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  • Words: 17,633
  • Pages: 114
ESCAPE (17) BY HARRY J. CHONG FADE IN: INT. FORBES MAGAZINE BUILDING – DAY FUSHIN enters a swanky looking office, where he is  greeted by a young well dressed LADY. She extends her arm  for a handshake. LADY Hello, Mr. Fo. Fushin waits to be seated. LADY (gestures) Please have a seat. Fushin sits down. He scratches the silver patch of hair on the side of his head. LADY Would you like anything to eat or drink? Did you have any breakfast this morning? Fushin shakes his head, no. LADY Are you sure we have pretty good coffee? Fushin shakes his head again, no. LADY Okay I guess we should start this interview. Lady sits down and presses the red button on her tape recorder. LADY But before we get into business I think we should warm up and start with the easy questions first. Fushin nods in agreement.

LADY Could you tell me a bit about your life and how you got started? How you became so wealthy? FUSHIN Where should I begin? TITLE CARD:


INT. NIKE SHOE FACTORY, CHINA – DAY Early 1980’s. Hastily pasting shoes, young Fushin accidentally knocks over a jar of glue. The SUPERVISOR sees his mishap and becomes overtly upset. He smacks Fushin on the back of the head. Fushin turns around and faces the supervisor. SUPERVISOR (Chinese) Why are you so stupid? Fushin has no response. SUPERVISOR Do you know how much a jar of glue like that costs? Fushin shakes his head. SUPERVISOR Of course not. That’s what makes you stupid. FUSHIN I’m sorry it won’t happen again. SUPERVISOR For some reason I don’t really believe you. The other workers begin to stare.


I think your punishment this time needs to be memorable. Fushin appears nervous, his eyes dart around the room. SUPERVISOR I want you to clean up this mess. Fushin takes out a rag. The Supervisor takes it away. SUPERVISOR (smirks) With your mouth. Fushin reluctantly lowers his face and sticks out his tongue. The Supervisor presses down his head. SUPERVISOR Tastes good? Fushin scrapes his tongue across the glue-ridden table. The Supervisor laughs. SUPERVISOR Idiot! Fushin lifts his head and wipes his tongue. His eyes are welled up with tears. The Supervisor leaves. EXT. RURAL CHINA – NIGHT WOODY AREA Fushin unlocks his bicycle from a tree. He takes out a tea candle and places it in the little basket in front of his bike. He takes out a match and uses it to light the candle. Fushin gets on his bike and rides down the dirt road. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING – NIGHT Fushin arrives at a run down apartment building. He locks up his bike to a pole and carefully takes his candle out of the basket. He goes inside the building. APARTMENT UNIT

Carrying his candle, Fushin quietly enters his apartment unit. He goes into his children’s bedroom. Fushin goes over to the first bed and kisses his eldest son who is nine years old. Then he goes over to the second bed and kisses his daughter who is five years old. And finally he goes over to his baby boy’s crib. He strokes his thin hair and kisses him on the forehead. Fushin leaves and goes to his bedroom. His wife SIUMAI is sound asleep. He gets into bed and puts the candle on the nightstand. He gazes at his wife and kisses her on the cheek. He blows out the candle and goes to sleep. INT. APARTMENT UNIT – DAY, EARLY MORNING Fushin is gently awoken by his wife. She leaves for the kitchen. He gets up and goes to sit at the breakfast table. His wife brings him plain white toast and a cup of tea. Fushin eats his food. He kisses his wife goodbye and leaves for work. EXT. WOODY AREA – DAY Riding his bike to work through the woody area on the dirt road, Fushin accidentally runs over a broken Coke bottle. His tire pops. Fushin checks it out. It seems there is nothing he can do. Fushin walks along his bike to go to work. EXT. SHOE FACTORY – DAY Fushin arrives outside the factory on foot. He sees the doors are chained up. He goes to the other side and knocks on one of the windows. His coworker MING sees him. INT. SHOE FACTORY – DAY Ming checks for the supervisor. He sneaks over to the window and lifts the pane. Ming waves him in. As soon as Fushin puts his leg through the window the Supervisor appears. He folds his arm and stares. SUPERVISOR Oh what a pleasant surprise. FUSHIN (stutters)

I can explain. SUPERVISOR There’s no explaining to do. I’ve had enough of your shenanigans. YOU’RE FIRED. FUSHIN But! SUPERVISOR The both of you. MING I didn’t do anything. SUPERVISOR You’re an accomplice. Now pack your things and get out of here. (points) Ming looks upset at Fushin. EXT. CHINESE MARKET PLACE – DAY Ming and Fushin are walking together through the market place. The area is sprinkled with American tourists. FUSHIN I’m sorry I got you in trouble Ming. MING It’s okay I didn’t wanna work there anyway. FUSHIN Are you hungry? MING A little. Fushin puts his arm around Ming. FUSHIN Well you’re in luck. There’s a fantastic noodle shop down the road. Best noodles this side of China.

MING I don’t know. I’ve tasted some pretty good noodles. FUSHIN Come on. My treat. Fushin walks faster. Ming follows behind. He accidentally bump into a TOURIST. She drops the money from her change purse MING Sorry! Sorry! Ming bends over and helps her pick it up. The tourist gathers her money. Ming apologizes again. MING I’m really sorry. TOURIST Thanks... Ming dashes through the crowd. He catches up with Fushin. EXT. NOODLE SHOP – DAY Fushin and Ming sit at the counter where they are served hot noodles. FUSHIN (eating) Best noodles in China or what? MING I prefer my mom’s cooking...but very good. (eating) Fushin blows on his noodles. FUSHIN ...Do you think we’ll be able to find new jobs? MING

Here? FUSHIN Yeah. MING I don’t know. That was the only factory in town. FUSHIN Maybe we should start our own business? Our own factory. You and me huh? MING I don’t know anything about business. FUSHIN It couldn’t be that hard. MING Nah. Too risky. FUSHIN Then what’re we gonna do for money? MING ...USA. FUSHIN What? MING My cousin. He owns a boat. Makes a living by taking people to America. FUSHIN You mean he sneaks them in? MING Well if you put it that way... FUSHIN No it actually sounds like a good idea. The pay is a lot more right? MING A LOT more.

FUSHIN I don’t know. Sounds too good to be true. MING America is the land of dreams. Anything is possible. Even for a Chinaman. FUSHIN Okay. I’ll talk to my wife. Can you arrange the trip with your cousin? MING Piece of moon cake! (slurps noodle) INT. APARTMENT UNIT – DAY Siumai is reading a book when Fushin arrives home early. She puts down her book and gets up. SIUMAI Fushin! You’re home so early. FUSHIN I quit work. Siumai looks shocked, her eyes widen with surprise. SIUMAI You quit?! FUSHIN Yes. But that’s because I’m getting another America? SIUMAI In America? FUSHIN Yes. America. The land of dreams. Where I will go to make my fortune. SIUMAI But it’s so far away.

FUSHIN I know. SIUMAI If you want to go...I support your decision. FUSHIN I don’t want to go. I have to go. SIUMAI You don’t have to. FUSHIN (extends arm) Look at this place. Is this where we really want to be all our lives? SIUMAI No. FUSHIN Then I have to go to make a better life. For me, for the family. Siumai sits down on the chair and rubs her forehead, thinking carefully. FUSHIN Well? Siumai nods. Fushin hugs Siumai and kisses her. FUSHIN You won’t regret it. EXT. THE SHANWEI DOCKS – NIGHT Fushin hugs and kisses his family. Siumai hands Fushin a lucky red packet. Fushin refuses it and pushes back her hand. FUSHIN It’s okay. I’m going to make money in America. SIUMAI Take it. You never know.

FUSHIN I can’t. You keep it. Keep it for the family. SIUMAI No. You must take. It’s lucky money. Fushin reluctantly takes the red pocket with money. He hugs his family one last time and goes over to the boat where they wave him goodbye. Before he can enter the boat one of the CREW members pushes him back. CREW Your payment. FUSHIN What? I got a loan. Everything’s paid for. CREW No. There’s a boarding fee. It has to be paid in cash. FUSHIN But I thought... Crew sticks out his hand. Fushin faces away from his family and gives his red pocket money. The Crew member checks the money and waves him in. Fushin steps onto the boat. Immediately afterwards Ming appears. The Crew member puts a bill into his pocket (kick back) and they both board the boat. EXT. BOAT – NIGHT The boat rocks back and forth through the churning sea. INT. BOAT, HULL AREA – NIGHT Inside the boat is dark, damp and crowded. Several people have become boat sick. Fushin sits quietly and reads a how to speak English booklet. He practices his English. FUSHIN (english) How are you? Nice to meet you. Today is good weather. I like your haircut. It looks

very lovely. Do you know where the mall is? Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is... Fushin’s English lesson is interrupted by a person THROWING UP. Fushin decides to take a break. He closes his booklet and puts it in his pocket. He stands up and carefully tiptoes to the stairs. Fushin steps over the sleeping crewmember who is supposed to be guarding the stairs and goes upstairs to the deck. INT. BOAT, DECK – NIGHT A kerosene lamp lights the deck of the boat. Fushin squints and sees Ming standing by the guardrail, smoking a cigarette. Fushin goes over to join him. FUSHIN (chinese) Hey. MING You’re not supposed to be up here. FUSHIN I snuck past the guard. MING No I mean it’s dangerous. What if you fall over. You can’t even swim. FUSHIN I can swim a little. MING Want a cigarette? Ming takes out his pack of cigarettes FUSHIN I don’t smoke. It’s bad for your lungs. Ming puts away his pack of cigarettes. MING Hey you only live once. FUSHIN

Um, so how much long is this boat ride going to take? MING Not too long. I think we’re near Hawaii. FUSHIN We’re not going to Hawaii are we? MING No of course not. We’re going to California. That’s the place to make money. That’s where all the movies are created. FUSHIN Really? MING You’ve never heard of Hollywood? FUSHIN I’ve never seen any movies. MING (surprised) Never? Fushin shakes his head. MING Well you’re gonna make a lot of money in California. You won’t even know what to do with it. FUSHIN Send it to my family.

MING Sending money to your family is good. But you should also enjoy yourself. You earned it. FUSHIN I enjoy when my family’s happy.

MING You really are something else aren’t you? Ming flicks his cigarette into the ocean INT. BOAT, HULL AREA – NIGHT Fushin walks down the stairs. He notices a ten year old boy has taken his spot. Fushin stands beside him and looks on curiously as he writes in his journal. FUSHIN What are you writing about? The boy ignores Fushin and continues writing. FUSHIN Is it about this trip? JINN I’m writing down my goals...when I go to America, I’m going to become a doctor. FUSHIN That’s very admirable. You have to be pretty smart to be doctor. JINN I am smart. FUSHIN If a plane crashes on the border between two countries, where do you bury the survivors?

The boy, Jinn, pauses and looks up. JINN What countries? FUSHIN Any country.

JINN Is it an island? FUSHIN No. JINN You don’t bury the survivors. FUSHIN Ah you are smart. JINN I told you. Jinn gets up. FUSHIN Leaving so soon? JINN You can have your spot back. Jinn puts away his journal and leaves. Fushin sits down and takes out his English book. THE US of A EXT. CALIFORNIAN COAST – DAY, CLOUDY MORNING The boat has arrived in American waters. EXT. MARINA – DAY The boat pulls up to the Marina. Border patrol agents swarm around.

