Ethic Reader - Adnan Fortuna

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CYBER ETHICS……………………………………………………………………….3 (Chapter 1-21)



CYBER ETHICS………………………………………………………………………99 (Chapter 22-44)




Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Ethics and the Information Revolution Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Computing Technology is the most powerful and most flexible technology ever devised. For this reason, computing is changing everything- where and how we work, when and how we learn, shop, eat, vote, receive medical care, spend free time, make war, make friends, make love. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the profound meaning of Ethics. I also expect to learn the deeper meaning of Information Revolution and how important it is. Book Review: This chapter talks about the concept of Information Revolution and the importance as well. To start off, I would like to define what Information Revolution is. According to Business Dictionary, Information Revolution is defined as the development of technologies (such as computers, digital communication, microchips) in the second half of the 20th century that has led to dramatic reduction in the cost of obtaining, processing, storing, and transmitting information in all forms (text, graphics, audio, video). In other words, Information Revolution is the time wherein gadgets and other computer devices grew that helped mankind through innovation. It helped us people hasten work process, lessen workloads and minimize human errors. Without this gadgets or computer devices, we might not develop as a country or develop as a human being as well. The importance of Information Revolution is that, it awakened the people that life can be lived a bit easier. That there are things out there that we people can use it to our advantage. I guess, without Information Revolution happened, we might be sticking our asses out there, pushing as hard as we can just to squeeze out a small amount of juice. But since Information Revolution happened, that small amount of juice turned out to be a barrel-full. What I learned: I learned the significance of Information Revolution. I learned that this helped a lot of people in our everyday lives.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Information Revolution? When did it happen? Did it play a major role in the society? What did it do to help the people? Is it that important to learn Information Revolution?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Ethics Online Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Information can be reproduced on-line without loss of value and in such a way that the originator or holder of the information would not notice. Of course, in the ordinary world, information can be reproduced via copying machines and camera. In electronic networks, however, there is no loss of value in the process of reproduction. A copied program or copied data set is perfectly usable, and the reproduction can be such that there is no evidence that copying has been done; that is, the person who created or owns the information has no reason to believe it has been copied. The difference here is the difference between taking a painting – the painter or owner no longer has the painting and can see that it is gone – and copying a data set – the creator or the owner still has the data set and may have no indication that a copy was made. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about Ethics Online. I also expect to learn about the issues that aroused from Ethics Online. Book Review:

This chapter talks about how ethics can be applied on the Internet. What I meant, was this chapter discusses the critical issues that are present online. I am a person who was introduced to the computer at an early age. Though encyclopedia were still present when I was starting my research during elementary and secondary education, my parents opted to let me become familiar with the computer and the World Wide Web because they believe that since the world is become more developed and developed, it is better to let me know these things (World Wide Web and the computer itself) so that I would not get left behind. Because that, I am a person which is not a library person. I rather search the net than wasting my time going to the library, search for the item I need among thousands of books and read it. For me, going to the library consumes a lot of time if you are just going to search for something. But I am not saying that going to the library is a bad idea. What I am saying is that, in my opinion, it is much better to look for what you are suppose to look for in the internet rather than going to the library.


But this chapter sees a thing that needs ethical thinking. This chapter points out that online information might be hazardous since it might be misleading. It might hand out wrong information. What I learned: I learned that even going online has its issues also. I learned that online information might be misleading and might hand out wrong information. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Ethics Online? What are the issues that are present? Does this have to do with information? What is diminished trust? What is anonymity?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Reason, Relativity and Responsibility in Computer Ethics Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: We are entering a generation marked by globalization and ubiquitous computing. The second generation of computer ethics, therefore, must be an era of “global information ethics.” The stakes are much higher, and consequently considerations and applications of Information Ethics must be broader, more profound and above all effective in helping to realize a democratic and empowering technology rather than an enslaving or debilitating one. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about Reason, Relativity and Responsibility in Computer Ethics. I also expect to learn about the issues that aroused from Reason, Relativity and Responsibility in Computer Ethics. Book Review:

Obviously, this chapter talks about Computer Ethics and its reason, relativity and responsibility. To begin with, I would like to define what Computer Ethics is according to our trusted friend, Wikipedia. Computer Ethic is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct. The term "computer ethics" was first coined by Walter Manerin the mid-1970s, but only since the 1990s has it started being integrated into professional development programs in academic settings. The conceptual foundations of computer ethics are investigated by information ethics, a branch of philosophical ethics established by Luciano Floridi. Computer ethics is a very important topic in computer applications. In other words, Computer Ethics is responsible for how professionals should think, act, and make decisions. I believe that the reason behind learning Computer Ethics is that, we people should learn how to live right. I saw this quote in a magazine wherein it said, “Learn to live, Live to learn.” I was amazed with this quote because as simple as it may seem, its meaning is deeper than the deepest ocean. Well, of course it is exaggerated but still, its meaning is very beautiful.


What I learned: What I learned in this chapter is that Computer Ethics is responsible for how professionals should think, act, and make decisions. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Computer Ethics? What is the reason behind Computer Ethics? What does it do for professionals? What is the relativity of Computer Ethics? What is the responsibility of Computer Ethics?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Disclosive Computer Ethics Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The world is very close to having technology that can provide electronic privacy and security on the Internet sufficient to safely conduct international business transactions. Once this technology is in place, there will be a rapid expansions of Global Cyberbusiness. Nations with a technological infrastructure is already in place will enjoy rapid economic growth, while the rest of the world lags behind. What will be the political and economic fallout from the rapid growth of global Cyberbusiness? Will accepted business practices in one part of the world be perceived as “cheating” or “fraud” in other parts of the world? Will a few wealthy nations widen the already big gap between rich and poor? Will political and even military confrontations emerge? Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about Disclosive Computer Ethics. I also expect to learn about the issues that aroused from Disclosive Computer Ethics. Book Review: Honestly, when I first saw the title, closure already entered my mind. I was a bit puzzled because I thought that the book is almost finished. Kidding aside, this chapter talks about what Disclosive Computer Ethics is and how important Disclosive Computer Ethics. To start off, I would want to begin to delineate what Disclosive Computer Ethics is. According to Google, Disclosive Computer Ethics is a critique of mainstream computer ethics and argues for the importance of a complementary approach which is concerned with the moral deciphering of embedded values and norms in computer systems, applications and practices. In other words, Disclosive Computer Ethics entails people about the things that are not that relevant but we should be aware of. Like justice, economy, privacy and democracy. These are the things that are somehow relevant for a group of people but not that relevant for a majority of people, but still, these are facts that we should be aware of. What I learned: I learned that Disclosive Computer Ethics is somehow similar to a mainstream computer ethics because both argue for the opposite approach which is highly fretful with the basic concepts of computer systems and its applications. Integrative Questions: •

What is Disclosive Computer Ethics?


• • • •

Is it similar to a Mainstream Computer Ethics? What are their similarities? What is a Mainstream Computer Ethics? Does Disclosive Computer Ethics help a person out?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Gender and Computer Ethics Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Secondly, feminist ethics brings a direct consideration of questions of power that are so often absent in traditional ethical theories. Utilitarianism argues for the greatest good for the greatest numer. But who is to decide whether one good is better that another? We do not all hae an equal say. Tnog (1993) argues that is it powerful groups, usually hite professional men, who are the decision makers in contemporary cost-benefit analysis. Questions of power are oftendisguised but they are crucial to the ethical decision making process. For instancve, it was noted above that in the empirical studies discussed., there is a disguised power relation between the uniersity teachers undertaking the surveys and the students who take part. This suggests that a study of problems relating to internet pornography and cyberstalking in terms of gender ethics might prove instructive. Issues power must be rendered visible to make these and other areas. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about Gender and Computer Ethics. I also expect to learn about the issues that aroused from Gender and Computer Ethics. Book Review: To be honest, I am already aware that there are Gender issues that are occurring in Computer Ethics. I was actually just waiting for it to come out. I know that there is such thing but I really wanted to know why and what are the gender issues that aroused. It is written that, Gender was a factor when it comes to computers during the early period. Women were deprived of helping out men decide, act or work with computers. Women are usually downgraded since before, women’s image was just for household purposes and nothing else. But now, women are very profound in the information industry. Most of the successful persons in the industry are women. They say that women have this gift that whenever they decide on something, they use their feelings more rather than their brains. I believe that this is what men lack. Men usually think outright whenever they decide on things. They do not care whether they might step on people. Men usually are goal-oriented types of people.


What I learned: I learned that Gender also is an issue when we talk about Computer Ethics. Women mostly are deprived of their skills since they are women. I learned that it is not right and as we all know, there are also a lot of women who are very successful. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What does the chapter meant about Gender issues? What is the difference between ethical decisions and ethical processes? How does the woman do to decide? Usually, what type of person are men? Does gender really is a hindrance in performing a task?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology? Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The claim that technology is value-neutral rested in part on the alliance between science and technology, with several ideas about science shaping ideas about technology. The presumption about science was that it is objective and that it progresses in a natural sequence or evolution. The unfolding of our knowledge was thought to be dictated by nature, not by society. New discoveries were thought to proceed and progress in a natural order. The same would be said about technology. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about the question, “Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology?” I also expect to learn about the issues that aroused from the question. Book Review:

To start off, I will first define what Global Information Infrastructure is. According to Wikipedia, Global Information Infrastructure is a global network of interconnected computers, enabling users to share information along multiple channels. Typically, a computer that connects to the Internet can access information from a vast array of available servers and other computers by moving information from them to the computer's local memory. The same connection allows that computer to send information to servers on the network; that information is in turn accessed and potentially modified by a variety of other interconnected computers. In other words, Global Information Infrastructure is also known as the Internet. This chapter holds up the question, “Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology?” From what I understood, Global Information Infrastructure or the Internet is a Democratic Technology, since people may have the freedom to express their ideas in the World Wide Web. People may also get those ideas there. In my knowledge about Democracy, which is democracy is equal to freedom, the Global Information Infrastructure or the Internet is a Democratic Technology. What I learned: I learned that the Global Information Infrastructure is also known as the Internet. I also learned that the Global Information Infrastructure or the Internet is a Democratic Technology.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What does Global Information Infrastructure mean? What is Global Information Infrastructure also known as? What is a Democratic Technology? Is GII a Democratic Technology? Why so?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and Theories to IT Contexts: Some Key Problems and Challenges Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: In the wake of the Enlightenment the emphasis in ethical theory has been for a long time on systems and rules. Almost invariably, these rules were derived from some supposed “ethically perfect world.” But ideal rules may workout very differently in (non-ideal) practice. That is, it may be the case that such a rule will give rise to gliding scales, e.g., “ethical” and “unethical” cases ate so hard to separate by observable criteria that it is better to forbid some cases that such a rule will give rise to gliding scales. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn how to apply ethical and moral concepts and theories to IT contexts. I also expect to learn the key problems and challenges they encounter. Book Review:

In this chapter, it talks about how a person may apply ethical and moral concepts and theories to IT contexts. It is written that there are three conditions in order to apply ethical and moral concepts and theories in IT context. First is that, we must know what kind of concepts and theories can be applied, and to what they cannot be sufficed. Second, we must know the limitations of specific concepts and theories. We must not force the issue in order for the limitations of the specific concepts and theories to be perfectly adequate and lastly, we must have sufficiently knowledge of the domain to which we want to apply them so that we will not lack specific information that is very vital in the topic. This chapter also talked about the problems that the Information Technology industry faces. An example of which is that, not all theories are applicable. Some theories are applicable to this context but unfortunately, not applicable for another context. This is a problem because there are few theories which apply to any Information Technology context. That is why it is a problem. I therefore conclude that theories and concept must most of the time, match in order for the Information Technology industry lessen their problems which they are facing. I am not saying that these problems will go away because problems are really there. We should face the fact that problems and


challenges are always present regardless of what industry you are in. You just have to deal with it. Lessen it as much as possible. Look for ways to minimize these problems. What I learned: I learned that there are three conditions in order to apply ethical and moral concepts and theories in IT context. I also learned that problems are present and should be dealt with. Integrative Questions:

• • • • •

How many conditions are there in order to apply ethical and moral concepts and theories in IT context? What are they? What are the problems the IT Industry faces? Are their ways for them to be lessened? Why is it necessary for the theories to match the IT context?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Just Consequentialism and Computing Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The malleability of computers allows them to be used in novel and unexpected ways, ways for which we frequently do not have formulated policies for controlling their use. Advancing computer technology produces policy vacuums in its wake. And even when relevant policies do exist, they are often ambiguous or inadequate as they were designed for times with a less versatile technology than computing. A basic job of computer ethics is to identify this policy needs, clarify related conceptual confusions, formulate appropriate new policies, and ethical justify them. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Just Consequentialism and Computing meant. I also expect to learn the importance of both. Book Review:

I would start off by defining what Consequentialism mean. According to Wikipedia, refers to those moral theories which hold that the consequences of a particular action form the basis for any valid moral judgment about that action. Therefore Just Consequentialism is an act of underlying fair consequences to an action done by a person. From what I read and understood, this chapter talks about the fundamental ideology of ethical thinking that can be applied in our nature of business as an Information Technology related student. When we students get to the real world and face our future clients, we should always prioritize and consider what my clients what regardless of how hard or how weird they want their projects to be and just to comply with their requirements. The issue that I can foresee here is that the issue between you as the programmer or developer against the clients. Even though they have this “seems to be impossible” projects that they wants us to do, we should still comply with it. It is our job to do it. As what the saying goes, “customers is always right”, we actually have no choice but to follow them. We should set aside our feelings and wear the “game-on face” and start working on it.


