Epistle 2009 08-1

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THE EPISTLE Volume 14 Issue 7

AUGUST 27, 2009

185th ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND CELEBRATION The 185th anniversary of First Church will be celebrated on the weekend of

September 26-27 with a chicken barbeque on Saturday and special celebration service on Sunday. The actual date of the organization of First Church is December 19, but council decided to celebrate earlier, so that we could take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. The weekend festivities will begin with a chicken barbeque on Saturday September 26. Chicken, salt potatoes, rolls and coleslaw will be served . There will be seating both inside and outside or you can take your meal home to eat. Tickets can be purchased in advance through the church office. Tell your friends and neighbors to come and enjoy a time of good food and fellowship. On Sunday September 27 we will gather to celebrate the Eucharist as we remember the founding of our congregation in 1824. The Rev. Dr. David Felton, Regional Conference Minister of the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ will co-celebrate the Eucharist with Pastor Cedarleaf. Greetings from the town of Perinton will be brought by Supervisor Jim Smith and greetings from the Village of Fairport by Mayor Fritz May. Members of the Board of Elders will host a special fellowship time. During the service we will dedicate a plaque outlining in brief the history of First Church and its three buildings. This plaque will be affixed to the northwest corner of the church building. We will also dedicate lighting in the columbarium. There will be no Christian Education on this Sunday so that we might have time to chat during fellowship time. This service is, of course, open to the community to please invite your friends and neighbors. If you are aware of former members issue them an invitation also to join us for this special service.

Adult Education

Coming Up In Adult Education….. On Sunday mornings, during Christian Education Time:

September 20…..185 Years! – Come learn the history of the First Congregational UCC as we celebrate our 185th birthday! This fact packed class will be presented by church historian, Toni Thompson. September 27…..Anniversary Celebration Sunday – No CE Classes October 4, 11, 18 & 25…..The Ten Commandments – This 4-week class, led by the ever- popular Dr. Timothy Dwyer, will be filled with rich history and fascinating information about God’s Law and its significance to Moses and the Israelites. On Wednesday mornings, from 11 a.m. – noon: September 16 & 23…..Join us as we once again begin our Wednesday morning Bible studies. Stay tuned for the fall class topic. It will be announced soon!!! All Wednesday classes will be held in the Snow Room. If you wish, you may join us for a brief communion service in the sanctuary at noon each Wednesday. There will be NO Wednesday Bible Study on September 30, due to directory photos being taken.

“Undie Sunday” Will Be September 20 On Sunday, September 20, we will be collecting underwear and outerwear for the children at Rochester School 33. Please bring in new packages of boys and girls sizes 4 – 14 and new or gently used hats, mittens and gloves, also in children’s sizes (small, medium or large). Collection bins will be set up in Fellowship Hall beginning on Welcome Back Sunday, September 13.


The Church Council have elected to recognize the members from our past who have made significant contributions to our church history and are, in our estimation, “almost saints”. Beginning with our Special Anniversary Sunday on September 27, 2009, we will be identifying special people from our church history who dedicated time and talent to further along the work of this church, and on All Saints Sunday, November 1, 2009, we will be offering special recognition to those men and women from our more recent history who offered noteworthy effort in benefit of our congregation.

A lot of names come immediately to mind – Dewey Jackson, Sr., Mike Grose, Bertie Cleveland, Bill Roscoe, Les Slocum, Chuck Sumner. But there are many, many more! If you wish to nominate someone for this special recognition, please write up a brief thumbnail sketch of the contribution they made and either e-mail it to Historian Toni Thompson at [email protected] or drop it in the Historian’s box at the back of Fellowship Hall before October 18th. NEXT EPISTLE DEADLINE 3 PM SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

First Congregational United Church of Christ 26 East Church Street Fairport NY 14450

WORSHIP DURNG THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2009 Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM Fellowship Time and Christian Education follow

September 6:

“Turning Points-1” Isaiah 35:4-7a Psalm 146 James 2:1-10 Mark 7:24-37

September 13:

