and due to delays in Bomber Command's new strategic bombers (ultimately the Valiant, Vulcan and Victor), it was decided that the Canberra would be used in the strategic bombing role as a stop-gap measure. Interestingly, the Lincoln pilots and navigators chosen to fly in the Canberras were given a conversion course on Meteors, and about three hours of flying was considered enough for the transition to jet aircraft. The next version of the Canberra to enter service was the PR3, the first aircraft joining No. 540 Squadron at Benson in December 1952 who were currently operating Mosquitos in the photo-reconnaissance role. These aircraft featured a crew of two and carried a pack of four or six cameras for daytime operations, while night duties required the use of two F.89 cameras. The fuselage was also stretched by 14 inches to accommodate an additional fuel tank and flare bay. By August 1952, the three remaining Binbrook squadrons (Nos. 12, 9 and 50) had exchanged their Lincolns for Canberras, and No. 231 Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) had formed at Bassingbourn as the dedicated training and conversion squadron. During 1953, re-equipment with the new jet bomber gathered pace. Two more Bomber Command Wings, Scampton and Coningsby, had joined the Canberra force by mid-year, and two ex-Mosquito squadrons, Nos. 109 and 139 at Hemswell, were using the aircraft in the target-marking role. Canberra squadrons took part in many training exercises during this time, and frequently penetrated the radar screen of the defending forces without detection or opposition. Operations at night and also at low-level were particularly successful; one Canberra crew from Binbrook obligingly made a second pass over the USAF base at Lakenheath after his initial low-level run had completely surprised the air defences at the base. Some squadrons also took part in exercises to help develop tactics in attacking Soviet Navy battle groups. During the following year, a further two Wings (Marham and Wittering) received Canberras, and No. 149 Sqn became the first Germany-based squadron when it moved to Ahlhorn and joined the 2nd Tactical Air Force (2 TAF). Major rebuilding work in preparation for the forthcoming strategic bomber force at Coningsby and Scampton forced the relocation of their squadrons to Honington, Waddington and Cottesmore. No. 101 Sqn received the first of the new improved B6 version of the Canberra in June, which featured ejection seats for all crew members and other changes. The aircraft now formed

the backbone of Bomber Command operations until the end of 1955, when the first of the V-bombers, the Valiant, became operational with No. 138 Sqn at Wittering. This signalled the run down of Canberra strategic bombing operations in the RAF, and by the time No. 139 Squadron at Binbrook was disbanded in December 1959, most other Canberra squadrons had transferred to V-bomber operations - only Nos. 9, 12 and 35 Sqns remained as part of Bomber Command. All three squadrons would finally join the V-Force during 1962 with Vulcans. Following re-equipment of Bomber Command strike wings with aircraft of the V-Force, surplus Canberra airframes were re-assigned to squadrons in the Middle East. During 1954, following the build-up of Soviet forces in Eastern Europe, it was decided to establish a Canberra Wing at Gutersloh in Germany to carry out night intruder duties. A development of a dedicated intruder version was some way off, it was decided that existing B6 airframes would be modified to carry a gun pack and have pylons fitted to enable carriage of rocket launchers or bombs. Twenty-two of these interim aircraft, designated Canberra B(I)6, were converted and issued to No. 213 Squadron. The first of the new aircraft, known as B(I)8s, flew for the first time on 23 July 1954, with the first deliveries to No. 88 Sqn at Wildenrath beginning in mid-1956. These aircraft featured a revised fighter-style cockpit, offset to port to improve visibility for the pilot. The navigator's position was also move forward of the pilot into the nose, and did not have an ejection seat. From January 1958, the three B(I)8 squadrons (No. 59 being the third), were committed to the low altitude tactical bombing role. This involved a highspeed (over 450 mph, 724 km/h), low-level approach to the target area, followed by a sharp 3.4g pull-up into a loop, in the course of which a nuclear store was released. By 1960, No. 16 Squadron had converted to Canberra B(I)8s, and the 2 TAF Canberra strike squadrons were maintaining one aircraft on 15 minutes' readiness to carry out a nuclear strike should a war break out. The tremendous stresses placed on the airframe in its low-level role were starting to seriously affect the service life of the aircraft, and the squadrons were looking forward to trading their Canberras for the new TSR2 aircraft in the late 1960s. However, when political wrangling forced the cancellation of TSR2 (and its replacement, the American F-111), the Canberras were forced to soldier on until the early 1970s when the squadrons re-equipped with Buccaneers and Phantoms. From the outset, the versatility of the Canberra airframe allowed many aircraft to be fitted with a variety of special equipment for trails and experiments. A number of aircraft were modified to carry out radiation cloud sampling during Britain's atomic weapons test programme in the Pacific during the 1950s. During the first live hydrogen bomb drop in May 1957, two Canberra PR7s of No. 100 Sqn carried out pre-drop weather checks, and two rocket-fitted Canberra B6s of No. 76 Sqn flew through the radioactive cloud at a height of 56,000 feet (17,078m) sampling the air and collecting samples. After their return to base, the two aircraft were