INT. BOAT, HULL AREA – DAY The boat passengers scamper and hide. Jinn takes cover behind a pile of dirty clothing. On the opposite side, Fushin hides behind a large crate. The border patrol agent enters the hull; the sound of his steps on the cold steel stairs resonate and echo throughout. He

turns switches on his flashlight. The flashlight flickers. The light casts an orange glow against the grey atmosphere. The agent looks around, going from corner to corner. He arrives at the pile of dirty clothing. Jinn slinks down and makes himself as small as possible. The agent leans forward and pinches his nose from the smell. He goes to the opposite end goes over the crate. The light from the flashlight seeps through the cracks in the crate. The orange lines of light fall on Fushin’s body. He shakes and sweats nervously. As the agent is about to look around the crate, Jinn tosses a pebble to the corner. The agent becomes startled and whips around. A mouse runs across the floor and into a hole. The agent goes over to the hole and shines his light in. The rat is eating a piece of cheese. The agent decides he’s had enough and he goes up the stairs and leaves. Jinn peaks from behind the clothing. Fushin wipes the sweat from his forehead. EXT. MARINA – DAY The passengers come off the boat and are led into an awaiting UHAUL truck. Jinn and Fushin are seated together. Everyone appears exhausted and worn. INT. UHAUL TRUCK – DAY The truck begins moving. The passengers are silent, having no energy to speak. Fushin takes out a packet of fish crackers. Jinn looks at them hungrily. Fushin puts a cracker in his mouth and hands the other one to Jinn. Jinn hastily eats the cracker. INT. UHAUL TRUCK – DAY The truck comes to a stop. The backdoor opens up. EXT. FACTORY COMPLEX – DAY The passengers are taken off the truck, where they stand before a large wrought-iron gate. The truck takes off. The gates open. The passengers are taken into the dreary forest surrounded factory complex. INT. TOY FACTORY – DAY

The passengers stand quietly in the middle of the factory floor. A man steps out from the crowd, his back facing the people. He goes to the middle of the floor and turns around. The man is none other than Ming. Ming clears his throat and introduces himself. MING (english) Welcome to America! The crowd is silent. MING (chinese) America is the land of opportunities. But like anything else it is also dangerous. As you may have guessed, you are not citizens of the USA. You are not even considered guests. The Americans don’t want you here. They believe you will steal their jobs. Ming takes a dollar bill pull it at the edges. MING The Americans love money. This is their god. And they don’t want you taking their god. That is why we must work in this factory, in secret. If you go outside they will catch you. They will lock you up in prison and throw away the key. A person from the crowd raises their hand. MING Don’t interrupt me. The hand shoots down. MING As I was saying...don’t let anyone know you work here. Not even your family. The Americans are brutal warmongering animals. They will give you no mercy. That is why you must stay here at all times. This small piece of land is your new home.

Another hand is raised. Ming points to the hand and takes the question. HAND How long will we be staying here for? MING When you pay off your debt you may leave. HAND But what about the Americans? MING You do not stay here. You go back to China where it is safe. Nobody has anymore questions. MING Does everyone understand? The crowd is silent. MING Good...Now start working. Ming leaves the floor and the passengers are immediately ushered away for work.

INT. TENT – DAY, EARLY MORNING One Year Later... Fushin is sound asleep in his sleeping bag. Jinn tries to wake him for work. JINN (whispering) Fushin. Fushin.

Jinn gently shakes Fushin. JINN Fushin. Fushin rubs his eyes and tiredly sits up. The two leave their tent and go to the toy factory. INT. TOY FACTORY, ASSEMBLY LINE – DAY Fushin and a worker named Xang are putting heads onto Barbie dolls. Xang looks irritated. XANG I hate this place. FUSHIN It’s not so bad. XANG Our debt is never going to be paid off. We are going to be here forever. FUSHIN It’s only been a year. XANG A year too long. Xang is furiously distracted, he starts putting doll heads on backwards.

XANG You know what? I’m going to leave. I’m not paying debt. And you know what else? I’m going to burn down this damn factory! Ming overhears Xang. He grabs him by the ear. MING Is that so?

Xang suddenly becomes meek. The workers watch as he is dragged out. EXT. BEHIND TOY FACTORY – DAY Xang is tied to a cheer, surrounded by a crowd of workers. They watch as Ming berates and belittles him. MING You like to light things on fire do you? Ming puts his arms behind his back circles around Xang. MING You know I like to light things on fire too. Fire is visceral. It’s raw and natural. I can see why you’re so attracted. Ming pauses in front of Xang. MING But you know what I like more than fire? Food. Food, like fire, is useful. But food is far more enjoyable. Wouldn’t you concur? Ming grabs Xing by the hair and nods his head. MING I’m glad we agree. Let me introduce you to one of my favourite foods. Ming is handed a cartoon of eggs by one of the higher-up workers. MING I know a lot of people don’t enjoy eggs. But I personally find them very delicious. Would you like a taste? Ming again grabs Xing by the hair and nods his head. MING You’re really going to enjoy this. Ming steps back and opens the carton of eggs. He picks one up and hurls it at Xing. Xing sputters and spits out the egg. MING

How do you like my cooking? Would like some more? Fushin looks horrified; he bites his fingernails with anxiety. Ming continues whipping eggs at Xing ‘till there is only one egg left. MING It appears there is only one egg left. Should I eat it or should I give to you? I know! Why don’t I share it with someone else? A worker pushes Fushin out from the crowd. Ming beckons for Fushin to come to the middle. Fushin timidly joins Ming by his side. Ming hands him the egg. MING Show this gentleman what a good worker is. Jinn looks at Fushin with worry. Fushin is extremely hesitant. He clenches the egg in his hand. MING Come on hurry up. We have work to do. Fushin closes his eyes and throws the egg. Fushin opens his eyes. The egg has not yet landed. Ming looks up into the sky. The egg lands on his head. The workers laugh. Xing grins with contempt. MING GET BACK TO WORK! The workers are cleared away. Xing is untied and let out of the chair. Fushin takes out a tissue and tries to wipe the egg off Ming. Ming swats away his hand and marches away in anger. INT. CAFETARIA, TOY FACTORY – DAY Fushin lines up at cafeteria line where he is given slop for lunch. After being served he takes his food and sits down beside an older looking Jinn. Jinn grumbles and takes spoonful of his delicious meal. Reluctantly he swallows. The Adam’s apple in his throat bulges. JINN This is bullshit. Jinn spits out his food.

JINN This food tastes like crap. How long have we been working here and they can’t even give us decent food? Look at them! Ming and the higher-ups are eating a sumptuous meal of duck, white rice, green vegetables, tea and moon cake. FUSHIN It’s not that bad. SUMYUNGAI At least we’re not starving in Africa. JINN You honestly think we have it better than them? SUMYUNGAI Yeah. Why not? JINN Let me tell you something. Jinn points with his spoon. JINN A starving freeman is always better than a slave with a full belly. A balding man with a poor comb over and unusually thick eyeglasses suddenly slams his hand on the table and decides to chimes in. HOCHAN That’s what I’m talking about! Everyone around the table is a bit taken aback at the man’s veracity. HOCHAN We are being treated like slaves; and I for one am not going to take it anymore! SUMYUNGAI

And what are you planning on doing? HOCHAN Escape. I have a plan to escape. SUMYUNGAI But what about our debt? HOCHAN Who cares about our debt? Once we get out of here they can’t do anything. SUMYUNGAI What about that worker they killed who left? HOCHAN Subterfuge. A complete lie. They didn’t kill anybody. He died of a brain haemorrhage. SUMYUNGAI Because they bashed his head in. HOCHAN Lies, lies, and more lies! This isn’t the Forbidden City okay. Murder is a big deal to Americans. You can’t get away with murder. SUMYUNGAI I dunno. Jinn pushes his tray aside and leans in forward. JINN Tell us about your plan. Fushin keeps his head low and continues eating his food in silence. HOCHAN There’s a trail in the forest which leads out to the streets. JINN By the big rock?

HOCHAN You’ve seen it? JINN Yeah I went walking there one night. But I couldn’t leave because there was a big stream in the middle. I almost got swept away. FUSHIN (whispering to self) So that’s why you came back all wet that time. HOCHAN I know that’s why I built a bridge. SUMYUNGAI You built a bridge? HOCHAN It’s just a bunch of big logs. JINN So when are we escaping? HOCHAN Midnight, tonight. We meet at the big rock. I’ll light a candle so we can see. Hochan takes out a napkin and draws a map. He points to the meeting spot with his pen. HOCHAN This is where we meet. Don’t be stupid and get it confused with the medium sized rock. They’re almost the same size. Here take a look. (hands map to fushin) A HIGHER-UP advances toward the table. Fushin crumples up the napkin and kicks it under the table. The Higher-Up sees the napkin and stops behind Fushin. HIGHER-UP Pick up what you kicked under the table.

Fushin goes under the table and gets the scrunched up napkin. HIGHER-UP Give me the napkin. Everyone at the table looks nervous. But they try the best to keep their cool. Fushin hands the Higher-Up the napkin. It looks like he is going to look at it, but instead he whips it at Fushin’s head. HIGHER-UP I hate people who litter. Throw the napkin in the garbage, not on the floor. Fushin takes the napkin to the trashcan. The Higher-Up glares. Fushin tosses napkin ball, it rolls around the rim before falling in. INT. TENT - NIGHT Fushin eagerly awaits, he looks out between the flaps of his tent. EXT. INNER EDGE OF FOREST – NIGHT A glowing candle appears by the big rock. INT. TENT - NIGHT Fushin shakes Jinn and wakes him up. Jinn rubs his eyes and the two slip out of their sleeping bags. They leave the tent. EXT. INNER EDGE OF FOREST, THE BIG ROCK – NIGHT Hochan, Sumyungai, Fushin, Jinn and several other workers are gathered around the big rock. HOCHAN There’s not much for me to say. But once we get on the other side, we will be free. SUMYUNGAI I’m scared. HOCHAN

There’s nothing to be afraid. Just remember to keep quiet. If we keep quiet no one will catch us. Sumyungai accidentally stumbles backward and steps on a branch. SNAP. Hochan glares. SUMYUNGAI Sorry. EXT. MING’S CABIN – NIGHT A woodpecker PECKS outside on the Cabin. INT. MING’S CABIN – NIGHT Ming wakes up and gets out of bed. He grabs a bat from underneath his bed and goes over to the window. He squints and sees the glowing candle by the forest. EXT. INNER EDGE OF FOREST, THE BIG ROCK – NIGHT Hochan sees a shining flashlight off in the distance (Ming). HOCHAN Hide! Someone’s coming! Hochan blows out the candle and the workers hide behind the trees and bushes. EXT. INNER EDGE OF FOREST, THE BIG ROCK – NIGHT Ming shines his flashlight into the forest. The light cuts through the brush and casts a strong texture of orange-yellow shadows. Leaning down against the tree, Jinn accidentally SNEEZES. Ming catches him. He grabs him by the wrist and pulls him up. MING Trying to leave without paying your debt are you? JINN I was just going for a walk. MING (pokes jinn in face)

Don’t bullshit me. You’ve always been trouble. Fushin picks up a branch from the ground. He sneaks toward Ming and pulls it back like a bat. As he is about to swing Hochan jumps out and attacks Ming. He punches him in the face, knocking him out cold. HOCHAN Bastard! (spits) Fushin stoops down at checks Ming’s pulse. Ming is alive. Fushin stands up and drops his branch. HOCHAN Come on let’s go already. Hochan and the workers hurry down the trail. EXT. INNER EDGE OF FOREST, THE BIG ROCK – NIGHT Ming wakes up with a throbbing headache, INT. FOREST TRAIL – NIGHT The workers keep a steady pace along the trail. As they walk through the forest, glaring white lights from the factory complex turn on. The sound of running and dogs BARKING can be heard in the off distance. The workers “picks up their heels” and start running. The factory guards and their dogs gain closer and closer. Several workers fall down. Jinn trips over a tree root and twists his ankle. Fushin picks him up and puts him over his back. INT. FOREST STREAM – NIGHT The moonlight illuminates the rushing water moving under the bridge. The workers dash across the logs and get to the other side. Hochan runs back and scoops up water with his hand. He wets the makeshift bridge and quickly leaves. The guards in their haste run across and they slip and fall right into the stream. INT. OUTTER EDGE OF FOREST, STREETS – DAY, EARLY MORNING

The sky has turned from pitch black to dark blue. The day is beginning and the sun is starting to rise. The workers have successfully made it out of the forest. Exhausted, but elated, Hochan rips off his uniform and throws it onto the ground. He drops to his knees. HOCHAN Freedom! Several early morning joggers arrive on the street. HOCHAN Act normal. Hochan and the workers smile and wave. The joggers smile and waves back. When they leave, Hochan gets off his knees and the workers disappear from the streets. INT. OUTTER EDGE OF FOREST, STREETS – DAY, EARLY MORNING The guards, wet and tired, arrive at the outer edge of the forest. The head guard shields his eyes from the glow of the rising sun and squints. There in no one to be found. The head guard grunts and waves the others back into the forest. INT. BUS – DAY Fushin and Jinn (he looks to be about a teen) are sitting together inside a bus. Fushin takes a sheet of newspaper lying on the seat besides and constructs a paper crane. He gives it to Jinn. Jinn gives a weak smiles. He gets his own sheet of newspaper and tries making his own. It looks terrible, like a bird who crashed into a window. Fushin unfolds the paper and holds it with Jinn, showing him how to fold it. FUSHIN (folding) Like this. Jinn completes the paper crane. He smiles and holds it up to the light. Fushin looks back, his stop has come. He pulls the yellow cable above. DING. The bus comes to a stop. Fushin pats Jinn on the knee and stands up.