What I learned: I learned that Just Consequentialism refers to those moral theories which hold that the consequences of a particular action form the basis for any valid moral judgment about that action. I also learned that we as programmers or developers must comply with what our clients want. Integrative Questions: • • • • • •

What is Just Consequentialism? What is computing? What is Consequentialism alone? Is Just Consequentialism considered as an approach? If yes, how come?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Internet as a Public Space: Concepts, Issues and Implications in Public Policy Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: There has been much recent debate about what the internet really is – its role in society – as it rapidly moves from a pure academic interest into the public domain. Of particular internet when it comes to characterizing cyberspace is the way we look at the public services that are being created with the internet. Naturally, since the internet is part of the national and global telecommunications infrastructure, many tend to classify the internet’s services into traditional media types. One of the earlier voices in this debate (Camp and Riley, 1996) argues, however, that this classification hardly works well. In fact, previous work illustrates, using events at several universities that neither create protected spaces nor encourage open dialogue. A different model, based on treating virtual spaces as their physical counterparts, would better serve both the organizations and the individuals (Camp and Riley, 1996). We extend this work by focusing on the internet’s public spaces, and the threats and promises of mapping physical spatial models onto virtual space. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the concepts, issues and implications of the internet as a public space. I also expect to learn the importance of all of them. Book Review:

I would begin by stating a simple definition of the Internet. According to Wikipedia, the Internet is a global network of interconnected computers, enabling users to share information along multiple channels. Typically, a computer that connects to the Internet can access information from a vast array of available servers and other computers by moving information from them to the computer's local memory. The same connection allows that computer to send information to servers on the network; that information is in turn accessed and potentially modified by a variety of other interconnected computers. A majority of widely accessible information on the Internet consists of inter-linked hypertext documents and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW). In other words, the Internet is really a public space since anyone regardless of its age; neither race nor gender may able to use it just as long as they have the necessary equipment in doing so. The Internet is a very big help for everyone because the Internet is an


information gateway. It is an Information Gateway because people may retrieve information and provide information as well. Now a days, the Internet is not just for gathering Information. The Internet is also now used for socializing, selling, buying, etc. There are now social network websites that are present. Examples are: Facebook, Friendster, Multiply, and a whole lot more. For selling and buying, there are also entrepreneurial websites available. An example of which is E-Bay, Amazon, Entrepreneur, etc. What I learned: I learned that the Internet is a public space since anyone can use it just as long as that person has the right equipment. I also learned that the internet is an information gateway because a person can either provide information or get information in the web. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is the Internet? What are the concepts of the Internet as a public space? Is the Internet a public space? What are the ethical issues of the Internet as a public space? Does the Internet have different functions?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Laws of Cyberspace Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: This is the age of the cyber-libertarian. It is a time when certain hype about cyberspace has caught on. The hype goes like this: Cyberspace is unavoidable, and yet cyberspace is unregulable. No nation can live without it, yet no nation will be able to control behavior in it. Cyberspace is that place where individuals are, inherently, free from the control of real space sovereigns. It is, in the words of James Boyles, the great techno-“gotcha” nations of the world, you can’t live without it, but nations of the world, when you’ve got it, you won’t long live with it. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the laws of cyberspace are. I also expect to learn the importance of these laws and how to apply it in my life. Book Review:

What is Cyberspace? Before I begin, I would first define what Cyberspace is. According to Wikipedia, Cyberspace is the global domain of electro-magnetics accessed through electronic technology and exploited through the modulation of electromagnetic energy to achieve a wide range of communication and control system capabilities. In layman’s term, Cyberspace serves as a passageway of bits of information that is being transferred in the internet. This chapter talks about the laws of Cyberspace. The article is saying that the laws of Cyberspace are very much important because this is what makes it organized. Without these laws, there will be a tendency that it will be chaotic. The laws serve as guidelines for online users. We should abide these laws so that the maintenance of the Cyberspace will still continue. What I learned: I learned that Cyberspace serves as a passageway of bits of information that is being transferred in the internet. Laws are very important when we talk about Cyberspace. We should always abide to these laws in order for it to become organized.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Cyberspace? What are the laws of Cyberspace? Are the laws important? How important are the laws? Is Cyberspace related to the Internet?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Of Black Holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The task of identifying the alternative rule-makers for purposes of normative comparison is made even more difficult than this because cyberspace, having emerged from decentralized disorder – from the primordial ooze of the internet engineering task force – many well create conditions that the favour the growth of powerful centralizing forces. The state of Virginia will soon discover that its anti-spam statute has little effect on the amount of spam that its citizens receive, because while spam originating anywhere on the network can easily make its way into Virginia, spam originating elsewhere, i.e. outside of Virginia’s borders – is largely immune to Virginia’s control. The same will be true to a federal anti-spam statute (if such statute is enacted), just on a grander scale. We can already write the headline. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about black holes. I also expect to learn that this chapter will explain this thoroughly. Book Review:

I was shocked and amused at the same time when I first read the title. I was thinking how black holes are related in ethics. I was curious on what does the black hole symbolizes. After reading the book, I learned that the term “black hole” that was used in the title were the problems people face in cyberspace. There’s this story written in the article about Tom Field. Tom Field is a professor. Tom Field’s email address was listed in the RBL or the Real-time Black Hole List. Because of that, Tom Field was not allowed to send his personal emails to anyone since this RBL or the Real-time Black Hole List thinks that his email is a spam. Spam is an electronic mail which is considered as unwanted mail. In Yahoo! Mail, they enhanced their program by adding a feature wherein your spam mails are automatically re-directed in a folder named “spam”. With this kind of feature, you will not be anymore bombarded with spam mails in your inbox. The ethical issue that is really present here is whether this RBL or the Real-time Black Hole List is a beneficial thing or a harmful thing. Even though the intention of the RBL or the Real-time Black Hole List


is good which is preventing a person receive small mails firsthand, we cannot purely say that it is beneficial because like what happened to Tom Fields, he was not able to send even real emails because what the RBL or the Real-time Black Hole List thought that it is a spam mail. What I learned: I learned that there are still ethical issues that arise even in Cyberspace. I also learned that the RBL or the Real-time Black Hole List can prevent a person from receiving spam mails. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is RBL? What does RBL do? Is RBL an ethical issue? Why is RBL an ethical issue? What is a spam mail?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Fahrenheit 451.2: Is Cyberspace Burning? Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The scenario is, for now, theoretical- but inevitable. It is clear that any scheme that allows access to unrated speech will fall afoul the government-coerced push for a family friendly internet. We are moving inexorably toward a system that blocks speech simply because it is unrated and makes criminals of those who mis-rate. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about Cyberspace is burning. I also expect that this topic id related to the problems that are occurring in the Cyberspace. Book Review:

I was interested when I saw the title. The question re-entered my mind. Is Cyberspace really burning? I immediately understood that what the chapter really meant. The chapter meant was that Cyberspace is burning because of the harmful sites that are present today. One of the harmful sites that is the most popular and widely-spread is Porn Sites. Now a day, there are Porn Sites which do not even need age verification. It is very open to anybody. Present day teenagers are most likely open to the Internet. With these kinds of harmful sites at hand to the public, Cyberspace might just literally burn up. To be honest, when I was under-aged, I myself, engaged with those kinds of sites. I was able to enter websites even though they have age verifications. I just fake my date of birth, and in an instant, you are inside the site. This is one of the big issues that Cyberspace is facing now. If you ask the majority about what they feel towards porn sites, most of them will tell you that it is completely wrong. But what about those who put up the sites themselves? What if they did that just to earn money to feed their family? That is why an ethical issue is present here. Are porn sites good or bad? If my opinion is to be asked, I would definitely say that Porn sites are not healthy in the Internet since many minors are engaged in the Internet. But what if I place myself in the people who develop porn


sites? Some of them are saying that it is not bad since the people who are in the porn sites was not forced to do it but is in their own liking. What I learned: I learned that harmful sites are the ones who cause big problems that the Cyberspace is facing. I learned that the most popular and widely spread harmful sites are the porn sites. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

Is the Cyberspace really burning up? What do they mean about the Cyberspace is burning? What are the harmful sites that cause problems in Cyberspace? Are porn sites, harmful sites? Is there an ethical issue on porn sites?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Thus, access criteria are preset by the product manufacturer and can be altered by the regular downloading of updates or even altered, for certain of the filters, by the active user. Not surprisingly, most users, especially busy parents, are likely to use the default criteria and therefore have minimal awareness of which sites and newsgroups are not accessible. Since blocking and filtering programs are commonly available, the focus of this paper will be on their use; however, also of importance, and potentially more dangerous, are rating programs, analogous to systems in place for movies and television. Two systems are intended to first encourage and later require websites and newsgroups to rate themselves along a number of dimensions for example includes nudity, sex, violence, and language. Browsers and search engines could then be programmed to return or access sites and newsgroups that satisfy a preset profile. The dangers associated with self-rating schemes will be discussed later in this paper. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied. Book Review:

This chapter talks about filtering the internet in the USA. First, I would define what Web Filtering is. Web Filtering is the act of eliminating and controlling of restricted information that goes in the Web. I saw a soft ware named Content-control software wherein according to Wikipedia, is a term for software designed and optimized for controlling what content is permitted to a reader, especially when it is used to restrict material delivered over the Web. Content-control software determines what content will be available on a particular machine or network; the motive is often to prevent persons from viewing content which the computer's owner(s) or other authorities may consider objectionable; when imposed without the consent of the user, content control can constitute censorship. In other words, this software is used to control the content that enters the web. It also removes the restricted content. What I understand about the title is that, it is impossible for it to filter out the Internet of the United States of America because I guess it is the largest Internet user population in the whole world. Well, I


guess they chose to state United States of America in the title because in my opinion, America has the most number of people accessing restricted content. That is why it is written, “Free Speech Denied” in the title. It seems impossible to filter out the Internet of America. What I learned: I learned that filtering is a process wherein it cleanses out restricted content in the Internet. I also learned that there is software which is responsible for filtering out the contents in the Internet. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is filtering? Is it beneficial? What is the name of the software that is responsible for filtering out restricted content? Is it impossible to filter out America? Why is there a need for filtering?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: “When the law speaks universally, then, and a case arises in it which is not covered by the universal statement, then it is right, where the legislator fails us and has erred by over-simplicity, to correct the omission- to say what the legislator himself would have said he had been present, and would have put into his law if he had known.” Aristotle Learning Expectation: I expect to learn about Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996. I also expect to learn its role in cyber ethics. Book Review: Pornography itself is bad enough for me but Child Pornography, this is out of hand. In the World Wide Web, Child Pornography is just around of every corner. What I mean is that Child Pornography is, as you all can see, is at almost in any pornographic website. Well, this chapter talks about how Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996 may help lessen the wide-spread if Cyber Porn as I may call it. To start off, what is Censorship? According to Wikipedia, Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor. In other words, Censorship serves as a tool in removing or filtering out potentially harmful information based on what the censor thinks. In this chapter, Censorship plays the role as the one who filter outs the Pornography that is available in the World Wide Web. The Internet here, the tool used to deliver out Pornography. It was served as a bridge in order for the people to view or engage themselves with harmful sites and lastly, the Child Pornography Law of 1996 are for the people who are hard-headed and still will not abide the law.


What I learned: I learned that people from the Porn Industry are not contented of what they already popularized, which is porn, but they took it to the next level by endorsing Child Pornography. I learned that there is a law about Child Pornography and people from the Porn Industry must abide to this law. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What does Censorship mean? What is the Child Pornography Law of 1996? What is the role of Censorship? What is the role of the Internet? What is the role of the Child Pornography Law of 1996?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: On the Internet, we can do still better, with richer labels that reflect diverse view points, and more flexible selection criteria. PICS, the platform for internet content selection, establish internet conventions for label formats and distribution methods while dictating neither a labeling vocabulary nor who should pay attention to which labels. It is analogous to specifying where on a package a label should appear, and in what font it should be printed, without specifying what is should say. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what PICS is. I also expect to learn what Internet Access Controls Without Censorship is and if it important. Book Review: To start off, I will first explain what PICS is. It is written in the article that PICS is a compatible software that can implement selective blocking in various ways. First way is that, to build it into the browser on each computer, as announced by Microsoft and Netscape. Secondly, one used in products such as CyberPatrol and SurfWatch – is to perform this operation as part of each computer’s network protocol stack and lastly, is to perform the operation somewhere in the network, for example at a proxy server used in a combination with a firewall. To summarize it all up, PICS is responsible for protecting online users from accessing harmful sites. Can administrators of the World Wide Web censor all the harmful sites that are present in the World Wide Web? Well, I guess not. Some people always manages to put harmful sites in the web even though it is filtered already, some place nasty ads on wholesome sites just to advertize their harmful sites. Some even use applications just to inform the public about that site. What I learned: I learned that PICS is a compatible software that can implement selective blocking in various ways according to the text given. I also learned that there are 3 ways to implement selective blocking. I


also learned that not every harmful site are being filtered out by the administrators of the World Wide Web since many people still manages to insert their unpleasant sites for marketing purposes. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is PICS? What can PICS do? What are the various ways to implement selective blocking? What is selective blocking? Can every pornographic site in the Internet be filtered out?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Internet Service Providers and Defamation: New Standards of Liability Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The one ambiguity in all of this is the need to factor into our analysis of responsibility the difficulties and costs that are involved in preventing harm or rendering aid to someone else. What are the limits of responsibility in cases like this one? How much time and money should ISP’s be expected to spend on investigating allegations of defamation? These are pertinent questions with no easy answers. However, I would argue that while it will be somewhat costly to take these investigative steps promptly and efficiently, economic feasibility does not seem to be issue at this point unless the incidence of defamation in cyberspace reaches epidemic proportions. The critical importance of protecting private reputation must be weighed against the modest cost of post-screening. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Internet Service Providers are. I also expect to learn Defamation. I also expect to learn the importance of both. Book Review: Let me begin by providing a definition for Internet Service Provider. According to Wikipedia, Internet Service Provider or ISP is a company that offers its customers an access to the Internet. The ISP connects to its customers using a data transmission technology appropriate for delivering Internet Protocol datagrams, such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem or dedicated high-speed interconnects. In other words, the Internet Service Provider or ISP serves as a bridge for the customer to be able to connect to the Internet. The Internet Service Provider or ISP uses tool such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem, etc. Next word that came up is Defamation. What is Defamation? According to Wikipedia, Defamation is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. It is often, but not always, it is also a requirement that this claim be false, and, or alternatively, that the publication is made to someone other than the person defamed. In other words, Defamation is a statement wherein it can ruin somebody’s image.