decontaminated and their samples transferred to two waiting PR7s of No. 58 Sqn for their transit to the UK. One of these aircraft was sadly lost when it crashed whilst attempting to land in blizzard conditions at Goose Bay, Newfoundland in Canada. In 1958, two Canberra B2s joined No. 192 Squadron at Watton, Norfolk which specialised in electronic intelligence (ELINT) duties. The Canberras usually operated over the Baltic, monitoring Russian transmissions and recording them onto a tape recorder in the bomb bay. Modified Canberra B6s continued to fly with the squadron (renumbered No. 51 Sqn in October 1958) until their eventual retirement in 1976.

Country Date

Aircraft Type and Mark



Ordered: Dec 10 refurbished B2s 1969 (known as B62s) and 2 Delivered: T4s (T64s) Nov 1970-Sep 1971

Some aircraft thought to have undertaken reconnaissance of approaching British Task Force during Falklands War, 1982. One aircraft shot down by Sea Harrier with AIM-9L Sidewinder missile. Other aircraft also involved in bombing British troops, and second aircraft hit by anti-aircraft fire. Total of 35 sorties flown during the conflict.


Ordered: N/K Delivered: Oct 1982 Ordered: May 1954 Delivered: 1955 Ordered: 1968 Delivered: 1969

Used for frontier surveillance and shipping reconnaissance. Overhauled during 1962.



3 ex-RAF PR9s

6 new-build B6s

4 refurbished B2s (as B52s)


Ordered: 1954 3 ex-RAF and 3 newDelivered: build B6s 1954



Used during Ogaden War in 1977. Two aircraft destroyed in Eritrean separatist attack on Asmara airfield, 1984. Used for trials work. Retired in 1979.

1st: 8 ex-RAF B(I)8s (as -

1st:Aug 1955, 2nd:1966, 3rd:1968, 4th:1974

B78s) 2nd: 6 ex-RAF B2s (as B72s) and 2 ex-RAF T4s (as T74s) 3rd: 3 ex-RAF B(I)6s (as B(I)56s) and 3 ex-RAF B6s (as B56s) 4th: 11 refurbished exRAF B(I)8s (as B(I)68s)

Delivered: 1st:May 56Feb 57, 2nd:19661967, 3rd:1969, 4th:19751978 Rhodesia Ordered: 1:15 ex-RAF B2s and 2 (Zimbabwe) 1st:Late 1957, B2s converted to T4 2nd:1981 standard 2:1 B2 and 1 T4 Delivered: 1st:Mar 1959Mar 1961, 2nd: 1981 South Ordered: 6 new-build B(I)12s and Africa 1962/63 3 ex-RAF T4s Delivered: 1963/64

Used during Rhodesian Civil War, 1972-1979.

Final B(I)12 was the last production Canberra.


Ordered: 1959 2 refurbished B2s Delivered: (known as Tp52) 1960

Used as radar and avionic trial aircraft. Retired in 1973.


Ordered: 1st: January 1953, 2nd: January 1957, 3rd: 1965

All surviving aircraft refurbished 1977-80 as follows: B(I)8 to B(I)88, T54 to T84, B2 to B82, B(I)2 to B(I)82 and PR3 to PR83.