“Turning Points-2” Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116:1-12 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

September 20:

“Are You Being Served?” Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 54 James 3:13-4:3 Mark 9:30-37

September 27:

Anniversary Celebration Psalm 90:1-6, 16-17 Hebrews 12:1-2 Matthew 16:13-20

Adult education classes will resume on Sept. 20, 2009

EVENING CIRCLE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Martha Bowman, St. John’s Home Barbara Cobb, Fairport Baptist Home Louise Deller, Cherry Ridge Barbara Eaton, Perinton Park Manor

Monday, September 21, 6:30pm. Pot Luck supper at 6:30. Our speaker will be Kelly Gillman, a representative for One World Goods. Please bring along an item for the food shelf, if you are able. See you then!

PASTORAL PERSPECTIVE: “Looking to Jesus” I’ve been thinking about anniversaries this summer. Last week marked the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival. For some this was the low point of culture and for others it was a high point; a festival of peace and love. I suppose it depends on whether or not you were there. Just for the record, I wasn’t! Oh, I knew about it and was close enough to have made the trip in a few hours, except, of course, I would have been tied up in that massive traffic jam on the New York Thruway. I had just arrived at my first pastorate, the First Congregational Church in Turners Falls Massachusetts, on the Connecticut River at Route 2 in Franklin County Massachusetts. I began work on July 1 and so it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea to take time and go to Woodstock. Whatever it was or how you look at it, forty years later, it was a part of the culture of the time, for both good and bad. While there was the drug downside, there was also the naïve sweetness that drove so many young people to go, and maybe in our 20/20 hindsight we shouldn’t completely discard the whole experience. Now September brings some more anniversaries for me personally and for all of us together. Jean and I celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary. These years have been a blessing and a joy as we’ve worked together in all things. I’m not sure she knew just what she was getting into when she married a fledgling pastor, but she jumped right in and has been jumping ever since. There is no way I could have done what I’ve done without such a supportive spouse. Forty years ago on September 28 I stood up in the sanctuary of the First Congregational Church in Turners Falls, Massachusetts and was ordained by the Franklin Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ. As I look at my ordination certificate and see the signatures of those who are now part of the Church Triumphant, I’m reminded of how connected we all are to those who have gone before us in the faith. I’m thankful for the “one holy and catholic church” into which I was ordained and for its expression in the United Church of Christ. This denomination with its long history in both predecessor denominations and over fifty years as one has gone through some difficult times. Yet, I believe that it is still the Body of Christ, broken though it might be, and that it still can be a blessing to the world. On a September Sunday, twenty-five years ago, I preached my first sermon as your pastor. In December of 1984 the Genesee Valley Association of the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ installed me. In those twenty-five years we have worked and prayed and laughed and cried together. We’ve seen our two boys grow up with wives and children of their own. I’ve married both and baptized my two grandchildren, and we count it a blessing that both of them and their families are part of Christ’s Church, Karl, Nicole, Gunnar and Ava here PASTORAL PERSPECTIVE: (cont. next page)

PASTORAL PERSPECTIVE: (cont.) and David and Andrea at First Congregational in Milton Massachusetts. I thank each and every one of you for the blessings you have shared with the Cedarleaf family over the years. Finally, three months ahead of the actual date we celebrate the 185th anniversary of this congregation. One hundred and eighty five years ago a handful of folks gathered together to form a Congregational Church. They did so trusting in the providence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to prosper their work. Throughout those one hundred and eighty five years, this congregation has been a stalwart part of the Perinton/Fairport Community. Its members have served their community and continue to do so in so many different ways. I look forward to September 27 and our celebration of our life together as we gather around the Lord’s Table to give thanks to God for sustaining our life and work together for so many years, and pray that as we move forward that same power and presence will be with us. Make a special effort to be with us all in worship on Sunday September 27 as we remember, reflect and celebrate God’s great love to us in the Body of Christ. Your pastor,