FUSHIN (looking back to jinn) Will you be okay? JINN I think I can manage alone. Fushin steps off the bus. He gets onto the sidewalk and crosses over the grass and gets onto the parking lot. INT. MALL, FOOD COURT – DAY Fushin walks around tables, chairs, and oversized customers. He goes into the candy store. INT. MALL, CANDY STORE – DAY A pimply faced TEENager tosses Fushin his uniform, a white emblazoned apron bearing the store’s logo. TEEN You’re late. INT. MALL, CANDY STORE – DAY Fushin is behind the counter. An OLD Asian MAN comes up to the counter and places down a chocolate bar. He smiles a nearly toothless grin. OLD MAN (chinese) It’s for my grandson. Fushin smiles. He scans the candy bar. The total comes up, $1.15. FUSHIN (chinese) $1.15 please. The Old Man takes out a coin purse and empties out change onto the counter. He slowly counts the amount out loud. Fushin waits patiently. When the Old Man is done counting it turns out he is short a nickel. FUSHIN There’s not enough money here.

The Old Man frowns and rummages around his pockets. He takes out a metal button and places it down. FUSHIN I’m sorry. That’s not a coin. The Old Man looks distraught. Fushin reaches into his pocket and puts a nickel on the counter. FUSHIN There’s it’s enough money now. The Old Man smiles and takes his candy bar. Fushin puts the coins into the register. He watches the Old Man outside unwrap the packaging from the candy bar and eat it. A little boy skipping in front of the store holding a melted ice cream cone throws up on the floor. CO-WORKER (OS) Code red! Fushin catches the mop from behind the counter. He glowers and blows the drooping hair over his forehead. EXT. BUS STOP IN FRONT OF ALLEY – NIGHT Fushin gets off the bus. He cuts through the big, scary, dark alleyway. As he is walking Fushin is confronted by a gun wielding ROBBER. ROBBER Hands up suckah! Fushin throws up his arms. Robber grabs him and pushes him to the wall. He pats him down and finds a wallet. Robber opens it up and finds a dollar. He takes the wallet and throws it on the ground. ROBBER Jesus Christ! All you have is a dollar?! A bullet costs more than a dollar! FUSHIN No English! ROBBER

What?! FUSHIN No speak English! Robber bangs on the wall. He grabs Fushin and pulls him to the floor. ROBBER Stay still. Robber pulls of Fushin’s shoes. Keeping his gun pointed, Robber backs away slowly; then dashes away down the alley. Fushin rolls over and looks at his feet. There is a large hole in his sock. He wiggles his big toe. Fushin grabs his wallet and leaves the alley. INT. CHINESE ARMY BUNKER, DREAM – NIGHT Late 1940’s. Fushin’s head is lifted from a bucket of water standing on a table. He gasps for air. An ANGRY SOLDIER holds Fushin by the hair and points a gun to his face. Two unmoving statuesque soldiers stand beside. They are completely emotionless. ANGRY SOLDIER (chinese) You’re a goddamn nationalist aren’t you?! FUSHIN (beat up and exhausted) I don’t know what you’re talking about. ANGRY SOLDIER (slaps fushin) Liar! FUSHIN Please. I didn’t do anything. Fushin spits out blood. ANGRY SOLDIER You will pay for your sins. Angry Soldier holds up Fushin’s head by his hair. As Fushin’s eyes roll upward, the bunker sudden splits in two, it flies away into a

stormy cloud and reveals Fushin’s family. They are wrapped in barber wire sitting half naked on the ground. Angry Soldier lifts the skin off his face and smiles sinisterly. Fushin struggles and shakes in his chair. Angry Soldier marches over to Fushin’s family. His long serpent-like tongue licks Fushin’s wife and daughter. ANGRY SOLDIER What sweet skin! FUSHIN Get your hands off them you bastard! Angry Soldier stands up. He goosesteps back and spins around to face the family. A cannon rises from the ground. Angry Soldier dusts it off and takes out a Zippo. He flips opens open the lid and sparks the lighter. He takes out a Cuban cigar and puts it in between his teeth. Angry Soldier lights his cigar. Fushin becomes extremely antsy. Shaking and trembling. Angry Soldier looks back at Fushin and proceeds to blow his family to smithereens, aiming the cannon. Angry Soldier lights the cannon. As it is about to blow, he spins it around and aims it at Fushin. The spiked cannon balls go hurling toward him. INT. WONG RESIDENCE, LIVING ROOM – NIGHT Fushin wakes up from his nightmare. He rises from his sleeping bag and his eyes dart around the room. He is still in America, in an overcrowded house ran by exploitive entrepreneurs. Fushin gets up and steps around the others sleeping on the floor. INT. WONG RESIDENCE, KITCHEN – NIGHT Fushin writes a letter under a dim flickering light. INT. APARTMENT UNIT – DAY Back In China... Siumai is sweeping the floor, when a letter slides underneath the front door. Siumai puts down her novel and walks over to the door

to pick up the letter. She takes it to the table and opens it with a knife. Siumai unfolds the letter and money falls out. She pushes it aside and goes immediately to reading the letter. She sits down and puts on her reading glasses. Fushin’s voice reads over from the letter as the montage plays, FUSHIN (VO) “America is an exciting and wonderful place. The adventures never seem to end. I wish you and the family could be here to see me in all my success. I have a great job and I’m making lots of money. Living here has been like a dream. I never know if I’ll wake up.” MONTAGE A) Fushin on the bus B) Fushin mopping up at candy store C) Fushin walking on streets D) Fushin going into Wong residence E) Fushin eating dinner alone F) Fushin going to sleep G) Fushin staring up at ceiling, close up of his eye END OF MONTAGE MATCH CUT TO: EXT. PARK, DUCK POND – DAY MATCH CUT to duck’s eye. Duck snatches a piece of bread from the water and swallows it. More pieces of bread in the water, more ducks swarming. Fushin and Jinn feed the ducks with a bag of stale bread. JINN (bored)

Why are we feeding these stupid ducks? FUSHIN You don’t like ducks? JINN Only on my plate. FUSHIN (whispering) Shhh! They’ll hear you. Fushin continues throwing bread. JINN You said you’d take me somewhere fun. This isn’t my idea of fun. Fushin hands Jinn a piece of bread. Jinn throws the bread into the pond. FUSHIN The idea of fun is very subjective. JINN Why do you enjoy this? FUSHIN I like seeing things happy. JINN How do you know they’re happy? FUSHIN Happy things have appetites. Why do you think Americans are so fat? JINN Stupidity? Laziness? Incompetence? FUSHIN You’re far too cynical for a boy of your age. JINN

If this is your way of telling me to shut up and just feed the ducks...fine. I will. Jinn grabs the bag of bread and tosses the rest of the loaf it into the pond. The ducks swarms and fight for the bread. Fushin looks irritated, he glares at Jinn. FUSHIN What the hell is your problem?! JINN What you don’t like feeding the ducks? FUSHIN Not when they’re fighting like animals! Fushin folds his arms and turns his back to Jinn. JINN Come on! I was just kidding around. I’m sorry. Jinn walks around and faces a scowling Fushin. JINN I’m sorry. Please. Look at me. We’re friends. We shouldn’t be arguing. Smile! Jinn pulls up the sides of Fushin’s mouth, giving him the appearance of an extremely strained smile. Fushin slaps away his hand and unfolds his arms. FUSHIN Okay. Just don’t touch me. Jinn smiles. Fushin begins to walk toward the large hill adjacent to the pond, Jinn follows behind. EXT. PARK, LARGE HILL – DAY Jinn and Fushin get up to the top of the large hill. On the hill are two attractive females, one woman and one girl. They are sitting on a picnic blanket staring at the view of the city.

FUSHIN (english) Nice view isn’t it? The woman, Zhuling, lifts her sunglasses and looks back. ZHULING (english) Yes it’s quite nice isn’t it? Jinn and Fushin stand their awkwardly, trying to look away and stare at the city below. ZHULING Would you like to have a seat? It must be tiring standing up. Fushin and Jinn sit beside the two chicks. Jinn stares at the girl, Sarah. She appears to be about 13. ZHULING Enjoying the view? JINN Huh?! ZHULING The city. Are you enjoying the view of the city? JINN Oh yes. It’s lovely. ZHULING This is the best view of the city. Can you believe it’s free? FUSHIN They have better views in China. ZHULING Oh you’re from China? FUSHIN Shanwei.

ZHULING Really? I think my grandfather is from there. It’s near Hong Kong isn’t it? FUSHIN Yes. Somewhat. The four continue staring at the city. ZHULING (to jinn) So what’re your names? JINN (flustered) I’m uh Jinn. (points to fushin) That’s my Fushin. Ah, of course I don’t call him that. ZHULING Of course. I’m Zhuling. The lovely girl beside me is my daughter -- Sensu. ...But she prefers the name Sarah. Zhuling puts her sunglasses on top of her head and looks back. ZHULING Sarah say, hello. SARAH (waves) Hello. JINN Hello. ZHULING So! You guys live around here or what? Or are you just on vacation? FUSHIN I wish we were on vacation. ZHULING

Well vacations aren’t that great anyway. You always have to pack so many clothes. SARAH Gee mom that sounds like a real chore. ZHULING Only when you have to coordinate. The sun is doing down. FUSHIN What time is it? Zhuling looks at her diamond-studded watch. ZHULING Shit. It’s almost nine o’clock. Zhuling gets up and grabs her daughter. ZHULING I’m sorry we have to leave so early, but we have prior engagements. Sarah waves goodbye and the two ladies leave in a hurry. FUSHIN (chinese) Hey they forgot their blanket. JINN (chinese) It’s ours now. Jinn sniffs the area of the blanket where Sarah was previously seated. FUSHIN You have problems.


Jinn is working at the dollar store stocking shelves in, when he sees the young girl Sarah from earlier before. She grabs several items and puts them in her pocket. As she is about to leave, Jinn ambles over to her and grabs her by the wrist. JINN Excuse me, but we have a no stealing policy. SARAH Jinn? JINN Just because you know me doesn’t mean you can steal from my store. Jinn removes an item from Sarah’s pocket, a rubber ducky. SARAH Actually it’s my dad’s store. JINN Who’s your dad? Donald Duck? SARAH I think you mean Donald Trump. The MANAGER sees Jinn talking to Sarah. He goes over to mend the situation. MANAGER What is going on here? JINN This girl is stealing. Sarah smiles at the Manager. MANAGER This girl owns the store. JINN What? MANAGER SHE IS NOT STEALING. The Manager hits Jinn on the head with his pen.

