Epistle 2009 05

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THE EPISTLE Volume 14 Issue 5

MAY 28, 2009

CHURCH SCHOOL PARENTS As we conclude another Church School year and look forward to the beginning of the fall program, we invite all Church School parents to gather with Pastor Cedarleaf and Karen Hamill. We want to make sure that we as a congregation do all we can to help parents fulfill the promises they made at their child’s baptism: “to grow with this child in the Christian faith, to help this child to be a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ by celebrating Christ’s presence, by furthering Christ’s mission in all the world, and by offering the nurture of the Christian Church, so that he/she may affirm their baptism.” This meeting will be offered twice: Sunday June 21 following worship and Wednesday June 24 at 7:00 PM. Both sessions will be held in the Snow Room.


PASTORAL PERSPECTIVE “Here and There” I mentioned in a note to church school parents that May is the new June. It used to be that we could count on programs continuing through June. Now we conclude church school in May. Frankly, the problem is that there are too many things going on. This can be frustrating as we try and schedule things at this time of year. Maybe it is because we live in a place where the winters are cold and sometimes dreary and as soon as the sun comes out and the temperatures rise we want to be outside. Just remember that we still gather for worship each Sunday, twelve months a year. Our annual program meeting was held on May 17 and we elected new officers, board and committee members. I want to thank all those who have served our church over the past years. Many are continuing in leadership positions, while, at the same time, we welcome new faces. Hank Ralston has served two years as Moderator and now Crista Deniz takes over. Ed McGrattan, former Trustee chair becomes our Assistant Moderator and Jim Franzen once again becomes Chair of the Board of Trustees. Jerry Thompson becomes Chair of the Board of Deacons, but Roger James, former Chair continues on the board. Jim Dudley continues as Treasurer. I’m looking forward to working with all our leadership new and old in this our 185th anniversary year. We’ve also transitioned in our ministry of Christian Education as Kelly has “retired” and Karen has become our Director of Christian Education and Family Ministry. We’ve been fortunate to have such dedicated leadership in this area and are grateful that it will continue in the years ahead. Plans are well underway for the fall, even as our youth prepare for their mission trip this summer to West Virginia. We have a committed group of youth and they are a real blessing to us as a congregation. What a joy to see these young people blossom in their faith. As we move forward in our anniversary year, I continue to feel blessed to be your pastor. We’ve a story to tell to those who are seeking a church family that cares for one another and seeks to live out its faith in word and deed. How might we tell that story in our community and in its telling invite others to become part of this church family? What do we have to offer those who are seeking a church home? Let me suggest that one of the things we have to offer is a community that reflects joyfully and thoughtfully on its faith; a community that is not afraid to ask questions, and yes, even to express doubts. When we gather for Bible study, adult education and in many other settings, we seek to make real the phrase used by the early church father, St. Anselm: “Faith seeking understanding.” Do you know someone who is searching in his or her faith? Invite them to share life with us. Remind them that wherever they are on life’s journey they are welcome here. Your pastor,

John 2

WORSHIP DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM Fellowship Time and Christian Education follow

June 7: Trinity Sunday Celebration of Holy Communion Sudan Celebration Sunday Salve Dot from Water for Sudan will be with us to accept our check for the well Isaiah 6:1-8; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17

June 14: Graduate Recognition Sunday We will honor our high school graduates Ezekiel 17:22-24; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17; Mark 4:26-34

June 21:New Member Sunday New members will be received into our community of faith Job 38:1-11; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41

June 28: Lamentations 3:22-33; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

First Congregational United Church of Christ 26 East Church Street Fairport NY 14450


Mid-Week Class! The Shack-Bible Study Series Have you read “The Shack” by William P. Young? So many people have expressed an interest in discussing the theological issues raised in this book, that we will be offering a four-week Bible study based on these issues. Issues to be studied include: Revelation – How DOES God reveal Himself? Is Jesus the ONLY way to Heaven? The Trinity – Understanding the mysterious “3 in 1” Forgiveness – Is this always possible? And more! These Bible-based discussions will be held on May 13, 20, 27 and June 3 both at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the Snow Room. We hope you join us!

Sunday Mornings– Summer Adult education classes will be on summer recess from May 17 – Sept. 13. Classes will resume on Sept. 20.


CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW ARRIVAL! Don and Donna Maxwell welcome a new son, Peyton Robert, born on April 4, 2009. He is also the brother of Holly and Kayla. His baptism. officiated by Pastor Cedarleaf, will be at our church on May 24, 2009.

MANY THANKS... Many thanks to my First Church family for your kind words, gifts and the wonderful coffee hour this past Sunday, May 10. It has been my pleasure to work as a First Church staff member with so many kind and caring folks over the past 15 years. How blessed I've been! And, it will continue to be my pleasure to work with you as a volunteer in the years to come. With a grateful heart, Kelly Weidman

Our condolences are extended to Kenneth Harris on the recent death of his son, Kenneth Harris, Jr. He passed away on Friday, April 17, 2009. A funeral service was held for him in Atlanta, GA, and a memorial service was held for him in Fairport on May 9, 2009. Pastor Cedarleaf officiated.

Our Christian sympathy is extended to Beverly and Chic Gray on the recent death of Ella Mae Whitmore, Beverly’s mother. She passed away on May 15, 2009 in Ohio.