So what connects the ISP and Defamation? Late Philosophers said that ISP may lead to Defamation since they are responsible for passing through Defamation messages in the World Wide Web. What I learned: I learned that ISP serves as a bridge for the customer to be able to connect to the Internet. The Internet Service Provider or ISP uses tool such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem, etc. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is the definition of Internet Service Provider or ISP? What does it do? What is the relationship of ISP and Defamation? What is Defamation? What do they do to minimize Defamation?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Digital Millennium Copyright Act Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled. A statement under penalty of perjury that the subscriber has a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled. The subscriber’s name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of federal district court for the juridical district in which the address is located, or if the subscriber’s address is outside of the united states, for any juridical district in which the service provider may be found, and that the subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided notification under subsection or an agent of such person. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Digital Millennium Copyright Act is. I also expect to learn the importance of Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Book Review: Well, from the looks of it, this chapter talks about the Copyright Act. For one, why is there a need to Copyright? In my ethics class, we talked about how important copyright is. If you are an inventor or a writer, or a developer, or someone who creates their own projects, is it alright for you if someone copied your work and took the all the credit? I bet you wouldn’t hesitate to say no. The Copyright Act serves as a written evidence of the specific consequence that someone will receive if he/she tries to infringe someone’s project or work. For inventors, writers, developers, designers, and anyone who creates their own projects, and are afraid to be infringed by another person, this Copyright Act is the one for you. It will help you not get outsmarted nor get picked on by people who are subjected to copyright infringement. What I learned:


I learned that the Copyright Act serves as a written evidence of the specific consequence that someone will receive if he/she tries to infringe someone’s project or work. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act? Will it benefit the public? How will it benefit the public? What is the act of copying someone’s work without prior notice called? What are the consequences for the people who are guilty of copyright infringement?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Note on the DeCSS Trial Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The DeCSS trial, which concluded in mid-August 2000, has tested the scope and constitutionality of the anti-circumvention provision included in Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The questions triggered by this case go to the heart of the debate about intellectual property protection on the Internet. Is DeCSS no more than a piracy tool that enables widespread copying of DVD files? Or does it merely enable “fair use” of DVD media by allowing DVD formatted movies to be played on computers with unsupported operating systems such as Linux. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what DeCSS Trial is. I also expect to learn the importance DeCSS Trial. I also expect that this chapter will briefly discuss the Note on the DeCSS Trial. Book Review: In complete honesty, I had no idea or whatsoever, about the topic, DeCSS. When I looked for DeCSS in Wikipedia, it gave out this result. DeCSS is a computer program capable of decrypting content on a DVD-Video disc encrypted using the Content-Scrambling System (CSS). In other words, DeCSS is a software used to decrypt encrypted content. After searching the meaning of DeCSS in Wikipedia, something entered my mind. I automatically made an assumption that there is an ethical issue in using DeCSS. Well of course there is because obviously, DeCSS is pro-piracy. They copy movies and burn them out in a DVD and sell to the public. Well, for people who can afford go to the movies, when you think about DeCSS, you’ll say that it is wrong because it is piracy and it just copies what is in the cinemas. But if you put your place in the people who can’t afford to go to the movies or even people who sells DVD’s for a living, try to put your place in their shoes. When this issue comes up, they will say that it is not wrong because it benefits them. It gives income to be able to feed their family. They would also say that it would help them because it is a cheaper kind of recreation. Now a days, people tend to buy DVD’s rather than going to the movies since there are lot of better deals with DVD’s. First, you may watch it as many times as you want. Next, you can watch it at the


comfort of your own home. Next, you have the power to pause the film, playback and go forward with DVD’s. Lastly, you may have the chance to watch it alone. What I learned: I learned that it DeCSS is a software used to decrypt encrypted content. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is DeCSS? Why was it used in this chapter? What are the issues that aroused from the topic? What are the two websites that encounters problem with swapping of MP3? What is fair use?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net? Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Beyond the failures in the decision-making process lie failures in the way that we think about the issues. The environmental movement gained much of its persuasive power by pointing out that there were structural reasons that we were likely to make bad environmental decisions; a legal system based on a particular notion of what “private property” entailed, and an engineering or scientific system that treated the world as a simple, linearly, related set of causes and effects. In both of these conceptual systems, the environment actually disappeared; there was no place for it in the analysis. Small surprise then that we did not preserve it very well. I have argued that the same is true about the public domain. The fundamental aporia in the economic analysis of information issues, the source-blindness of an “original author” – centered model or property rights, and the political blindness to the importance of the public domain disappear, first in concept and then, increasingly, as a reality. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the Politics of Intellectual Property is. I also expect to learn the importance of Politics of Intellectual Property. Book Review: I’ll start off by defining what Intellectual Property is. According to Wikipedia, Intellectual Property is legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets. In other words, Intellectual Property is intangible things that you rightfully own. Examples of which are thoughts, dreams, etc. What I learned: I learned that Intellectual Property is intangible things that you rightfully own. Examples of which are thoughts, dreams, etc.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Intellectual Property? What are examples of Intellectual Property? What is Environmentalism? How is it related to Intellectual Property? Do the have differences of some sort?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Intellectual property is an odd notion, almost an oxymoron. Property usually refers to tangible assets which over someone has or claims control. Originally it meant land. Now it could also refer to a car, a milling machine, a jacket, or a toothbrush. In all these cases the property claim is of control of the physical entity. If I claim a plot of land as my property, I am saying I can control who has access to that land and what they do there. I can build a fence around it, rent it out, or drill it for oil on it. If a car is my property, I get the keys to it. I can exclude others from using it and use it myself for whatever I want, as long as I do not threaten the lives or property of others. Intellectual property is different because its object is something intangible, although it usually has tangible expression. The intellectual property in a book is not the physical paper and ink, but the arrangement of words that the ink marks on the paper represent. The ink marks can be translated into regions of magnetic polarization on a computer disk. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the Politics of Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good are. I also expect to learn the importance of Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good. Book Review: We already know what Intellectual Property is about in the previous chapter. Now I would start by explaining what the Common Good is. According to Wikipedia, Common Good is a term that can refer to several different concepts. In the popular meaning, the common good describes a specific "good" that is shared and beneficial for all (or most) members of a given community. This is also how the common good is broadly defined in philosophy, ethics, and political science. However there is no strict definition of the common good for each situation. The good that is common between person A and person B may not be the same as between person A and person C. Thus the common good can often change, although there are some things such as the basic requirements for staying alive: food, water, and shelter - that are always good for all people. In other words, the Common Good is the thing that the majority benefits from in the community. It is what is similar from them.


What I learned: I learned that the Common Good is the thing that the majority benefits from in the community. It is what is similar from them. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Intellectual Property? What is Information? What is the Common Good? What is Lockean Theory? What is Hegelian Theory?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Is Copyright Ethical? An Examination of the Theories, Laws, and Practices Regarding the Private Ownership of Intellectual Work in the United States Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: To provide a basis for this examination, some varying constructions of rights, property, and intellectual property will be presented along with a brief history of copyright in the United States. The copyright legislation passed by 105th Congress will be discussed as well as some current international aspects of intellectual property. Then, with both theory and practice at hand, we will proceed to the ethical examination. Sadly we will be unable to reach a conclusion on whether all aspects of intellectual property are the matter of ethics, but we will have found that copyright in the United States is an economic regime that pays homage to ethics only when it wishes to invoke a higher ground than economic damages for reasons to obey the copyright law. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn whether copyright is ethical. I also expect to learn why did it question whether copyright is ethic. Book Review: In my opinion, copyright is very much ethical because, according to the one of ten 10 commandments of computer ethics which is, Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization. Copyrighting a work will prevent a person disobey this chapter because it is written in the 10 commandments that it is not right to mess with other people’s computer resources. According to Wikipedia, According to Wikipedia, Copyright is a form of intellectual property which gives the creator of an original work exclusive right for a certain time period in relation to that work, including its publication, distribution and adaptation; after which time the work is said to enter the public domain. Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete. Some jurisdictions also recognize "moral rights" of the creator of a work, such as the right to be credited for the work.


What I learned:

I learned that copyright is ethical because it prevents a person from disobeying the 10 commandments of computer ethics. I also learned that copyright is a form of intellectual property. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

Is copyright ethical? What is copyright? Is copyright a form of intellectual property? What are the two things that copyright do not support and protect? What are the theories of intellectual property?



Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Foundations of Information Ethics Internet Reference: Quote: Socrates already argued that a moral agent is naturally interested in gaining as much valuable information as the circumstances require, and that a well-informed agent is more likely to do the right thing. The ensuing “ethical intellectualism” analyzes evil and morally wrong behavior as the outcome of deficient information.

Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the different foundation of Information Ethics and how this can help a person be more ethical. Book Review: This chapter talks about the foundations of Information Ethics. To start off, I would like to discuss what Information Ethics is. According to Wikipedia, Information Ethics is the field that investigates the ethical issues arising from the development and application of information technologies. It provides a critical framework for considering moral issues concerning informational privacy, moral agency (e.g. whether artificial agents may be moral), new environmental issues (especially how agents should one behave in the infosphere), problems arising from the life-cycle (creation, collection, recording, distribution, processing, etc.) of information (especially ownership and copyright, digital divide). Information Ethics is related to the fields of computer ethics and the philosophy of information. In other words, Information Ethics is a basis for the Information Technology industry. This tells an I.T. Professional on what to do and if it is ethical to do it. In this chapter as well, it talked about the RPT model or the Resource Product Target model. This model has 3 components. First component is the Info-resource. Info- resource as what its name said is where the person gets its information. Secondly, is the Info-product. Info- product covers moral issues that arise and lastly, the Info-target. Info-target of Information environment analyzes the world of hacking. Other form of security also lies here. What I learned: I learned that Information Ethics is the basis Ethics is a basis for the Information Technology industry. This tells an I.T. Professional on what to do and if it is ethical to do it. I also learned that the RPT model has 3 stages namely the Info-resource, Info-product and the Info-target.


Integrative Question: • • • • •

What does Information Ethic mean? What is the RPT Model? What does Info-resource mean? What does Info-product mean? What does Info-target mean?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Milestone in the History of Information and Computer Ethics Internet Reference: Quote: Wiener realized that the new science and technology that he and his colleagues were creating would have “enormous potential for good and for evil.” He predicted that, after the war, the new information technology would dramatically change the world just as much as the Industrial Revolution had done in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Wiener predicted a “second industrial revolution,” an “automatic age,” that would generate a staggering number of new ethical challenges and opportunities. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the milestone in the history of Information and Computer Ethics and how relevant this is in the book. I want to know if how important to know the history of Information and Computer Ethics. I also want to know if this will benefit the Information Technology Industry. Book Review: Information Ethics was born in the middle of the Second World War two according to the article given. It said that it was unintentional and almost an accident because the creator, Norbert Wiener, together with his fellow scientists, were creating an anti-aircraft cannon that would allow to spot an aircraft and eliminate it as well. This made Norbert Wiener think that in making this anti-aircraft cannon has its positive and negative side. Since ethics is the study of distinguishing something from good or bad, it gave Norbert Weiner and his colleagues an idea that the anti-aircraft cannon is a potential for good or for evil. Norbert Weiner and his fellow scientists created two books which talks about the social and ethical impacts of the new information technologies. Little did Norbert Weiner know that he already made the foundations of information ethics and cyber ethics. That is why it was said earlier that it was unintentional and almost an accident when Norbert Wiener and his fellow scientist created the Information Ethics. What I Learned: I learned that Norbert Wiener created the Information Ethics during the Second World War. I also learned that it was an accident because they were creating this so-called anti-aircraft cannon that would allow eliminating an enemy’s aircraft and from that thing, the Information Ethics was born.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

Who created Information Ethics? What triggered Norbert Wiener to create it? When was it created? Was Norbert Weiner aware that he was able to the foundations of Information and Cyber Ethics? What can the anti-aircraft cannon do?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Moral Methodology and Information Technology Internet Reference: Quote: I think the way we ought to proceed in the ethics of IT is not very different from the way we ought to proceed in other departments of ethics of technology and engineering1, although there are certainly differences between the moral problems occasioned by different types of technology and there are certainly specific properties of computers that need to be accommodated in our moral thinking about them. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the meaning of moral methodology and the deeper meaning of Information Technology. Book Review: This beginning of this chapter talks about cyber ethics. It gave us the definition that Cyber Ethics is a form of applied or practical ethics. It studies the moral questions that are associated with the development, application, and use of computers and computer science. Computer ethics exemplifies, like many other areas of applied and professional ethics, the increasing interest among professionals, public policy makers, and academic philosophers in real-life ethical questions. In other words, Cyber Ethics is a study wherein it focuses on the moral questions of computer professionals. At least that’s what I understood. This chapter tells us readers that there is a big argument when we talk about using the computer. There is always something good or something bad whenever you use the computer. An example of a good thing that a computer is capable of doing is it helps people hasten their workloads since the computer has many features installed in it. It also has a World Wide Web application which users can surf the internet and look for stuff that the need or want to know. Aside from the positive side of using the internet, there is also a negative side. People now a days, use the computer to mingle with other people’s files. A computer may also infringe something. A computer may also copy an original work and distribute it. Here is where the cyber ethics comes in. Cyber Ethics informs the users the stuff which is good from stuff that is bad.


What I learned: I learned that the computer is not purely to help a person out. It has also its negative side. I also learned that a computer now a days is not just for hastening things up but sometimes for illegal stuff which could harm people as well. I also learned that Cyber Ethics deals with this kind of problem. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is the definition of Cyber Ethics? Does this help solve the problem between determining whether the function of a computer is for the good or not? What is the study of moral questions that are associated with the development, application, and use of computers and computer science? What is generalism? What is PACS?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems Internet Reference: Quote: What is wrong, I think, is that we have permitted technological metaphors . . . and technique itself to so thoroughly pervade our thought processes that we have finally abdicated to technology the very duty to formulate questions. . .. Where a simple man might ask: “Do we need these things?”, technology asks “what electronic wizardry will make them safe?” Where a simple man will ask “is it good?”, technology asks “will it work?” Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what a value sensitive design is and how it helps the Information Technology industry. Book Review: This chapter begins by explain what a Value Sensitive Design is. According to the book, A Value Sensitive Design, or VSD, is a theoretically grounded approach to the design of technology that accounts for human values in a principled and comprehensive manner throughout the design process. It employs an integrative and iterative tripartite methodology, consisting of conceptual, empirical, and technical investigations. In other words, a Value Sensitive Design or VSD helps out a person determine its human values based on the approach given by the Value Sensitive Design or VSD. This Value Sensitive Design derived 3 case studies. The first study handles the information and controls the web browser cookies. This study checks whether the information passes or not. The second study suggests using highdefinition plasma or what I believe a Television set or a computer to help picture out or visualize what reality is. Lastly, the third study is the use of environmental simulation systems in order to be precise in making big decisions which involves land and other environmental issues. In this way, it implies fairness, accountability, etc. I therefore conclude that a Value Sensitive Design or VSD is a tool which helps promote the betterment of a nation. This may help places to become more peaceful and well-organize.


What I learned: I learned that a Value Sensitive Design is a tool which helps promote the betterment of a nation. This may help places to become more peaceful and well-organize. I also learned that it has three case studies which each case has its unique suggestion. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What does VSD stand for? What does a VSD do? Does it help make a place better? How many case studies does VSD have? What does value mean?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property Internet Reference: Quote: The bundle of rights conferred on patents owners are the right to make, the right to use, the right to sell, and the right to authorize others to sell the patented item. Moreover, the bundle of rights conferred by a patent exclude others from making, using, or selling the invention regardless of independent creation. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property mean. Book Review: This chapter started off by explaining to us readers what Intellectual Property means. According to the text given, Intellectual property is generally characterized as nonphysical property that is the product of cognitive processes and whose value is based upon some idea or collection of ideas. Typically, rights do not surround the abstract nonphysical entity, or res, of intellectual property; rather, intellectual property rights surround the control of physical manifestations or expressions. Systems of intellectual property protect rights to ideas by protecting rights to produce and control physical embodiments of those ideas. In other words, Intellectual Property is not actually a thing we can hold but an intangible benefit that was given to us. As stated in Wikipedia, it is a legal property right which is created by the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. This means that it is all in the mind. Examples of intangible benefits that we are entitled to is literature, music, ideas, inventions, discoveries, and a whole lot more. Another part of the chapter discusses about Property Right. According to Wikipedia, Property Right is a right given to a property owner wherein he/she can consume, sell, rent, mortgage, transfer and exchange his or her property. It is important to know your rights in order for you to not be treated as rubbish and may live in justice.


