Equipments List

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THE UNIVERSITY OF AZAD JAMMU & KASHMIR Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture, Rawalakot S Nam e of equi pm en t wi th D eta ile d S pe cific atio n r.#

Unit (Rs .)




The equipment is necessary for all lab work to be carried out under aseptic conditions.



Any lab- based work could not be completed without the provision of this equipment.



Very productive in determining organic matter content of soil samples.



A very useful instrument in determining elements in single aspiration.


01 01

Laminar Air Flow Cabinet: Mod el: NU-201-430.

Pric e Qty/No s.

Nuair e. USA

Horizontal flow. Built in UV and fluorescent light built in heap filter 99.999% prefilter washable. At 0.3µm and washable filter. Size 4 ft. completer unit operated on 220/240V.


Deionizer Wal

l Mounted Distil

Mod el: WSC0 44. MH3.4.

lation Ap paratus:

Cy clo n. Fis tre em En gla nd

Distillation apparatus with deinionizer. All glass (Pyrex glass) made. Borosilicate coil condenser. Out put 4 liters per hour. Water quality double distillation, pyrogen free. pH 5.6-6.0. Tap water pressure (min-max) 70-560 kPa. Power 220VAC, 50/60 Hz.


Muffle Furna ce: Mod el: ZBF 202, Th er mcraf t Paki sta n

Lab use furnace with temperature range up to 1300 oC. Electronic control PID control and standard. Ramping to set up temperature. Inner dimension; 320 x175 x 275. Voltage : 220 V/ 50 Hz


Flame Ph oto meter Digital: Mod el: S20-4. Sp ect rolab Eng land.

A fully automatic multi element flame photometer designed to provide the highest sensitivity for: Calcium, Potassium, lithium, Sodium and Barium. Four elements can be measured in a single aspiration because it is microprocessor controlled instrument. Segmental and quadratic curve fitting is provided. Auto ignition. Dimensions W-D-H: 43×23×23cm. standard filters, Na,K,Ca,Li.

5 6

Sox helt Oil E xtra ction Unit: Ce ntrifuge Mac hine: Sig ma. Germa ny Bench top simple operation with two knobs only brushless drives practically, maintenance free operation. Microprocessor controlled digital screen display of speed and time, programmable for speed & time. Maximum speed rang up to 4000 rpm and

Ju stific atio n

Necessary for carrying out of normal and sophisticated centrifugation of biological samples.

time up to 60 minutes or infinite completer model 2-5 with rotors: 1-No: Angle rotor capacity 20 ×15 ml complete with 40 polypropylene tubes. 1-No: Swing out rotor with buckets 4 ×100 ml and buckets 16 ×15 ml and 100 ml tubes 8-Nos. and 15 ml tubes 32Nos.


Digital Orbital Sha


Mod el: SHO-2D, Daihan Sci



en tif ic, Kor ea

Brushless DC motor. Dimensions (w×d ×h mm) 400 × 480 × 160. Basic platform size (mm) 350 × 350. Maximum loading capacity 10 kg. Speed range 10-300 rpm. Programmable digital feedback controller with jog-shuttle switch.


Ideal for culturing cells for hybridization, staining and destaining gels.

A quick way of measuring soil moisture contents.

Te ns iom et er (Soil Moi stur e Met er): Mod el KS-D1, Mad e in USA

Digital meter. For measuring soil moisture. Accuracy ±3%. Complete with three gypsum blocks.


Digital Precise Water Bath:



Valuable for biotechnological and environmental studies.



Suitable for critical application such as microbiological works.



Brought easiness in preparation of samples for further analysis and saves time.



Variable application such as microorganism and plant cell culture. Constant temperature germination.

Mod el: WB- 22, Daihan Sc ie nt ifi c, Ko rea

Digital fuzzy controller implementing maximum temperature accuracy. Stainless steel bath for superior durability and high thermal efficiency. Dimension (w×d ×h mm) 500 × 295 × 150. Capacity 22liters. Temperature range: Ambient + 5oC to 100 oC.


High Clean Air

O ven:

Mod el: WO C-560, D aiha n Sci en tif ic, Kor ea

Digital fuzzy control and digital LCD-back light system. Temperature range 5 oC to 250 oC. Time operated verification system. Stainless steel internally with Teflon coated shelves of adjustable positions. Internal dimensions of 800 × 700 × 1000, external dimension of 1000 × 1150 × 700. Capacity 560 liters.


Plant S ample Grinder/M Mod el: PX-MFC. Swit ze rla nd


ill: Mil l.

Poly mix.

Ki ne mat ica


Bench top model micro mill. For crushing, grinding and pulverizing dry and brittle plant and soil samples including cutting grinding head. Nominal speed 0 to 6000 rpm. Sieve sizes; 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm.


