Episode 1x17 Desires

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 6,235
  • Pages: 45
Desi re s

By: Mariana

INT. SPIKE’S BEDROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – TIME UNKNOWN ZOOMING IN on ILLYRIA and SPIKE lying on the bed. They seem real cozy… The god king push at Spike until he scoots against the headboard, then she lays down, pillowing her head on his leg. SPIKE (whispering) “Are you alright?” ILLYRIA (nodding) “Yes.” (beat) "I am, however, tired. I will sleep. Do not move, half-breed." FOCUSING ON Spike as he starts to put his hand on her hair but then seems to hesitate, before finally tangling his fingers in the blue mess. She murmurs and leans into his grip a little, like a cat, and he smiles fondly. (What’s going on?!) FLASH. INT. UNCLASSIFIED HALLWAY – THE HYPERION – L.A – TIME UNKNOWN PITCH BLACK. AN EAR PITCHING SCREAM. THE CAMERA FOCUS on a corner of the hallway as ANGEL, WILLOW, XANDER and FAITH comes running. PANNING OUT to a WIDER SHOT to reveal BUFFY standing in the doorway leading into a bedroom. The slayer seems somewhat taken back. ANGEL (coming to an abrupt halt) “What is it?”

(beat) “What’s wrong? We heard you screaming.” BUFFY (pointing at the open door) “That is what’s wrong!!” The CAMERA SWEEPS FORWARD and we get a SHOT of what’s going on in the room. We can see DAWN and CONNOR lying under the sheets on a bed. (What the hell?)





ACT I 7 HOURS AGO: INT. ANGEL’S OFFICE – THE HYPERION – L.A – DUSK A WIDE SHOT of the office reveals ANGEL sitting behind his desk, scanning through some papers, and SPIKE standing on the other side of the desk. SPIKE (shrugging) ”You're probably gonna say no to this, but I wanna go on this mission.” ANGEL (without hesitation) ”Go.” SPIKE (grinning) ”’Go’?” (hesitation) “What... Are you trying to get rid of me?” ANGEL (deep sigh) “How ever could you’ve guessed that?” SPIKE (scrutinizing Angel) “Then you’re not going?” ANGEL (nodding) “Correct.” ILLYRIA (monotony) “Incorrect.”

FOCUS ON the door as ILLYRIA suddenly walks in. Her gaze surveys the room and the two vampires in it with little emotion. ILLYRIA “According to the elder watcher there have been reports of an unclassified demon species not far from here. He wants a team to investigate the matter.” ANGEL (frown) “A team?” ILLYRIA (slight tilt) “Yes. You, Spike, Connor, Faith, Dawn and Cyclops.” ANGEL (puzzled) “Cyclops?” SPIKE (equally puzzled) “Dawn?” ANGEL “Who’s Cyclops?” SPIKE (shaking his head) “You really need to get you acronyms straight, ol’ man.” (pitying headshake) “Leery is talking about Xander.” ANGEL “Oh.” SPIKE (focusing on Illyria) “About Dawn…” ANGLE ON Illyria as she tilts her head and turn all focus to the blond vampire.

ILLYRIA “I feel….irritation and…confusion.” SPIKE (rah-rah motion with his fist) “Wahay! A new emotion. What’s the count now? Five?”

FOCUS ON Angel as he holds up three fingers. PAUSE. ILLYRIA (sneering) ”I’m not in the mood for any more foolishness.” A WIDE SHOT as the two vampires exit the room with Illyria shortly behind. The CAMERA FOLLOWS them out into the lobby – where the ‘gang’ awaits. Each one of them armed. Faith with a stake in her belt, Xander with a crossbow, Connor with a sword and Dawn with the scythe. ANGEL (staring at Dawn) “Did Buffy give you permission to use that?” DAWN (shrugging) “She won’t find out.” A CLOSE UP on the frustrated expression in the dark haired vampire’s face. (Ah, poor little Angel. Mwuahahaha….) SPIKE (chuckling) “Let’s go and be heroes.” A WIDE SHOT as the team leaves the lobby and exits through the front door. It closes swiftly behind them.


CUT TOINT. THE TRAINING ROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHTFALL ALL LIGHT ON BUFFY punching on a sandbag. (A/N: The blond slayer seems to be working out some kinks. She’s very pretty in jeans and a red shirt and with her hair pulled back.) BUFFY (between breaths) “’s not like I want to love him.” (another hard punch) “I just do.” (a high kick) “He’s stubborn…” (punch) “Sarcastic…” (punch) “Annoying…” (kick) “And he’s avoiding me!!” FOCUS on the sandbag as it loosens from its hinges and crash to the floor. The CAMERA PANS OUT to a WIDE SHOT of the training room, to reveal WILLOW and ANDREW standing by the side. ANDREW (edgy) “Maybe he picks up on that vibe you’re sending out?” BUFFY (steely gaze) “What vibe?” ANDREW (squirming) “Er… That slightly hostile vibe?” BUFFY (gritting her teeth) “’m not hostile.”