John Got an idea/issue for our Church? Bring it to a Member-at-Large! Currently First Church has three Members-atLarge, each of whom serves a three-year term. They are: Paul Yerrick (10), John Quattrociocchi (11), and Norma Harrington (12). Members-at-Large are appointed by the Church Council upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and are the representatives of the Congregation, including youth, at Church Council meetings. They may raise issues/ideas to the Council on behalf of the Congregation. They also speak and vote on behalf of the general membership on all issues. If you have an idea, issue or comment you want the Council to know about, let a Members-at Large know. They repre-

MORNING CIRCLE Morning Circle will meet on September 8 at 10 AM in Fellowship Hall. Please bring an UNLABELED picture of yourself as a baby or pre-scholler. New members are always welcome. Bring your sandwich for lunch—beverage and dessert are provided. Please note: For our November meeting we will be discussing the book, Amish Grace by Donald B. Kraybill, Steven, M. Nolt and David L. Weaver-Zercher.


Family News Preschool & Elementary School Happenings September 13: Don’t Miss Welcome Back Sunday & Family Picnic!! We can’t wait to see all your smiling faces on Sunday, September 13, at our “Welcome Back” Sunday worship service and family picnic! Please bring a dish to pass, your own place settings & a blanket or chairs. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Our picnic will be held on the grassy lot behind the church, near the playground. Our youth group will run fun games and activities for the children. (NOTE: There will be no church school today.)

September 19: Acolyte Training To Be Held th

Calling all 5 – 8th graders who would like to serve in our church as acolytes this year! Mrs. Hamill will run a brief training class on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 11 a.m. – noon in the sanctuary. If you have already been trained, you do NOT need to attend this class. You MUST, however, call Mrs. Hamill at 425-1958 and tell her that you’d like to be put on the schedule again this year. Sign up for the training in Fellowship Hall or call Mrs. Hamill to sign up.

September 20: Undie Sunday Collection Day On Sunday, September 20, we will be collecting underwear and outerwear for the children at Rochester School 33. Please bring in new packages of boys and girls sizes 4 – 14 and new or gently used hats, mittens and gloves, also in children’s sizes (small, medium or large). Collection bins will be set up in Fellowship Hall beginning on Welcome Back Sunday, September 13.

September 20: Church School Begins We’re looking forward to another great year in church school. We’re excited to offer a new preschool class for 3 and 4 year olds. This class will be held during CE time in a Bertha Agor Nursery School Room on the lower level. Our Kindergarten – 5th grade students will begin with a special rotation class on “Loving Our Neighbors.” September 27: Anniversary Celebration Sunday There will be no church school classes today.

Family News Junior & Senior High Happenings September 11: JYF & SYF Welcome Back Parties th

All 6 – 8th graders are invited to join the fun as we greet friends, new and old! The party will be held at Weidman’s house, 16 Folkside Lane, Fairport. Call Mrs. Weidman at 2238978 or email her at [email protected] to let her know that you can make it! All 9th – 12th graders are invited to a “great new year” kickoff event at our church on Sept. 11 from 7 – 9 p.m. We can’t wait to see all of you again!!

September 13: Picnic Games Committee Hey all you JYF and SYFers! We need your face painting, burlap bag racing and beanbag throwing skills as we run the games at our annual church picnic! Let Mrs. Hamill know if you can make it, and she’ll assign you to a game to run. Call her at 425-1958.

September 20: Church School Classes Begin In Junior High, we’ll start off the year at the beginning….with “Creation”! Let’s listen once more to all the wondrous things our Almighty God created. For our Senior High classes, Mrs. Hamill is still working on the fantastic material you’ll be covering this fall. Stay tuned!!

September 27: The Dirt on Drugs & Alcohol Attention Parents & Junior High & Senior High students!!! This presentation is a “MUST SEE!” Eastside Churches have all pitched in to bring national speaker, Justin Lookadoo, back to Fairport to talk to all of you. He is a dynamic speaker, who really connects with kids. This time, he will give you the real dirt on drugs and alcohol. His schedule is as follows: •

Parent Session – 1- 2:30 p.m.