What I Learned: I learned that Intellectual Property is not a tangible thing that we can hold on to. Like what Wikipedia said, it is created by the mind. I also learned that Property Right is a right given to a property owner wherein he/she can consume, sell, rent, mortgage, transfer and exchange his or her property. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Intellectual Property? What is Property Right? Is Intellectual Property just a state of mind? Is Property Right important for us readers to know about it? How important is it?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies Internet Reference: Quote: We demand recognition of our right to privacy, we complain when privacy is invaded, yet we encounter difficulties immediately [when] we seek to explain what we mean by privacy, what is the area, the content of privacy, what is outside that area, what constitutes a loss of privacy, a loss to which we have consented, a justified loss, an unjustified loss. —H.J. McCloskey (1985, p. 343) Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the different concepts, theories and controversies of Informational and how important it is to know these things. Book Review: I believe that this chapter talks about privacy and how privacy should be properly dealt with. The chapter started out by explaining the real concept of privacy to us readers. According to H,J, McCloskey, the concept of privacy is that people demand the right to privacy but we do not exactly know what privacy is. We are not that sure if our privacy is being invaded or not. That’s what I understood from the quote stored above. After determining the concept of privacy, the book tells us 4 distinct kinds of privacy. It is written that the 4 kinds are physical, decisional, psychological and informational privacy. According to an article written by Samuel Warren and Louis Bradeis, Physical Privacy is defined as the freedom a person enjoys from sensory intrusion, which is “achieved thanks to restrictions on others, ability to have bodily interactions with (that person).” This means that physical privacy lives up to its name which is physical. The next kind is the Decisional privacy. Floridi defines Decisional privacy as a freedom from procedural interference, achieved thanks to the exclusion of others from decisions (concerning, e.g., education, health care, career, work, marriage, faith)”. This means that a person enjoys everything that concerns the examples given above. Next is the Psychological privacy which is defined by Regan as protecting one’s intimate thoughts. This means that psychological privacy focuses on the mental side of you. Lastly, Informational privacy, according to Floridi, is defined as “freedom from epistemic interference” that is achieved when there is a restriction on “facts” about someone that are “unknown.”


What I learned: I learned that privacy has its 4 distinct kind namely Physical privacy, Decisional privacy, Psychological privacy and lastly, Informational Privacy. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is the concept of Privacy? What is Physical privacy? What is Decisional privacy? What is Psychological privacy? What is Informational privacy?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Online Anonymity Internet Reference: Quote: One is the thought that anonymity could be the byproduct of sheer size as when one is among a throng of people who don’t know one another. The other is the thought that anonymity could be the byproduct of complex social organization, where society is organized such that one’s social locations are dispersed and not necessarily connected with one another; for example, one’s work environment may be disconnected from or not overlapped with one’s familial locations. Learning Expectation:

I expect to learn what Online Anonymity is. I also expect to learn that it is somehow related to privacy since I think that anonymity is closely related to privacy. Book Review: Basically, this chapter speaks of Anonymity. We should first describe what Anonymity is. According to Wikipedia, Anonymity is derived from the Greek word ανωνυµία, meaning "without a name" or "namelessness". In colloquial use, the term typically refers to a person, and often means that the personal identity or personally identifiable information of that person is not known. In layman’s terms, anonymity is simply described as someone unknown. This chapter argues whether Anonymity is right or wrong. It is written that, there are things which make Anonymity a good thing but there also things which cause bad things to occur. It is also written that it is one of the problems that the technology world faces now a days because they are unsure whether this person will do good or be harmful. One thing that I think will benefit something out of Anonymity is your privacy. With this, people would not know that it is you. But the bad thing about it is that, crimes may be committed since people would not have an idea who that person is.


What I learned: What I learned from this chapter is how the importance of Anonymity. I also learned that Anonymity has its positive side and its negative side. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is Anonymity? Is it related to Privacy? Why is it related to Privacy? Does Anonymity have its good side? Does Anonymity have its bad side?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counterhacking Internet Reference: Quote: At first glance, it might seem obvious that hacking is wrong. Although the more malicious of these acts involve serious wrongs because of the harm they cause, all are wrong because they constitute a digital trespass onto the property of another person. Unauthorized entry into some other person’s computer seems not relevantly different than uninvited entry onto the land of another person. Real trespass is morally wrong, regardless of whether it results in harm, because it violates the owner’s property right to control the uses to which her land is put and hence to exclude other people from its use. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn how hacking became ethical. I want to know the good side if it because what I know now is that, hacking is really wrong. Book Review:

In complete honesty, I was amazed when I read this chapter. I saw that hacking could be ethical as well. Well, we all know that the nature of hacking is really bad since it does not follow the 10 commandments of the computer wherein, thou shall not interfere with other people’s work or something like that. After reading this chapter, I found out that it is not completely unethical to hack unless your purpose of doing so will benefit other people as well. Now a day, there are people out there who are very skillful enough to hack in your very computer. We even hear in the news that someone just hacked a government system or something. We can even see these things in movies wherein even a young student was able to hack a government facility in the United States. That is why. It is not impossible to hack into someone’s system. Well, hacking is not completely bad as I said because hacking may help someone do something good. A perfect example for this is when the government of the US has to hack the information system of North Korea in order to stop a ballistic missile from hitting Alaska which will kill thousands of people. That is when, hacking comes in and it is not wrong since lives will be saved.


What I learned: I learned that it is not purely wrong to be a hacker because there are stuff we can benefit from hacking. Integrative Questions:

• • • • •

Is hacking purely wrong? Are their things that we could benefit from hacking? Do other people think hacking is bad? What is hacking? What is hacktivism?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Information Ethics and the Library Profession Internet Reference: Quote: Libraries as organized depositories of documents have existed at least from the time of the Sumerians (Fourie and Dowell, 2002, pp. 15–16). Librarianship as a distinct profession, however, is relatively a recent development. With the advent of the printing press, collections of works became larger and more complex, thus creating a greater need for someone devoted to organizing and cataloging such collections. Even then, those who collected, organized, and preserved books and other documents were Scholars and their activities as “librarians” were not distinct from their scholarly work. Not until the nineteenth century did librarianship become a separate profession (Gilbert (1994), p. 383). Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what a library profession is and the profound meaning of information ethics. I want to know how important both are. Book Review: This chapter starts off by pointing out that the issues that are being tackled here will not really benefit library professions such as librarians but will other information provider. According to the article, examples of information providers are Google, Yahoo, Ask, Wikipedia, Encarta, Altavista and a whole lot more. This will benefit them since this chapter of this book will talk about information ethics. What I understood here in this chapter is that, these information providers do good and may do bad as well. Obviously they do good since they give us the precise information we ask of them. These information providers are also responsible for hastening the work speed of the people since all we have to do is just type in the information we need, and in seconds, it is already available. Unfortunately, issues arise due to the fact that information providers may input wrong information and may be biased. That is why ethics is needed in this one right here. In my opinion, ethics is really applicable here because information is a big thing. Absorbing wrong information is very crucial since it may affect a person.


What I learned: I learned that even information providers may do harm to other people without even doing it on purpose. I also learned that, that is the reason why ethics should be applied here. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What are library professions? Do search engines count as library professions? Do search engines count as information provider? What are samples of information provider? Does it have the capability to harm a person?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software Internet Reference: Quote: Free software stems from the close ties that early software developers had with academia. As the software industry began to mature, the bond with academia and its ideals of sharing research results weakened. After spending many years as an active participant in the hacker culture, Richard Stallman grew frustrated as more and more softwarewas not free—not free in a financial sense, but free in awaythat allowed for its inspection, running, and modification. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn why there is ethical interest in free and open source software. I want to know why this is important. Book Review: As we all can see, this chapter obviously talks about free and open source software and the ethical interest in it. To start off, I want to briefly define what an Open Source Software is. Open Source Software is a software which does not require cash since it is free. You may download it in the World Wide Web. This may be garnered in any website that relates to your desired software. A good example of this Open Source Software is the Open Office. Open Office may be downloaded in the net. Unlike, Microsoft Office, Open Office does not require any payment since it is free. Another example of open source is PHP. PHP is a scripting language used by web developers in order for their web pages to be loaded. This is also an Open Source Software since it is available for download it the net. In this chapter, there is also a moral issue that arises. Similar to information providers, Open Source Software developers should see to it that their codes are superior because there reputation is on the line. They are open to handing out false information if their codes are not that good. What I learned: I learned that there are a lot of Open Source Softwares available in the World Wide Web. I also learned that moral issues are still present even for Open Source Softwares.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What are Open Source Softwares? Are moral issues present for OSS? What are the moral issues? Who developed the concept of Free Software? When was it developed?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues Internet Reference: Quote: Internet research ethics (IRE) is an emerging multi- and interdisciplinary field that systematically studies the ethical implications that arise from the use of the Internet as a space or locale of, and/or tool for, research. No one discipline can claim IRE as its own, as various disciplines since the 1990s have used the Internet for research and, to some extent, grappled with the ethical implications of such research. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the critical issues arise from the internet research field. I also want to learn if it will benefit the readers. Book Review: To start off, this chapter talks about the Internet Research Ethics as a field and the critical issues that arises. First, I would like to define what Internet Research Ethics is. According to the article, Internet Research Ethics is an emerging multi- and interdisciplinary field that systematically studies the ethical implications that arise from the use of the Internet as a space or locale of, and/or tool for, research. In other words, Internet Research Ethics are responsible in handling the issues created while using the internet for means of research. When I read this chapter, I was shocked to know that even while researching through the internet; ethical issues occur. I believe that ethical issues do occur because similar as information providers, internet research also gives information to those who researches it. That is why ethical issues did arise. Internet research has its beneficial advantages but may also do harm for the public. What I beneficial advantages that I see is that Internet Research may give out precise information asked by the researcher. But the bad thing about this is that Internet Research may also give out, not precise information, but false information or false data. As we all know, false information may trigger dangerous results for a human being. It may harm him in so many ways.


What I learned: I learned that aside from information providers, internet research also experiences critical issues. I learned that they also do experience critical issues because their similarities are that they both give out information to the public. Integrative Questions:

• • • • •

What does IRE stand for? What does IRE do? What are the critical issues that arise? What does Internet Research mean? Is it similar to Information Provider?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty Internet Reference: Quote: It is sadly and too often the case that many professionals regard ethics as a source of codes for the edification of the not-yet-virtuous, as a place where pointy-headed boffins pass judgment on heathens, as an office to call in search of someone with a horse and a sword to come .round to smite the evildoers. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Health Information Technology is. I also want to learn what challenges in ethics, science and uncertainty got to do with this topic. Book Review: What is Health Information Technology? According to Wikipedia, Health Information Technology or HIT provides the umbrella framework to describe the comprehensive management of health information and its secure exchange between consumers, providers, government and quality entities, and insurers. Health information technology (HIT) in general is increasingly viewed as the most promising tool for improving the overall quality, safety and efficiency of the health delivery system (Chaudhry et al., 2006). In other words, Health Information Technology is responsible to protect the exchange of between people. Since the word “protect” and “secure” came up, this chapter also opened the topic privacy. According to the article, Privacy is the right entitlement or reasonable expectation people have that they are and will be secure from intrusion. In layman’s term, Privacy is the right given to a person in whom he or she may keep it to himself or herself regardless of what other people might think or say. There is a good example on why an ethical issue aroused here in Health Information Technology. The example given by the article is that, if a patient does not believe that this specific hospital is not capable of securing medical records and keeps it confidential, then that patient is reluctant to tell the truth since the patient is scared that his or her records might not be dealt with properly.


What I learned: What I learned is that even hospitals and other health related fields also experience ethical issues. I also learned that Privacy is closely related to Confidentiality in the point that the article itself related Privacy and Confidentiality as cousins, Integrative Questions: • • • • • •

What does HIT stand for? What does HIT do? What is Privacy? What is Confidentiality? Are they related?


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Book Review: Ethical Issue of Information and Business Internet Reference: Quote: Businesses and the economic system they work in have an important influence on ethical issues arising from information and information and communication technology. This chapter aims at establishing a link between several sets of ethical discourses that concern similar topics. It offers an introduction to some of the current debates in business ethics and considers how information and technology influence the current topics and debates in the area. Drawing on some of the debates in computer and information ethics, the chapter points out areas where these two sets of discourses overlap and where they have the potential to inform each other. Learning Expectation: I would like to learn more of the Business and Computer Ethics. I also would like to understand if Business Ethics is an oxymoronic term.

Book Review: “A possible view might be that Business and ethics simply have nothing to do with each other, that the term business Ethics is an oxymoron”. I think I do not agree on this one. For me Business and ethics is not oxymoron since Businesses involve and possible only when there are people, People who have their own moral background and standards. “Immoral behavior of individual market participants, such as High-profile managers or corporations” “Ethics as the theory of morality plays an important role in justifying the economic system and thus allowing economic agents to feel legitimated in acting within the system” For me economic system should if possible be moral and fair in most of its aspect. What I learned: I have learned that ethical theory can be helpful in raising awareness and shaping views on how ethical problems can be addressed. Integrative Question: • • •

What does Information mean? What does Business mean? What are the ethical issues of information?


• •

What are the ethical issues of business? What are the ethical issues of Information and Business?


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Book Review: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet Internet Reference: Quote: Unfortunately, the law does not offer many clues as to this question. With regard to information that is not in itself illegal, the possibilities of invoking legal regulation are very limited. Traditionally, the law approaches the problematic consequences of information as a liability problem. As I suggested already in Section 14.3, this approach is insufficient. Liability only arises after the harm and offence have really taken place. Thus, the preventive potential with regard to possible harm and offence and to risks is severely limited. Establishing liability for information is further complicated, because of difficulties of identifying causal relationships, of giving due consideration to the perspectives of content providers and users, and—sometimes— of balancing the good of establishing liability against information freedoms. Learning Expectation: I would like to learn more of the Responsibilities for Information on the Internet. I also would like to understand the importance of Responsibilities for Information on the Internet.

Book Review: “For the time being, responsibilities for safeguarding the reliability of online information are responsibilities shared by all parties involved.” I agree with Mr. Anton’s opinion that every party has their responsibilities to promoted legal, reliable, and moral online information. “Content providers (CPs), the organizations that provide the infrastructure for the dissemination of that information, the so-called Internet service and access providers, the receivers or users of the information, third parties, such as those that deliver quality certificates for Websites, and others.” There is much research and literature in the discipline of business ethics, which deals with the relationship between business and ethics. Business and ethics, the way is see it, is something that goes along with each other for the reason that you cannot do business if you do not have ethics. My meaning is that your client will not last if you do not have ethics to follow your contract or provide the right things to your client. So you can do business without ethics but the only problem is that it will not last. Whether we like it or not, ethics goes along with business.


