W200 E-Portfolio Checklist Use this checklist to take a final look at your e-portfolio. These are the areas that I will be looking at closely when grading your e-portfolios. This checklist is divided into the sections of the grading rubric. For your reference, the overall number of points possible for each section is listed by each section name. Name: Section:
Layout, Text Elements, and Creativity (25 points) - The e-portfolio is easy to read with appropriate use of fonts, point size, bullets, italics, bold, and indentations for headings and sub-headings. The suggested navigational system is present and active on all pages. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text.
Order your pages in the navigation. Navigation bar. Add the following to a navigational box, using your own info, of course © A. Leftwich Last updated: December 3, 2009 left (at) indiana.edu Clean up the formatting on all pages Spacing between blocks of text are not too big/small You include headings/subheadings to guide reader Bullets/Number list options are indented (like this small list) Go through the entire site and check to make sure that the font face, size, and color are consistent and readable for the following Titles Subheadings Body text Link You include enough appropriate images/videos/inserts that add a nice depth to your pages Things are done to make your portfolio unique – more than a template. Be creative. Total All of your links in your site work well (-1 pt for ea. broken link)
7 6 25
File E-portfolio Cabinet/Evidence/Gallery Elements (60 points) (100 -points) All required - All artifact pages, files extensions and elements are relevant are to the standard with which they present are associated. in the portfolio. All artifacts show mastery of the multimedia tools utilized. All artifacts demonstrate a diversity of multimedia skills Description Pts. Pts. possessed by the student. All artifacts are relatively equally distributed over a Put a Welcome message and information about your portfolio on range of types of tool-areas. your Home page 20 What makes a principal want Description Pts. Pts. to view this? Quality 25 Put Professional Information about you and your perspective about using technology in education* on the About page Description 15 20 What you a better level] teacher makes Describe the project[subject in termsarea/grade of technology here? Description 15 On the Reflection page, you have: Describe the project a link to your PDP in terms of educational value a summary paragraph the NETS-T weaknesses and how 20 Diversity you of elements 15 plan to achieve these throughout your teacher Your three artifacts extensions represent a variety of tools education program and educational technology skills Total 60 Whole gallery convince me you are technologically savvy 15 Have you met all the specific evidence required by your lab 15 instructor Total 100
Writing Mechanics (15 points) - The text has no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. You have checked your website for:
Spelling errors (run text through MS Word to be safe) Punctuation/Capitalization (pay particular attention to proper nouns such
as Internet, Google, Gmail, PowerPoint) Grammatical errors (run on sentences, incomplete sentences, word choice) Evidence of formal writing (avoid contractions, abbreviations, “I feel/think”, write out single digit numbers)
Final Grade Summary
Possi ble Point s
Your Poin ts
Layout, Text 25 Elements, Creativity E-Portfolio elements 60 [NETS-T] Reflections (100 points) - All reflections clearly describe why artifacts 100 for in the e-portfolio demonstrate achievement ofEvidence/Gallery each standard and include goals NETS-T Standards 100 continued learning. Writing 15 Description Total Grade Pts. 300 Pts. You reflected on class activities and updated your progress toward the five NETS-T standards by mentioning two to three specific references (e.g. smaller artifacts, artifact proposals, artifact extensions) that you did during class that relate to each of the larger NETS-T standards (pts. for each
Standard 1 (# of examples provided: __) Standard 2 (# of examples provided: __) Standard 3 (# of examples provided: __) Standard 4 (# of examples provided: __) Standard 5 (# of examples provided: __) You link to specific examples that you created in this section. Total
15 100