JINN Oh. Jinn turns toward Sarah and bows. JINN (chinese) I apologize. I only accused you of stealing because I was captivated by your beauty. I wanted you to stay...Hey the manager’s a real jerk isn’t he? Sarah giggles. MANAGER What do you just say? JINN I told her I was very, very sorry. MANAGER It sounded like you said a little something extra. JINN Well I told her you were a great manager and my false accusations had nothing to do with you. MANAGER That was very nice of you, but not necessary. SARAH I can leave if I want right? MANAGER Oh. Sure go ahead. Tell your dad I said hello.

SARAH He’s on a business trip.

Sarah takes the rubber ducky back from Jinn and leaves the store. The CHIMES above the door RING. JINN (chinese) What a woman. INT. MALL, CANDY STORE – DAY Fushin is sweeping up at the candy store when he sees Zhuling and Sarah. He waves hello. The two pay him a visit inside the store. ZHULING So! Working hard or hardly working? FUSHIN Huh? SARAH It’s a really bad joke. ZHULING Oh. ZHULING You know what son of yours is quite a character. FUSHIN Which one? ZHULING You have more than one son? FUSHIN Ahhh no...I meant it in the symbolical sense; like black people. ZHULING Oh. Well then! Still. That son of your must be quite a handful. FUSHIN Why would you say that?

ZHULING He accused my daughter of stealing. But! It’s no big deal. FUSHIN I’m sorry -- he’s a bit of an idiot. What can I say? He gets it from his father. (wink) Zhuling looks at Fushin’s crotch. ZHULING Do you work out? SARAH Mom... ZHULING Just curious. FUSHIN Yes I work all the time. Too much work in fact. ZHULING (chinese) I meant do you exercise? FUSHIN Oh! No. ZHULING It sure looks like it. FUSHIN ...Did you wanna ask me something? Zhuling takes out a birthday invitation and hands it to Fushin. ZHULING My daughter, Sarah, wants your son to come to her birthday party. Sarah blushes. ZHULING

You can come too if you want. Actually I’d prefer it. FUSHIN I don’t think I want to go to a children’s birthday party. ZHULING Please! FUSHIN Mm... ZHULING You’re not gonna be partying with the kids y’know. We’re going to have our own little celebration. FUSHIN I’ll think it over. ZHULING Okay well I guess that’s it then. We’ll see you later. FUSHIN Bye. The girls leave, Fushin goes back to work, sweeping. INT. CLOTHING STORE – DAY Jinn and Fushin are shopping for clothes. They peruse through the clothing rack and compare fashions. JINN (holding shirt to chest) Is it me? FUSHIN The shirt is you?


No I mean do you think it would look good on me? FUSHIN Mm...Why not? JINN Why not??? What kind of answer is that? FUSHIN I don’t know. Jinn puts the shirt back. JINN Agh. I’m gonna look for something else. Jinn goes off to the other side of the store to look for shirts. Fushin finds a misplaced clothing item in the rack, a onesie. Fushin looks at it longingly and touches the arm, as if it were actually a baby. Jinn returns with a set of clothes. JINN (chinese) Come on! CHECKOUT AREA Jinn and Fushin put their clothes on the counter. The cashier rings up the total, $111.39. Fushin looks surprised and embarrassed, he doesn’t have enough money to pay. He decides to make up an excuse. FUSHIN (nervous) Excuse me. CASHIER Yes? FUSHIN Do you accept cheques here? CASHIER No. Why?

FUSHIN Oh because I only have cheques. CASHIER Do you have a credit card? FUSHIN No. Unfortunately I left my wallet at the mansion. CASHIER That’s pretty odd. You have a mansion but only carry around cheques. I mean I understand cheques appeal but this is just ridiculous. FUSHIN Remember I said I forgot my wallet? CASHIER Oh. So it’s not just cheques appeal. Jinn takes out a wad of bills and slams it onto the counter. JINN That should cover everything. EXT. CLOTHING STORE – DAY Fushin and Jinn leaves the clothing store. They swing their bags at their sides as they walk. FUSHIN (chinese) Where did you get all that money from? JINN (chinese) I saved it. FUSHIN You make three dollars an hour. I know you didn’t save that.

JINN Alright fine! If you’re gonna keep nagging me I’ll tell you the truth. I found it. I found a wallet. Is that so shocking? FUSHIN Then these clothes -- are stolen. JINN Oh don’t be so melodramatic. I didn’t take it off a dead body. FUSHIN It’s wrong. Thriving on someone else’s misfortune is wrong. JINN You wanna return your stuff and donate the money to charity? Go ahead. But I am keeping my clothes. They were made in China and as far as I’m concerned that makes them ours. FUSHIN Hmm... (thinking) INT. WONG RESIDENCE – NIGHT BATHROOM Fushin and Jinn are preparing for Sarah’s birthday party. Fushin is helping Jinn to tie his tie in front of the bathroom mirror. FUSHIN (tying tie) The key to tying a tie is to remember, you’re not making a knot. Fushin adjusts Jinn’s tie. JINN Yeah it’s more like a noose. The tie is finished.

FUSHIN There we go. Fushin adjusts Jinn’s collar. FUSHIN You look like a million Yuan. JINN I’m not even sure if that’s a compliment. FUSHIN It is. Sumyungai passes by the bathroom. He steps back and stares. SUMYUNGAI Hey what’re you guys doing? FUSHIN We’re preparing for a party. SUMYUNGAI Really? FUSHIN Uh huh. SUMYUNGAI Can I come? Jinn shakes his head. FUSHIN It’s a kids party. SUMYUNGAI You’re not a kid. FUSHIN I know. I’m meeting the birthday girl’s mom. SUMYUNGAI Boy that sounds really fun.

FUSHIN (sighs) You can come along if you’d like. SUMYUNGAI Are you sure? I don’t really wanna impose. Jinn looks irritated. FUSHIN It’s no trouble. I enjoy your company. SUMYUNG Really? Thanks. I’m gonna go get changed. Sumyungai leaves. Jinn pushes out the bathroom. EXT. MANSION – NIGHT FRONT ENTRANCE Fushin, Jinn and Sumyungai gather at the front entrance of the mansion. They are in awe at the extravagance. They look up in wonderment. SUMYUNGAI Is this really the place? Jinn tucks Sarah’s gift under his arm and looks at map on the invitation. JINN I think it is. But even if it’s not I’m still pretty impressed. FUSHIN Just ring the doorbell. Sumyungai eagerly presses the doorbell button. DING DONG. The door swings opens. A tuxedo-dressed Butler stands before the trio. BUTLER (english) Yes? FUSHIN We are here for the party.

BUTLER (looks at their clothes) Are you sure this is the place you want? Jinn shows the Butler the invitation. JINN Says right here, 50 Sunset Boulevard. BUTLER There must be some mistake. SUMYUNGAI Is it something to do with our clothes? BUTLER I beg your pardon? SUMYUNGAI You’re keeping us out because you don’t think people dressed like us would be invited to a mansion like this -- right? BUTLER No. SUMYUNGAI Well let me tell you something mister... Fushin rubs his forehead with anticipated embarrassment. SUMYUNGAI You’re wearing a fucking penguin suit. BUTLER Please. There’s no need for profanity. I will check with the missus. ZHULING (OS) Are those the guests? Let ‘em in! BUTLER I...

ZHULING (OS) Let ‘em in! I said LET ‘EM IN! BUTLER Please do come in. The Butler waves the three inside the mansion. INT. MANSION – NIGHT CORRIDOR The Butler leads Fushin, Jinn and Sumyungai down a long hallway. The Butler pauses and knocks on one of the door. Sarah’s head pops out. SARAH Hidey ho! BUTLER Master Jinn is here to see you. SARAH Oh! Sarah waves to Jinn. Jinn waves back. BUTLER Shall I send him in? SARAH That’s he’s here for. With his white gloves the Butler gestures for Jinn to go into the party room. Jinn adjusts his tie one last time and promptly joins Sarah for her birthday. BUTLER Please follow me. Jinn and Sumyungai continues through the mansion. They arrive at an open room in the mansion, of what appears to be a lounge. LOUNGE Zhuling is sitting seductively on a velvet chaise-lounge.

ZHULING Hello. The Butler leaves. Jinn and Fushin walk forward into the lounge. PARTY ROOM The party room is loud, sweaty and mess. Sarah and Jinn have difficulty holding a proper conversation. JINN (yelling) This is a really nice place you have here! SARAH (also yelling) What?! JINN I said this is a really nice place you have! SARAH What?! JINN You have a nice ass! SARAH Thanks! JINN Maybe we should talk somewhere else! SARAH Yeah! I think so too! JINN Where should we talk! SARAH Follow me! Sarah takes Jinn by the hand and leads him out the room. SARAH’S BEDROOM Sarah and Jinn sit on her bed. They gaze into each others’ eyes.

SARAH You have very lovely. I like the Asian eyes. JINN I like turtles. SARAH That’s not very romantic. JINN You remind me of my pet turtle. SARAH Thanks, I think. JINN Can I ask you a question? SARAH Sure. Jinn grabs Sarah and kisses her. She pulls away. SARAH What’re you doing?! JINN You did bring me up to your bedroom for a reason right? SARAH Yeah but the woman is supposed to kiss the guy, not the other way around. JINN Really? SARAH Haven’t you heard of the feminist movement? Girl power you know. JINN No but I think I like it.

SARAH Lay down on your back. Jinn lies down. Sarah gets on top of him. SARAH This might hurt a little. LOUNGE Sumyungai is passed out on the long sofa. He is holding a half drunken beer bottle in his left hand. Fushin has his hands folded in his lap, nervous in appearance. ZHULING Now that your friend is away in Lala land the fun can really begin. Zhuling ambles over to Fushin and sits on his lap. ZHULING How do you like your cocktail? Shaken are stirred?

INT. MASTER BEDROOM – NIGHT A brief view from inside closet; Zhuling and Fushin enter the master bedroom. Zhuling takes Fushin by the hands and leads him to the bed. The two sit down. Zhuling stares into Fushin’s eyes. ZHULING You have wonderful eyes. Fushin looks away. Zhuling begins rubbing Fushin’s chest. ZHULING You have such a hard chest. FUSHIN Please... ZHULING

Relax. Zhuling startles Fushin by grabbing his crotch, causing him to jump to his feet. FUSHIN Hey that’s a no fly zone! Zhuling gets up and advances toward Fushin, like a cougar. Fushin slowly steps backward. ZHULING I know you want me. FUSHIN No I have a wife and kids. ZHULING I have a husband and a kid but you don’t see me complaining do you? FUSHIN I’m not complaining. I love my wife and kids. And you too should love your husband.

ZHULING (pauses) That travelling rat? That travelling rat who’s never at home and thinks he can make it up to me with gifts? Why should I love a gift giving travelling rat? FUSHIN I don’t know. But I’m sure he means well. And you should stay loyal to him. It’s the right thing to do. Zhuling runs toward Fushin and kisses him in the mouth. Fushin immediately pulls away. FUSHIN I think it’s time I go. Fushin storms out the room.

ZHULING Wait! I haven’t even got to the best part yet! MAIN FOYER Fushin screams fervently looking for Jinn. FUSHIN JINN! PARTY ROOM Fushin bursts into the party room. FUSHIN JINN! CORRIDOR Fushin marches down the hallway and hears a loud moaning. He kicks down the door. FUSHIN Jinn! SARAH’S BEDROOM Jinn rolls off Sarah and falls to the floor. Sarah covers up. FUSHIN Time to go! Jinn sits on the floor completely confused. Fushin grabs Jinn by the wrist and drags him out. EXT. MANSION - NIGHT Fushin pulls Jinn away from the mansion. Zhuling looks on with worry. ZHULING Please -- don’t tell my husband. FUSHIN

(sarcasm) It’s okay. I wouldn’t wanna break up your wonderful family. Fushin continues to pull Jinn. The Butler pops out the door. Fushin and Jinn pause. BUTLER You forgot something. The Butler drags Sumyungai out the mansion. Fushin lets go of Jinn. The two pick up Sumyungai and carry him away. JINN Thanks for inviting us! Zhuling and the Butler go back inside the mansion. INT. WONG RESIDENCE – NIGHT LIVING ROOM Sumyungai asleep sprawled on the floor. He hiccups and a bubble appears. Jinn and Fushin are arguing in their sleeping bags. They whisper to avoid waking up the others sleeping around them (also in sleeping bags). JINN (whispering) How could you be so selfish? FUSHIN (whispering) I’m not salt fish. JINN I said selfish not salt fish. FUSHIN Either way. Same answer. JINN You know you only think about yourself. You never consider anybody else... I was having a good time at that party Fushin!