ANDREW (quickly) “Of course not!!” ANGLE ON Willow as she walks over to the tense slayer and put a hand on her shoulder. WILLOW ”Spike isn't going to hand you anything. You want him, you've gotta take him. Jump him.” LONG SILENCE. BUFFY “Why does everyone seem to think I need to get laid?” ANOTHER (VERY) LONG SILENCE.

FADE OUTCUT TOEXT. DARK GRAVEYARD – SOMEWHERE IN L.A – NIGHT A WIDE SHOT of the scene reveals ANGEL busy fighting an unknown demon – while the rest of the gang seems occupied with a bunch of vampires. FOCUS on Angel as he receives a hard punch to the face that makes him stumble back. XANDER (o.c) “Need any help, Angel?!” The CAMERA PANS FORWARD to show us XANDER sitting in a car. ANGEL (o.c) “I think I’ll manage!!” The CAMERA RETURNS to our dark hero as he vamps out and charges at the demon. He places his hands on either side of the thick head and twist sharply. The head comes off with an audible pop. But that’s not all; as the head is severed from the body, a mist of some kind rises from the body and engulfs Angel and almost everybody in a close proximity.

FOCUS ON Angel as he blinks furiously. The vampire lifts his gaze and looks over at Faith just as Xander comes running up behind her. ANGEL “Faith?” (pause) “Xander?” XANDER (between breaths) “Man, that was intense!!” ANGEL (squinting) “Have you been working out?” XANDER “What?” (swallowing) “Did you get hit in the head?” FAITH (hurrying to Angel’s side) “Oh baby, are you okay?” XANDER (mouthing) “Baby?” SPIKE (shouting) “Hey, are you guys okay?!” ANGEL (yelling) “We’re fine!!” SPIKE (still shouting) “Great! Then Leery and I can get out of here and make with the love.”

XANDER (flabbergasted) “With the what?!!” The CAMERA SWEEPS AROUND to reveal Spike and Illyria leaving the scene – looking rather snugly. What’s going on?? The CAMERA RETURNS to Xander and the peeved expression on his face. XANDER “What’s going on?” CONNOR “Yo, dad!!” Connor and Dawn appear into view, approaching the three of them. The two youngsters walk hand in hand. ANGEL “Connor!!” (ripping his eyes of Faith) “Are you alright?” CONNOR “I’m fine.” (smiling down at Dawn) “We both are.” FAITH (wrapping her arms around Angel’s waist) “We’re all fine. Okay?” XANDER “I really don’t think that you ‘all’ are fine. Okay?” ANGEL (indifferently) “That’s great, Xander.” (beat) “But have you been working out?” FADE OUT-

ACT I I INT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT A WIDE SHOT of the room. There’s BUFFY sitting on the couch, WILLOW standing by the window and GILES pacing back and forth over the floor. (A/N: the blond slayer is wearing the outfit from before; jeans and a red shirt. Willow is wearing a denim skirt and a white blouse. Her long hair is braided and there are silver earrings touching her shoulders. The watcher’s clothed in jeans and a grey turtleneck.) WILLOW (furtive glance at Giles) “You seem edgy, Giles?” GILES (continuation of pacing) “It doesn’t feel okay sending the team out when we really have no idea what kind of demon the will be facing.” BUFFY (yawning) “They’re all adults. They’ll be fine.” ANDREW (squeak) “That little…!” ANGLE on the stair as JUNIOR WATCHER a.k.a ANDREW comes storming down, wildly gesturing with his hands. BUFFY (lazily) “What’s up?” ANDREW (indignantly) “I perfectly well told that little thief that the scythe was off limits – and yet she goes and steels it under my nose!!”

BUFFY (tensing) “Who?” (noticing Andrew’s guilty look) “Who, Andrew?” ANDREW “Er…” (squirming) “Dawn.” FOCUS on the slayer. Her face is slowly becoming redder and redder. BUFFY (gritting her teeth) “Are you saying that Dawn’s with the team?” (beat) “And she has my scythe?” ANDREW (nodding) “Yes.” WILLOW (mildly) “Now, Buffy… You yourself said that they’re all grown up.” BUFFY (hastily) “I didn’t know Dawn was on the team.” (shaking her head) “Dawn’s not an adult. She’s…” (blinking) “…my sister.” GILES (joining the conversation) “Don’t worry, Buffy. Dawn will be safe with the others.” Suddenly there’s a sound from the front door and they all turn to face it. A WIDE SHOT of the lobby as XANDER walks in.