What I learned: I have learned that problems of reliability on online information have two types: People lack the necessary expertise to assess information on the basis of content criteria, and they also lack the necessary expertise to assess information on the basis of pedigree criteria. In this case, the problems are due to a lack of competence of the users. People lack the expertise to assess information on the basis of content criteria, and it is impossible for them to test the information with the help of pedigree criteria. This is the case when the users are, in principle, competent in using pedigree criteria, but the information is presented in such a way that there are no indicators or markers of conformity with pedigree criteria. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What are the responsibilities for Information on the Internet What is the similarities of business and ethics? What are CP’s? What is Mr. Anton’s opinion? What are the conditions of responsibility?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation Internet Reference: Quote: Virtual reality and computer simulation have not received much attention from ethicists. It is argued in this essay that this relative neglect is unjustified, and that there are important ethical questions that can be raised in relation to these technologies. First of all, these technologies raise important ethical questions about the way in which they represent reality and the misrepresentations, biased representations, and offensive representations that they may contain. In addition, actions in virtual environments can be harmful to others and raise moral issues within all major traditions in ethics, including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Learning Expectation: I would like to learn about the Responsibilities Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation. I also would like to understand the importance of Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation.

Book Review: “Many simulations aim to faithfully depict existing structures, persons, states of affairs, processes, or events” VR and Computer Simulations has their own intended purposes and is very beneficial to many in different industries or even individuals. I think that most of these technologies are solely made for the user’s benefits and not intended to be biased, misrepresent, or violate moral standards.

The case against computer games tends to center on three perceived negative consequences: addiction, aggression, and maladjustment. The perceived problem of addiction is that many gamers get so caught up in playing that their health, work or study, family life, and social relations suffer.

This are the common problem nowadays in our country, more and more students are being addicted to games specially the young ones. I agree that when you get tie up to the game, your life will suffer a lot like the following mentioned above.


What I learned: I have learned that the principle that professional expertise should be used for the enhancement of human welfare. If technology is to promote human welfare, it should not contain biases and should regard the values and interests of stakeholders or society at large. Taking into account such values and avoiding biases in design cannot be done without a proper methodology. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is a Virtual Reality? What is a Computer Simulation? What are the similarities of both? What are the dissimilarities of both? Are they both ethical?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues Internet Reference: Quote: “Science will be the MUCH poorer, and progress in this field will inevitably be delayed” (Ash burner quoted in Moody, 2004, p. 112).”

“The quantity of information in a system can be understood roughly as the amount of order in that system, or the inverse of the entropy (disorder) that all closed physical systems accumulate over time. This measure says nothing about the content of information. Shannon’s theory is now labeled as the syntactical theory of information.”

Learning Expectation: I would like to learn about the Genetic Information. I also would like to understand the importance of Genetic Information.

Book Review: “A possible view might be that Business and ethics simply have nothing to do with each other, that the term business Ethics is an oxymoron”. I think I do not agree on this one. For me Business and ethics is not oxymoron since Businesses involve and possible only when there are people, People who have their own moral background and standards. “Immoral behavior of individual market participants, such as High-profile managers or corporations”


“Ethics as The theory of morality plays an important role in justifying the economic system and Thus allowing economic agents to feel legitimated in acting within the system” For me economic system should if possible be moral and fair in most of its aspect. What I learned: I have learned that ethical theory can be helpful in raising awareness and shaping views on how ethical problems can be addressed. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is a Genetic Information? What are its epistemological issues? What are its ethical issues? What are the dissimilarities of both? What are the difference between epistemological issue from ethical issue?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict Internet Reference: Quote:

“Both are about ethical principles as much as they are about “law,” and indeed, international law does not carry the same weight as domestic law. Under international law, states, as sovereign entities, assume international legal obligations only by affirmatively agreeing to them, for example, signing a treaty or agreeing to abide by the Charter of the United Nations.”

“The UN Charter prohibits states from using force against other states (Article 2(4)), except when conducted in self defense (Article 51) or under the auspices of the Security Council (Article 39). The Charter effectively encodes an ethical principle of just cause for attacking another state that most people would accept.”

Learning Expectation: I would like to learn about the Ethics of Cyber Conflict. I also like to understand the importance of it.

Book Review: The framework presented here is based on the international law of armed conflict.


Although this law was developed to address armed attacks and the use of primarily armed force, some work has been done to interpret the law in the domain of cyber conflict. The law has two parts: jus ad bellum, or the law of conflict management, and jus in Bello, or the law of war. Despite being referred to as “law,” both of these parts are as much about ethical behavior as they are rules of law.

The law has two parts but the both of them actually talks about the ethical behavior of the tow on how you will use the network.

Immediacy - This is the time it takes for the consequences of an operation to take effect. As a general rule, armed attacks that use force have immediate effects, on the order of seconds to minutes, while softer measures, such as trade restrictions, may not be felt for weeks or months.

An intrusion into an air traffic control system that causes two large planes to enter the same airspace and collide, leading to the deaths of 500 persons on board the two aircraft. In terms of severity, the cyber attack clearly ranks high. Immediacy is also high, although the delay between the intrusion and the crash may be somewhat longer than between something like a missile strike and the planes crashing. What I learned: I have learned the meaning of Severity, Immediacy and directness. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is a cyber conflict? What is immediacy? What are its ethical issues? What are the cyber conflicts mentioned in the article? What is Jus in Bello?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Internet Reference: Quote:

“Boehm (2006) says the top ten software risks are “personnel shortfalls, unrealistic schedules and budgets, developing the wrong functions, developing the wrong user interfaces, gold-plating, continuing stream of requirements changes, shortfalls in externally performed tasks, shortfalls in externally-furnished components, real-time performance shortfalls, and straining computer science capabilities.”

“What was not considered in the design of the system was its use in a manual transmission car that was left in gear when it was parked. Nor was the pedestrian considered who was hurt while walking between two cars when one of the cars was started remotely.”

Learning Expectation: To know the more about the techniques those were being used to identify the impact of risk.

Book Review:


The risk identification process identifies potential negative impact on the project and its stakeholders. AS/NZS lists potential negative areas of impact such as Asset and resource base of the organization, Revenue and entitlements, Costs, Performance, Timing and schedule of activities, and Organizational behavior (AS/NZS, 1999, p. 39).

Risk identification is a process of identifying the negative impact on the project and to its stakeholders. By this, it will be easy to react if there was a problem and if there was a problem it will be deal with great knowledge because they know that it will come.

Risk Analysis Once these potential risk effects have been identified, they are prioritized in the risk analysis phase to help order when and if they will be addressed. The risk analysis process divides the identified risks by their severity and the likelihood that they will occur, producing a given level of risk. The analysis of the risk severity is put in either qualitative or quantitative terms. Risk analysis is about identifying the impact of projects when some of the parts of projects were not delivered. It will be marked as High, Medium, or Low. What I learned: I have learned the different type of techniques on how to identify the risk on projects. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is ethical risk? What is a risk analysis? What are risk effects? What is risk identification? What is a risk identification process?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Regulations and Governance of Internet Internet Reference: Quote:

“His conception of a good human life is one in which we think, reflect, and rationally choose for ourselves from different beliefs and lifestyles according to what seems most true or meaningful to us.”

“What was not considered in the design of the system was its use in a manual transmission car that was left in gear when it was parked. Nor was the pedestrian considered who was hurt while walking between two cars when one of the cars was started remotely.”

Learning Expectation: To know more about internet.

Book Review: The freedom of speech or expression of one person can cause harm to another, so some restrictions need to be placed on how and to what extent a person can be allowed free expression. That there should normally be some restrictions placed on harming others, other things being equal, is pretty uncontroversial interest.


We must be careful about the things that the things that is being post and the content of the internet. It is not like a television where there is a regulatory board that monitor the things that will be shown on television or radio.

Regulations and Technical Issues

That there are benefits in reducing the amount of material that can harm the innocent and vulnerable is obvious. Whether this can be achieved to any significant extent given current technology is not.

Censorship The first is that an opinion that is not allowed to be heard might just be true, and the second that it might contain some truth. Therefore restrictions on the freedom of opinion can, and most probably will, deprive the world of some truths. For me, there should be a defining content on things that should be publish and should not. What I learned: I have learned that there are a lot of things that are going on about filtering the content of website. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What are regulations of the internet? What is governance of the internet? What are the regulations issues? What are the technical issues? What is censorship?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Information Overload Internet Reference: Quote:

“Among scholars who concern themselves with information from a theoretical perspective, however, there is little agreement about the notion. In search of stable footing, some have borrowed the information theoretic approach of Shannon and Weaver, which identifies the number of bits of information content in a signal, despite the fact that this is an abstract measure of channel capacity and not of meaning.”

Learning Expectation: To know about information overload and to understand the meaning of information overload. Book Review: What is information overload?

Information overload, according to these two definitions, is a condition in which an agent has—or is exposed to, or is provided with—too much information, and suffers negative consequences as a result (experiences distress, finds itself in a “problematic situation,” is unable to make a decision or to stay informed on a topic, etc.).

For me, information overload should not be redundant. There must be a common meaning between the information that was being shown. From the word information, it should sounds and look like friendly. It must not distress the one who is looking for it.


In both of the definitions above—as in many of the discussions of information overload in the popular press and academic literatures—the meaning of the word is assumed to be understood. This is presumably because the notion of information is unproblematic in the public mind: we require no explanation because we know what it means. For me, information should not be difficult to understand and also can be easily found. I agree about what was mentioned about; it should not be problematic

What I learned: I have learned that information has an effect on people on their decision making. Also, information is being called information for the reason that it answers the questions that were being raised. Information should not be problematic as what the author said. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is information overload? What does it mean? What is information? What are the ethical issues? What are the given consequences of information overload?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Email Spam Internet Reference: Quote: A fundamental problem with any philosophical discussion of email spam is definitional. Exactly what constitutes spam? Published definitions by some major players differ dramatically on which emails should be identified as spam. Some emphasize the importance of “consent”; others require the emails to be commercial in nature before they are called spam; still others focus on the number of identical messages that are sent as spam. At least one Web site (Spam Defined, 2007) is soliciting signatories to settle on the definition of spam. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Email Spam is. Book Review: To start off, I would describe what Email Spam is an electronic mail which is considered as unwanted mail. In Yahoo! Mail, they enhanced their program by adding a feature wherein your spam mails are automatically re-directed in a folder named “spam”. With this kind of feature, you will not be anymore bombarded with spam mails in your inbox. I also found out that Gmail has also the feature of separating the Spam mails into one folder. The good about this is that, whenever you open your mail, the spam mail are not anymore, mixed with your personal mails in the inbox. Another good thing about it is that your inbox would not get full in an instant. Another good thing about it is that, the deuature that we see in Yahoo! Mail and Gmail is that, they have a delete all button for the spam. You do not have to click everything 1 on 1 just to delete it. I think the reason behind putting a delete all function there because people most of the time does not care what’s inside the Spam folder.

What I learned: I learned that Email Spam is an electronic mail which is considered as unwanted mail. Integrative Question: • • •

What is Email Spam? How can it affect a person? Is Email Spam ethical?


• •

What are the ethical issues? What are the given consequences of Email Spamming?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why, and If Internet Reference: Quote: “An expression is only plagiarism if it is unacceptable on some established value. But we should be careful to avoid the error of being overly narrow in identifying any particular value or standard as the basis for condemning an expression as plagiarism. Learning Expectation: To know about plagiarism Book Review: Plagiarism

Plagiarism will be treated here very broadly as expression that improperly incorporates existing work either without authorization or without documentation, or both. The emphasis on impropriety is important. In the simplest way in explaining this is that quoting something or writing something without citing the source.

LACK OF AUTHORIZATION—NATURAL OR MORAL RIGHTS The title of the present section refers, perhaps misleadingly, to “natural” rights, a concept usually associated with Locke.s theory that a laborer has a claim to his or her labor, and consequently to items with which that labor is mixed.


It is like claiming something that you have said or done but the truth is that there were someone else has said that or claimed about it before the person who claimed it. For me, that is in contrast of moral rights.

There is a range of economic theories that seek to understand the consequences of a broader or narrower definition of copyright infringement, and narrower or broader definitions of fair use, and tighter or looser plagiarism policies.

What I learned: I have learned that it is not always wrong to copy. There is at least a little boarder that allows you to have your own copy and that is called fair use. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is plagiarism? What are the specific grounds for action if caught plagiarizing? How can plagiarism be avoided? What are the ethical issues? What are the given consequences of plagiarizing?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Intellectual Property: Legal and Moral Internet Reference: Quote: “Defenders of the unfettered use of P2P networks come in many different stripes. But they typically concur that the personal copying of protected files on P2P networks is legally acceptable. Some legal scholars in this camp maintain that users who download files are not making copies of those files but simply “sharing” digital information over a conduit. Learning Expectation: To know about peer-to-peer Book Review: What is File sharing or peer-to-peer network? The technology at the center of these copyright disputes is a software that enables computer users to share digital files over a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Although the P2P architecture is evolving, a genuine P2P network is still defined as the one in which “two or more computers share [files] without requiring separate server computer or server software” (Cope, 2002).

There is a range of economic theories that seek to understand the consequences of a broader or narrower definition of copyright infringement, and narrower or broader definitions of fair use, and tighter or looser plagiarism policies.

The use of a piece of intellectual property without the copyright holder’s permission (and therefore against his will) is unfair to that copyright holder since it violates his right to determine what is to be done


with that property. And this unfair use of another’s intellectual property constitutes a form of theft (Grisez, 1997).

Moral Considerations

The utilitarian arguments for maintaining a strong legal tradition of secondary liability seem especially persuasive. Given the enormous difficulties of enforcing copyright protection by pursuing direct infringers and the threats posed to content providers by dynamic technologies such as P2P software, the need for this liability seems indisputable What I learned: I have learned that we can still able to copy a file as long as we do not reproduce it and sell it. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is moral considerations? What is file sharing? What is the other term for file sharing? What is Intellectual Property? Is it legal or moral?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Censorship and Access to Expression Internet Reference: Quote: However, it will not be quite so easy to show that censorship will lead to less harm overall than allowing access. First, it is worth reminding ourselves of the central interests in expression, deliberation, and information, which can only be satisfied when there is a general free flow of expression. The benefits we receive from having these interests satisfied (and the harms from not having them satisfied) will not be easily overridden. Second, we have to ask ourselves not what in principle it might be good to censor. We have to ask ourselves what in actual practice would be the consequences of having policies in place that restrict access. It is at this point that “slippery slope” and “chilling effect” arguments might have some force. Learning Expectation: To know about peer-to-peer Book Review: What is censorship? Censorship limits access to an expression, either by deterring the speaker from speaking or the hearer from receiving such speech. By an “expression” I mean anything that may be composed by one person and communicated to another. This includes such things as speeches, personal communications, books, and articles, compilations of data, artworks, photographs, and music.

For me, censorship is not bad. It has good and negative side. Of course, before settling the censorship there must a clear boarder line on what should be censored and should not be shown. There must be a guideline to be able to discern immediately the right and wrong.

The deliberative interest concerns our ability to revise and gain a deeper understanding of our individual and collectively held beliefs and commitments. This requires access to expressions of others, because of “the familiar fact that reflection on matters of human concern cannot be pursued in isolation.


