Eternal Youth By

  • Uploaded by: Mike J Hughes
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 696
  • Pages: 1
Eternal Youth by: Mike J Hughes10/24/2008 The greater bulk of humanity today goes through life with no realization of their innate divinity and the fact that they have the power right within themselves to truly overcome all of the limitations that prevent us from manifesting the true spiritual beings that we are. There are people now living who have overcome even death itself through the power that lies deep within them. We are all spiritual beings and it is so sad to see billions being born to live out a limited and stunted life and to die a very miserable death. Each and every one of us is divine beings who have strayed far off into the land of distance and of illusion. Their some people who have let go of all that pertains to ageing and of time, which is as well an illusion and have learned to put away all sense of ageing altogether and they look as young as a young man should ,like about in their 30s and are in some cases hundreds of years old. These great human beings have some how mastered the art of ‘youthing’and are doing their job as teachers in their respected nations such as India, Tibet and so on. I have myself had some contact with some of these extraordinary men while in my astral body and they have spent some time at teaching me how to over come even death itself. To master the art of youthing requires that we begin to change our perception of ourselves as divine beings and to daily practice the method of visualization and to spend many hours in a sort of deep meditation and as well as deep contemplating on ones contact with ones own higher self which stands as eternal in the vault of the heavens above us all and to see oneself as GOD ,for only then can we be at one with the cosmos and ourselves and it involves the art of true self realization and the expanding our awareness outward into the hearts and minds of all of our brothers and sisters. There are some things that we can do to keep ourselves as young as we wish by daily meditation and the pondering of oneself as holding the secret of what we can call youthing and with the art of visualization by seeing ourselves as young as we wish. One of the problems is that no one these days has the time or energy to practice this divine art of youthing oneself back into perfect health and happiness as everybody is in the rut of the herd instinct. The Masters of Wisdom have overcome death completely and need not to take incarnation on this planet unless as a field of service such in the case of the Masters Koot Hoomi, Morya, Dwul Kwul, Saint Germain, Jesus, Seraphis Bey, The Master Jupiter and many others who have been overseeing our spiritual evolution from behind the scenes for countless thousands of years. There are as well many yogis’s who can extend their life span for many thousands of years and are initiates of various degrees from the first initiation up to and beyond the 5th initiation. All in all it’s all about creating a seed thought of one self as a divine being and to daily meditate and ponder this divine reality until one has precipitated this divine idea onto the physical plane .Think of your self as ageless and do away with birth days and any thing that pertains to the illusion of time and ageing. Every night when you rest your head on your pillows visualize a violet light that is speckled with gold enter your body and begin to restore your body back to it’s true state as an eternal youth and in time and with the mastering of this technique until you can see the growing in of fresh and youthful skin, then you will know that you are doing something right. See the one living GOD within you as the soul of eternal youth, and this divine secret will always be with you as you tread the path of spiritual development.

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