Middle School Session – 4:30 – 6 p.m.

High School Session – 7 – 8:30 p.m. These sessions will be held at Risen Christ Lutheran Church in Fairport. Cost is $10. Friends are welcome and encouraged! NEXT EPISTLE DEADLINE 3 PM SEPTEMBER 17, 2009

Dear Congregation,

Our condolences is extended to David and Janice Coon and their family on the death of Fred Coon, David’s father. He passed away on June 30, 2009 and was a resident of Elmira, New York.

Thank you for supporting me in my Eagle Scout project! Thanks to your donations and others, I was able to collect a great deal of items for the Advent House hospice in Fairport. I collected 185 rolls of toilet paper, 27 containers of hand soap, 46 boxes of tea, and many other things that Advent House needed. Thank you for helping out this volunteer-based organization, and also helping me reach my rank of Eagle Scout. Sincerely, Alex Reid

Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all the calls, cards, flowers, visits, and meals we received while I was sick this spring. Thanks also for all the cards, calls and the beautiful dish garden we received when my mother died in May. You have made both of these troubles bearable. We appreciate the wonderful friends that we have at First Church. Sincerely, Beverly and Chic Gray

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLYWEDS Best wishes to newlyweds Chris Bennett and Christine Compton. They were married in Michigan on August 15, 2009. Chris is the son of Bonney Bennett.

Friends Doug and I want to thank you for your kind thoughts at the death of my mom, Alta Hutchings. Until the mid 60's my parents were very involved with the First Congregational Church in Fairport. I still have a Christmas ornament mom made for the first "antique sale" in the late 50's or early 60's! Mom had Alzheimer's for about 10 years. We are very thankful that her struggle is over and she is at peace. For Doug and me this has been an especially meaningful time because all our children were here for the family memorial service last week- it was wonderful to hear all the "remembers." Thank you for keeping the Whitney family in your prayers. Jean Whitney


SILVER ANNIVERSARY PARTY for THE SALEM NUTRITION CENTER Thursday, September 24, 2009 Green Lantern Inn, Fairport 5 PM Social Hour, 6 PM Dinner Featuring…

Buffet Dinner Al Smith, Master of Ceremonies A Tribute to Sue Forsyth The Herman Family Singers Cost is $25 per person. Reservations can be made on Mondays through Jan Goodman, on Tuesdays through Shirley London, or checks can be sent to Salem Nutirition Center, c/o Salem UCC, 60 Bittner St. Rochester, NY 14604 Checks should be made payable to the Salem Nutrition Center, noting the 9/24 dinner. Reservation and payments must be made by September 15, 2009.


Mission & Works (cont,)

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY Do you have 30 minutes per week to spare? Volunteers are needed to provide telephone checkins and friendly phone calls to area seniors in need of reassurance. Help neighbors who are lonely, homebound, isolated, recovering from surgery, or living alone. Training and support provided. Call Lifespan of Greater Rochester’s Partners in Caring Program, 244-8400 x177 for more information. Do you have 30 minutes per week to spare? Volunteers are needed to provide telephone checkins and friendly phone calls to area seniors in need of reassurance. Help neighbors who are lonely, homebound, isolated, recovering from surgery, or living alone. Training and support provided. Call Lifespan of Greater Rochester’s Partners in Caring Program, 244-8400 x177 for more information.

ADVENT HOUSE 17TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT The Tournament will be held this year at the Victor Hills Golf Club on Friday, September 18, 2009. Using a Scrable format, this tournament promises to be bigger and better—more players and great prizes that have come to characterize this tournament. New for 2009: Registration begins at 11 AM with a “Shot Gun” start scheduled for Noon. Dinner is served right after the last golfers come in and once again will include a New York Strip Steak dinner. A raffle for some very nice prizes and award prizes for low men’s and women’s scramble scores. Check out our website at www.theadventhouse.org for registration forms, more information or on the community bulletin board or call Vicki Deady at 223-6112.

