Essential Wiccan Supplies - Altar Tools

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 586
  • Pages: 2
Although there are miriad Wicca traditions, each with their own unique set of wiccan supplies, several artifacts cross all traditions and are generally acknowledged to be the foundation pieces of any and every ceremonial altar. Representing the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit, the essential basic wiccan supplies for your altar are: • The Athame – a ritual double edged blade or dagger with a metal blade and, usually, a wooden handle. It is used to mark sacred space. Associated with the element of air and male energy, it is never used to cut anything physical. • The Chalice – a symbol of the feminine, it is usually a stemmed goblet but can also be a simple bowl. The chalice is associated with water, psychic ability and the subconscious. • Altar Bell – usually a small metal hand bell made of silver, pewter or brass and used to clear sacred space, punctuate parts of ceremony, and welcome the quarters or deities. Associated with the element of air. • Altar Tile – also known as a pentacle or peyton, the altar tile is used to open elemental gateways, evoke the divine and to protect and bless ritual tools and food. Its elemental representation can be that of earth or spirit. Generally made of metal, wood, clay or stoneware. • Altar Cloth – protects the altar from stray wax, embers, dirt, grime and any other forms of damage. Traditionally black but, when celebrating a Sabbat or Esbat, it is commomplace to use a colour that is representational of the event being observed. • The Wand – considered by some to be one of the most important wiccan supplies, wands are usually made of wood and are used to project or direct energy to a specific area, object, or person. The elemental correspondence is that of fire. • The Besom – a ritual broom used to clear the residual energy from a space being prepared for ritual. Although not part of the altar itself, it has an important part to play in the preparation of the ritual space. • Cauldron – perhaps one of the most well known of the wiccan supplies or tools, the cauldron represents the feminine. Used to burn, brew and mix things, it represents all the various elements, depending on its use. When used to burn offerings, it represents fire; used to brew a potion, it represents water; used for incense, air; and a cauldron of abundance, like a cornucopia, is associated with the element of earth. Usually made of iron and standing on three legs, cauldrons vary greatly in size, although most nowadays are small enough to fit comfortably on an average size altar. • Candles – there are usually three on the altar: one black, representing the Goddess; one white, representing the God, and a third, usually also white, for lighting. Candles represent the element of fire. • A Censer – any flame-proof vessel used for burning incense, representing

the element of air. Purpose-made incense burners come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, but if an alternative vessel is used, it should be filled with sand to absorb the heat. Some censers are cauldron like, and are hung on chains or suspended in tripods. Although further items may be added to the altar according to the work being completed, the time of year, and the specific rituals of individual traditions, these are the essential basic wiccan supplies to be found on the ceremonial altars of virtually all traditions.

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