FUSHIN You weren’t even at the party. The party was downstairs. You were upstairs having a lap dance! JINN I was having a good time. FUSHIN That’s all you teens think about – sex, sex, sex. If you want sex why don’t you just sleep with a prostitute? JINN Oh don’t act like you’re so righteous. I know you were getting it on with Sarah’s mom, Zhuling. FUSHIN She was getting it on. I was leaving. JINN Right. Because you were uncomfortable. FUSHIN Yes. JINN Yeah, YOU were uncomfortable. You. Not me. FUSHIN What are you going on about? JINN You do things for yourself. Not for others. You think you’re unselfish but you’re not. I know. I know the truth. You’re selfish. FUSHIN I take good care of my family. I am not selfish. JINN

Yeah. Your family. The family that YOU decided to have. You’re just taking care of things that’re your own. FUSHIN Keep quiet you don’t know what you’re talking about. JINN No I’m not gonna keep quiet. I’m tired of you telling me what to do and how to do things. FUSHIN Well if you didn’t screw up so much I wouldn’t need to tell you. JINN I hate you. FUSHIN Good. I hate you too. JINN (yelling) YOU’RE NOT MY FATHER! Everyone in the room wakes up and stares. Jinn gets up from his sleeping bag and storms off. Fushin sighs and covers his head. INT. MALL, CANDY STORE – DAY Fushin is asleep on the counter, his head resting on his arms. A CUSTOMER holding a bag of gummy worms waits for him to awake. CUSTOMER ...Ahem! Drool dribbles down Fushin’s chin. The Customer rings the bell. Fushin shoots up and awakes. FUSHIN Hi! How may I help you!

CUSTOMER I’d like to purchase this bag of gelatinous worms. (holds up bag) FUSHIN Those worms are expired. CUSTOMER Huh? FUSHIN The worms are no good. CUSTOMER Oh. Are they still edible? FUSHIN Maybe. They won’t make you sick though.

CUSTOMER I didn’t know this store sold expired goods. FUSHIN It was a management decision. They’re trying to save money. They mix in the old bags with the new ones. CUSTOMER I thought candy didn’t expire though. FUSHIN Well it won’t kill you to eat them but they’re pretty hard. Feel the bag. The Customer is skeptical. She pinches one of the worms. FUSHIN No squeeze it. Really squeeze it. The Customer squeezes the bag, squishing the gummy worms between her fingers. CUSTOMER

They are hard. FUSHIN Like dry dough. CUSTOMER Should I get another bag? FUSHIN If you want a third rate product -- sure. But if you want quality, go to Wal-mart. They’re always on the up and up. Plus they have great prices. (ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY) CUSTOMER Okay sure. I think I will. Thanks.

The Customer leaves the bag on the counter and leaves. Fushin’s manager, Cody, appears from behind. He is a 17 year old snot nosed punk; spiky hair, thick black bored glasses, a total phoney. Like he has pickle up his butt searching for his true identity. CODY What the hell is wrong with you?! Fushin turns around to face Cody the dickhead, I mean manager. FUSHIN (rubs eyes, tired) Hmm? CODY You chased away that customer! FUSHIN I told her the truth. Isn’t that what’s important? Honesty, ethics... CODY (interrupts) This is a business! We are here to make money!

FUSHIN You don’t care about the customers? What about the workers? CODY Let me tell you something about workers. They’re stupid, okay. They’re stupid monkeys looking to get their bananas. They get paid exactly what they’re worth. FUSHIN I take offence to your harsh words.

CODY (pointing) People like me run the world because we’re smart. People like you work for people like us. Stupid, stupid, people! FUSHIN What is your problem? CODY I don’t have a problem. I’m peachy keen. You’re the one with the problem. You monkey. Fushin snaps. He pushes Cody on the ground and starts chucking candy. FUSHIN (angry) I’m a monkey am I?! Watch me throw some crap! Cody covers his face with his arms. CODY What the hell are you doing?! You stupid chink!

FUSHIN Chink?! (chinese) You little prick! Fushin continues throwing candy. CODY Stop! Stop! Stop throwing candy goddamn it! FUSHIN (pauses) Will you learn to respect your elders?

CODY Go suck on an egg Chinaman! You’re fired! FUSHIN You can’t fire me! You jerk! Fushin hops over the counter and rips off his apron; he hurries away from the store. Cody stands up and shakes his fist. CODY Damn you Chinaman! The phrase is, “You can’t fire me! I quit!” EXT. MALL – DAY Fushin is sitting on the ground outside, leaning on the wall and covering his face. It’s been a frustrating week. A shadow casts over. Fushin looks up. MING (smoking) You okay? FUSHIN (chinese) Ming? MING

(chinese) It’s been a while hasn’t it? Ming extends his arm and helps Fushin to his feet. MING So how’s everything with you? FUSHIN Honestly, it’s not going well. Ming offers Fushin a cigarette. MING Cigarette? FUSHIN No thanks. I don’t smoke. MING Afraid of getting cancer huh? FUSHIN Yes that’s exactly it. MING Hey dying of cancer isn’t so bad. It’s like falling asleep -- in a shark. (snickers) FUSHIN Yeah, probably. MING Uh seriously, what’s the matter? FUSHIN I was fired from work. MING For what? FUSHIN I pummelled my boss with candy.

MING Really? And you haven’t even been arrested? FUSHIN No chance. Otherwise they’d find out the store uses illegal labour. MING So then what’re you so sad about? FUSHIN (irritated) I don’t have a job goddamn it. Are you not listening? MING Hey I didn’t fire you. FUSHIN (sighs) I’m sorry. I just... Fushin leans against the wall and presses his forehead. FUSHIN I thought life would be better here. I thought my dreams would come true. America the land of dreams, that’s what you told me isn’t it? MING That’s true. It is the lands of dreams. But you have to remember dreams aren’t reality. There’s a difference. Ming finishes his cigarette. He flicks it on the ground and squashes it. FUSHIN You know I don’t want much. I just want to give my family a better life. Is that too much to ask? MING

No it isn’t. But as my American friend told me, “Life’s a bitch.” Ming takes out another cigarette to smoke. FUSHIN I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do with myself. I’ll never make it. MING Make it where? FUSHIN ...I don’t know. I always hear Americans say that. I’m not really sure what it means. MING Ha! Foolish Americans! You can’t make it if you don’t know what it is. FUSHIN Well whatever IT is, I don’t have it. MING Come on don’t be so negative. There’s always opportunity around the corner. FUSHIN Yeah which corner? MING My corner. FUSHIN Huh? MING Today’s your lucky day. One of the workers left back for China. There’s a position I need to fill...You want it? FUSHIN What about my debt? MING No problem. I’ll just destroy the record.

FUSHIN No. I can’t. I don’t want you to get in trouble. MING The record book’s thick as a bible. Nobody will notice one lousy name. FUSHIN No. I can’t. I can’t work in those conditions. It’s demeaning. MING Demeaning? You’ll be a supervisor. FUSHIN I can’t. I just can’t! Ming flicks Fushin in the ear. Fushin rubs his ear and frowns. MING I can’t, I can’t! Listen to you! You need a job. I’m giving you a job. Be grateful. FUSHIN I’m sorry. MING It’s okay. Just be in tomorrow. Eight o’clock that? Fushin nods. Ming flicks his cigarette and goes into the mall. Fushin falls back against the wall. INT. TOY FACTORY – DAY ASSEMBLY LINE Ming and Fushin stand behind and observe the workers in the assembly line. They are painting Marvel action figures. They are standing behind an ELDERLY MAN who is very slow; probably has arthritis. His hands shake like he’s shivering in the cold. MING To be a successful supervisor you must carefully observe the employees.

Ming points to the elderly man. MING Look at how slowly he’s painting. The elderly man ignores the comments. MING He’s wasting the factory’s money. You must let him know his mistake so that he may correct it. Ming grabs the action figure and throws it on the ground. The elderly man looks back. Ming spins him around. MING How old are you? ELDERLY MAN 71. MING How did you get this job? ELDERLY MAN (stuttering) A, a, a, friend recommended me. MING Where is this friend? Show me. Elderly Man points down the assembly line. Ming picks up an action figure at chucks it at the FRIEND’s head. Friend turns his hea. Ming waves him over. Friend gets up and joins Ming, Fushin, and Elderly Man. MING (to “friend”) Do you know this man? (pointing to elderly man) FRIEND Family friend sir. MING

And you recommended him for this job? Do you know how slow he is? FRIEND Yes but he needs the money. He doesn’t have much money. MING Is this a charity? FRIEND What? MING IS THIS A CHARITY? FRIEND No. MING Then why did you recommend him? FRIEND As I said he... Ming slaps Friend over the head. MING Go back to work idiot. Friend returns to his position. Fushin folds his arms, he looks very uncomfortable. MING (to fushin) Okay now you try. FUSHIN Huh? MING I want you to try to discipline this worker. (pointing to elderly man) FUSHIN

You want me to do what you do? MING Is there something unclear about what I’m saying? Ming steps aside. The Elderly Man shakes from his arthritis. Fushin looks down at the poor little bugger. MING Do it.

FUSHIN (to elderly man) are very slow. It’s unacceptable. Please try to be faster in the future. MING No, no, no. Not like that. Say it properly! FUSHIN You fool. You’re too slow. Speed it up! MING More! FUSHIN ...YOU FUCKING SLOW PIECE OF SHIT! HURRY UP YOU FUCKING MORON! The Elderly Man trembles. Fushin is surprised at his own actions; he puts his hand over his mouth in shock. FUSHIN I’m sorry, I’m so sorry MING I think we need to work on your people skills. The Elderly Man pisses his pants. Urine drips down the side of his leg. EXT. WONG RESIDENCE – DAY, LATER AFTERNOON

Fushin arrives from work. He walks up the stoop of the house and looks in the mailbox. There is a thick brown package addressed to “Fushin Fo.” Fushin sits down on the stairs and opens the package. There are photos of his family. Fushin eyes well up with tears. He looks at the pictures of his three children, who look much older (for kids that is). Fushin has missed out on a lot of time with his family. Fushin rises from the stoop. He walks over to the trashcan and lifts the lid. He tosses the pictures in the garbage. He closes the lid. EXT. BUS STOP – DAY, RAINING Jinn and Fushin are waiting at the bus stop. JINN Fushin? FUSHIN Yes? JINN I’m sorry I yelled at you the other time. FUSHIN It’s okay. I deserved. I am selfish. JINN Well I wanna make it up to you. I have something for you I think you’d really like. Jinn reaches into his jacket and takes out a photo album. He gives it to Fushin. Fushin opens it and looks; it’s the photos of his family from before. JINN I found the pictures in the trashcan. I think the landlady threw it out because she was pissed that your rent was late. FUSHIN Thanks. The bus arrives. Jinn and Fushin hop in.