XANDER “Hey, guys…Have you seen Faith, Angel and the others?” WILLOW (slowly) “No we haven’t?” XANDER “Oh.” (beat) “Because I think there’s something wrong with them.” BUFFY “Huh?” XANDER “They all acted a little bit strange that’s all.” (shuddering) “Almost horny.” WILLOW “Horny you say?” XANDER “Yeah.” (pained expression) “And I think Angel tried to come on to me!!” SILENCE. GILES “Did something happen to you while you were gone?” XANDER “I am telling you the truth!!” (looking from face to face) “Angel ogled me!!” LOUD LAUGHTER. FADE OUT-

CUT TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A - DAWN FOCUS on ILLYRIA as she enters the lobby. It seems empty for the moment, and the CAMERA stays with the god king as she climbs the stairs and walk down the hall to turn the knob to a room a few doors down from the end. Closing the door behind her she sighs and makes her way into the bathroom, where she steps into the shower enclosure. ZOOMING IN as she turn the taps on and lets the cold liquid sluice over her armour for a moment. She dissolves her armour as the water heats up and seems to enjoy the feeling of the water running down her bare body. SUDDENLY we can hear the sound of the hotel room door open and close softly – but the god king doesn’t seem to react at all. We can also now hear quiet footsteps on the floor of the bathroom. The sound of the shower curtain being drawn away, and then a hand appears into view, laying itself on Illyria’s shoulder and apparently surprising her. Her fist flies out, seemingly of its own accord, and the hand was withdrawn. ZOOMING OUT to reveal SPIKE kneeling next to the shower, fingering his jaw with a compassionate expression on his face. ILLYRIA (blinking) ”Spike…?!” SPIKE (silently) "You've been in a long sodding while. Wanted to make sure you were all right." (rubbing his chin) "Nothing wrong with your reflexes, anyway." ILLYRIA (deflated) "You surprised me." SPIKE ”Didn’t mean to.” (caressing her cheek) "There's no shame in it."

ILLYRIA "It is weakness." (clenching a fist) "Weakness leaves you vulnerable to your enemies." The CAMERA PULLS BACK to a WIDE SHOT of the scene as Spike comes to a sudden move. Then a CLOSER SHOT of Illyria as she looks baffled when Spike steps into the shower behind her, placing his hands under her arms, and lifted her to her feet. He rubs circles on her back with the soap he takes from her hand, and she seems to like the sensations this brings to her. Then she starts to turn around, perhaps to say something, but he put his finger on her lips. SPIKE "Shh. Just don’t." FOCUS ON Spike as he starts to work on Illyria’s hair next, slowly massages her scalp, rubbing shampoo through the long tresses, finger-combing the water through it as it rinsed. Illyria lets out small whimpering sounds, and then she turns, grabs Spike by the face, and kisses him solidly on the mouth. And Spike crushed her to him and returned the kiss. Illyria clings to him, pulling him closer and closer. SPIKE (pulling back slightly) "Leery…" ILLYRIA ”Shh. Just don’t.” (pressing her mouth this) ”I need you. I have chosen you." SPIKE (drawing back) “Are you sure about this, Illy?” ILLYRIA “I am confused and can’t understand where this urges comes from.” (shaking her head) ”Nevertheless, I am willing to explore these aspects of humanity. Take off your clothes.”


INT. BUFFY’S BEDROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT ALL LIGHT on BUFFY sitting in front of the mirror, combing through her hair. We can see a shadowy figure standing on the other side of the room. BUFFY “I would like to say it’s a pleasure…” ZOOMING OUT as the figure steps out of the shadows, to reveal HERSELF – which of course would be THE FIRST looking like her. Duh. THE FIRST (grinning) “But I’m not one for platitudes.” BUFFY (quick smile) “Indeed.” (turning to face the First) “What fun things are you going to torture me with today?” THE FIRST (shrugging) “You’ve misread my visit.” (inching closer) “I’ve only come to set some things right.” BUFFY (raised eyebrow) “Really?” THE FIRST (nodding) “Yes.” PAUSE. BUFFY (sighing) “Well? Tell me then.”