West Germany

1st: 6 ex-RAF B2s (as B52s), 2nd: 1 ex-RAF and 7 new-build B(I)8s (As B(I)58s) and 2 new_build T4s (as T54s) Delivered: 3rd: 12 ex-RAF 1st: 1953, B2s/B(I)2s (as 2nd: 1957, (B52/B(I)2s) and 2 PR3s 3rd: 1966 (as PR53s) Ordered: 1966 3 ex-RAF B2s Delivered: 1966

Used by Luftwaffe on 'special duties'. Two aircraft fitted with cameras in bomb bay and used by Military Survey Dept. for unspecified

tasks. Australia

Ordered: 1951 2 new-build B2s Delivered: August 1951

New Zealand

Ordered: 1958 11 new-build B(I)12s Delivered: and 2 new-build T13s 1960


Ordered: 1st: January 1957, 2nd: 1963, 3rd: 1963/64, 4th: 1965, 5th: October 1969, 6th: 1970, 7th: 1975


Supplied as 'pattern aircraft' for licence production of 48 aircraft (Canberra B20s). Four T4s supplied during 1956. Used by No. 2 Sqn Royal Australian Air Force in Vietnam War, 1966-1971. Over 10,000 operational missions flown in theatre dropping nearly 66,000lbs (30,000kg) of bombs for the loss of two aircraft. Type retired in 1982. B(I)12 was modified B(I)8, and T13 a modified T4. Seventeen B2s and three T4s loaned until new aircraft delivered. Aircraft withdrawn in 1970 and sold to India. First 19 B(I)58s and 2 T54s were diverted off RAF contracts. Up to 5 aircraft lost during 1965 Indo-Pakistan War, with up to 4 lost during the 1971 Indo-Pakistan War.

1st: 65 new-build B(I)8s (as B(I)58s), 7 new-build T4s (as T54s) and 8 newbuild PR7s (as PR57s) 2nd and 3rd: 6 ex-RAF B(I)8s (as B(I)58s), 2 exRAF PR7s (as PR57s) and 1 ex-RAF T4 (as T54) Delivered: 4th: 3 ex-RAF T4s (as 1st: April T54s). Only one aircraft 1957-middelivered 1959, 2nd and 5th: 10 ex-RAF B15 and 3rd: 1963/64, B16s (as B66s) 4th: 1968, 5th: 6th: 2 ex-RAF PR7s (as 1970, 6th: PR57s) 1971, 7th: 7th: 6 ex-RAF T4s 1975 Ordered: 2 new-build B2s 'Pattern aircraft' for Early 1951 licence production of 250 Delivered: aircraft by Martin

MarchSeptember 1951

Comapany. One aircraft lost during high-g trials in December 1951. Delivery of second aircraft set an official trans-Atlantic record on 31 August 1951 Aldergrove-Gander (Newfoundland) in 4 hr 18 min 24.4 sec. Three aircraft (RB-57Fs) used by NASA on stratospheric reconnaissance programme. 24 B-57B/RB-57Bs supplied to Pakistan in 1959, and these aircraft used in hostilities against India in 1965. Small numbers of aircraft also supplied to Taiwan and Vietnam.

Valiant The first of the RAF's V-class bombers, the Valiant flew for the first time on 18 May 1951 and entered service with No. 138 Squadron early in 1955. Three prototypes and 104 production Valiants were built, the last of these being completed and flying on August 27, 1957. Apart from the initial production B.Mk. 1 long-range medium bomber, three versions of the Valiant were produced; the B.(P.R.) Mk. 1 dual-purpose version equipped for long-range high-altitude photo-reconnatssance, the B.K. Mk. 1 and the B.(P.R.).K. Mk. 1, both of which had provision for in-flight refuelling. The Valiant can carry a 10,000-lb. bomb load internally, but by the mid-1960s was relegated largely to the photoreconnaissance and tanker roles.

Specifications Primary Function:

medium bomber

Contractor: Power Plant:

Four Rolls-Royce Avon 204 turbojets


10,050 lbst each


108 ft. 3 in.


32 ft. 2 in.


114 ft. 4 in.


Maximum - 567 m.p.h. at 30,000 ft. (Mach 0.84) Maximum - 414 m.p.h. at sea level Cruising - 553 m.p.h. at 30,000 ft. (Mach 0.82) Cruising - 495 m.p.h. [economic]


54,000 ft.


75,881 lb. - Empty

Maximum Takeoff Weight:

175,000 lb.