Establishing rules for censorship is a very difficult task. It is like a diversified culture trying to be fair as much as possible. Also, the rules will be biased because every person has a different background in their values so at a certain rules there will be a biased decision or rules that will be set.

What I learned: I have learned censorship is also an issue that must be discussed. There is a lot of issue that were being raise and also it is difficult to come up with the mean decision. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is censorship? What are its ethical issues? Do people get satisfaction whenever they mess with other people’s files? Is censorship ethical or not? Is it legal or moral?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: A Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics Internet Reference: Quote: “The use of a piece of intellectual property without the copyright holder’s permission (and therefore against his will) is unfair to that copyright holder since it violates his right to determine what is to be done with that property. And this unfair use of another’s intellectual property constitutes a form of theft (Grisez, 1997).

Learning Expectation: To know about email spam and to characterize spam Book Review: The basic human goods (including life and health, knowledge, the harmony of friendship and community, and so forth) are basic not because we need them to survive but because we cannot flourish as human beings without them. These goods, which are intrinsic aspects of human well-being and fulfillment, are the primary ends or reasons for action and the ultimate source of normatively.

I believe in this, in the whole world we cannot deny that there are those people who separate themselves or consider themselves as “poor” or “rich” so therefore they are not for those type of people. The way I see it people should not think of that and it must be eliminated. How will we eliminate those things? The rich people must distribute their wealth. The money is not distributed properly therefore many people are not accepting the right amount or sometimes are not accepting anything.


What I learned: I have learned that there is a line that separates the poor and the rich people. And the way I see it people do not want to accept that all are equal, specially the rich people. Integrative Question: • • • • •

What is gender agenda? What are its ethical issues? Does gender a big factor in ethics? If so, how come? Can these be fixed?


BOP 97

Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Internet Reference: Quote: All of us are prisoners of our own socialization. The lenses through which we perceive the world are colored by our own ideology, experiences, and established management practices. Each one of the groups that is focusing on poverty alleviation- the World Bank, rich countries providing aid, charitable organizations, national governments and the private sector- is conditioned by its own dominant logic. Let us, for example, examine the dominant logic of each group as it approaches the task of eradicating poverty.

Learning Expectation: To know the deeper meaning of what is the market at the bottom of the pyramid. I want to know what the market symbolizes. Book Review: To start off, this chapter basically talks about how a business targets the bottom of the pyramid. I was shocked at first that this book talks about business at all. When I saw the title, there was nothing related to business that entered my mind. I thought that this book was some kind of a fiction story. Anyways, this chapter helps the readers determine who and what their target market are. This chapter tells us readers that it is essential for a business to always begin in the bottom of the pyramid since it has the largest population. For the people who are just starting their business, it is best for them to start at the bottom since it has the most number of people. But of course, your products must suit the people at the bottom of the pyramid. rd

As a 3 year college student, it is normal for us to think of our future since it is very soon. I myself am thinking to whether start my own business or work in a big corporation. If I were to start my own business, this book will be a big help for me. This chapter taught me that when I should start, I should first


target my market at the bottom part of the pyramid before I think about what products or services I would sell or offer. The book says that there is a good chance that my business will turn out to be successful just as long as I follow the book. What I learned: I learned that the bottom of the pyramid is a swell target market since it has the biggest population. The bigger the population, the more profit you earn. I also learned that you should first consider your target market before you choose what products to sell or what services to offer because your target market might not be suitable for your products. It is much better to choose your market first and use that as your basis for your products and services. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What kind of people are at the bottom of the pyramid? Does the bottom of the pyramid a good target market? Is it better to choose your target market first? Is it good to base your products to your target market? What is at the bottom of the pyramid?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Products and Services for the BOP Internet Reference: Quote: These challenges are not isolated conditions. Involvement in BOP markets will challenge assumptions that managers in MNCs have developed over a long period of time. A new philosophy of product development and innovation that reflects the realities of BOP markets will be needed. This philosophy must represent a different perspective from those that we have grown accustomed to in serving Western markets.

Learning Expectation: I expect to learn that this chapter will greatly help the readers to determine what products and services are suitable for the people at the bottom of the pyramid. Book Review: At the previous chapter, it tells us that targeting your market at the bottom of the pyramid is best. After doing so, this chapter tells us that we should know the products and services that will be a big hit for the people at the bottom of the pyramid in order for the business to be successful. This is very essential for a business because if your products do not go well with your target market, there is a great chance that your business would not last long since not so many people would purchase your product. If you are a person who belongs at the bottom of the pyramid, and you see a store which sells products that are very much expensive, would you even bother to buy or even enter the store perhaps? That is what I believe the chapter is telling us readers. I believe that the whole book, “The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid” is a guide for the people who are interested in starting their own business. I think that it is a six detailed steps in order for your business to succeed. In this chapter, we already have to steps. First is to target your market at the bottom of the pyramid and secondly, choose products and services which go well with your target market. What I Learned: I learned that after selecting that your target market must be the bottom of the pyramid, you should appropriate your products and services based on your target market. I think we need to base our products to our target market so that we the producers would know their dislikes and likes, in order for us


to gain profit. We must need to know their wants and needs and they must be satisfied with the products that we produce. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

Is it wise to base your products to your target market? What are the products that go well with the people at the BOP? What are the services that go well with the people at the BOP? What is the step before choosing your products and services? What are the 12 BOP Innovative Principles?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: A Global Opportunity Internet Reference: Quote: Involvement in BOP markets will challenge assumptions that managers in MNCs have developed over a long period of time. A new philosophy of product development and innovation that reflects the realities of BOP markets will be needed. This philosophy must represent a different perspective from those that we have grown accustomed to in serving Western markets. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the title of this chapter meant which is “A Global Opportunity”. I want to know what it does to help a person run a business successfully. Book Review: I believe that this chapter is somewhat similar in the first chapter. This chapter also tells us how important for a business to target their market at the bottom of the pyramid since the number of people is in a large amount. Since it is a large number of people, the more people are in need of a product. The more needy people, the more profit you earn. There is this company we studied in our ethics class wherein this company targeted the bottom of the pyramid. This is CEMEX. CEMEX is known for its outstanding and world-class cement. The difference between CEMEX and other cement companies is that, CEMEX sells their products as solutions instead of the ordinary. Their target market is also different from the other cement companies since CEMEX targeted the bottom of the pyramid in a pa reticular place. Because of that, CEMEX grew and become a known throughout the world. Even though they are a huge company now, their market is still open for the bottom part of the pyramid. They have products to sell and services to offer for the people in the bottom of the pyramid. What I learned: I learned that it is a very good idea that a company must target the bottom part of the pyramid as their market since it has a big population. As I said above, the larger number of people, the more people are in need of a product. The more needy people, the more profit you earn. It is wise for a company to sell their products to the needy ones. Integrative Questions:


• What does the book call the process of determining the products and services that big companies should sell and offer? • Did CEMEX target the bottom part of the pyramid? • What is a sustainable development? • How can the BOP be a global opportunity? • Is it for the betterment of a company to follow the Fortune at Bottom of the Pyramid?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation Internet Reference: Quote: Every developing country has the components of this portfolio. However, the relative importance of the various components of the ecosystem is different across countries. For example the extralegal (those who exist outside the legal system) vegetable sellers in the slums of the San Paulo or Mumbai coexist with global firms such as ford and unilever. The chicken cooperatives and processors such as Sadia in southern Brazil and a local fast food chain such as Habib’s coexist with Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds. Whether it is in Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, or India, a portfolio of these constituents of various ecosystems exists.

Learning Expectation: To fully understand what the ecosystem for wealth creation mean. I also expect to learn that this will help us readers to become successful when we decide to put up our own business someday. Book Review: I believe that this chapter tells us readers that it is very important to follow what is written in this book because this may result into having your very own company become known and may earn lots of money. In order to do so, you should start off by setting your target market to the bottom of the pyramid since they are plenty. Do not worry about placing a high mark up on your product. Just set your target on the bottom of the pyramid and your business is good to go. Of course, you should choose your products first. These products must go well and must be suitable for the people under the pyramid. If your products are not suitable for them, do not expect that your business will grow. Expect that your business will close soon. I believe the right products should be items which are in great demand but very affordable. Examples of products which very ideal to sell to the lower part of the pyramid are hygienic items, food, etc… These products are most likely goes well with the people at the bottom of the pyramid since it is cheap, important and useful. If I were to put up my own business, my products would be somewhat similar to what Proctol&Gamble sells. Their product is perfect for the bottom of the pyramid because it is cheap and is an everyday necessity. What I Learned:


I learned that it does not matter if your target market is the higher part of the pyramid because that does not tell whether your business would grow or not. The book even advices us that when we will put up our own business someday, we should target the lower part of the pyramid since it has the biggest population. Even though your products are not that expensive, you will earn more profit when sell many inexpensive items rather than selling less expensive items. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is an ecosystem? What is the meaning of wealth creation? Is it good for a company to focus the market on the lower end of the pyramid? Is it not wise to focus the market on the top pyramid? What are the benefits of having the bottom part of the pyramid as your target market?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Reducing Corruption: Transaction Governance Capacity Internet Reference: Quote: Most developing countries do not fully recognize the real costs of corruption and its impact on private-sector development and poverty alleviation. The capacity to facilitate commercial transactions through a system of laws fairly enforced is critical to the development of the private sector. I call this a nation’s TGC as opposed to TGC within the ecosystem we considered in the previous chapter. In this chapter, we examine the need for and the process by which countries can develop their TGC.

Learning Expectation: I expect to learn that this chapter will explain itself thoroughly on how reducing corruption is related in putting up a business. Book Review: I believe that corruption was suddenly placed in this book because there is also a logical reason behind it that is somewhat related to the people at the bottom of the pyramid. As we all know, the bottom of the pyramid is the biggest part of the pyramid. That means it is where it has the most number of people. If you target the bottom part of the pyramid, and used it to promote anti-corruption, there is a good chance of you dealing with the problem well. Since you have the voice of the majority, it is easier for you to control the minority since they are just the minorities. A good example of this is the first ever people power wherein the people get together in order to persuade Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos to step down. Former President Corazon Aquino was the one who led the people to revolt against rd Marcos. She has the power on the majority. In our case, the Philippines is a 3 world country. This means that its majority is mostly the less fortunate. I believe that if you want to have the people in the bottom of the pyramid, you should seek the approval of the less fortunate. What I Learned: I learned that it is not just business that people can benefit if you target the bottom of the pyramid. It can also help you reduce corruption since the majority is on your side. If you already have the hearts of the people at the bottom of the pyramid, you are already shaped up. I also learned that in business, corruption may still affect your business, big time! Integrative Questions:


• • • • •

What is TGC? Does corruption affect businesses? Does the BOP help reduce corruption? What does the BOP do the reduce corruption? What is the Andhra Pradesh experiment?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: On the Web, Plagiarism matters more than Copyright piracy Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Although commonly confused, the values inherent in copyright policy are different from those inherent in scholarly standards for the proper accreditation of ideas. Piracy is the infringement of a copyright and plagiarism is the failure to give credit. They are confused because the most common examples of these wrongs involve both sorts of wrongs. But it is not hard to give examples that separate them. It would be plagiarism but not piracy for me to take the works of an obscure 19th century poet and try to pass them off as my own. Since the copyright will have expired on such works, this is not piracy. But it remains plagiarism of the sort that could be grounds for dismissal from journalism post. It would be piracy but not plagiarism if I were to edit a volume of modern poetry and forget to get copyright. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn why plagiarism matters more that copyright piracy Book Review: I will first differentiate the two topics. I will first start to define what Plagiarism is. According to Wikipedia, Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and ideas of another author and representation of them as one's own original work. In other words, Plagiarism is the act of copying a person’s work and claiming it as its own. Plagiarism, here in the Philippines, is being treated seriously. If you are a student, and was caught Plagiarizing, you are ground for suspension which may lead to expulsion. In the business world, journalism perhaps, if you are caught Plagiarizing, you are ground to suspension and may lead to termination. What is Copyright Infringement then? According to Wikipedia, Copyright Infringement is the unauthorized use of material that is covered by copyright law, in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works. In layman’s term, Copyright Infringement is when you copy a copyrighted work without asking for authorization. So what is the difference between the two? Basically, Copyright Infringement is copying a work which is copyrighted first while Plagiarism is using or copying something from a person without citing


him/her and claiming it as your own. That is why on the web, Plagiarism is more profound rather than Copyright Infringement since people just place their ideas and information freely. People too could get their ideas and information without any hassle. What I learned: I learned that the difference between Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement is that Copyright Infringement is copying a work which is copyrighted first while Plagiarism is using or copying something from a person without citing him/her and claiming it as your own. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Plagiarism? What is Copyright Infringement? Is Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement different? What makes the two different? What matters more in the web?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: An Ethical Evaluation of Website Linking Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Given the potential for harm cited in these cases, what should be done about deep linking? To some extent, the resolution of this normative question depends upon whether or not a web site can be classified as private property and, if so, what specific rights should belong to the property owner. When authors create websites and put them on the World Wide Web, do those sites in effect become part of the internet commons and does this give others an implied license to link to those sites in any way they choose? Or are they still the intellectual property of their owners despite their quasi-public and social nature? Before we explicitly consider this question, it is instructive to review the prominent theories of intellectual property that have been invoked to justify property rights. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Ethical Evaluation of Website Linking is. I want to know how important it is to know it. Book Review: Before I begin, I would like to start off by giving out the definition of Website Linking. In my words, Website Linking is that act of bridging out two or more particular websites in order for those websites to connect with each other. I honestly cannot understand completely what this chapter wants to talk about. I believe that this chapter wants to tell the reader that Website Linking has an issue that arises because it opposites the Intellectual Property law. Intellectual Property is once again defined as are legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets according to Wikipedia.


What I learned: I learned that even just with the simple process of website linking, ethical issues are still present within its vicinity. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is website linking? Is website linking advantageous? Is website linking disadvantageous? What are the ethical issues present? What is IP?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Cathedral and the Bazaar Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The fact that the bazaar style seemed to work, and work well, came as a distinct shock. As I learned my way around, I worked hard not just at individual projects, but also at trying to understand why the Linux world not only didn’t fly apart in confusion but seemed to go from strength at a speed barely imaginable to cathedral-builders. By mid-1996 I thought I was beginning to understand. Chance handed me a perfect way to test my theory in the form of an open-source project that I could consciously try to run in the bazaar style. So I did – and it was a significant success. This is the story of that project. I’ll use it to propose some aphorism about effective open-source development. Not all of these are things I first learned in a Linux world, but we’ll see how the Linux world gives them particular point. If I’m correct, they’ll help you understand exactly what it is that makes the Linux community such a fountain of good software – and, perhaps, they will help you become more productive yourself. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the author meant about the cathedral and the bazaar. I want to know what symbolizes it. Book Review: Basically this chapter talks about the Linux Operating System. According to Wikipedia, Linux is a generic term referring to Unix-like computer operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Their development is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration; typically all the underlying source code can be used, freely modified, and redistributed by anyone under the terms of the GNU GPL and other free licenses. In other words, Linux is an operating system which is based on open source software. Why did the author use Cathedral and the Bazaar as the title? Well, If I were not to read this chapter, I would know it for sure. It was far away from my mind that what the author wants us to see that the Cathedral symbolizes peace and serenity. Linux is an Operating System which was carefully done with precise actions. Linux was made to perfection in order for the people to buy it. The Bazaar symbolizes people, interacting with people and market. Well, the author would want to market the perfect ordeal.


