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CSC4140 - Course Assignment Building a realistic broadband router platform. Abstract Nowadays, most of us are using broadband connections at home. Usually, we deploy a broadband router, which is abundant in the market, to allow multiple computers to share the broadband connection. As a matter of fact, building such a device is not a tough task. In this assignment, we are going to build the software part of the device.



Nowadays, you should have heard of a computing device called the broadband router. Famous vendors including D-link, Buffalo, and Linksys are manufacturing those computing devices. A broadband router is just a computer, usually running an operating system (OS). The device itself is also a hardware, including all the circuitry for the networking purpose. In this assignment, you are required to implement the software side of a broadband router.

1.1 1.1.1

What is a broadband router? Hardware side

Figure 1 shows an example layout of an interconnected network. The broadband router sits in the middle of two networks: the ISP network on the left and the home network on 1

ISP Network

Broadband modem (provided by ISP)

Broadband Router

NIC #1 (WAN)

Network Switch

NIC #2 (LAN)

Home PC #1

Home PC #2 ISP Network

Internal Network

Figure 1: A typical layout with a broadband router deployed.

the right. Typically, a broadband router has at least two network interface cards (for short NICs). The naming of the NICs is based on which network it is designed for. Usually, the ISP network is called the WAN while the home network is called the LAN. Such a layout exists for a reason: the ISP usually gives you ONE Ethernet connection in the broadband modem for a home network to access the ISP network. If the user (or the family) has more than one PC, then there will be only one of them can access the network. This creates a chance for the market of the broadband router1 . As you can see from the figure, the broadband router is acting as a bridge between the ISP network and the home network. It is not only simply a network bridge, but is a mini-firewall indeed. The router itself is usually an embedded system (or, just, a computer) running a miniaturized version of Linux.


Software side

Several pieces of software are running on top of the OS, including a network connection sharing tool, a packet filtering tool, a web server, and sometimes a printer sharing tool. 1

The ISP used by the lecturer is a good one: they provide a broadband modem that has 4 Ethernet




Working of a broadband router

Obviously, the internal of a broadband router is controlled by a set of software. In the following, we list the roles and the functionalities of the vital software inside a broadband router.


Network sharing

The most basic function of a broadband router is to share the connection provided by the ISP. Since the ISP is giving you only one IP address, because one network plug means one IP address, and such an IP address cannot be used by all the home PCs simultaneously, the job of the broadband router is to share the IP address obtained. To do this, a system software called “iptables” is used inside the broadband router and this software employs a mechanism called the network address translation2 (NAT for short) to share the only IP address provided by the ISP.


Internal network management

Another thing is that the user of the broadband router are certainly not knowledgeable enough to configure the iptables; a broadband router is supposed to be as user-friendly as possible. As a result, the broadband router has to manage the internal LAN on behalf of the user. You don’t need to worry much; a network protocol called dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP for short) can help. In other words, the broadband router is required to install a software which provides the DHCP service. 2

The details of iptables and NAT are covered in the tutorials.



Management user interface

Last but not least, the broadband router usually behaves as autonomous as possible, meaning that when the user turns it on, the home PC users can access to the outside network without any configurations. Nevertheless, it’d be nice to provide an easy-to-use configuration interface for advanced users. However, you can’t find any VGA, keyboard, nor mouse input ports on a broadband router! How can one tweak the configurations of the router? Usually, an user interface (UI for short) is provided in the form of a web-based application. A user can visit the UI using the browser in the home PCs. In this way, the home PCs are not required to install extra software in order to access the management system of the broadband router. As a result, the broadband router has to include a HTTP server program and the most famous one is called Apache, which is a piece of open source software. In addition, in order to prevent unintended changes on the router’s configurations, such an UI system is usually protected under a login mechanism.


Assignment’s Networking Environment

Due to the hardware restriction in our department, it is hard to have a large set of computers containing two NICs installed. As an alternative, the environment that you will be working on is different from that in Figure 1: we will be using one physical machine only with a virtual network deployed by VMware and the corresponding network layout is shown in Figure 2. The comparisons between the two setups are given in Table 1. Note that the physical machine is just a computer connected to the outside network while the virtual PCs rely on the configuration of the physical machine to reach the outside network.


Virtual NICs

Filtering and Connection Sharing (iptables)

Outside Network

Virtual Machines Physical NIC

OS of the physical machine

Virtual NICs

Virtual Internal Network

Physical Machine (Your Removable Hard Disk)

Figure 2: The network layout used and restricted in our assignment.