CASA VOLUNTEER TRAINING Court Appointed Special Advocates is looking for volunteers to serve as advocates for the best interests of abused and/or neglected children. Responsible adults who are interested in making a difference in the life of a child are encouraged to join CASA’s team of volunteers. CASA will hold a tr aining course for prospective volunteers in October 2009. Prior to attending the training course, prospective volunteers must submit a completed application packet and be interviwed. To learn moare, plase call 585-428-5297 or visit the CASA website at www.casarochester.org.


Mission & Works (cont,)

My Brother’s Keeper A Social and Environmentally-Conscious Gift Bazaar On Friday November 20 and Saturday November 21, First Church will be hosting a special bazaar featuring vendors who sell environmentally and socially-responsible gifts. The idea behind this show is that we all are to care for our brothers and sisters and for the Earth and can show our support by making purchases with a purpose. Some notable vendors will include Kingdom Ventures, One World Goods, Healthy Sisters Soup & Bean Works, Coffee Connection and more. Products will include coffee, hand-made soaps, fair-trade gifts from Africa, South America, Russia and the Far East, jewelry, baskets and other items in time for the holiday season. There will also be full food service catered by ABVI-Goodwill catering services. In addition, arrangements are being made to have an electronics recycling company provide a truck for attendees to drop off their used electronic equipment so that it can be recycled responsibly. Volunteers will be needed to help prepare the church for the event, assist vendors and provide food and parking service during the show. Signups will be in Fellowship hall starting in October. Vendor spaces are still available: to qualify to participate in this bazaar a vendors must be one or more of the following: (1) Fair Trade; (2) Eco-Friendly; (3) Organic; (4) Recycled/Reused products; (5) Locally produced products; and/or (6) Products that provide benefits to disabled, unemployed, poor or displaced individuals. Please forward information about potential vendors to Crista Deniz.

Featured Vendor: Kingdom Ventures, Inc ~Offering you Products with Purpose from around the globe. Kingdom Ventures was founded in 2005 by Rebecca and Glenn Fadner. They trade with vendors from all over the globe using a Fair Trade philosophy. They define Fair Trade as a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, which seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the Southern Hemisphere.

Their shop features goods from the countries of Kenya, Cambodia, Thailand, Turkey and Honduras. Items for sale include placemats & table runners, batiks, blankets, jewelry, greeting cards, plates, framed pictures, carvings, handbags, ornaments, pashminas, pillows and rugs.

Visit their shop at 336 Arnett Blvd, Rochester, NY 14619 or online at: www.kingdom-ventures.com

CHURCH EVENTS PHOTOS NEEDED Calling all photographers. Do you have pictures that tell the story of our church, its members, its missions and our fellowship? If so, please see Nan Notar to have your pictures included in the next Church Directory. We need YOU to make our Church Family Album complete!

Portrait sessions will take place at church on: September 30-October 3rd We have chosen Lifetouch Church Directories and Portraits to tell the story of our Church family. In your session you will: • Be professionally photographed • Be able to view your portraits immediately • Have an opportunity to purchase additional portraits – they make great gifts! • Portraits will be here in plenty of time for Christmas!

There is no sitting fee and each family will receive a FREE color 8x10 portrait and church directory for participating at no cost to our church. Two easy ways to sign-up! You can sign up before and after Sunday service in September Online now at: http://www.fairportucc.org anytime We are looking forward to seeing you in our directory! Watch for the Portrait Sitting Guide with tips on how to prepare for your session. Make this a fun time – be creative! Bring your pet to include in the portrait; if you’re musically inclined, bring your instrument; if you have a hobby, why not bring your favorite prop! We ask that you allow up to an hour during which time you will check in, be photographed and select your portraits. Questions, contact Maureen Campolieto 223-4498 or [email protected]

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