What I learned: I learned that this chapter talks about the Linux Operating System. I also learned that, the author used the Cathedral and the Bazaar only as symbols. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

Why was the chapter called the cathedral and the bazaar? What does the cathedral mean? What does the bazaar mean? What is the operating system that was being talked about in this chapter? What are the ethical issues present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Towards A Theory of Piracy for the Information Age Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: I have argued that using the core value framework, privacy can be grounded both instrumentally and intrinsically – instrumentally, as a support of all the core values, and intrinsically, as an expression of security. I am, however, concerned that the traditional instrumental/intrinsic understanding may be misleading. Traditionally, instrumental/intrinsic analyses push us in the direction of a search for a summum bonum, a greatest good. We try to find the one thing to which all other things lead. In the core value approach that I am advocating, some values may be more important than others, but there is not a summum bonum. Rather the model is one of an intersupporting framework. The core values, as the beams of a truss, are in support of each other. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the Theory of Piracy for the Information Age. I want to know the importance of the Theory of Piracy for the Information Age. Book Review: To begin with, I would like to define what Piracy is. According to Wikipedia, Piracy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude them or information about themselves and thereby reveal them selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to remain unnoticed or unidentified in the public realm. When something is private to a person, it usually means there is something within them that is considered inherently special or personally sensitive. The degree to which private information is exposed therefore depends on how the public will receive this information, which differs between places and over time. Privacy can be seen as an aspect of security — one in which trade-offs between the interests of one group and another can become particularly clear. In other words, Piracy is the capability of the person copy something. A good example of this is the DVDs and other compact discs that are available almost anywhere. These are pirated CDs. They have many ways in doing so. Others go to cinemas and record the movie while it is playing. Others have connections to the movie industry and sneak out a movie or two. From that CD, that certain person will make hundreds or even thousands of copies from it.


What I learned: I learned that this chapter talks about Piracy and how people can do stuff just to sell those things. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Piracy? Is Piracy ethical? Are their ethical issues present? What is the difference between Piracy and Plagiarism? What is the difference between Piracy and Copyright Infringement?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of Such Data. Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: But even if a processing is legitimate, it is not necessarily permitted if the data is of a sensitive in nature. Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, tradeunion membership, and the processing of data concerning health or sex life are singled out as particularly sensitive. These special categories of data are sensitive in the sense that the dissemination of such data can be particularly harmful to the data subject’s interests. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn The Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of Such Data. Book Review: This chapter basically talks about how the structure of rights in directive can protect individuals regardless of the personal data he/she acquires. First of all what is data? According to Wikipedia, Data refers to information or facts usually collected as the result of experience, observation or experiment, or processes within a computer system, or premises. Data may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables. Data are often viewed as a lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived. In other words, Data is raw information which is not yet fully-classified or fully-organized. Since we already know what Data is, let us talk about how the structure of rights in directive can protect individuals. Well I believe that structure of rights in directive has a big impact on someone because an individual will become aware of his/her rights. What I learned: I learned that this chapter talks about the Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of Such Data.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is the structure of rights in directive? What is data? Are their ethical issues present? How did it protect the individual? What is privacy?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: We believe this tradition of identifying the concept of privacy with control is misleading. Control of personal information is extremely important as, of course, is privacy. But, these concepts are more useful when treated as separable, mutually supporting concepts than as one. A good theory of privacy has at least three components: an account of the concept of privacy, an account of the justification for privacy, and an account of the management of privacy. This tripartite structure of the theory of privacy is important to keep in mind that because each part of the theory performs a different function. To give an account of one if the parts is not to give an account of the others. The concept of privacy itself is best defined in terms of restricted access, not control. Privacy is fundamentally about protection from intrusion and information gathering by others. Individual control of personal information, on the other hand, is part of the justification of privacy and plays a role in the management of privacy. Privacy and control do it fit together naturally, just not in the way people often state. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Book Review: What is Privacy Protection? Let me begin by answering this question with the definition of Privacy Protection. Like what its word is saying, it is to protect one’s privacy. A question then followed up and went inside my head and asked why do we have to protect our privacy? If you have common sense, of course you’ll say that you have to protect your privacy because it is you we are talking to. Without protection, do you people meddling with your life? What is Control of Information? What I understood in after reading is that, Control of Information is a task wherein it is critical for a person to control his/her information because this might endager his/her privacy. What is Privacy-Enhancing Technologies? Like what its name said, It is a technology wherein it helps protect an individual’s privacy. What I learned:


I learned that this chapter talks about the Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of Such Data. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Privacy Protection? What is Control of Information?? Are their ethical issues present? What is Privacy-Enhancing Technologies? What is privacy?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: Challenges of Information Technology Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Many influential approaches to privacy emphasize the role of privacy in safe guarding a personal or intimate realm where people may escape the prying and interference of others. This private realm, which is contrasted with a public realm, is defined in various ways. It is deliminated by physical boundaries, such as the home; by personal relationships, such as family, friends and intimates; and by selected fields of information, such as personal, sensitive, or embarrassing information. Privacy is worthy of safeguarding, these approaches argue, because intimacy is important; privacy is worth protecting because we value the sanctity of a personal realm. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn Approach to Privacy in Public. I also expect to learn the challenges of Information Technology. Book Review: In the Information Technology world, problems and challenges is always top of the attendance sheet. What am I trying to say is that, problems and challenges are always present in the Information Technology world. One problem that I can say that the Information Technology Industry faces is Privacy. Since there are ethical issues towards Privacy, how can the Information Technology choose which is which? That is one of the biggest problems they face. I’ll give an example of why Privacy is a problem to further defend my answer. Let’s say that I work now in the Information Technology Industry. I am now a certified programmer/developer. I have this client which asked me to develop a project of his but wants to get the codes I used. As a programmer, handing out your source codes is hard because it is your right to privacy. Since it is your client, you are not mixed up with what to do. What I learned: I learned that this chapter talks the problems and challenges the Information Technology Industry or IT Industry faces. I big problem they face is Privacy.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What are the Problems and Challenges the IT Industry faces? What are the two misleading assumptions about privacy? Are their ethical issues present? What does the first assumption mean? What does the second assumption mean?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: It should be observed that group profiles may occasionally be incompatible with respect to individuals privacy and rules and regulations regarding the protection of personal data, as it is commonly conceived of. For instance, distributive profiles may sometimes be rightfully thought of as infringement of individual privacy when the individuals involved can easily be identified through a combination with other information available to the recipient or through spontaneous recognition. In the case of nondistributive profiles, however, the information remains attached to an information subject constituted by a group. It cannot be tracked back to individual persons in any straightforward sense. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness. I also expect to learn the importance of KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness. Book Review: I would begin my review by explaining what KDD is. It is written in the article that KDD or also known as Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) has been described as the nontrival extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data. The KDD process is usually divided into three phases: the data warehousing phase, the data mining phase and the interpretation phase. In other words, KDD is a method of hauling out of hidden patterns in raw data. These are a very helpful tool. What does Privacy got to do with KDD? Well, I believe that Privacy and KDD are contradictory because I think based on the definition of KDD which is a method of hauling out of hidden patterns in raw data; privacy is being stepped on or violated here. Instead of hiding data which is protecting one’s Privacy, it data mines. It digs out hidden patterns from data. What I learned: I learned that that Privacy and KDD are contradictory because I think based on the definition of KDD which is a method of hauling out of hidden patterns in raw data; privacy is being stepped on or


violated here. Instead of hiding data which is protecting one’s Privacy, it data mines. It digs out hidden patterns from data. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What does stand for KDD? What does KDD do? What is Individuality? What is Fairness? Does these 4 relate to each other?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Data Mining and Privacy Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Traditional information retrieval from databases returns database records – or turples derived from fields of records - in response to a query. Hence what is returned is explicit in the database. Knowledge discovery using data mining techniques differs from ordinary information retrieval in that what is sought and extracted- mined from the data is not explicit in the database. Rather, objects that typically will not exist a priori, patterns which are implicit data and can be used for either descriptive or predictive purposes, are discovered. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Data Mining is and what Privacy is. I also expect to learn that this chapter will explain its relationship Book Review: Similar to the previous chapter, KDD is also Data Mining. Actually, when I searched Wikipedia about the definition of KDD, it re-directed me to the page of Data Mining. So, according to Wikipedia, Data Mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from data. As more data is gathered, with the amount of data doubling every three years data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery. What does Privacy got to do with Data Mining? Well, I believe that Privacy and Data Mining are contradictory because I think based on the definition of Data Mining which is a method of hauling out of hidden patterns in raw data; privacy is being stepped on or violated here. Instead of hiding data which is protecting one’s Privacy, it data mines. It digs out hidden patterns from data.

What I learned: I learned that that Privacy and Data Mining are contradictory because I think based on the definition of Data Mining which is a method of hauling out of hidden patterns in raw data; privacy is being


stepped on or violated here. Instead of hiding data which is protecting one’s Privacy, it data mines. It digs out hidden patterns from data. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Data Mining? What is its relation to Privacy? Is there an ethical issue present? Are KDD and Data Mining alike? Why are they alike?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and Distributive Justice Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: For the individual, privacy secures autonomy, creates social capital for intimacy, and forms the basis of structuring many diverse social relations. It is generally accepted that it is in the interest of the individual to have maximum control over her privacy – here taken to be the freedom from the appropriate judgement of others. For the collective or institution, transparency secures control and thereby efficiency of resource allocation and utilization as well as creating mechanisms for disciplinary intervention. It is generally accepted that it is in the interest of the collective or institution to have maximum control over surveillance – here taken to mean subjecting all individuals in the institution to reasonable scrutiny and judgement. If the individuals are given an absolute right to privacy, they may act only in their own interest and may thereby defraud the institution. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and Distributive Justice is. I also expect to learn the importance of Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and Distributive Justice. Book Review: I’d start off by defining what Surveillance is. Surveillance is the monitoring of the behavior of a person or group of people, often in a surreptitious manner. Although the word surveillance in French literally means "watching over", the term is often used for all forms of observation or monitoring, not just visual observation. In other words, Surveillance is an act of monitoring a person or a group of person. What is Workplace Surveillance? I think that a Workplace Surveillance is where a device is used to monitor a specific person or a group of people in an office. I believe that Workplace Surveillance and Privacy also are contradicts since Workplace Surveillance lets you be monitored. If you are a person who is serious of your Privacy, then you might be pissed because of the Workplace Surveillance. That is why an issue is present here. What I learned:


I learned that that Workplace Surveillance and Privacy are contradictory because I think based on the definition of Workplace Surveillance which where a device is used to monitor a specific person or a group of people in an office.; privacy is being stepped on or violated here. Instead of respecting one’s privacy by not monitoring that person every minute of every day, it does the opposite. But when you look at it, Workplace Surveillance’s intentions are good because its intentions are just for security purpose only. It does not mean to disrespect someone’s privacy. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Surveillance? What is Workplace Surveillance? What is its relation to Privacy? Is there an ethical issue present? Is it ethically wrong to put an Surveillance camera in the office?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Privacy and Varieties of Moral Wrongdoing Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The privacy issue lies at the heart of an ongoing debate in nearly all Western democracies between liberalists and communitarians over the question how balance individual rights and collective goods. The privacy issue is concerned more specifically with the question of how information in order to protect individuals and the claims of those who want to make information about individuals available in order to benefit the community. This essential tension emerges in many privacy discussions, e.g. undercover actions by the police on the internet, use of Close Circuit Televisions in public places, making medical files available for health insurance purposes… Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Privacy and Varieties of Moral Wrongdoing is. I also expect to learn the importance of Privacy and Varieties of Moral Wrongdoing. Book Review: I’d start off by explaining what Moral Wrongdoing is. As we all know, Wrongdoing is a bad deed done by a person or a group of people. But why is Wrongdoing accompanied by the world Moral? According to Wikipedia, Moral is a message conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim. In other words, moral is a good thing. So why are they together? Is it not an oxymoron? This chapter talks about how a person has his/her reason to protect from him or herself from getting harmed. This chapter talks about the three moral reasons for data protection. First is Information based harm, second is information inequality and lastly, information justice. What I learned: I learned that there are three moral reasons for data protection. First is Information based harm, second is information inequality and lastly, information justice.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Wrongdoing? What is Moral Wrongdoing? What is Privacy? What is its relation to Privacy? What are the varieties of Moral Wrongdoing?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Further cases of criminal activity involving computer technology may cause us to re-examine the tripartite scheme of computer crime advanced in this essay. One recent form of criminal activity that seems potentially to border on computer crime is a criminal act involving the act of digital telephony. Basse points out that in the use of cellular phones, a popular technique for avoiding charges is “cloning” – i.e. reprogramming one’s cellular phone to transmit another customer’s number. When true “computer telephony” (the merging of computers and telephones, also known as Internet phones) arrives, we may need to re-examine our proposed definition of computer crime. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace. I also expect to learn the importance of defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace. Book Review: As I stated at my previous chapter on Piracy, according to Wikipedia, Piracy is a war-like act committed by a nonstate actor, especially robbery or criminal violence committed at sea, on a river, or sometimes on shore, either from a vessel flying no national flag, or one flying a national flag but without authorization from a national authority. It does not normally include crimes on board a vessel among passengers or crew. The term has been used to refer to raids across land borders by nonstate actors. In other words, Piracy is a crime. Similar to Piracy, Break-Ins are also computer crime. From what I understood, Break-In is the act of hacking in someone’s system and sabotage his/her work or steal some important files which should not be opened.


What I learned: I learned that there is Piracy, Break-Ins and Sabotage in Cyberspace are big Computer Crimes which the IT Industry also faces today.

Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Piracy? What is a Break-In? Are they both Computer Crimes? What are the boundaries of Computer Crimes? Are there ways to prevent these crimes?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Hacktivism is in its infancy, but, given the ubiquity and democratizing possibility of the internet, we will certainly bear witness to the movement’s growing pains and increasing maturity. One thing is sure, however. Incidents of cyber activism are the rise and will continue to be on the rise in the near future. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic. I also expect to learn the profound meaning of Hacktivism. Book Review: I would begin by defining what Hacktivism. Based on the reading material given, Hacktivism is defined as the (sometimes) clandestine use of computer hacking to help advance political causes. Hacktivist groups such as Electronic disturbance theater, the cult of the dead cow, and the Hong Kong blondes have used electronic civil disobedience to help advance the Zapatista rebellion in Mexico, protest nuclear testing at India’s Bhabba Atomic Research Center, attack Indonesian Government Websites over the occupation of East Timor, as well as protest and anti-democracy crackdowns in China. From what I understood, Hacktivism is not ethically wrong because, they are hacking for a good purpose. I believe this is what ethical hacking is. But if you ask any ordinary person whether hacking is a right thing to do or the wrong thing to do, they will answer you straight that hacking is entirely wrong. Of course, they do not know that hacking can become a good deed just as long as your purpose of hacking will benefit the common good and will not harm other people.

