Essay About Cloning

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3
Cloning The Law in the USA - the United States are working on an international convention against the production of human clones - only 15 states have laws pertaining to human cloning

First experiments Cloning Milestones - 1938 German scientist Hans Spermann proposes a „fantastical experiment“ to transfer one cell's nucleus into an egg without a nucleus, the basic method that would eventually be used in cloning - 1952 Briggs and King clone tadpoles - 1958 F.C. Steward grows whole carrot plants from carrot cells - 1962 John Gurdon clones frogs from differentiated cells - 1981 Karl Illmense and Peter Hoppe claim to have cloned mice by transplanting the nuclei of mouse embryo cells into mouse eggs – other scientists are unable to reproduce the results,it is later discovered that the results were faked - 1983 Solter and McGath fuse a mouse embryo cell with an egg without a nucleus, but fail to clone using their technique - 1984 Steen Willadsen, a Danish scientists, reports he has made a genetic copy of a lamb from early sheep embryo cells, a process now cald „twinning“. Other scientists will eventually use his method to „twin“ cattle,pigs,goats,rabbits and rhesus monkeys - 1986 Steen Willadsen clones cattle from differentiated cells - 1986 First, Prather and Eyestome clone a cow from embryo cells - 1996 Dr. Ian Wilmut and his team clone the world's first sheep from adult cells – The lamb was born in July is named Dolly (announced in 1997) - 1997 the scientists who produced Dolly announce they have created a lamb with a human gene in every cell of its body. Named Polly,the lamb was produced using a method similar to that used to create Dolly - 1998 Ryuzo Yanagimachi and his postdoctoral student Teruhiko Wakayaman in Hawaii clone some 50 mice from an adult cell. Some of the mice are clones of clones, created by using a technique different than that used to produce Dolly the sheep - 1998 Japanese scientists report they have cloned eight copies of a single cow, the third mammal to be cloned - 2000 The group that created Dolly the sheep announces the first cloned pigs. Scientists hope that pigs could genetically engineered for use in human organ transplant

Clone Sheep Dolly - 1996 in the Roslin Institut in Edinburgh,Scotland, Bill Ritchie removed the nucleus from an oocyte(Donor egg) that was collected from a Scottish Blackfase ewe (Ewes are female sheep.The Scottish Blackface is a common breed of sheep in Scotland easily identified by its black face) - he removed the cell nucleus from a White-faced sheep (Finn Dorset)

- electricity helps “kick start“ cells into “activity“ so they are more likely to divide - -this new fused cell (containing the White-faced sheep's cell nucleus in the cytoplasma of a previously enucleated Blackface oocyte) happened to be an embyo - they implanted than the embryo into the Black-faced sheep - Bill and his fellow researches than repeated this process 276 times - on Feb. July, 1996 after 148 days, a normal length of time for the Finn Dorset sheep breed of sheep, Dolly was born - usually Black-faced sheep cannot produce a white faced sheep no matter who was the father (it has to do with the genetics of sheep breeds) - just to be sure, the scientists DNA „fingerprinted“ Dolly and her „mom“ and proved that Dolly's DNA matched the cells from the tissue culture, not from the ewe that gave birth to her - Dolly was a normal sheep - contrary to the reports in some of the trash newspapers: she had neither eaten her keeper or her fellow sheep, nor shooted laser beams out of her eyes or talked - on Feb. 14, 2003, Dolly was euthanatized after veterinans confirmed she had a progressive lung disease (pulmonary adenomatosis), a fairly common disease of sheep

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