Eucharistic Messages From The Blessed Virgin Mary

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Single Messages Concerning Our Eucharistic Lord “I am truly present in the Eucharist because I am your merciful Lord, who shed My blood for you. I am totally yours when you come to Me, for I am able to be with each of you." Internet Archive Messages From Our Lord & Blessed Mother through Little Mary MESSAGE #2776 from the Blessed Mother May 11, 2005 Holy Eucharist. This is the time to come to know ... who believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Through prayer and true devotion to my Son, you ... come to know Him in a very intimate way. The Eucharist is God’s great gift to you, so be grateful ... believe that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Remain loyal to your Most Holy Pope, for he

MESSAGE #2689 from the Blessed Mother October 26, 2004 Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Let the world know that each soul must come to know Jesus in a personal way. This world needs to know that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. This world needs to abandon themselves totally to my Son in the Eucharist. Many need to hear the truth, so please share this message with your flock. Share all that I am teaching

MESSAGE #2854 from the Blessed Mother January 30, 2006 This time is so precious, so please, please adore the Eucharist. Adore the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and you will truly come to know His love for you. Now, please spend time with Jesus and allow His love and mercy to penetrate your hearts. Spend time with Jesus and you will come to know Jesus in a deeper way. It is time now to increase your time with Jesus

MESSAGE #2673 from the Blessed Mother September 13, 2004 Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. One must not receive Communion with mortal sin on their soul. ... flock, for many are receiving Jesus unworthily. Many are receiving the Eucharist when they are living in mortal sin. Many need to know ... truth. All must believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. If my Priests do their part and ask for God’s

MESSAGE #2574 from Jesus January 9, 2004 Accept My blood and suffering that I shed for you....Jesus who loves you very much. Look at My Eucharistic Heart and feel the fire of My love. Embrace Me so that others will come to know My true presence in the Blessed Sacrament. ... all your suffering, so continue to suffer for love of Me. Continue to listen to My Mother, for she is the way to My Eucharistic Heart.

MESSAGE #1539 from Jesus August 12, 1998 Me while there is still time. Tell them I am waiting for them to come, come to Me. Tell them I am present in the Eucharist. Tell them to come to Mass and to kneel before the tabernacle. Tell the ... will bless those Churches that allow My flock to spend time with Me in Eucharistic adoration. Their lives will change, for I will guide them and help them in

MESSAGE #2299 from the Blessed Mother April 1, 2002 Jesus is the one whom you must adore. The Eucharist is the greatest expression of God’s love for you. Please come to Mass more often. Come to ... and you will be truly blessed. Come spend time with Jesus, for He is truly alive in the Eucharist. Don’t wait for greater wars, cleanse and nourish your soul now. World peace cannot happen without prayer

MESSAGE #2644 from the Blessed Mother June 23, 2004 Eucharist in the proper way. Many today come to Communion with mortal sin on their soul. Many are not being taught the truth that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Many today are making up their own rules and they are not receiving God’s grace. Dear Bishops, dear Priests, assist me now. Assist me by truly waking your flock. Assist those whom you

Single Messages Concerning Our Eucharistic Lord MESSAGE #1341 from Jesus January 29, 1998 Eucharist more reverently and in the proper way. But, due to such little faith, many turn to the world instead of Me. I am truly present in the Eucharist because I am your merciful Lord, who shed My blood for you. I am totally yours when you come to Me, for I am able to be with each of you. I am able to love you even when you offend Me, so immerse

MESSAGE #1261 from the Blessed Mother November 14, 1997 Jesus more often in the Eucharist, for then you will stay strong spiritually so you can do great work for Our Lord. Can you not ... reading Scripture so God’s Words are imbedded in their heart. They should receive Jesus more often in the Eucharist instead of waiting weekly. For without God’s grace and teachings, one will not stay strong for Our Lord.