Multi Room Incuba


Mod el: WIM- R4, Daihan Sc ie nt ifi c, Ko rea

Forced convection type with digital fuzzy type and digital LCD. Temperature range 0 o C to 60 oC. Capacity 125 liters 4 rooms. Stainless steel chambers with Teflon coated

shelves (2 for each chamber). Internal dimensions of 500 × 500 × 500(×4 rooms), external dimension of 1700 × 770× 1700.


Colony C ounter:



Helps in counting microbial colonies.



A basic instrument for all purpose experiments.



Ideal for homogenizing and mixing solutes.



Important instrument in analyzing soil samples for Ec etc.



Basic to all laboratory and field works. Helps in measuring of minute quantities of substances.



Mod el: 570, Sunt ex, Taiwan Digital with standard accessories operated on 220 volts.


pH Meter: Mod el: pH 315 i/ se t WT W, Ge rmany

Digital microprocessor controlled with parallel temperature indication. pH range 2.00 to +14.00, readability 0.01 pH, with automatic two point calibration system with MV rang -1250 to /+1250. Accuracy -/+ 2MV. Automatic temperature compensation. Battery operated. Water proof, in plastic case with electrode sentex 41.


Digital Hot Plate Stirrer: Mod el: MSH- 20D , Daih an Scientific,

Kore a Digital feedback control by high performance microprocessor. Ceramic coated aluminum plate,Plate size (mm) 180 ×180. Stirring capacity 20 liters. Speed range (rpm) 80 to 1500. Maximum temperature 380 oC. Heating power (W) 600.


Vacuu m Fi ltra tion Assembly Mod el: VF- 205, Rock er Scie nt if ica, Ta iwan Vacuum filtration stand assembled all apparatus in one base. Piston power and oil free. Magnetic suction flask set with capacity of 1000ml with draining and bottom plate. Magnetic funnel with capacity of 300 ml and steam sterilizer resistant.


Analytical Ba

lance Digital

Mod el: TE 214S. Sartor

ius, Ger many.

Glass case. Capacity 210 gm. Minimum display 0.1 mg.


Analytical Ba

lance Digital

Mod el: CP 324S, Sarto riu s, Germa ny.

Glass case. Capacity 320 gm. Minimum display 0.1 mg


Soxte c Fully auto matic nitrogen/pro tein analyzer wi th 66,90,000 balance connec tion ,titration and calc ulation of result wit h soft ware Includes, KJELTEC AUTO Digs, KT Analyzer 230Volt,S crubber,


Helps in saving so much time as compared to manual kjeldhal apparatus.

Exhaust, Controller Program mable, LIF System 230v, Flow Regulator, Printer, Level Sensor, REF LUX CONDENSERS, HANDL ING SYSTEMS Wit h al l Require d Ac cessories for O peration Diges tion sys tem 20 m acro tu be kj elda hl s am ple With exh au st sys tem , scr ub be r, lift syst em fo r 20 tub es, stand for Diges tion t ub es and kjelt ab s DI GE ST OR 20 With all Required Accessories for Operation Colorimetric evaluation. Auto-detect the final distillation. Automatic removal of sample and distillation. Residual transfer info an independent vessel for posterior treatment. Storage of parameters of the dosing of Na-OH, Boric acid and titrant reagents. Compact design with built in reservoirs that include:Water reservoir generator. NaOH, reservoir. Boric acid reservoir. Reagents reservoir (HCI or H2SO4) Sample tube location. The unit will not operate if there is no sample tube located. Safety screen, if the protective screen around the system is not in the correct position, left open, the unit will not operate. Sample protection alarms. Built in th er mal printer . Th e data provided is accep ta ble for GL P proc esse s. Unique sample numbers. Date .Start and end time of analysis. Quantity (mg) of nitrogen detected. Volume (ml) of reagents (HCI) used during the evaluation.


HPLC Colu mns; Ther mo electr on, USA 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

5µ BDS C8, size 250 × 4.6mm Cat No. 28205-254630 5µ ODS C18, size 250 × 4.6mm Cat No. 30105-254630 5µ Silica, size 250 × 4.6mm Cat No. 30005-254630 5µ Hypersil ODS, size 150 × 4.6mm Cat No. 30105-154630 5µ Hypersil BDS C18, size 150 × 4.6mm Cat No. 28105-154630 5µ Hypersil BDS C8, size 150 × 4.6mm Cat No. 28205-144630



Required for broad spectrum use of HPLC.

7. 5µ Hypersil Silica, size 150 × 4.6mm Cat No. 30005-154630

Pr of. Dr . Muham ma d Ka le em Abba si De an

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