What I learned: I learned that there is a good way of Hacking and is not ethically wrong. It is called, Hacktivism.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Hacktivism? Is it ethically wrong? Is there such thing as ethical hacking? When can a hacker be ethically hacking? What should be one’s purpose if he/she would ethically hack?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Browsing the Web gives one the heady feeling of walking without footprints in cyberspace. Yet data surveillance can be both ubiquitous and transparent to the user. Can those who browse the Web protect their privacy? And does it matter if they cannot? I offer answers to these questions from the American legal tradition. The American Legal Tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. Yet illuminating Web privacy from this particular perspective throws a broader light in how the fundamental rights of speech, assembly and freedom of religious inquiry may depend upon electronic privacy in the information age. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn Web Security and Privacy and why is it entitled as an American Perspective. I also expect to learn the importance of Web Security and Privacy. Book Review: To start off, I will first define what Web Security is. Based on my own knowledge, I believe that Web Security is the act of protecting people from harmful websites and other inappropriate things that are happening in the World Wide Web. Privacy on the other hand, is again defined as the ability of an individual or group to seclude them or information about themselves and thereby reveal them selectively. That was according to Wikipedia. Web Security and Privacy are 2 agreeing words unlike the other past words that are accompanied by Privacy. I believe that they are not contradicting because Web Security is just responsible for preventing users be harmed by malicious sites. This does not contradict Privacy in anyway.


What I learned: I learned that Web Security is the act of protecting people from harmful websites and other inappropriate things that are happening in the World Wide Web. I also learned that Web Security and Privacy are 2 agreeing words unlike the other past words that are accompanied by Privacy. Integrative Questions: • What is Web Security? • What is Privacy? • Is there an ethical issue present? • What is the difference between Web Security and Privacy? • Why is the chapter entitled as an American Perspective?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Meaning of Anonymity in Information Age Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The natural meaning of anonymity, as may be reflected in ordinary usage or dictionary definition, is of remaining nameless, that is to say, conducting oneself without revealing one’s name. A poem or a pamphlet is anonymous when attributable to a named person; a donation is anonymous when the name of the donor is withheld; people strolling through a foreign city are anonymous because no one knows who why are. Extending this understanding into electronic sphere, one might suppose the conducting one’s affairs, communicating; engaging in transactions anonymously in the electronic sphere is to do so without one’s name being known. Specific cases that are regularly discussed include. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the Meaning of Anonymity in Information Age. I also expect to learn the importance of the Meaning of Anonymity in Information Age. Book Review: Let me begin by expounding the definition of Anonymity. Based on Wikipedia, Anonymity is derived from the Greek word ανωνυµία, meaning "without a name" or "namelessness". In colloquial use, the term typically refers to a person, and often means that the personal identity or personally identifiable information of that person is not known. In other words, Anonymity is when a person does not use his real identity and hides it from the public. What is Information Age? According to Wikipedia, Information Age is also known commonly as the Computer Age or Information Era, is an idea that the current age will be characterized by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would have previously have been difficult or impossible to find. In layman’s Term, Information Age is the time wherein the age of technology and other enhanced mechanism bloomed.


What I learned: I learned that Anonymity is when a person does not use his real identity and hides it from the public. I also learned that Information Age is the time wherein the age of technology and other enhanced mechanism bloomed. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Anonymity? What is Information Age? What is the Meaning of Anonymity in Information Age? Is there an ethical issue present? What is a gatekeeper?

Andrew Adnan Fortuna


10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Double Encryption of Anonymized Electronic Data Interchange Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: To keep the GP as a sender of anonymized data also anonymous, we have to solve two main problems: 1. As soon as data are sent electronically, the senders identification is automatically added to the message. To anonymized the sender, an automatic process of replacing this identification must be implemented. 2. To decrypt an encrypted message, one must know the decryption key of the sender. However when the sender is anonymized, it is impossible to select the right key. An automatic process of key handling and decryption must be encrypted. Learning Expectation:


I expect to learn Double Encryption of Anonymized Electronic Data Interchange. I also expect to the importance of Double Encryption of Anonymized Electronic Data Interchange.

Book Review: I would like to begin by defining what Encryption is. According to Wikipedia, is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). In many contexts, the word encryption also implicitly refers to the reverse process, decryption (e.g. “software for encryption” can typically also perform decryption), to make the encrypted information readable again (i.e. to make it unencrypted). In layman’s term, Encryption is the process of changing an unreadable text using different algorithms or techniques in order for that text to be readable.

What I learned: I learned that Encryption is defined as the process of changing an unreadable text using different algorithms or techniques in order for that text to be readable. Integrative Questions:


• • • • •

What is Encryption? What is Double Encryption? What is the Double Encryption of Anonymized Electronic Data Interchange? Is there an ethical issue present? What is the importance of Double Encryption of Anonymized Electronic Data Interchange?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: So we are stuck with a riddle” How can a biometric identifier be both identifying and not saying anything particular about you? I think the key to this riddle may be found in the idea that meaning is not something intrinsic, but, following determined by use. Following this kind of reasoning, we should perhaps not expect to be able to determine any intrinsic meaning of biometric data, or the biometric body in general, but investigate quite specifically what uses and practices biometrics will become part of. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Biometrics and Identity mean I also expect to learn the importance of Biometrics and Identity. Book Review: I would like to begin by defining what Biometrics is. According to Wikipedia, Biometrics refers to methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In information technology, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance. In other words, Biometrics is used to track and monitor people who are under surveillance. Usually, Biometrics is used in government agencies especially in the Crime Department since Biometrics identifies individuals in groups that are under surveillance. This is a big help for the Crime Department because they do not have to look for the people manually. What is Identity? Identity for me is a person’s existence. It is its human form, its wholeness. So what is the relationship between Biometrics and Identity? Well, obviously, based on the definition of Biometrics, the word indentify is there. Identify is related to Identity. Biometrics indentifies Identity. I therefore conclude that both of these words are not contradicting each other.


What I learned: I learned that Biometrics and Identity does not contradict each other since Biometrics identifies a person. Identity is a person.

Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Biometrics? What is Identity? Does Biometrics and Identity contradict? Where does Biometrics usually found? Is there an ethical issue present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Information ethics, much like the technologies that continue to contribute to its complexity, will thrive and present new challenges of all of us. Ethics will continue to be put through new tests as technologies race ahead of many social and cultural conventions and norms. Ethics is the study of morality; the study of what we do. Morality could exist without ethics (if no one investigated how morality is done) but there cannot be ethics without morality (we cannot study morality unless there is morality)…. Morality is like eating; it is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. Ethics, on the other hand, is like nutrition. It is crucial to living a good life but it is not an inevitable part of living or an activity engaged in by all. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the ethical considerations for the Information Professions are. Book Review: I will begin by stating first what an Information Profession is. According to Wikipedia, Information Profession is a profession who works with information science, libraries, museums, or archives, although the field is changing rapidly to include other disciplines. Typically, an Information Professional is deemed as such only after receiving the degree of Master of Science in Information (or Library) Science from a university accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). In other words, Information Profession is a profession which handles anything just as long as it covers Information based learning. When we say ethical considerations, it is also saying that ethical considerations are rules. One thing that I remember when it comes to rules is the codes of ethics. Codes of Ethics are like guidelines that need to be followed in order for the individual, group or even a company be successful and minimize problems. What I learned: I learned that Ethical Considerations are also like Codes of Ethics since they are rules.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Information? What is an Information Profession? What are the ethical considerations for Information Profession? What is code of ethic? Is there an ethical issue present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved! Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Ethical tensions can best be addressed by thoughtful consideration of fundamental principles, rather than blind reliance on detailed regulations. These principles should influence software engineers to consider broadly who is affected by their work; to examine if they and their colleagues are treating other human beings with due respect; to analyze how the least empowered will be affected by their decisions; and to consider whether their acts would be judged worthy of the ideal professional working as a software engineer. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and to know how important it is. I also expect that this will help me someday in the future.

Book Review: To be honest, I was a bit puzzled when I saw the title because my course is not really that related to Software Engineering. So, I asked myself, why on earth should I have to know the Code of Ethics of Software Engineering? Little that I know, that this will also help me since the code of ethics for Software Engineers are quite similar. It just has some points which are not of value for my course, Information Systems. But I believe that no matter what code of ethics it is, all I know is that, codes of ethics are there to mold a human being to become the best that he/she can be. In our ethics class, we were asked to create our own codes of ethics. In this way, our professor wants us to become good citizens before we hit the real world. He is now preparing us face reality which I believe is near. What I learned: I learned that Ethical Considerations are also like Codes of Ethics since they are rules.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is a code of ethics? What does it do to a person? What is the Software Engineer Code of Ethic? Can that be applied to any course? Is there an ethical issue present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are Worse than None at All Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Those who write moral codes (or things that could be mistaken for them) need to be aware of the possibility that they may be abused. Codes that address some issues but not the others are very common, and particularly open to such abuse on issues at the edge of their competence. Codes should make it clear what their area of competence is. More importantly, thought, authors of codes should always make it clear that their code is no substitute for careful moral consideration and especially in areas or on questions where there is no clear guidance in the code. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are worse than none at All. I also expect to learn how important it is. Book Review: I was pretty interested when I saw the title first hand. I was interested because how come incomplete codes are much worse rather than having nothing written at all? In reality, we always come across with the Filipino statement “ok na yan kesa wala”. If you come to think of it, makes sense because less is really much better than having none at all. If I would put you in a situation wherein you lost your wallet and you have to pay for this stuff that costs, let’s say roughly around Php 100.00. I lent you 20 bucks since that is all I have. Will you accept it even though you still lack some? Of course, you will. Who in their right state of mind wouldn’t accept it at all? But in this chapter, is another way around. It is written that having an incomplete code of ethics is much worse rather than none at all. After reading this chapter, I realized that it is right that it is much worse to have incomplete codes of ethics because incomplete codes of ethics means that people will tend to look for ways in which; if they broke a code, they would find ways to go around it just slipped away since the codes of ethics is incomplete. But having none at all, is much better than that because at least we you were not able to place something yet. What I learned:


I learned that that having an incomplete code of ethics is much worse rather than none at all. Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is a code of ethics? What does it do to a person? Which is worse, incomplete code of ethics or none at all? Why is it better to have none at all rather than having an incomplete code of ethics? Is there an ethical issue present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Subsumption Ethics Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: The difference between computers and simple machines is the extent to which computer systems subsume design and development decisions over which users have little or no control. Normally, such decisions are all but forgotten after implementation. Subsumption ethics describes this process. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Subsumption Ethics is. I also expect to learn the importance of studying Subsumption Ethics. Book Review: I would start off by defining what Subsumption is. Based on the reading material given, Subsumption in general is the process of building larger components from smaller ones. In this sense, a cell subsumes DNA function. American common law subsumes juridical decisions, and a half dryer subsumes an electric motor. Subsumption in computers is different because there is so much more Subsumption going on than in simple machines. In other words, Subsumption is the process of developing or enhancing a small portion to a larger portion. If we would combine the two words, Subsumption and Ethics, Subsumption Ethics means that is broadens the ethics of a person. It widens its scope into a much larger scenario. It makes you think big and not settle for something small. What I learned: I learned that Subsumption is the process of developing or enhancing a small portion to a larger portion. I also learned that Subsumption Ethics means that is broadens the ethics of a person. It widens its scope into a much larger scenario. It makes you think big and not settle for something small.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What does Subsumption mean? What is Subsumption Ethics? Which is worse, incomplete code of ethics or none at all? Why is it better to have none at all rather than having an incomplete code of ethics? Is there an ethical issue present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: Ethical Issues in Business Computing Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Finally, practical use of the systems is not only relevant issue. The actual material processed by business systems – all ‘data’ entered and generated – differs greatly. This is particularly important, as the nature of the data held on company systems must affect the uses to which it may ethically be put. For example, a list of names and addresses held on computer and used by a bookshop to mail invoices and statements is surely acceptable. However, if an identical list of names, addresses and invoice details were secretly examined and correlated to determine which customers were buying suspect literature, the ethical position is very different, and the need for the ethical consideration clear. Such issues need attention. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what Ethical Issues in Business Computing is. I also expect to learn the importance of Ethical Issues in Business Computing. Book Review: Now a days, business computing is highly needed in the Information Technology Industry, since the time is of the essence, countries develops and so is technology. With business computing, it helps the Information Technology Industry to become updated and be more organized. Ethical Issues will always be present, regardless of what business you have. Example, if you are a partnership kind of business wherein you for example, you and your partner sells cars. You found out that your partner buys illegally imported cars from different places and re-selling it here in the Philippines. As a partner and a friend perhaps, of course you would not tell. But since it is ethically right to report to the authorities, you must do regardless of what your partner might say or feel about you. What I learned: I learned that Ethical Issues will always be present, regardless of what business you have.


Integrative Questions: • • • • •

What is Business? What are the ethical issues? What is Business Computing? Are problems always present in a business? Is there an ethical issue present?


Andrew Adnan Fortuna 10667652 ITETHIC


Book Review: The Practitioner From Within: Revisiting the Virtues Internet Reference: Spinello/dp/0763737836 Quote: Traditionally computer ethics texts and courses involve taking students who are not philosophically trained, exposing them to action-guiding theories, presenting them with the codes of ethics of several companies and professional organizations, and asking them to make ethical decisions in scenario based cases. This approach is deliberately action based and focuses on doing. Learning Expectation: I expect to learn what the book meant about The Practitioner from Within. I also want to know if it is important. Book Review: I was wondering what did the book meant when he used an actor, The Practitioner. After reading the book, I realized that the Practitioner that the author was talking about is a Medical Practitioner. A question again entered my mind and I asked myself, why the author chose a Medical Practitioner to be a character here in the book. I then realized that a Medical Practitioner is a person who is very patient, caring, and understandable, knows his/her place, and a whole lot more. Again, I came to realize that this is the last part of the book. I believe that the author used the Medical Practitioner as a symbol of a person who followed the topics the ethical topics that were discussed here. What I learned: I learned that the Practitioner that the author was talking about is a Medical Practitioner. I also learned that the author used the Medical Practitioner as a symbol of a person who followed the topics the ethical topics that were discussed here.

Integrative Questions:


• • • • •

What is a Practitioner? What is a Medical Practitioner? Why did the author choose a Medical Practitioner? What does the Practitioner symbolizes? What does the book mean about The Practitioner from Within?




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