INT. BUS – DAY, RAINING Jinn and Fushin are standing up. They hold onto the bus pole for stability. The rain becomes very heavy. The BUS DRIVER has difficulty seeing. A lady on a bike appears out of nowhere. The Bus Driver slams on the break, but the bus slides into the lady on a bike. The Bus Driver immediately gets out of the bus. The passengers are alarmed and confused; they look out their windows to see what’s going on. The Bus Driver returns to the bus and gets on his walkie-talkie. BUS DRIVER (on walkie-talkie) There’s been a serious accident and I don’t think... WALKIE-TALKIE (radio fuzz) Hello? BUS DRIVER (on walkie-talkie) Yes. There’s been a serious accident and I need help right away. Send for an ambulance ASAP. WALKIE-TALKIE Help is on the way. The Bus Driver sits down. He puts his hands on the wheel and stares vacantly out at the lady on a bike. The water from his hair wets drips down his face. Fushin lets go of the pole and goes up to the Bus Driver. FUSHIN Excuse me how much longer is this going to take? BUS DRIVER Probably a couple of hours ‘till they clear everything up. FUSHIN Oh.

BUS DRIVER If you have somewhere to go you’d probably be better off on foot. FUSHIN Okay thank you. Fushin walks over to Jinn. FUSHIN I’m gonna go. Will you be alright alone? JINN I should be fine. FUSHIN Okay I’ll see you later. (waves) Fushin steps off the bus. EXT. RAINY STREETS – DAY Fushin runs through streets covering his head. In his haste he doesn’t notice a crack in the sidewalk. His toes get stuck in between and he falls flat on his face. His clothes absorb the water on the ground and become completely soaked. A watching BUM cackles and claps at Fushin’s misfortune. FUSHIN Is something funny? (stands) BUM Yes. You. (laughing) FUSHIN I don’t see what’s so funny. BUM You don’t find that funny? Falling down from a crack even a blind man can see?

FUSHIN It’s not funny -- laughing at other people’s misfortunes. BUM It depends on the situation. FUSHIN You’re crazy. BUM You’re a real angry fellow aren’t yah? FUSHIN Of course I’m angry. Look at me! I’m all wet! And you’re sitting there and laughing. BUM Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t do it to you. FUSHIN Agh I’m getting a headache. BUM You’re a real tense guy aren’t you? Relax. Enjoy your life. FUSHIN Like you? BUM I may be poor but I’m happy. FUSHIN How could you be happy? BUM Everyday I sit here and beg for money. And people willingly give it to me. FUSHIN So?

BUM You don’t see the miracle in that? People work hard all day and gimme their money for nothing -- solely out of the kindness of their hearts. Isn’t that something to cherish? It gives you hope for humanity doesn’t it? FUSHIN And you’re happy like this? BUM I’ve come to accept my situation. You know if more people just accepted their situations they’d be a lot happier. FUSHIN So what’re you saying? People shouldn’t have aspirations or goals? BUM No. They should. But if they don’t meet their goals or aspirations, they should just accept their situation. They should appreciate the journey that is life. FUSHIN What are you some kind philosopher? BUM Yes actually I have a doctorate in Eastern Philosophy. Are you familiar with the analects? FUSHIN You’re a doctor? BUM Take it from me; the wrong education is far worse than no education at all. FUSHIN Why’s that? BUM Diplomas and certificates seem to make people think everything else is below them. And when you think like that you won’t get

very far. Climbing up the ladder requires you to start at the bottom. FUSHIN ...I have to go. Fushin starts walking away, but decides to turn back and drops a bill into the Bum’s cup. BUM Much appreciated. Fushin paces away. The Bum screams at him in the distance. BUM Catch a cab for god’s sake! It’s much easier! EXT. INTERSECTION – DAY, RAINING The rain continues to pour. It’s even heavier than before. Fushin sticks out his thumb to hail for a cab. Several cabs pass him, but one decides to stop. Fushin gets into the front. EXT. CABBIE (Indian accent) Where to buddy? FUSHIN Toy factory. CABBIE Which toy factory? FUSHIN Mattel. CABBIE Oh the one that uses illegal labour. FUSHIN (lying) I wouldn’t know. I don’t work there. I’m just visiting a friend.

CABBIE Well lucky you don’t. I used to work there y’know. The working conditions are horrible. FUSHIN Where are you from? CABBIE India. Calcutta. FUSHIN Hey that’s very close to China. CABBIE Very close. FUSHIN ...So you are going to the factory right? CABBIE Oh sorry! I like to talk a lot. The Cabbie presses the taxi meter and takes off. EXT./INT. RANDOM STREET, TAXI CAB - DAY Fushin looks at the cab meter, quickly adding up in money. FUSHIN Excuse me. What is that thing over there? CABBIE (points to meter) This? FUSHIN Yes. CABBIE It’s a fare meter. FUSHIN Fair? CABBIE

It tells you how much money that you owe. FUSHIN Oh. I see. CABBIE You don’t really use the taxi cab that much do you? Fushin has no response, it’s obvious he doesn’t. CABBIE Well that’s okay. Not that many people use taxicabs anyhow...except the concerned drunks. Boy it’s a really scant business! FUSHIN Yes. Yes it is. Fushin anxiously watches the meter. His eyes dart back and forth. He looks out the window and rubs his chin with nervousness. You can see the forest. FUSHIN Excuse me. How much longer is it ‘till we get to the factory? CABBIE Not too long. We’re near the forest. FUSHIN Actually can you drop me off here? I forgot that my cousin doesn’t work at the factory anymore. CABBIE I thought you said you were visiting a friend. FUSHIN My cousin is also my friend. CABBIE Oh. Yes. That makes sense. Okay I’ll drop you off here.

The Taxicab stops. Fushin reaches into his back pocket and before he can take out his wallet, he dashes out the door and runs along the side of the street. The Cabbie follows him in the car. CABBIE You bloody Jew! Fushin runs and runs. CABBIE I’m in a car dumb-ass you can’t run away! Fushin stops and turns into the forest. The Cabbie jumps out his car and follows.

INT. FOREST – DAY Fushin runs and runs. The overweight Cabbie is out of breath. He stops and turns around. Fushin however is having a rush of adrenaline, he doesn’t look back; he keeps running and running ‘till he runs out of energy. STREAM Fushin falls against a tree. His clutches his chest and drops to his knees. He crashes to the ground and passes out. No noises in the forest, but the sound of the eerily loud running stream. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM – DAY Fushin is in bed with oxygen tubes up his nose. He is barely conscious. A nurse enters the room to check in on Fushin. NURSE And how are we doing today? FUSHIN (weak) Where am I? NURSE You’re in the hospital.

FUSHIN American hospital? NURSE Gee you’re really out of it aren’t you? Fushin stares blankly at the Nurse. NURSE Yes American. Fushin tries to get up and leave, but the nurse gently pushes him back.

NURSE Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you’re going? FUSHIN I need to leave. NURSE You need to rest. FUSHIN No I can’t stay. I can’t pay the money! Fushin tries to get up again, but the nurse presses him back down. NURSE Is that what you’re worried about -- money? Fushin nods. NURSE It’s okay. Your bill is covered. FUSHIN Free? NURSE Uh, yes. Free. In a manner of speaking.

A Caucasian man enters the room. He looks a slight over 60. His head is bald, and the beard that remains on his face is silvery gray. The Nurse looks back. DAVID Hello Betsy. NURSE I have to go. Nurse leaves the room. David winks as she goes by. DAVID So my friend? How are you? David walks toward Fushin. FUSHIN Are you a doctor? DAVID No. I’m not that smart. FUSHIN Who are you? David shakes Fushin’s limp hand. DAVID I’m David. I found you while hiking in the forest. I’m paying your hospital bill. FUSHIN (Chinese) Thank you. DAVID There’s no need to thank me. I have more than enough me. FUSHIN You understand what I said? DAVID My wife is Asian. FUSHIN

(Chinese) You have to good taste. (smiles) DAVID (Chinese) Thanks... Fushin snickers. DAVID Can I ask you a question? FUSHIN Sure. DAVID Are you sleeping with my wife? FUSHIN (Chinese) What? DAVID When you came to my home the other night I saw you and my wife get together in my bed. FUSHIN You’re Zhuling’s husband? DAVID (looks up with embarrassment) Yes unfortunately. FUSHIN I swear to you I didn’t do anything. DAVID Not that night, no. But you could’ve, earlier before or after. FUSHIN

I have no attraction to your wife. I have a family my own. DAVID Are you telling the truth? FUSHIN (Chinese) I swear on Jackie Chan’s grave. DAVID I don’t know. FUSHIN Look in my eyes and tell me I’m lying. Fushin squints at David. DAVID Okay. I believe you. FUSHIN I may be stupid, I may be poor, but I do not lie. DAVID Have you told anyone about what happened? FUSHIN You want me to? DAVID No! I don’t want anyone to know. It’s embarrassing. FUSHIN So it’s a secret? DAVID Yes, if you would be so kind. FUSHIN It’s the least I can do for you helping me. DAVID

No problem. Just remember to keep it between you and me. FUSHIN Yes you have my word. David’s pager BEEPS. He checks the message. DAVID Damn. I have to go. David takes out a wad of bills and gives it to Fushin. DAVID Merry Christmas. David turns to leave. FUSHIN Wait! David turns back. DAVID What is it? FUSHIN What is this money for? Is it for the hospital bill? DAVID No it’s for you. You know to keep our (pinch gesture) little secret just a little more secret. FUSHIN You have my word. It should be enough. DAVID You don’t want it? FUSHIN It is not my money. I did not earn it. DAVID

Who cares if you earned it? It’s free money. For Pete’s sake man. You had a dollar in your wallet when I found you. One dollar! FUSHIN For emergency only. DAVID You’re one strange guy. What type of person refuses money? Especially when they’re dirt poor? FUSHIN I have a job. DAVID Okay you don’t want the money I’ll take it back. Fushin hands David his money. DAVID But I’m treating you to lunch. FUSHIN It’s not American food is it? DAVID I hope not. FUSHIN When we meet? DAVID Saturday. FUSHIN I have work. DAVID Damn that’s my only day off for a month. FUSHIN You come to my place?

DAVID That’s a great idea. Yes we’ll meet at your place. FUSHIN You know where I work? DAVID I know everything. David’s pager BEEPS again. DAVID Damn I gotta go. I’ll see you on Saturday. David heads out the room. FUSHIN No American food! DAVID No American food! INT. TOY FACTORY – DAY CAFETERIA Fushin sees David at the end of the cafeteria, waving and holding a large brown bag. Fushin waves back. David joins Fushin by his table and has a seat. He places his bag on the table. DAVID So! (claps) How are you feeling? FUSHIN Not bad actually. The hospital did a pretty good job. DAVID Well you’re a quick healer. FUSHIN What’s in the bag?

DAVID Huh? Oh lunch. FUSHIN What kind of lunch? David takes out a pizza. FUSHIN American food? DAVID No Italian. Try some you might like it. Fushin opens the box. The steam from the Pizza rises. Fushin takes a slice and bites it; the workers around look at the “strange” food. DAVID How is it? FUSHIN Needs Soya Sauce. DAVID Oh and I got something else for you as well. David takes out a tin of Moon Cakes and hands it to Fushin. Fushin eagerly opens the box. FUSHIN I haven’t had a moon cake in ten years! DAVID Wow that’s a long time to not have anything. Fushin opens the packet of moon cake. He cuts it up into several pieces and takes a piece to eat. FUSHIN (closes eyes) Mm... DAVID

Do you like it? I got it from the... Fushin puts a piece of moon cake in David’s mouth. DAVID (eating) Mm delicious! FUSHIN Everyone try a piece. It’s really good. Fushin offers moon cake to the workers around, they each take a piece. DAVID So Fushin. You’re from China right? FUSHIN Shanwei. DAVID That’s near -FUSHIN Hong Kong. DAVID Have you been there? FUSHIN I’ve seen some pictures. DAVID It’s a really great city. Apparently it’s the gateway to China. FUSHIN ...Why are you here? DAVID Whaddya mean? FUSHIN

You are a good looking man. You have a lot of money. You can hang out with anybody you want. Why? DAVID To be honest with you, I don’t really have many friends. FUSHIN How come? DAVID The world of business is very competitive. It’s hard to tell the difference between friend and foe. FUSHIN Then what do you think of me? DAVID Hopefully you’re friend. But I could be wrong. When it comes to people I’m a pretty poor judge. Just take a look at my wife. FUSHIN She’s not so bad. DAVID She’s cheating on me. FUSHIN Oh yes I forgot. DAVID But it’s not her fault. I don’t spend enough time with my family. (sighs) Things are really falling apart. In a couple of years I don’t even think my daughter will call me father anymore. It’s gonna be all about new daddy. FUSHIN Let me tell you something. You may not have a good relationship with your wife. But

your daughter is still young. Don’t throw that away. Life is not all or nothing. DAVID I’m trying, I’m really trying. FUSHIN Remember. You can lose your hat. You can lose your virginity. You can even lose your mind. But you can’t lose the memory of your family. DAVID That sounds oddly familiar. FUSHIN I read it in a fortune cookie. Fushin takes a slice of pizza and bites into it. INT. SPORTS CLUB – NIGHT PING PONG ROOM Rows and rows of Ping Pong tables in a glass walled room; the shiny hardwood floor reflects into the camera. Fushin and David stands opposite each other at a table. Fushin looks curiously at the Ping Pong paddle. David however is positioned and ready to go. DAVID This is gonna be a good came. Finally. Real competition. David smashes down the ball on the table; it bounces violently and crashes into Fushin. He falls back onto the hardwood floor. David runs to his aid. DAVID Are you alright? FUSHIN You tried to kill me. David helps Fushin up. DAVID I thought you knew how to play.