MESSAGE #2317 from the Blessed Mother May 15, 2002 Jesus in the Eucharist and trust, trust in Him. This is how you will come to know my Son, Jesus. This is how you will grow in holiness. Abandon yourself to Jesus and trust dear children, in His guidance. You are each called to go forth and live the Word of God. You are each called to live the Word of God and remain faithful to it. So please, come to know

MESSAGE #3036 from the Blessed Mother November 26, 2007 Jesus in the Eucharist. Please remind my children to cleanse their soul so they receive Jesus in the proper way. In order to prepare for battle you must cleanse and nourish your soul. You must stay close to Jesus so you have the grace needed to be true soldiers for Christ. Each of you must choose the path that will lead you to Heaven. You must detach

MESSAGE #1287 from the Blessed Mother December 7, 1997 God’s love for them, they then become a more thankful people. They then hunger more often for the Eucharist. They cleanse their soul more often so that they can be truly forgiven of their ... that you be more thankful each time that you are able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. I ask that you continue to join hands so that hate, envy and pride never enter

MESSAGE #3025 from the Blessed Mother October 9, 2007 My dear children, pray, pray more. Spend time with Jesus and adore the Eucharist. Give yourself to Jesus and allow Him to guide you. Allow My Son to heal you with His unending love. He is eternal life, so please turn to Jesus so you have the grace needed to move forward. Strive to be like Jesus. Make time to adore Our Lord. Make time to pray and be

MESSAGE #1261 from the Blessed Mother November 14, 1997 My daughter, Busyness takes quiet time away from Our Lord; it causes a restless spirit and an unpeaceful heart. So take the time needed to truly hear Our Lord, for then you will have peace throughout the day. Those who take the time to come to Mass are those who use their time more wisely, for they are fed the food needed to be strong in this world. Through God’s grace they are given the strength to overcome the evil and temptations of this world. When one takes time for God, one’s time is then multiplied, for they are given the strength to do great work for Our Lord. If one is unpeaceful, they spend much time worrying instead of going forth in Jesus’ Name, but when one is peaceful, much more can be accomplished. When one is joyful, one then has a greater capacity to perform their duties. So be wise, start your day in prayer and come to Mass more often, for then physically you will be energized to do more for Our Lord. Spiritually, you will be fed the food needed for your soul; you will be given the grace needed to stay calm and patient to those around you. Emotionally, you will feel better throughout the day, for true happiness comes from knowing Jesus. So be wise, take the time needed to truly come to know Our Lord. Be wise, receive Jesus more often in the Eucharist, for then you will stay strong spiritually so you can do great work for Our Lord. Can you not see how unhealthy many have become? Many are depressed, they are sad and lonely. Many worry about the future, which pulls them away from Our Lord. Many no longer trust in God to see them through. Many go through life preparing for the future instead of spending each precious moment with Our Lord. If one does not spend quality time with Our Lord each day, one will never be prepared for future events, for one will not know how to trust or confide in God. One will not hear God because they never took the time to listen. Each new day, one should be preparing their soul. They should be praying and then listening to how God is directing them. They should be reading Scripture so God’s Words are imbedded in their heart. They should receive Jesus more often in the Eucharist instead of waiting weekly. For without God’s grace and teachings, one will not stay strong for Our Lord. Those who pray and fast, are those who hunger for Our Lord. But those who become too busy for God, are those who are more attracted to the world. They then place their desires before God. Because of so much sin and evil in the world, one must spend more time in prayer, for it is through prayer that one will stay more focused on Our Lord. This is why families must pray together daily, for without prayer or unity, they will become more attracted to the ways of the world. For the world seeks pleasure through material wealth instead of God. Those who are weak, weak in their faith, will fall into Satan’s traps because they refused to take care of their soul. Those who buy and who never give, are refusing the poor. Those who never spend time with God are refusing God’s grace. Those who are only seeking fame and fortune will not succeed because they did not give glory to God. Those who are turning on their brothers and sisters are also turning their backs on God. Without a healthy relationship with God, one will not be able to survive without falling into Satan’s traps. So come, come back to Church, come to know God now. For this is the time where you must seek refuge in Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. This time has been allowed for each of you to prepare your soul. So be wise, wake up and adhere to Our pleas, for your time is running out and without God, your supplies will run out. Start depending on God instead of your material wealth. Take time, my children, to truly come to know Our Lord, for then you will be secure and directed through all

storms. For God’s love will always remain for His children. God will provide for those who share, share of their wealth. God will provide for those who trust and who depend on God. So pray, my children, so you never doubt or lose hope in Almighty God. Go to God daily, for then you will have peace in your heart each new day. God is waiting, so come now and adore Our Lord, for this time is precious because of God’s love for you. Amen.