THANK YOU! Thank you to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, flowers and cards concerning my recent back surgery. Thank you. Barbara Connelly

REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Martha Bowman, St. John’s Home Barbara Cobb, Fairport Baptist Home Louise Deller, Aaron Manor Barbara Eaton, Perinton Park Manor



NOTICE -- Mark your calendars now for our next sittings for our

185th Anniversary Picture Directory! LifeTouch will be taking pictures on the following dates at the Church: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2:30pm - 9:00pm Thursday, October 1, 2009 2:30pm - 9:00pm Friday, October 2, 2009 2:30pm - 9:00pm Saturday, October 3, 2009 9:30am - 4:00pm If you would like to help coordinate this great opportunity to Celebrate our families from First Congregations United Church, please see Maureen Campolieto or Whetherly Gharzouzi for more information and find out ways you can help make this a success.'


Canal Days Parking

The Evening Circle will meet on June 8, 2009 at Janice Coon's home for our Spring Picnic. Time will be 6:30 PM. Please bring a picnic dish to share and your table service. We will be touring Janice's beautiful gardens, before or after dinner. Please come and join us for this exciting event. This will be our last gathering until fall. Call Judy Baxter or Cathy Steffen if you have any questions.

The weather is nice, the sun is shining, and it’s almost our favorite Fairport weekend – Canal Days! The youth group will again be raising money for the Mission Trip with Canal Days parking at our church. Parking is still only $5! We appreciate your support of this fundraiser. (Don’t worry – we won’t charge for parking during church!) Please contact Brian Sherry at 425-7336 if you have any questions.



FAIRPORT COMMUNITY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! **Registration HAS STARTED!!** FCVBS will be held from August 10 through August 14. Registration and volunteer forms ARE NOW AVAIABLE available at your church! Teen and adult volunteers are needed! Examples of jobs we need filled are classroom teachers and helpers, musicians, recreation ‘crew’, and crossing guards. We truly have a job for everyone! FCVBS still needs YOUR help to fill a few necessary leadership positions! a music leader (someone excited about sharing God’s music with youth during the VBS) and a missions director

(someone interested in setting the mission focus of

FCVBS ’09 and presenting the mission to youth during VBS). Fairport Community Vacation Bible School is a fun-filled week of music, games, crafts, spending time with old friends, and meeting new friends! Children from age 3 to entering 7th grade are welcome to come spend five exciting mornings in SON-ROCK KIDS CAMP! Come experience God’s love in action! Please contact Heather Moore by email at

[email protected] , or by phone at (585) 259-0122 to get involved with this wonderful ministry!


JYF/SYF NEWS June 14 Graduation Sunday Come congratulate and share your good wishes with our graduating seniors—

Brian DeLong Courtney Goodrich Justin Matz Loreal Prystaj Alex Reid Evan Tieslink Hillary Tieslink

June 5-7 Canal Days Parking – We Need Your Help! Everyone going on the Mission Trip should sign up to work at Canal Days Parking on June 5-7. This is our biggest Mission Trip fundraiser of the year. We have five shifts available: Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday mornings, and Saturday & Sunday afternoons. It will be a lot of fun. The sign up sheets are posted on the Youth Group bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Please contact Brian Sherry (425-7336) if you have any questions.



Family News August 10 – August 14 Fairport Community Vacation Bible School Don’t miss the fun of this multi-denominational, community-based Bible school! This program brings the message of God’s love to children age 4 – 7th grade. The daily program includes Bible lessons, crafts, music, mission projects, skits, snacks, recreation and more. The program is run entirely by volunteers from area churches, representing many different Christian denominations. Nursery care and a 3-year old class are available for children of our volunteer staff. Due to the size of the program, FCVBS cannot be housed by one church alone. The churches used are within walking distance of each other, centered around the four corners in Fairport. This year, classrooms are located at Fairport United Methodist Church, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, First Baptist Church and First Congregational United Church of Christ. The cost is $20 per participant ($50 max. per family). You can pick up a registration form off the easel at the back door of our church, or at other participating churches. Registration closes on June 30. For more information or to volunteer, contact director Heather Moore at 585-259-0122 or email at [email protected].



ADVENT HOUSE GARAGE SALE Donations are now being accepted for the annual Advent House Garage Sale. We accept household items and furniture in good condition. New for 2009: No TVs or Infant Car Seats. Please: No computers, clothing, sofabeds, mattresses, large appliances, tires, books (except cookbooks and children's books). Please drop off your donated items between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. from Tuesday to Saturday each week until August 15th at the Advent House garage located at 1010 Moseley Road, Fairport. We are also in need of volunteers to help sort items and work at the sale---please call 223-6112 to volunteer. Thank you for all you do as a congregation to support our Home!

MEALS ON WHEELS NEEDS YOU! Meals-On-Wheels is looking for volunteers to deliver hot, nutritious meals to elderly and homebound individuals this summer. Newly retired? Looking for a family volunteer activity? Routes are available in all areas of Rochester and Monroe County and delivery takes about an hour or so at lunchtime. You can volunteer either weekly, monthly or seasonally— schedules are flexible. To join Meals On Wheels team call 787-8326 for more information. Celebrating 50 Years of Service 1958-2008

HAVE FUN AT DARIEN LAKE AND HELP SAFE JOURNEY! Purchase a “Spring Spin” ticket to Darien Lake Theme Park Resort for only $19.95 (normal ticket price is $35.99) and get 2 visits to the park this season. That’s 2 visits to Darien for almost half the price of one normal ticket! Your first visit to Darien Lake has to be on May 29th, 30th or 31st, the second visit can be anytime between September 12th - October 18th. Check out Darien Lake’s rides and attractions at www.godarienlake.com! Safe Journey will earn $5 for each ticket sold, so get your friends and family and enjoy a great day out at Darien Lake. Call our office to purchase your tickets today, 585-425-1580! 10


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