FUSHIN Is it because I’m... DAVID Sorry. I’m sorry. I just sort of expected it. FUSHIN Presumptions can be lethal. DAVID Let’s do something else SWIMMING POOL David swims around the pool, while Fushin stands in the shallow area. David beckons him to join in the fun. DAVID Swim with me! Come swim with me! David backstrokes and spits a stream of water. He dives under the water and joins Fushin in the shallow end. DAVID You’re not swimming? FUSHIN I can’t swim. DAVID Really? FUSHIN I can swim a little. I’m just not in the mood. DAVID What’s the matter? Did you eat before we came in? I heard you can get a serious cramp. FUSHIN No. I’m just thinking about my family. We used to go swimming all the time. DAVID

You really love your family don’t you? FUSHIN Doesn’t everyone? DAVID Not always. FUSHIN Well I’m not one of those people. DAVID Why don’t you give them a call? FUSHIN I don’t have a phone. Even if I did, it would be too much money. DAVID Stay here. I’ll be back. David gets out the pull and walks behind a dressing partition. He returns with a beige brick phone. He hands it to Fushin. DAVID Call your family. Then we’ll have fun after. Fushin eagerly dials for China. INT. APARTMENT UNIT, CHINA – DAY Fushin’s old home has improved considerably. Everything looks much cleaner and nicer. Siumai feeds the youngest son (about 4 or 5) while he reads a picture book, and the middle daughter (10) and eldest son (14) play checkers at the breakfast table. The phone in kitchen rings. Fushin’s wife Siumai puts down the spoon of oatmeal and picks it up. SIUMAI (Chinese) Hello? (listening) Siumai turns to the children.

SIUMAI Guess who’s on the phone! ELDEST SON Tell that Luling I’m not interested. SIUMAI It’s not Luling. It’s your father! MIDDLE DAUGHTER Dad! All of the children run to the phone. Siumai holds out the receiver. INT. SPORTS CLUB – NIGHT SWIMMING POOL Fushin sits on the ledge beside Dave talking to his family. FUSHIN (Chinese) I miss you all too. America? It’s not so bad. But I don’t think it’s as good as China. (listening) ...Ha-ha-ha. Uncle is funny. (listening) Okay. Bye! Fushin puts the phone down. He slumps forward and folds his hands. DAVID Well? FUSHIN They had to visit their grandmother for dinner. David puts his arms around Fushin. INT. WONG RESIDENCE – DAY BATHROOM

Jinn is taking a shit on the toilet and reading a newspaper. The DOORBELL RINGS. Jinn puts down the paper.

EXT. WONG RESIDENCE – DAY Sarah rings the doorbell. The door opens. Jinn is surprised to see Sarah. JINN Sarah? SARAH Hi. This is for you. Sarah hands Jinn the yellow flower in her hand. JINN Thanks... What’re you doing here? SARAH I came to sell you chocolates for charity. JINN Where are the chocolates? Sarah slaps Jinn on the arm in a playful manner. SARAH You’re silly. Sarah barges in the house. JINN Yes come in. INT. WONG RESIDENCE – DAY MAIN FOYER Sarah closes the door behind her and takes off her shoes. SARAH Let’s talk in your bedroom.

JINN I...I don’t have a bedroom. SARAH Let’s go to the living room then. JINN Can’t. Full. SARAH Full of? JINN Rats, cockroaches...people. SARAH Oh. Is this one of those hostel thingies? JINN Kind of. SARAH That’s alright. We don’t need privacy. JINN Well I do. Let’s go to the backyard. SARAH Oh how novel! It’ll be like camping. Jinn rolls his eyes. EXT. WONG RESIDENCE – DAY BACKYARD Jinn and Sarah are sitting at a picnic table. SARAH I like ice cream. That has to be my favouritist food. What about you? JINN Mm... Dog. I like dog. SARAH What?!

JINN D-O-G. SARAH You mean dog, arf, arf?! JINN You’ve never had? SARAH No! JINN It’s pretty good. It tastes like chicken... but sweeter. It has a very distinctive taste. SARAH You’re joking right? You gotta be kidding me. Where in America do they serve dog? JINN No in China. There was a restaurant outside Shanwei which served dog. SARAH Oh my god. That is disgusting. JINN It is not. SARAH Dogs are sooo cute. They have feelings. Have you ever seen a puppy? How could you eat something that cute? JINN With chopsticks. SARAH Ugh! JINN Hey it’s no worse than what you eat. SARAH

I eat real food okay. Not dog. JINN So eating chicken, cow, and pig is okay, but eating dog isn’t? Where’s the logic in that? SARAH Dogs are smart! You can’t eat intelligent animals. JINN So low IQ makes an animal more eatable? Does that rule also apply to humans? Are stupid people less valuable to society than smart ones? Are you telling me you’d rather butcher a baby than Stephen Hawking -- just because he’s smarter? SARAH Babies are cute. You can’t eat things that are cute! JINN So stupid and ugly. We can eat anything that’s stupid and ugly? SARAH Mm...yes. JINN Well if that were the case we’d have killed the Mongolians a long time ago. SARAH Mongolians? JINN Yeah. Dirty, dirty Mongolians. Always trying to break through the wall of China. It’s rock solid man! Stop trying to wreck our wall! SARAH You have serious issues. JINN

America makes you insane, what can I say. SARAH This makes me wonder what you’ll be when you grow up. JINN Doctor. I want to be a doctor. SARAH You? Ha! That’s laughable. JINN You think I can’t do it? SARAH I don’t know. What’re you plans? JINN Plans? SARAH Yeah plans. JINN Well... I don’t have any plans right now. But I am going to go to school. SARAH Medical school? JINN No just school. SARAH What school? Elementary school? JINN Yes. I think I could learn a lot. SARAH You’re not in school?


Uh huh. I’m just working right now. I need to save up moneys. SARAH You’re not in school and you want to become a doctor! Ha! JINN I don’t see what’s so funny! SARAH That’s completely ridiculous. You’ll never become a doctor without a proper education. JINN I can too! I know a lot! SARAH Like what? JINN You know...DNA and all that. SARAH Man oh man. You’re delusional. JINN I am not. SARAH Prove me wrong. JINN Oh be quiet. What do you know about anything? You have everything so easy. You’re spoilt. Princess. SARAH At least I’m not a dummy! JINN (pissed) Get out.

SARAH What’s wrong? Can’t face the truth? JINN (stands, points) Get out! Get out! Get out! Sarah gets up. SARAH (annoyed) Fine. Who needs you anyway? Sarah swings open the backyard fence and leaves. Her face is red. Tears stream down her cheeks. Jinn plunks down on the picnic table seat and pulls back his hair with regret. INT. TOY FACTORY – DAY LOCKER ROOM Fushin opens his locker. He takes out his things and tosses them into the square box by his feet, one by one. Ming appears behind Fushin; his foot on the bench, arms folded and smiling. MING Where you going? FUSHIN (turns) Ah? Oh Ming! MING Where you going? Ming takes his foot off the bench and folds his arms. FUSHIN I’m...I’m leaving. MING Yes. Leaving where? FUSHIN Just leaving. Fushin picks up his box.

MING You’re quitting? FUSHIN Yes. Ming hops over the bench and blocks Fushin. MING After I stuck my neck out for you? After I cleared your debt so you could start anew?! FUSHIN It’s wrong! This place is wrong! It’s not a factory it’s a labour camp. MING Oh is that why you’re leaving? Bullshit. The money’s not enough for you is it? FUSHIN I’m not like you. I don’t just take care of myself. Fushin pushes past Ming. MING You know what you are? You’re an ingrate. No matter how much I help you, you never thank me. How about a thank you? FUSHIN (pause) Thank you for nothing. Fushin leaves. Ming slams the locker door shut. EXT./INT. GAS STATION, PHONE BOOTH – DAY, RAINY Fushin picks up the receiver. He drops a coin into the payphone slot and dials the number for U.S Customs and Border Protection. INT. U.S. CUSTOMS & BORDER PROTECTION OFFICE – DAY Receptionist Sandy picks up the RINGING phone.

SANDY U.S Customers and Border Protection, this is Sandy, how may I help you? INT. FACTORY – DAY Border Protection guards burst into the factory. The dumbfounded workers struggle to grasp the situation as they are taken away. Ming picks up a broom and takes into a kung-fu stance. The guards step forward and surround him in a semicircle. Ming screams and swings wide with his broom. The guards step back and take caution. On the command of the lead guard they rush forward. Ming uses the broom with extreme efficiency. He knocks the guards down like bowling pins -- easy pickin’s. Ming drops the broom and dusts off his hands. A tranquilizer dart shoots in the side of the neck. Ming takes out the dart. He looks at it and passes out. Heavy black boots walk forward. CLOP. CLOP. A foot presses on top of Ming’s head. EXT. FACTORY – DAY GATES Fushin holds the bars of the wrought-iron gates. The factory is dead quiet. A hand lands on his shoulder. DAVID It was the right thing to do. FUSHIN Was it? DAVID Yes. FUSHIN Then why do I feel so bad? DAVID Facing the truth is painful. Honesty is inoculation. Fushin lets go of the bars and turns to David.

FUSHIN Can we go now? DAVID Sure. Fushin and David get into a black limousine. EXT./INT. TUNNEL, LIMOUSINE - DAY The limousine partition goes up. Fushin slumps forward and rests his head on his hands. David sips a glass of champagne. FUSHIN I don’t understand. DAVID Understand what? FUSHIN Why are we here? Why are we alive? What’s the point? DAVID If I knew that Fushin I’d be Pope. FUSHIN I just wonder. What’s beyond our mortality? DAVID Personally I think we should accept things as they are. We’re here and we have to deal with it. (sips champagne) No thinking about what’s next. What’s now that’s the real question FUSHIN Yeah you’re probably right. DAVID Hey I know you’re feeling gloom, but no matter how bad we think things are they always work out in the end. Don’t they? FUSHIN (sits up)

I wouldn’t know. DAVID I know. I know the light at the end of the tunnel is dim Fushin, but there is in fact a light. And if you keep following it you’ll get there eventually...especially with the right friends. (winks) FUSHIN Yes speaking of getting there...why are we in this big long car again? DAVID It’s called a limo. And we’re going somewhere important. FUSHIN Where? DAVID If I told you that it wouldn’t be a surprise. David finishes his champagne. EXT. PRIVATE AIRPORT, AMERICA – DAY, LATE AFTERNOON Fushin and David arrive at the airport. They get out of the limousine. DAVID (hands on hips) Welcome to my airport. FUSHIN Are you leaving? DAVID No, no. We’re not here for me. We’re here for you. FUSHIN Huh? DAVID Follow me!

