Ergwave Cuhk

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  • Pages: 21
The router assignment SunMoon

Internet Sharing 

Why? 

Your ISP gives you a single IP addr (external IP addr)

But you can't assign this single addr to all your PCs

How? 

Build a private network Setup a PC in the network takes that IP and helps other PCs to access the Internet 

This is the gateway of your network, your router basically acts like a gateway 2

Internet Sharing 

Build a private network 

Your PCs are given IP addrs that belongs to a private subnet (e.g. You should use ”DHCP server” to automatically assign IP addr, but now assume you setup manually. (using ifconfig)


Internet Sharing 

Setup the gateway 

First it should forward packets between the private network and the Internet

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

But your PCs are using private IP addrs

So you need to setup NAT on the gateway


Internet Sharing 

Setup NAT on gateway 

What should the NAT do? 

Replace ”src addr” of out-going packets with the external IP addr

Iptables help you do the tricks 

In Iptables, the table ”nat” is for this purpose

You need to alter the ”POSTROUTING” chain PREROUTING chain

Routing Rules


Internet Sharing 

Setup Iptables for NAT 

To list the rules in the “nat” table (-n gives faster result by eliminating dns lookup) 

iptables –t nat –A POSTROUTING –d ! –s -p tcp –j MASQUERADE

Iptables –t nat –L –n

Other iptables options 

Iptables –t nat –F: clear the table

Iptalbes –t nat –D POSTROUTING 1: delete the first rule in the POSTROUTING chain

Iptalbes –t nat –R POSTROUTING 2 …: replace the 2nd rule with new one

Iptalbes –t nat –I PREROUTING 3 …: insert a rule between the 3rd and 4th rule


Internet Sharing 

The above slides are about the gateway, how about the other PCs? They should know who will forward the packet for them This is done by setting the gateway address: 

route add default gw


Internet Sharing

Now the Internet Sharing part is completed. You can now share the Internet connection among your home PCs! Your homebrew router got basic function 


Port forwarding 

Say, you are hosting a web server at PC A

You want to open the server to people outside your network

They contact your server at <external IP address, port 80>

Your router should decide which PC should receive the packet

Change the dst address of IP packet, forward the packet to the destination PC 

NAT again!


Port forwarding 

Similar to the previous rule, but we now change the dst IP addr instead of src one Which chain to modify? PREROUTING or POSTROUTING? The dst IP addr is modified before the packet is routed, so answer is: PREROUTING (iptables -t nat –A PREROUTING -d -s ! –p tcp –dport 2222 –j DNAT –to-destination PREROUTING chain

Routing Rules


Packet filtering 

An example: 

Suppose you want to stop your family members from connecting to a hazardous host Then your router should drop IP packets that heads to that host

Iptables can do this for you

The “filter” table controls the transmission of packets that… 

headed for the router

originated from the router

forwarded through the router (i.e. the conversation between the home PCs and outsiders)


Packet filtering 

There are three chains in the “filter” table For traffic that not originated from nor headed to the router, modify the FORWARD chain

Packets from LAN or WAN



Routing Rules INPUT


Router’s Local Processes


Packets to LAN or WAN

ERGWAVE-style login system 

The desired feature:  

Internet sharing is only for authenticated users Upon browsing external pages, non-authenticated users are redirected to the login page After successful login, the users are redirected back to the external pages

There are three problems  

How do you redirect users to the login page? How do you NOT redirect authenticated user to the login page? How do you bring users back to the external pages?

ERGWAVE-style login system 

Problem 1 – Redirection to login page 

 

Like port forwarding, we use DNAT, modify the dst addr (and port if needed) of packets from home PCs Add a rule to the PREROUTING chain to modify the dst addr to the router ip The Apache server on the router should respond to the request But note that the URL (document path) in the HTTP request packet are left unchanged  

You should setup a different web server to handle this  

e.g. --> Your Apache server will blame you with error 404 Setup a new Apache virtual host (covered in last tutorial), or Write a simple web server (sample code released)

Method of redirection: HTTP response 302 -- Moved temporarily (try to Google the protocol)

ERGWAVE-style login system 

Problem 2 – Avoid redirection 

The IP addresses of authenticated users are known

The redirection rule should be by-passed

Insert a rule to the PREROUTING chain, before the redirection rule 

Rules in a chain are executed from top to bottom

Iptables –t nat –I PREROUTING 1 ….

This rule check if the IP addr is authenticated, if so, let the packet through and ignore the remaining rules 

You may use “-j ACCEPT” (or “–j RETURN” which rely on default policy of the chain)

ERGWAVE-style login system 

Problem 3 - Returning to the external site 

The site URL should not be forgotten

How do you know the URL?  

From the GET and HOST fields in HTTP request message Read it in your own simple web server, or PHP, or…

“Request packet” with no proxy

Through Proxy

GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 … Firefox/ GTB5 Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,t ext/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Accept-Charset: UTF-8,* Keep-Alive: 300 Connection: keep-alive …

GET http://www/ HTTP/1.1 Host: www User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071204 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/ GTB5 Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,t ext/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Accept-Charset: UTF-8,* Keep-Alive: 300 Proxy-Connection: keep-alive Cookie: slider1=slider1:4

ERGWAVE-style login system 

Problem 3 - Returning to the external site 

How do you remember it? 

Encode into the URL of the router Web UI, or

Store in cookies (refer to the lecture notes), or

Store in router storage (Maintain a mapping between user IP address and external page URL)

Timeout 

Feature: 

In “login mode”, user got the right to access Internet after logged in. This access right got timeout after a specified time period The user will need to login again

This job of removing access right from user is automatic, perform at a certain time This can be done by cron

cron, crontab 

Cron is a daemon to execute scheduled commands

Crontab is a utility that manipulate the schedule of cron

The schedule is in a table format, you may modify by using a text editor (try: crontab -e) Example - Adding a task in command prompt: 

# echo “* * * * * date >> /root/beat.txt” | crontab -u root -

This will write the date and time info to the file every minute

Format of a line of task: 

minute hour day month day_of_week command e.g. “30 7 * * 1-5 alarm” means for every week day, makes the alarm call at 7:30


The above command would override the cron schedule To append jobs to crontab, use “crontab -l” to dump the contents to a file first, append the new job to the file, and reload the crontab by “crontab filename” Note that cron is for repeating routines, for onetime-only jobs, you may use “atd”: 

Restart atd daemon first: /etc/init.d/atd restart

echo “date > test.txt” | at NOW + 5 minutes


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