Real-life setup Machines

Assignment’s setup

The broadband router and the The physical machine hosts evhome PCs are distinct entities.

erything: it is the broadband router; the home PCs become virtual machines and are running inside the physical machine.

Networking: Internal

It is constructed using wires and It is a virtual network provided

Net- switches (may be wireless net-

by VMware.


work, too).


It is connected to the ISP, local LAN, etc.



work Table 1: Differences between the real-life network layout and the assignment’s network layout.



VMware configuration

VMware has been doing really great in facilitating virtual machine supports. It provides a virtual network environment for the virtual machines in the following three ways: 1. Bridged. (Not for networking newbies:) It means the virtual machines can own a network address that belongs to the outside network. In other words, outsiders can locate a virtual machine using a true IP address. 2. Host-only*. It means the virtual machine can communicate with the host, or the physical machine, only. That means it cannot communicate to the outside world. (* This will be the networking mode that you must use in this assignment.) 3. NAT. It stands for network address translation. This mode is the half way between the bridged mode and the host-only mode. • One one hand, the virtual machine can access the outside world. (So, same as the bridged mode.) • One the other hand, a computer in the outside network only knows the physical machine, but not the virtual machines. (Oh, same as the host-only mode.) In other words, the physical machine is sending and receiving network traffic on behalf of the virtual machines.


Virtual machine networking configuration

The virtual machine should have the following networking configuration: IP address

Using DHCP, and the DHCP service should be provided by the physical machine.

Default gateway The IP address of the virtual NIC of the physical machine, and it should be obtained by using DHCP. DNS server

The IP address of the virtual NIC of the physical machine, and it should be obtained by using DHCP.




• The virtual machine is not restricted to any type of OS: it can be running Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. • Depending on your working environment, your browser needs the same HTTP proxy setting as the physical machine.


Physical machine configuration

The physical machine is required to be running Linux. It is because of the supporting software needed.


Physical machine network configuration

The physical machine has two NICs, namely the physical NIC and the virtual NIC.

Physical NIC

Virtual NIC

IP address Use DHCP if the out-

You can use any IP address.

side network provides the DHCP service. Else, use a static IP address which is assigned by your local LAN admin

A piece of note for the virtual NIC: you have to configure the VMware so that it has the host-only network is enabled. To check whether the host-only NIC is up or not, run the command:

ifconfig vmnet1


where “vmnet1” is the interface name of the host-only network. If the interface is not there, an error message will be shown and you should re-configure your VMware.



Despite of hosting the virtual machines, the physical machine is also the broadband router. As mentioned before, the broadband router is running Linux and so does the physical machine in our assignment’s execution environment. In addition, the physical machine must have the following set of software installed:

1. The iptables. It is the software for network sharing between the physical and the virtual machines. In simple words, the iptables software allows a network of virtual machines, specified by a network address to access the outside network. As a matter fact, this software is also installed in real-life broadband routers. 2. The Apache. It is the famous open-source web (or HTTP) server. Apache is required because a broadband router provides a web interface that allows the home PCs to configure the router’s settings. This web server is to host the web interface. 3. DHCP server. The DHCP server is to assign IP addresses to the virtual machines automatically, and as a result, creates a virtual network. 4. DNS server. The physical machine should also act as a DNS server for the home PCs.


Requirements of the assignment

The requirements of this assignment only focuses on the software side of the computer you are working on. Despite the computing environment (VMware for example), you are required to implement your own set of software to allow users to control the broadband router. The high-level view of the software involved is shown in Figure 3. In the following context, we will use the following set of terms interchangeablely: 8

Apache Hosting Credential

Web-based Management System.


Execution mode

iptables Setting*

Network Setting*

Logging Configure

Permanent Storage



Figure 3: The big picture of the design of the system of software involved in this assignment.

• “broadband router” and “physical machine”; • “home PC” and “virtual machine; • “WAN” and “outside network; • “internal network, “LAN”, and private network.


Execution mode of the broadband router

In order to let you experience different deployment scenarios of a broadband router, you are required to implement two different execution mode of the broadband router.


What is the execution mode?

The execution mode describes the way the broadband router shares the connection provided by the ISP. The two modes are:


• Transparent mode. It means that the broadband router is transparent to all the users. When the broadband router is turned on, every home PC will be able to access the ISP network automatically. • Login mode. It means that the broadband router is no longer transparent to the users. Rather, it by default stops all the home PCs from accessing the outside network. After the user of a home PC has logged in the web-based management interface of the broadband router with a valid credential, then the concerned home PC can now access the ISP network.


How to toggle different execution modes?