Range: Armament: Crew: Unit Cost: Date Deployed: Inventory:

Victor The third of the RAF's trio of V-bombers, the Handley Page Victor flew for the first time on 24 December 1952, and the first production B.Mk.1 flew on February 1, 1956. The Victor B.1 and B.1A, the latter having modified equipment and ECM in the rear fuselage, subsequently entered service with Nos. 10, 15, 55 and 57 Squadrons of No. 3 Group R.A.F. Bomber Command, anti a photo-reconnaissance version, the B.(P.R.)1, was delivered to the R.A.F.'s Photographic Reconnaissance Unit at Wytan. Carrying a crew of five, the Victor B.1 and B.1A cam accommodate a variety of conventional or nuclear free falling weapons in a large weapons bay. The Victor B.1 has flown at speeds only marginally below Mach 1.0 at altitudes above 50,000 feet, and could exceed Mach 1.0 in a shallow dive. Formation of the planned total of four Victor B.1 squadrons was completed in 1960. The first Victor B.2 flew on 20 February 1959, and a reconnaissance version using a variety of advanced techniques was designated Victor B.(P.R.)2. The Victor B.2, which entered service with No. 3 Group of RAF Bomber Command early in 1962, the first squadron to receive this long-range medium bomber being No. 139. The first Victor B.2 unit to become operational with the Avro Blue Steel Mk. 1 rocket-propelled, supersoniccruise stand-off weapon was No. 27 Squadron. By comparison with the B.Mk. 1, the Victor B.2 had substantially increased wing span, enlarged intakes to feed the appreciably more powerful Conway turbojets, and a retractable scoop on each side of the rear fuselage to supply ram air to two turbo-alternators.

Specifications Primary Function:

medium bomber

Contractor: Power Plant:

B.1 - Four Bristol Siddeley Sapphire 202 turbojets B.2 Four Rolls-Royce Conway R.Co.11 turbojet


B.2 - 11,000 lbst B.2 - 17,250 lbst


B.2 - 114 ft. 11 in. B.2 - 114 ft. 11 in.


B.2 - 28 ft. 11 in. B.2 - 30 ft. 1i in.


B.2 - 110 ft. B.2 - 120 ft.


B.1 - Max. speed, 650 mph. at 40,000-50,000 ft.(Mach 0.98) B.1 - Cruising, 560-620 mph. at 30,000 ft. B.2 - Max. speed, 650 m.p.h. at 40,000-50,000 ft. (Mach 0.98) B.2 - Cruising, 560-620 m.p.h. at 35,000-45,000 ft.


B.2 - 55,000 ft. B.2 - 60,000 ft.

Weight loaded:

B.2 - 150,000-180,000 lb. B.2 - 200,000 lb.

Maximum Takeoff Weight:

B.2 B.2 -


B.2 - 3,500 miles [internal tankage] B.2 -

Armament: Crew: Unit Cost:

Date Deployed: Inventory:

Vulcan The first prototype Vulcan medium bomber flew on August 30, 1952. The Vulcan B.1 long-range medium bomber entered production in 1953, with the first production model flying on February 4, 1955. Planned re-equipment of Nos. 44, 50 and 101 Squadrons of RAF Bomber Command and No. 230 Operational Conversion Unit squadrons with this type was completed by the beginning of 1960. The B.Mk. 1A had electronics in a bulged tail-cone but was otherwise similar to the B.Mk. 1. Both versions carried five crew members, and progressively more powerful turbojets were installed during the production life of the B.Mks. 1 and 1A versions of the Vulcan. The Vulcan B.2 was an extensively developed version of the basic design, featuring a wing of reduced thickness/chord ratio with more pronounced compound sweepback on the leading edges and slightly swept trailing edges. A prototype flew for the first time on 31 August 1957, and the first production aircraft flew a year later. Deliveries to No. 83 Squadron commencing in July 1960, and No. 617 Squadron was the second unit to receive this type as well as being the first to receive the Avro Blue Steel Mk. 1 stand-off missile which was the standard weapon of the Vulcan B.2. The Vulcan B.2 was initially powered by 17,000 lbst. Olympus 201 turbojets but was progressively engined with the Olympus 301.

Specifications Primary Function:

medium bomber



Power Plant:

B.1 - Four 13,000 Ib.s.t. Bristol Siddeley Olympus 104 turbojets B.2 - Four 20,000 Ib.s.t. Bristol Siddeley Olympus 301 turbojets


B.1 - 99 ft. 11 in. B.2 - 99 ft. 11 in.


B.1 - 26 ft. 1 in. B.2 - 27 ft. 2 in.


B.1 - 99 ft. B.2 - 111 ft.

Speed - Maximum:

B.1 - 625 m.p.h. at 40,000ft. (Mach 0.95) B.2 - 620-635 m.p.h. at 40,000 ft. (Mach 0.94-0.96)

Speed - Cruise:

B.1 - 500 m.p.h. (Mach 0.75) B.2 - 580-600 m.p.h.