See companion message 1262 from Jesus

MESSAGE #1287 from the Blessed Mother December 7, 1997 My daughter, Because of God’s love for His children, God has chosen many in these times to go forth and spread God’s words. Those who go forth and who share their faith, shall be truly blessed. They will be filled with the Holy Spirit and they will speak in love. They will know the truth because God will teach them. Because of so much darkness in the world, God is asking all those who believe to share the Gospel so more have time to repent and prepare their soul. So be glad that you have each been chosen to take part in fulfilling God’s plans. Be glad by being thankful for this time that has been allowed. Be thankful for the groups that have been formed and for those who come and gather in Jesus’ name, for they are being prepared and with God’s grace, they will stay strong, strong for Our Lord. By joining hands with one another and through prayer, you will each become true warriors for Our Lord. By sharing all that God has done in your life, more will then be thankful for how God has also blessed them. For it is through sharing, that more will know what God can and will do for each of you. So be not afraid to share how your life has changed, for this gives people hope. For many are struggling because they are carrying their burdens alone. More will realize, through sharing, that if they too surrender to God, then God will enter more fully. Many do not realize how many souls have been saved just by sharing all that God has done in your life. Many do not realize that God uses those who are willing to humble themselves before men. Many do not realize that it is God who gives one the strength to overcome their weaknesses. If more realized this, more would not give up so easily. God is purifying those who work hard on this earth and who do the Father’s Will, for this is the time of God’s cleansing power and grace. So be thankful for the change that is happening in each of you. Be thankful when you have the opportunity to receive the Sacraments, for this is how God’s grace dwells in you. Be thankful for your Priests, for they are using their hands for Christ. When one realizes God’s love for them, they then become a more thankful people. They then hunger more often for the Eucharist. They cleanse their soul more often so that they can be truly forgiven of their sins. They tell God daily how sorry they are for their sins and then they strive harder to do what only pleases Our Lord. By being thankful, one remains hungry and obedient to God’s laws. So today I ask that you be more thankful of all that God has done in your life so that you never forget how weak you are without God. I ask that you be more thankful each time that you are able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. I ask that you continue to join hands so that hate, envy and pride never enter. I ask that you gather and pray as a community in the Church that you have been called to, so you grow in holiness. I ask that you be more willing to do what God is asking of you, no matter how difficult it may seem, so that more souls can be saved. Now, believe that when you respond and do what God is asking of you, then darkness will be removed, for wherever there is God, there shall be light. Now, go forth as a community of believers so you go forth strong in your faith, for then eyes and ears will open to the whole truth. God will always be your strength. Just listen, respond and obey all that God is asking of you today. May God’s love and peace be with you as you go forth in Jesus’ name. Amen.