THE FIRST (laughing) “Patient as always.” ANGLE on the First as it fingers one of its golden locks. THE FIRST “You’re not that bright.” (sneering) “Otherwise you would’ve believed Xander when he said that something was off with your friends…” (beat) “And your lovely sister.” BUFFY (tensing) “What the hell are you talking about?” THE FIRST (evil smile) “I’m talking about the thing that very well can change the course of the world.” (chuckling) “Love.” BUFFY “Huh?” THE FIRST (gesturing towards the door) “I suggest you get your butt of that chair and see for yourself.” A WIDE SHOT as the First disappears into thin air, leaving a baffled Buffy. The slayer seems indecisive for a minute – but then she’s all motion as she races towards the door, out into the hallway and running down the corridor towards DAWN’S room. There she comes to an abrupt halt. She takes a few deep breaths and opens the door… LOUD SHRIEK. A WIDE SHOT of the corridor as ANGEL, FAITH, WILLOW and XANDER comes running. The four off them come to a stop a few inches away from the visible upset Buffy.

ANGEL “What’s wrong? We heard you screaming.” BUFFY (pointing at the open door) “That is what’s wrong!!” The CAMERA SWEEPS FORWARD and we get a SHOT of what’s going on in the room. We can see DAWN and CONNOR lying under the sheets on a bed. ANGEL “Oh.” BUFFY “Oh?!!” (hands on hips) “Is that all you can say?!!” ANGEL “Buffy…” BUFFY “Your son is making out with my sister!!” ANGEL “Let’s not overreact.” BUFFY “Overreact? My sister is making out with you son!!” FAITH “Don’t you yell at my hubby!” BUFFY (turning to Xander) “I think you’re right. There’s something wrong with this picture.” (seeing Angel’s appreciative glance at Xander) “Very wrong.” FADE OUT-

CUT TOINT. SPIKE’S BEDROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – DAWN FOCUS on the door as it opens without warning and WILLOW walks in. her eyes roam over the room as she steps further in. WILLOW (silently) “Spike?” (looking around) “Are you here?” There’s a noise from the bathroom and SPIKE appears into view – seemingly naked. (Yummy.) WILLOW “Eep!” (cowering her eyes) “Okay, breathe, Willow, breathe. Big. Deep. Breaths.” SPIKE “Willow?” WILLOW (she peeps out from behind her fingers) “Hey! Clothes! You know, made for covering up naked parts.” FOCUS on the vampire as he walks over to the bed and picks up a pair of grey cargos. He quickly puts them on and then turns to face the blushing Wicca. SPIKE ”All decent for you now.” WILLOW (sighs) ”Goody.” (more blushing) ”Not that you’re not nice to look at. You are!!” (can someone be any redder?) ”’s just that…”

SPIKE (taking pity) ”’s alright, Red.” (reaching for his shirt) ”Did you want something?” WILLOW ”Huh?” (blinking) ”Oh, yes…” SPIKE (patiently waiting) ”Well?” WILLOW (looking peeved) ”We have a situation.” SPIKE ”A situation?” WILLOW (nodding) ”Yes. It seems as of some of the member of the team…” (blushing again) ”Suffers from… horny-ness.” SILENCE. SPIKE (repressing a smile) ”You don’t say?” (failing miserably) ”That’s rich!!” WILLOW (indignantly) ”Stop laughing!! I’m serious!!” ILLYRIA ”What is the matter?”

PAUSE. THE CAMERA FOCUS on ILLYRIA stepping out from the bathroom – only covered by a tiny towel. Her hair is wet and steam is rising from her body. ZOOMING OUT to reveal the stunned expression in Willow’s face as she looks from Illyria to the half naked Spike. We can practically see the wheels in her head spin. WILLOW (gaping) ”By the Goddess…” SPIKE (innocent look) ”’s there something wrong?” WILLOW (shaking her head) ”Wrong?” (backing towards the door) ”NO. absolutely not.” A WIDE SHOT as the redhead turns quickly on her heels and almost runs out from the room – leaving Spike and Illyria standing looking at the door with curious expressions. SPIKE (brow knit) ”What the bloody hell was wrong with her?” ILLYRIA (head tilt) “I haven’t the slightest idea.” (assimilating into her body armour) ”Do you think the others wish of our presence?” SPIKE ”Yeah…” (focusing on her) “Have I told you you’re quite irresistible in that sexy skin-tight getup?” FADE OUT-