The broadband router is allowed to be running in either one of the above execution modes. In order to toggle the execution mode, the user of a home PC has to provide the administrator credential to the broadband router. We will discuss the different credentials soon.


Web-based management system

The management system is hosted in the broadband router. You have the freedom to implement any kinds of interfaces using any kinds of technique, e.g., Perl-CGI programming, PHP programming, using AJAX technique, etc. Nevertheless, your web-based system should provide the following required components.


Login interface, credential storage, as well as identity and credential management

The credentials for both types of identities are login-password pairs. For each credential, the login name must be distinct and non-empty while the password should not be empty. The type of the credential storage is not restricted as long as the storage itself is a permanent one. The execution flow of the login interface is given in Figure 4. To unify (maybe, to 10

Login page

Is the logging-in user the adminstrator?


Is the password correct?



Is the password correct?



Logging Is the exeution mode the "Login Mode"? Logout


Log management Logging

iptables Management Normal User Management Miscellaneous Management

Adminstrator Login Interface



Allow the user to access to the outside world. Login Successful Notification

Login attempt is rejected with an appropriate error message

Figure 4: The big picture of the design of the login system.


complicate) the login system, you must follow the flow state in Figure 4. The web-based system has to maintain mainly two sets of identities: the administrator and the normal user.

• Administrator. You have to decide a login name for the administrator. Together with the corresponding password, the login-password credential should be stored in the permanent storage of the broadband router. • Normal user. A normal user is only effective under the login mode. That means, when the system is running under the transparent mode, the system should reject any login attempts from the normal users.

Note importantly that the system should allow HTTP requests for the login interface from the internal network only. This requires the configurations on either the Apache web server, the iptables, or both. Please think of the correct answer by yourself.


Log in the system

The login interface is always there no matter what the execution mode is. The administrator can log in the system under any one of the execution modes. Remember, the purpose of the login action of the administrator is to manage the broadband router, not to access the ISP network. If the administrator wants to so, then he/she should create another normal user to do so. The function of the administration login action is different from that of a normal user. When the execution mode is the login mode, a normal user can log in to the system through two methods:

• The user goes directly to the login page described in Figure 4, using a web browser. • The user is forwarded to the said login page when the user launches a web browser and is going to visit an arbitrary site, say “URL A”.


You may have experienced such a scenario. Yes, the ERGWAVE login methodology in the Faulty of Engineering, CUHK. The merit of such a mechanism is that the user is not required to memorize the internal IP address of the broadband router. In other words, the broadband router is, kind of, hiding itself. [A challenging point.] Note that after a successful login, the login system should lead the user back to “URL A”.

[Hint]. HTTP cookie may be helpful.


Logout and timeout

The system should provide a way for the administrator to log out the system. If the administrator forgets to log out before closing the web browser, the web-based system should be able to accept the returning administrator automatically. This implies the use of HTTP cookie. For how long should the HTTP cookie expire? The choice should be configurable in the web-based system. For normal users, they don’t have any incentives to log out the system. Instead of providing a logout page that the users would never visit, the web-based system should timeout the login session for normal users. The timeout period should be configured by the administrator. When such a timeout period is reached, the client will be requested to login again. Hint. HTTP cookie is useless in this case. Instead, cron in Linux can fulfill the job.


Execution mode management

The execution mode management is as simple as toggling the value in the permanent storage. Why does it reside in the permanent storage? It is because the system has to be able to start with the previous execution mode after bootup. There are important points to note:

• If the system is in a transition from the transparent mode to the login mode but there 13

are normal users using the NAT service, then what is the fate of the users? The connected users need to log in to the system because there are no login records of those users. • If the system is in a transition from the login mode to the transparent mode but there are logged-in, normal users using the NAT service, then what is the fate of the users? The connected users still enjoy the NAT service with their login records erased.


User management

You have to maintain a list of normal users. This is a part of the credential storage also. This is similar to a typical user account management system but with a trimmed set of functionalities and information to store. You only need to allow the administrator to view, to add, to modify, and to delete a normal user. Plus, you are required to store at least the following two pieces of information about a normal user:

username password login status

Note that “login status” states whether a user is logged in or not.


iptables management

The iptables management is the core function of the broadband router. The basic function is to provide the network address translation (NAT) support. Plus, you are required to implement to extra services: packet filtering and port forwarding. Network address translation. The NAT should function according to the execution mode of the system.


Transparent Mode

Login Mode

Default: On;

Default: Off;

All computers in the internal network When a user has logged in to the syscan use the NAT service.

tem, the home PC that the user is using is allowed to use the NAT service.