MESSAGE #1341 from Jesus January 29, 1998 My child, In order to be a true follower of Mine, you may have to do what you do not want to do and you will have to give up all that you desire. It is all part of carrying your cross and learning to trust in Me. I am preparing you, My child, and in time you will understand. The problem today is many desire Heaven, but few desire to carry My cross. Many want consolation, but yet refuse to accept the trials that come their way. Many want instant answers, but refuse to wait patiently. This is so, because many do not want to suffer or give themselves totally to Me. This is because of one’s degree of love for me which, for many, is so little. Many only praise Me when all is going well, but when unexpected trials come their way, they lose trust in Me. Some then deny that I, your Lord, exist. Those who pray and spend time with me will remain faithful to the end, for through prayer, they will desire a deeper relationship with Me. For they will come to know Me just as a friend and they will be given much peace and security. They will feel joy no matter how hard it becomes. They will feel joy because peace will always reign in their heart. I come to you this night because many of you truly do not know Me. If you knew Me, you would then spend more time with Me. You would desire Me more than your selfish ways. You would not hide from Me when you know that you have done wrong. You would instead come to Me and ask for forgiveness. You would make better use of the Sacraments. You would cleanse your soul more regularly. You would receive Me in the Eucharist more reverently and in the proper way. But, due to such little faith, many turn to the world instead of Me. I am truly present in the Eucharist because I am your merciful Lord, who shed My blood for you. I am totally yours when you come to Me, for I am able to be with each of you. I am able to love you even when you offend Me, so immerse yourselves in this love that I have for you. Come back to Me, for My arms are always open. But come back before your time is up so that you are ready and in a state of grace. I will help each child who believes and who takes refuge in My heart. I will help you so you feel worthy to one day be with Me. I will remove the bondage that prevents you from coming closer to Me. My love for each child is deep and I desire you more than anyone else. So come, thirst in Me and you shall be given drink. I am waiting for you because I am your Sovereign Lord. My peace I now give to you, allow this peace to now fill your soul.

MESSAGE #1539 from Jesus August 12, 1998 My child, Listen to My voice, for I need your prayers. Listen closely, for I am Jesus, Your Merciful Lord. I need you to relay My words. I ask, My child, that you listen even though it causes you pain and tears, for through your suffering, souls, many souls will be saved. Time is short and My Divine Mercy will be followed by My Divine Justice. Pray, My child, to appease My Father’s wrath. Go forth, My child, in My name. Go forth in love and truth. Do not be afraid, for the truth must be made known. Bring souls to Me while there is still time. Tell them I am waiting for them to come, come to Me. Tell them I am present in the Eucharist. Tell them to come to Mass and to kneel before the tabernacle. Tell the world to come and spend time with Me, for My heart is overflowing with mercy. Tell them My love is greater than their sins. Tell My sons to keep their Church doors open so more can spend quiet time before the Blessed Sacrament. My mercy will pour out to each child who spends time with Me. I will bless those Churches that allow My flock to spend time with Me in Eucharistic adoration. Their lives will change, for I will guide them and help them in those areas that they are weak. Love, only love, will then flow from their heart. Families will then be reunited and conversion will happen. It will happen because I will dwell in those who come to Me with an open heart. I will give them peace and bless their home. But those churches that are not abiding by true teaching will need your prayers, for in time they will crumble. Those souls that are consecrated to Me will then suffer for misleading their flock. Those souls who have no reverence for Me will suffer greatly for denying My grace. Those who are not in a state of grace will perish without a repentive heart. Woe to those who come to My Altar with an unclean soul. Woe to those who preach, but leave out the truth. Woe to those who do not pray or take a stand for life, because without their help many souls are being lost. Woe to those who because of jealousy and pride condemn My messengers, for they have been chosen to relay My words. Woe to those who think they have all the answers and who never spend time with Me. Woe to those Priests who denied their flock, for they will not see Heaven unless they change during this time of My mercy. Change must happen soon, for My mercy is running out. My child, these messages must be spread, so please share all that I am telling you. Those who listen must then do the same. They must go to their Priests and to those who are refusing to listen to My words. They must not be afraid to share all that is imbedded in their heart. They must go forth in love and in truth. They must be willing to be persecuted for sharing the truth. They must understand that this is all part of carrying their cross. Those Priests who refuse to listen will need your prayers, for this is their wake up call from Heaven above. Now I ask, My child, that you continue to suffer for Me, for this world is falling deeper into sin. I ask this of you because so many souls are refusing to pick up their cross for Me. I will be gentle, My child, for I know how much you can endure, so be at peace and know that I am ever so near. I will be with you every step of the way. My Mother is preparing the way, so hold tightly to her hand. My Mother will wipe your tears and will comfort each child who suffers for Me, so be at peace and do all that you can for Me. I am Jesus, Your Sovereign Lord. My blessings of mercy I now give to each of you.