David and Fushin trot over to an open jet. DAVID Get in! Fushin gets in the plane. David stands by the doorway. DAVID Like it? FUSHIN It’s nice. I’ve never been inside a plane before. Fushin feels the beige leather seat. DAVID This is one of the fasted jets in the world. It can go half way ‘round the globe in less than a day. FUSHIN It must be really expensive. DAVID It is, but I won it in a card game from Trump. FUSHIN Who? DAVID Donald Trump. FUSHIN I’m no familiar. DAVID Never mind... David reaches into his pocket and takes out a red pocket. He tosses it to Fushin like a boomerang. FUSHIN What’s this?

DAVID Good luck. FUSHIN I... DAVID I have to go now. FUSHIN Am I... DAVID Yes. You’ll be staying here. FUSHIN Where am I going? DAVID It’s a surprise. FUSHIN I don’t like surprises. DAVID You’ll like this one. David leaves. The plane door closes. INT. PLANE (JET) – NIGHT Fushin looks out the window with excitement, his mouth agape; nose pressed against the glass. Down below is his old hometown, completely lit up with lanterns in celebration of Chinese New Year.

EXT. PRIVATE AIRPORT, CHINA – NIGHT Fushin gets off the plane. There is large man with RED HAIR outside holding a sign in Chinese which reads Fushin’s name. Fushin goes over to the red van. The driver, Red Hair, opens the door. Fushin gets in. EXT. SHANWEI ROAD – NIGHT

The red van rides on the bumpy road, ‘till finally it arrives at the outskirts of Shanwei. Fushin looks out excitedly. The van comes to a full stop. RED HAIR (Chinese) We’re here. Red Hair reaches back to Fushin with an open palm, asking for a tip. Fushin slaps him a five (not money) and gets out of the van. The van drives off. EXT. TOWN OF SHANWEI – NIGHT Fushin hails a man drawn RICKSHAW. The rickshaw stops and picks him up. It takes him through town. Fushin sits back and watches the festivities, dancing dragons, lanterns, firecrackers, etc. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING (CHINA) – NIGHT The Rickshaw stops at Shanwei’s old apartment building. He gets off and pays the RICKSHAW. The rickshaw leaves, Fushin excitedly hurries into the apartment building. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING (CHINA) – NIGHT Fushin walks through the apartment building. He looks into the open doors and smiles at the families happily celebrating. He gets into the elevator and goes up. INT. APARTMENT UNIT – NIGHT Fushin’s Middle Daughter is sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. KNOCK at the door. Middle Daughter gets up and answers the door. Fushin has his arms open. MIDDLE DAUGHTER (screams) Daddy! Middle Daughter gives Fushin a tight hug. The rest of the family comes out to see what all the screaming is about. Youngest Son and Eldest Son see Fushin and scream, “Daddy!” They go to hug him. The kids are ecstatic, jumping and screaming.

Siumai walks over to Fushin and puts her arm around him. She gives him a kiss. SIUMAI Welcome home. EXT. BRIDGE (AMERICA) – NIGHT Jinn sits on the edge of the bridge writing into his journal. Tears drip onto the pages. Jinn puts the journal and pen into his pocket. He stands up and holds chain link fence behind. He looks down. Cars pass by below. Jinn closes his eyes and jumps. INT. RESTAURANT, DINING AREA (CHINA) – DAY The waiter places a big juicy crab in the middle of the table. Fushin and Siumai tear the claws off the red-orange crustacean and serve the kids. They then take food for themselves. As Fushin is eating a waitress taps on his shoulder. He puts down his food and turns his head. WAITRESS Telephone call. The family continues to eat. Fushin gets up. WAITRESS In the kitchen. Fushin negotiates his way around the diners and gets into the kitchen.

INT. RESTAURANT, KITCHEN - NIGHT A waiter down the kitchen holds up the phone. Fushin walks down and picks it up. The waiter leaves. FUSHIN (on phone) Hello? The expression of Fushin’s face changes to a frown.

INT. RESTAURANT, DINING AREA – DAY Fushin returns to his seat. He smiles and continues eating his lobster. INT. APARTMENT UNIT – DAY, EARLY MORNING MASTER BEDROOM Fushin wakes up and kisses his wife. He gets up and goes down to the foot of the bed where his youngest son is asleep. Fushin looks at Youngest Son. His eyes open. YOUNGEST SON Daddy? Fushin strokes back Youngest Son’s hair. FUSHIN Go back to sleep. Fushin kisses Youngest Son’s forehead and he Youngest Son goes back to sleep. Fushin leaves the room. LIVING AREA (Kitchen, Dining, Family Room Etc) Fushin crosses through the living area and goes into the children’s bedroom. CHILDREN’S BEDROOM His soon is sleeping on his side. Fushin kisses him on the forehead. He pushes aside the curtain in the middle of the room, a partition and looks at his daughter lovingly, holding a stuffed rabbit. He tickle’s the rabbit’s nose and kisses his daughter goodbye. Fushin quietly leaves the room. LIVING AREA Fushin exits the apartment unit. Outside he reaches into his pants and takes out four lucky red pockets. He slides them under the door and leaves. EXT. CEMETERY – DAY, CLOUDY

Jinn’s burial. A plain casket is lowered into the ground. Fushin, Sumyungai and several workers from the (now closed) Toy factory throw flowers on top. Sumyungai adjusts his sunglasses and puts his hand on Fushin’s shoulder. SUMYUNGAI The best always die young. EXT. CEMETERY – DAY LUNCHEON Fushin and the factory workers line up around the buffet table and are served hot dogs. They go and sit on the white plastic lawn chairs. Fushin leans back and eats his hot dog with ketchup, mustard, relish, sauerkraut and mayonnaise. The condiments drip and falls onto the ground. Sumyungai reaches into his sports jacket and takes out a flask of whiskey. He takes a swig. SUMYUNGAI (Chinese) You know what really sucks? The toy factory. It’s too bad they closed it down. I think Jinn would have enjoyed setting that place on fire. Because that’s the type of guy he is. He doesn’t take crap from anybody. I remember one time I told him to sweep up and he put a rat in my lunch box. A rat! A smelly dead! The Workers are silent. Then suddenly they burst out into laughter. SUMWAN Yeah he was a real joker alright. I remember when I was sitting with him at the lunch table and I got up to go to the washroom. And when I came back, my tea magically became coffee. The Workers laugh. SUMWAN Of course it wasn’t really magic. It was Jinn. JANWU

Yeah the factory -- good times, good times. SUMYUNGAI Maybe we should open up our own factory. You know start anew. Invite all the workers back. I think Jinn would really like that idea. JANWU Yeah I think he would. He’s a really smart kid. SUMYUNGAI ...So Fushin. You were good friends with Jinn right? FUSHIN We were. SUMYUNGAI Hey I know you feel bad because you guys always used to argue. But he really liked you. Deep down inside, he liked you. FUSHIN I wish that were true. You know I blame myself for what happened; if I had just been there for him... SUMYUNGAI Hey don’t say that. It’s not your fault. Don’t have any regrets about the past. You can’t change the past. FUSHIN I know. The funeral manager appears. He walks over to the luncheon and goes over to Fushin. Fushin looks up; the funeral manager reaches into his inner jacket pocket and hands Fushin a thin rectangular packet wrapped in Chinese newspaper. Fushin gets up and leaves, while the Sumyungai and the other workers continue to chat about Jinn. BEHIND TREE

Fushin sits under a tree and opens the package from the funeral manager. The item inside is Jinn’s journal. Fushin flips through the journal and stops on the page with distended circular spots (from Jinn’s tears). Fushin quietly reads the page. JINN (VO) When I came to this country I believed that life would be better. I believed things would change and turn around. Unfortunately I discovered that the American dream is just as it implies, it is only a dream; only available to the few, the lucky, and the rich. But amongst all the things I desired, all I ever really wanted in life was a family. I never knew my parents. I never knew a brother or a sister; I didn’t even know a cousin. But there was one person who was like a father to me. I know you’re reading this because you would be the only one who’d care enough to read it. I want to thank you for helping to take care of me. Even though I fought you every step of the way, I was listening. I was genuinely listening. (MORE) JINN (CONT’D) But that now seems to matter little, as my life is finally over. It has come to a tragic end. But in spite of all my mental anguish and pain, I do not regret coming to America. The best moments of my life have been had here. I just wish things could have been different. I wish I could’ve been welcomed as a guest rather than as a trespasser. Long live the American dream. Fushin closes the journal and wipes the tears away from his eyes. INT. DOLLAR STORE – DAY Four Months Later... David and Fushin walk through the aisles of the dollar store. DAVID

This was my first successful business. This store is where it all started. I went to every single bank I could to get a loan and every one of them turned me down. But one day I struck up a friendly conversation with a big stock broker on Wall Street. And he gave me all the money I needed. Not a penny less. There I was a 29 year old kid living in a car and eating canned beans for breakfast -- but for some strange reason he believed in me. And it’s because of his faith in me that I am the success I am today. David stops. DAVID Fushin. Fushin looks up at David. DAVID I know you’ve been through hard times lately. And coming to America hasn’t exactly -- how do I say -- met your expectations. But I can tell you from now on that’s all gonna change... Fushin I want you to have my store. Fushin is speechless. DAVID Now I know you’re an illegal immigrant. I knew that the first time I met you. But by pulling a few strings, some very big strings, I have managed to get you citizenship. David reaches into his front pocket and hands Fushin a citizenship card. DAVID You are no longer a Chinaman living in American. You are an American-Chinese business owner. This store and all the other hundred stores are yours. Fushin hugs David.

FUSHIN (lets go) But why are you giving me your stores? DAVID Not only to return the favour that was given to me so many years ago, but to also focus on my family. There are definitely some things more important than money. FUSHIN But what about Zhuling? Can you forgive her?

DAVID She never did anything. It was only that one night. I think you remember it. FUSHIN (smiles) I try not to. DAVID Now let’s go into my office and sign papers. My favourite part of any business deal. David puts his arm around Fushin and leads him into the store’s office. INT. FORBES MAGAZINE BUILDING – DAY PRESENT DAY, OFFICE LADY And is that why you’re giving your money away to charity? FUSHIN It’s the right thing to do. LADY But whatever happened to David, your so called angel?

FUSHIN I really don’t know. Once he helped me he just left and disappeared. I haven’t seen him since. LADY And do you miss him? FUSHIN I miss everyone... Lady looks at the clock on the wall.

LADY Would you look at the time? Welp I guess that’s the end of the interview! Lady and Fushin get up to shake each other’s hands. LADY (CONT’D) It was a real pleasure talking to you. You are by far one of the most interesting people I’ve spoken to in many years... (snaps fingers) Oh you know what I almost forgot... Lady reaches into her breast pocket and pulls out a business card. LADY (CONT’D) An older gentleman came by earlier and said to give this to you. Fushin takes the card looks at it, “David Steele CEO”. He puts it away in his pocket. LADY He was a very polite person. Fushin shakes Lady’s hand one more time. FUSHIN Thank you.

Fushin leaves the office. EXT. FORBES MAGAZINE BUILDING – DAY Fushin gets into the stretch limousine out front. LIMOUSINE Fushin’s family and Sumyungai are having a lively conversation inside. Fushin knocks on the partition. The partition rolls down. Fushin hands the chauffeur David’s business card. FUSHIN Do you know where this is? A glimpse in the rear view mirror reveals the chauffeur, Ming. MING It’s not too far from here. The partition goes back up. Fushin takes a seat. EXT. FORBES MAGAZINE BUILDING – DAY The limousine drives off into the streets. The camera pulls up and reveals a torn American flag flying on Forbes Magazine Building, flying in the wind. FADE OUT: THE END

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