B.1 - 50,000+ ft. B.2 - 60,000+ ft.

Weight normal loaded:

B.1 - 160,000 lb. B.2 - 200,000 lb

Maximum Takeoff Weight:

B.1 - 180,000-200,000 lb. B.2 -


B.1 - 2,500-3,000 miles B.2 -

Armament: Crew: Unit Cost: Date Deployed: Inventory:

AVRO 730 The development of the supersonic Avro 730 bomber was was canceled in 1957.

Specifications Primary Function: Contractor: Power Plant: Thrust: Length: Height: Wingspan: Speed: Ceiling: Weight:

Heavy bomber

Maximum Takeoff Weight: Range: Armament: Crew: Unit Cost: Date Deployed: Inventory:

TSR-2 Based originally on Operational Requirement 339 for a Canberra replacement, the TSR-2 was expected to enter service with RAF Bomber Command by 1967. Designed primarily for the low-level reconnaissance and strike role, the TSR-2 carried nuclear or conventional weapons may be carried in an internal bay and on underwing pylons. Orders were placed for eighteen development and pre-production machines prior to the project's cancellation.

Specifications Primary Function:

reconnaissance and strike

Contractor: Power Plant:

Two Bristol Siddeley Olympus B.06.22-R turbojets


approx. 30,000 lbst each with afterburners


90 ft.


23 ft.


35 ft.


845 m.p.h. at sea level (Mach 1.12) 1,190 m.p.h. at 40,000 ft. (Mach 1.8)

Ceiling: Weight:

100,000 lbs

Maximum Takeoff Weight: Range: Armament: Crew: Unit Cost: Date Deployed: Inventory:

3,500-4,000 miles 1,200 miles normal mission radius

Tornado The mainstay of the RAF strike/attack force is the Tornado GR1. Designed and built as a collaborative project in the UK, Germany and Italy, the Tornado is in service with all three air forces and the German Navy. It is a twin-seat, twin-engined, variable geometry aircraft and is supersonic at all altitudes. The Tornado is capable of carrying a wide range of conventional stores, including the JP233 anti-airfield weapon, the ALARM anti-radar missile, and laser-guided bombs, as well as the WE-177 nuclear variable-yield free-fall bomb, first introduced into service in 1966. The last WE-177 was withdrawn from service in 1998. The program to upgrade 142 Tornado interdictor strike aircraft from GR1 to GR4 standard is proceeding to schedule. The aircraft system enhancements now being developed will ensure that the aircraft can seek out and attack its targets more effectively, taking advantage of the new 'smart' weapons that will progressively become available, and make it less vulnerable to counter-attack. The first Tornado GR4 squadrons started forming in 1998.

GENERAL DATA Countries of Origin. Italy, Germany, UK. Similar Aircraft. Su-24 Fencer, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, MiG-23/-27 Flogger, F-111.

Crew. Two. Role. Interdictor strike. Armament. Missiles, bombs, rockets, cannon. Dimensions. Length: 55 ft, 9 in (16.8 m). Span: 45 ft, 7 in (14 m). WEFT DESCRIPTION Wings. High-mounted, variable, swept-back, and tapered with angular blunt tips. Engine(s). Two turbofans in body. Air intakes are diagonal and box-like alongside the fuselage forward of the wing roots. Twin exhausts. Fuselage. Solid needle nose. Body thickens at the midsection and tapers to the tail section. Bubble canopy. Tail. Tall, swept-back, and tapered fin with blunt tip and a step in the leading edge. Flats are large, mid-mounted on the body, swept-back, and tapered with angular blunt tips. USER COUNTRIES Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, UK.

Specifications Primary Function: Contractor: Power Plant: Thrust: Length: Height: Wingspan: Speed: Ceiling: Weight: Maximum Takeoff Weight: Range: Armament: Crew: Unit Cost: Date Deployed: Inventory:


Blue Steel Hawker Siddeley began development in the late 1950s of the Blue Steel air-to-surface missile with a range of over 100 miles at a speed of Mach 2.5. Blue Steel entered service with No. 617 Squadron (The Dam Busters) in February 1963, equiped with a 1-megaton thermonuclear warhead. As large as a fighter, the missile was 35 feet long with a wingspan of 13 feet and an overall weight of 15,000 pounds. In 1959 work on the improved Blue Steel 2 (with a 700-mile range and Mach 3+0 speed) was cancelled.

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