MESSAGE #2299 from the Blessed Mother April 1, 2002 My daughter, There is much to be done and time, time is short. Pray today for those who are confused and who are refusing to come to know Jesus. Pray, pray for unbelievers, for they are on the wrong path. Today I ask that all my children pray for those who are choosing darkness. I ask that you pray each day, so more turn to God before it’s too late. My dear children there is so much fighting going on all around this world, so much killing, hatred and abuse. So many parents have given up on their children, instead of taking their role seriously on this earth. The destruction of the family is increasing due to laziness, selfishness and pride. Children need to be taught how to talk to God and how to pray to Him. Many today do not even turn to God because they do not know Him. Dear parents, without sacrifice there is no love. You must take your role seriously and protect your children. Jesus sacrificed everything for love of you and your salvation. You must be willing to do your part and be an example for your children. Evil must be overcome with good. In order for this to happen, you must gather your children for family prayer. You must teach them how to love and obey God. You must adore Jesus and spend time with Him before the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is the light that casts out all darkness. Jesus is the one whom you must adore. The Eucharist is the greatest expression of God’s love for you. Please come to Mass more often. Come to Mass with your children and you will be truly blessed. Come spend time with Jesus, for He is truly alive in the Eucharist. Don’t wait for greater wars, cleanse and nourish your soul now. World peace cannot happen without prayer, penance and sacrifice. Are you willing dear children, to do your part? Your sacrifice is how unity will be restored. Your sacrifice will convert the world if you truly, truly respond to my requests. Please allow Jesus to reign in your hearts so that love, peace and joy will circulate around this world. I plead with all my children today. I ask that each of you do your part to remove the darkness that lingers in this world. Now please, become true soldiers for Christ and be prayer warriors so unity can be restored. This message is for all my children, so please, please be willing to do your part. Amen.

MESSAGE #2317 from the Blessed Mother May 15, 2002 My daughter, Tell my children to focus on Jesus in the Eucharist and trust, trust in Him. This is how you will come to know my Son, Jesus. This is how you will grow in holiness. Abandon yourself to Jesus and trust dear children, in His guidance. You are each called to go forth and live the Word of God. You are each called to live the Word of God and remain faithful to it. So please, come to know Jesus, so your light shines upon those who are choosing darkness. God is asking each of you today, to pray with confidence and to trust, trust in His Divine Mercy. So please, go forward and respond with peace and love in your hearts. Go forward in love and strive to be like Jesus. Your response will save souls. Your response will truly make a difference in this world. Go now in peace and give all honor and glory to God. Amen.

MESSAGE #2574 from Jesus January 9, 2004 My child, Accept My blood and suffering that I shed for you. It is My gift to you, for you have been chosen to suffer for mankind. Do not be sad for all that you must endure, for it will truly keep you humble and strengthen you. Put your trust in Me, for I am Jesus who loves you very much. Look at My Eucharistic Heart and feel the fire of My love. Embrace Me so that others will come to know My true presence in the Blessed Sacrament. I know your heart, so come to Me when you feel alone. Your obedience to suffer will truly draw souls closer to Me. Each time you write My words, they will penetrate your heart. You will never be abandoned by Me or My Mother. We are ever so close to you, for you need much protection. I am with you in all your suffering, so continue to suffer for love of Me. Continue to listen to My Mother, for she is the way to My Eucharistic Heart.