By default, the broadband router will forward all kinds of traffics for the computers inside the internal network. Nevertheless, the broadband router should allow the administrator to filter out certain services. Filtering. This is another mechanism provided by the iptables. In this assignment, you have to use the web-based system to control the setting of the iptables. One of those selected settings is packet filtering. The packet filtering function applies to both execution modes. This is set by the administrator. The web-based management system allows the administrator to view, to add, to modify, and to delete the filtering rules. By default, there is no rules set after the system has finished bootup. On the other hand, because the system would never know which users and how many users are using the broadband router, the filtering function should apply to all computers in the internal network. One of the realistic requirements is that you have to assume that the administrator knows what the meaning of packet filtering is. Nevertheless, he/she knows nothing about the iptables. So, your job is to provide a user-friendly interface for the administrator. The following table shows the target services (or traffic) that you allow the administrator to filter:

Target Services to Filter FTP (21); SSH (22); TELNET (23); HTTP (80); HTTPS (443) To simplify the scenario, we restrict your system to block the traffics going out of and going into the internal network at the same time. But, the system may be filtering multiple kinds of traffic at the same time. Note very importantly that your system should be smart enough to avoid filtering out the HTTP traffic going between the web-based system and the 15

home PCs.

Port forwarding. If you have taken any one of the networking courses, you will understand the fact that computers inside the internal network cannot provide any services to the outside world. (Else, you now has acquired this fact.) In this assignment, you have to utilize the iptables so that a home PC can provide services to the outside world. This feature is called port forwarding. This function should be provided under both execution modes. Again, the administrator is assumed that he/she knows nothing about the iptables but he/she knows what port forwarding is. As a result, the web-based management system should be providing a user-friendly interface for the administrator to view, to add, to modify, and to delete the portforwarding rules. The following is the services to be forwarded. Target Services to Forward FTP (21); SSH (22); TELNET (23); HTTP (80); HTTPS (443) Be aware that there can be more than one port-forwarding rules working at the same time and the web-based system should be able to list them out to the administrator. Note importantly that due the limitation of the iptables, for each service mentioned, the broadband route can only forward the corresponding traffic to one home PC only. E.g., there are two computers A and B which both provide the HTTP service at port 80. Then, the broadband router can only choose either A or B, not both, to be the port-forwarding target.



Last but not least, the system has to log nearly every action taken by the administrator and the normal users. The log should store in the permanent storage in the broadband router. A log entry should at least record the following data: Time

Referral Page Action Input arguments Result 16

The locations that the web-based system should create a log and the contents is given as following.

Referral Page Login page

Things to be logged Login attempts;

Administration page Changing execution mode; Changing filtering rule; Changing port forwarding rule;

For example, the following is an example log entry:

1234567890 Login page Login login=tywong, password=sosad attempt failed

Of course, you are free to design your logging style. However, the system should be providing an interface to display the log, with the following requirements:

1. The log entries should be sorted by time in descending order, i.e., the earliest entry is the last entry, and vice versa. 2. The interface should break the logs into pages. This is a technical concern because if the browser is trying to download and to output a lot of contents, the browser will probably become non-responsive, or frozen.



There are some miscellaneous management you need to pay attention to. The following is the complete list of the subtle managements.

• Changing password for administrator. • Changing password for normal users.


• Setting the expiry of the HTTP cookie for administrator login. Note that you are free to set any default value. • Setting the expiry period for normal users login under the login mode. Note that you are free to set any default value.


Mark Distribution

We are employing a functional marking scheme, meaning that you will score marks for each function implemented.


Networking setup - 5%

You have to set up a network that is the same as the one described in Figure 2 on page 5. The networking setup is designated as follows:

• Virtual network address:; • IP address of the virtual NIC of the physical machine:; • For each virtual PC: – Gateway IP address:; – DNS server address:; Note that the above two addresses should be retrieved using DHCP and the DHCP server should be the physical host, i.e.,


Gateway function in transparent mode - 5%

This is the transparent mode setup, i.e., the basic NAT setup. Note that the system must allow connections within the private network. For instance, it is allowed for a client in one of 18

the home PC to connect to using SSH. Of course, this example assumes there is a SSH server running in


Gateway function in login mode - 20%

The expected functionalities include:

• (2%) Disabled the NAT function. We will test it by using protocols other than HTTP, before the users has logged in. • (3%) Redirecting to the login page. We will test this feature using a standard browser. • (2%) Validating the user login. • (3%) Enabling NAT for that authorized user (or the home PC) only. We will also test this feature using protocols other than HTTP. • (10%) Redirecting to the previously-requested page after a successful login.