See companion message 2573 from the Blessed Mother

MESSAGE #2644 from the Blessed Mother June 23, 2004 My daughter, Be brave and move forward with love, love in your heart. Do not let the evil one place fear upon your heart. Write each time I come to you and share all that I am teaching you. Share with those who are still sleeping so they turn to God before it’s too late. Time moves quickly, so please, please dear children, use those gifts God has given you. Use those gifts God has given you so more repent and turn their lives around. So many are not being fed the truth so they are listening to Satan’s lies. Evil has become widespread because many are choosing darkness. Many are ignoring these messages because they do not want to change their ways. These messages are God’s way to wake His children, so please go forth and share all that I am teaching you. Let the world know that there cannot be true peace until my children turn to God. Peace cannot exist if man continues to destroy lives. Division will increase if man does not strive for unity. All must join hands and pray. All must work together and live, live their faith. Bishops must shepherd their flock. They must become teachers and live their Catholic Faith. They must stress the importance of receiving my Son in the Eucharist in the proper way. Many today come to Communion with mortal sin on their soul. Many are not being taught the truth that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Many today are making up their own rules and they are not receiving God’s grace. Dear Bishops, dear Priests, assist me now. Assist me by truly waking your flock. Assist those whom you know are living in mortal sin. Teach them right from wrong instead of leading them astray. A true shepherd does not compromise with the world. A true shepherd obeys true teaching. True shepherds are truly needed all around this world. Many, many will suffer if they remain blind to the truth. Many, many more will suffer if they continue to live in mortal sin. Please take seriously my heavenly messages and become true teachers. Please take heed now, for the time will arrive quickly and I will no longer be able to share my heavenly words. God has only allowed me so much time to wake His children. Please, I plead with you, respond, respond now. Please take heed to my call or you will see much more division and destruction. The earth can only tremble for so long before it shakes, shakes the whole earth. Please pray before my Son in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Implore His mercy and embrace all that He is asking of you. Pray and do your part for the salvation of souls. This world is in trouble, so please, please listen to what I am telling you. I am truly here for each of you, but you must listen, listen to my words and respond. Please listen to all my words of truth. I love you and I am here now to assist you. Please understand, there are few who truly trust in God. There are few living in His faith. The time is now, so please, please respond and go forth now and spread the truth. Amen.

MESSAGE #2673 from the Blessed Mother September 13, 2004 My daughter, I ask that you continue to write each time I come to you. I ask that you share my messages of love all around this world. War is not love. World leaders must join hands or they will see much more devastation in days to come. People must change. They must come to know Almighty God. They must put down their weapons and armor themselves with love. They must atone for their sins and the sins of this world. They must share their joy of knowing Jesus and spread God’s Word. Catholics must return to the Sacraments and believe, believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. One must not receive Communion with mortal sin on their soul. One must abide by true teaching and not make up their own rules. Priests must teach their flock, for many are receiving Jesus unworthily. Many are receiving the Eucharist when they are living in mortal sin. Many need to know the importance of cleansing their soul. Priests are responsible for making the truth known. They must let go of fear and live, live their vocation. They must not give in to the world, for many are sleeping. Many today are living in darkness because they are not examining their conscience. Sin has become widespread and all must do their part by truly living the Gospel. Priests must counsel those who are not obeying God’s Commandments. Priests must make more time to be in the confessional. Priests must imitate Christ. They must never stop shepherding their flock. Woe to those Priests who are not reaching out to those who are choosing darkness. Woe to those Priests who are not listening to their Most Holy Pope. Woe to those Priests who are not shepherding their flock. All must come to know the truth. All must believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. If my Priests do their part and ask for God’s guidance, many more children would repent and turn to God. More of my children would receive the Sacraments in the proper way. Dear Priests, you must examine your conscience. You must be willing to be persecuted for living the Gospel. You must not join hands with those who are adding wounds to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. You must do what’s morally right. You must teach others who are choosing to do wrong. You must be prayerful and truly live your vocation. Please, dear Priests, listen to God. Listen, so you do not give in to the evil one. Be loyal to your Pope and support him. Listen to his words, for he truly has much wisdom. Be united with him and pray, pray every day for your Most Holy Pope. Do what I am asking of you and live, live a consecrated life. Offer up your sacrifices and penance for the conversion of souls. I will guide you if you listen and obey Almighty God. This world can truly change if all my children pray and obey God. Your actions and example will truly make a difference in this world. Please, dear Priests, start today. Say ‘yes’ to God and assist me so more of my children live their faith and trust, trust in Almighty God. Amen.

MESSAGE #2689 from the Blessed Mother October 26, 2004 My daughter, Where are my Priests? Where are my children? Jesus waits so patiently for each of you to come and visit Him. Please set time aside and adore Our Lord. Please let go of your time and humble yourselves before Our Lord. Time is moving quickly, so please, please dear children, make time to come to know Jesus. Strength will be given to those who spend time adoring Our Lord. Much guidance will be given to my Priests so they in turn can assist their flock. Without the proper guidance, strength and wisdom cannot be given to you. Without my Son’s assistance, you will be tempted to take the easier road. Please, dear Priests, be an example to your flock; spend time with Jesus so more of my children take quiet time and adore Our Lord. It is time now to wake your flock, so please share my words of encouragement during your homilies. Let the world know the importance of spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Let the world know that each soul must come to know Jesus in a personal way. This world needs to know that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. This world needs to abandon themselves totally to my Son in the Eucharist. Many need to hear the truth, so please share this message with your flock. Share all that I am teaching you so more take time to be with Jesus. Time is moving quickly, so please share the Gospel and do all that you can for my Son, Jesus. It is time now to trust your Heavenly Mother, for I am truly here for each of you. I am here to lead you closer to Jesus, so please respond now and adore, adore my Son, Jesus. Amen.

MESSAGE #2776 from the Blessed Mother May 11, 2005 My daughter, Those churches who have Perpetual Adoration will be truly blessed. Many will come to know Jesus and they will turn to Him with a repentant heart. Jesus is the cure for all mankind, so be wise and spend time with Him. Be wise and adore my Son, for He is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. This is the time to come to know Jesus, so please, please spend time adoring my Son. Accept His love and mercy by truly devoting more time to be with Him. Jesus waits for each child to come, so bring your family and visit Him often. Much strength will be given to those who believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Through prayer and true devotion to my Son, you will come to know Him in a very intimate way. The Eucharist is God’s great gift to you, so be grateful and receive my Son as often as you can. Now, please cling tightly to the true Faith and believe that Jesus is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Remain loyal to your Most Holy Pope, for he too has been chosen to lead the faithful forward. Remain loyal to my most beloved Priests, for Satan is truly trying to destroy this world. Prayer and true devotion to Jesus is how you will be given the strength to persevere. Soon all the world will tremble, so please respond by truly giving all honor and glory to Our Lord. Amen.

MESSAGE #2854 from the Blessed Mother January 30, 2006 My daughter, Spend time, time with Jesus. Tell my children to make time to adore Our Lord. This time is so precious, so please, please adore the Eucharist. Adore the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and you will truly come to know His love for you. Now, please spend time with Jesus and allow His love and mercy to penetrate your hearts. Spend time with Jesus and you will come to know Jesus in a deeper way. It is time now to increase your time with Jesus, Our Sovereign Lord. To prepare, you must respond. You must spend time adoring Our Lord. Amen.

MESSAGE #3025 from the Blessed Mother October 9, 2007 My daughter, Continue to pick up your cross and keep your focus on Jesus’ Merciful Heart. Meditate on Our Lord’s Passion and be willing to suffer for the salvation of souls. So many souls are in danger and they truly need prayer. My dear children, pray, pray more. Spend time with Jesus and adore the Eucharist. Give yourself to Jesus and allow Him to guide you. Allow My Son to heal you with His unending love. He is eternal life, so please turn to Jesus so you have the grace needed to move forward. Strive to be like Jesus. Make time to adore Our Lord. Make time to pray and be submissive to God’s Holy Will. Amen.

MESSAGE #3036 from the Blessed Mother November 26, 2007 My daughter, Offer your suffering and your tears to Our Lord so more come to know Jesus in this time of God’s mercy and grace. So many are on the wrong path, so please pray with me today for those who are living in darkness. Prayer, suffering and sacrifice will truly save souls. The Mass is the greatest prayer, so please tell my children the importance of receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. Please remind my children to cleanse their soul so they receive Jesus in the proper way. In order to prepare for battle you must cleanse and nourish your soul. You must stay close to Jesus so you have the grace needed to be true soldiers for Christ. Each of you must choose the path that will lead you to Heaven. You must detach yourself from the world and obey all of God’s Commandments. You must spend time with Jesus and adore Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Now, please accept God’s love and surrender your life to Him. Surrender and accept His Divine Will and you will truly grow in holiness. This is the way, all you have to do is trust and open your heart. Amen.

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