Web interfaces for administrator - 27%

This is only about all the interfaces involved in the web system. In other words, we are not talking about the actual functions, e.g., invoking iptables, to be carried out.

• Execution mode management (2% in total) There should be an interface showing the current execution mode and another interface allowing the administrator to switch from one mode to another. Note that the modifying function does not exist. • User management (6% in total) – (2%) An interface for listing all the users in the system. If the system is in the login mode, then the system should show that whether a particular user is online or not. 19

– (2%) An interface for adding a new user. The change should be reflected by using the user-listing function. – (2%)An interface for deleting a new user. The change should be reflected by using the user-listing function. • Filtering management (8% in total) – (2%) An interface for listing all the filtering rules set by the administrator. Note that printing the output of “iptables -L” directly will get zero marks. Hint: parsing such a printout is needed. – (2%) An interface for adding a new rule. The change should be reflected by using the rule-listing function. – (2%) An interface for modifying an existing rule. The change should be reflected by using the rule-listing function. – (2%) An interface for deleting an existing rule. The change should be reflected by using the rule-listing function. Note that for the adding, the modifying, and the deleting interface, if those interfaces are requesting the administrator to input any iptables commands, then you will zero marks for each of the concerned interface. • Port-forwarding management (4% in total) The interfaces are nearly the same as those for filtering. So, each interface only carries 1 mark. • Logging management (4% in total) An interface for the administrator to display the logs. The display should be classified by their types. As mentioned before, the display must break the logs into pages. There is no need for the administrator to delete any log entries.

(3%) Note very important that you have to validate every input that will be input by the users. For example, if there is a text box for the user to input an IP address, then the system has to make sure that the input is a well-formatted IP address. You can choose to handle the validation on the client side (using JavaScript) or on the server side (using server-side scripting language). 20


Functions taken by the interfaces - 35%

These cover the actual functions that the web interfaces should drive.

• Execution mode management (2% in total) As mentioned in Section 3.2.4 on page 13, you have to handle the cases that while the system is in a transition from one mode to another, the users’ status has to be administrated. • User management (9% in total) The interfaces will be involving reading, adding, deleting on the entries of the user database (this does not imply a DBMS). – (3%) Reading all the user entries in the database; – (3%) Adding new entries into the database; and – (3%) Deleting any existing entries in the database. The database should be storing the credentials of the normal users. Whether the credential should be stored in the same database is up to your implementation. • Filtering management (12% in total) The iptables should be driven in this stage. You may not need a database for storing the status of the filtering rule because you can opt to parse the output of the iptables command. – (3%) Listing the filtering rules; – (3%) Adding new rules; – (3%) Modifying existing rules; and – (3%) Deleting existing rules. • Port-forwarding management (8% in total) (4%) This involves a set of similar handling as those of the “filtering management”. Marks are reduced to 1% for each function because it is only a duplicate of the “filtering management”. 21

(2 × 2%) Nevertheless, while the system is adding or modifying a rule, you have to check if the to-be-added or the to-be-modified rule conflict with existing rules. • Logging management (4% in total) (2%) The log should be kept in the permanent storage. Again, whether it is stored in a DBMS or not is up to your implementation. The system has to return the required amount of log entries to the administrator. (2%) Nonetheless, you have to implemented the location of logging as described in Section 3.2.7 on page 16.


Miscellaneous - 8%

• (2%) The correct implementation of the login procedure described in Figure 4 on page 11. • (2%) There should be a page for the administrator to change his/her own password. Before the system sets a new password, the system should request and validate the old password supplied by the administrator. Of course, this will trigger an update of the administrator’s credential. • (2%) There should be a page for a normal user to change his/her own password. The process is similar to that for the administrator, but is only available under the login mode. • (2%) There should be a page for the administrator to set: – the expiry of the HTTP cookie for the administrator’s login session; and – the expiry period for normal users’ login sessions under the login mode. Note that the above settings should be stored in a permanent storage.



Submission and Demonstration

You have to submit:

• All the configuration files concerning the network setup. It’d be nice to have a script to automatic the setup; • All the program codes and HTML files you written; • NEVER submit any VMware images.

The marking of the assignment will be carried out in the form of demonstrations. During the demonstration, we will prepare a clean system running Linux, with VMware software and VMware images installed, for you to load your submission. Therefore, you have to make sure that you have submitted all the necessary files. During the demonstration, you can only configure the network setup. Although this will not take any mark penalties, it wastes your and our time.

Deadline: 23:59, March 29, 2009.


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