CUT TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – DAWN A WIDE SHOT of the lobby to reveal that 9 people are present: BUFFY, GILES, XANDER, DAWN, CONNOR, FAITH, ANGEL, ANDREW and WILLOW. (A/N: they’re all clothed in previous seen clothes. Angel and Faith is sitting closely together on the couch, Connor and Dawn stands by the window – exchanging longing looks, Xander and Giles is located by the stairs and Willow and Buffy stands in a corner – seemingly deep in conversation.) BUFFY (exclaiming) “What?!!” All eyes turn to the blond slayer, who appears frustrated. FOCUSING on Buffy and Willow. BUFFY (silently) “Are you sure?” WILLOW (nodding) “I saw it with my very own eyes, Buffy.” (beat) “I’m sorry.” BUFFY (gritting her teeth) “I just can’t catch a break, can’t I?” GILES (holding up a hand) “Listen!” (as all focus on him) “It’s obvious that something happened to you while you were out.” XANDER “I say.”

ANGEL (frown) “What are you talking about, Giles?” XANDER (snorting) “You got infected by something.” (looking around) “Something that made you horny.” SILENCE. LAUGHTER. FAITH “Chill, man.” (shaking her head) “Nothing happened to us.” CONNOR (nodding) “Yeah, we’re all fine.” XANDER (raised eyebrow) “Really? Then explain to me how it can be that all off the sudden you guys are like stick and glue? That Dawn ended up in the same bed with Connor?” BUFFY (sighing) “Thanks for the reminder.) XANDER “No problem, Buffster.” (returning to his rant) “How Angel is holding hands with Faith…” (beat) “And can you PLEASE stop ogling me!!” ANGEL “Who’s ogling you?”

XANDER (fuming) “Don’t play games with me mister!!” (pointing a finger) “It’s true! And the only one who seems to be unaffected is me.” GILES (rubbing his nose) “How about Spike and Illyria?” WILLOW “Oh, they’re affected alright.” (nodding) “Trust me on that one.” BUFFY (gritting her teeth) “Thanks for THAT reminder.” There’s a noise coming from the top of the stairs and the CAMERA FOCUS on SPIKE and ILLYRIA as they both of them descends. GILES “Ah!” (cleaning his glasses) “Nice of you to finally join us.” SPIKE (shrugging) “All for the sake of the good, yeah?” GILES “U’huh.” (facing them all) “We’ll split into teams and go out and try to find an explanation to what happened to you guys.” DAWN (raising a hand) “Oh!! I want to be on the same team as Connor!!” FADE OUT-

ACT I II INT. UNKNOWN DEMON BAR – SOMEWHERE IN L.A – DAY A CLOSE UP on ANGEL as he wipes his mouth with a disgusted look in his face. ANGEL “That was the last time I travelled through the sewers!” SPIKE “Had no other choice.” ZOOMING OUT to reveal that SPIKE, Angel, XANDER and ILLYRIA are currently inside a demon bar. SPIKE (sweet smile) “It being day after all.” ANGEL (sneer) “None of you had to go that way.” SPIKE (shrugging) “All of us can stand the daylight. Not you.” FOCUS on Angel as he snorts and turns his back against the blond vampire. He stomps off in the direction of the bar and we can hear him calling out for a beer. He soon has a pint in his hands and we can see him inch closer to Xander who stands at the other end of the bar disk. SUDDENLY Spike’s cell starts to ring and he quickly puts the receiver to his ear. SPIKE “’lo.” BUFFY (o.c) “Spike?”

SPIKE “Yeah?” While Spike’s on the phone we FOCUS on what’s going on in the BACKGROUND: Angel is trying to slip his arm around Xander – who slinks away. BUFFY (over the phone) “So…How are things going? With Angel and Xander?” SPIKE “If ignorance is a bliss Angel might just be the happiest vampire on Earth.” (pause) “Without losing his soul that is.” In the BACKGROUND: Xander tries to get past Angel but the vampire extends a leg and trips the other man and gently catches him in his arms. We can hear a shrieking sound escape from Xander’s lips. SPIKE “Xander on the other hand seems quite miserable.” In the BACKGROUND: Xander manages to break free and put a ‘safe’ distant between himself and Angel – but not before getting slapped on the ass. XANDER (indignantly) “Hey!!” SPIKE “I must say that there’s something wrong with that picture.” BUFFY “But there’s nothing wrong with what’s going on with you and Illyria?” SPIKE “What are you on about?” BUFFY “You two have also been affected!! Come on – cant’s you see it? Don’t you remember Willow’s ‘my will be done’ spell?”

SPIKE “I don’t feel like marrying Illyria.” (looking over at said) “Not yet.” In the BACKGROUND: Xander’s distracted and Angel sneaks up behind him with a smug grin on his face. The CAMERA ZOOMS IN on the smile on Spike’s face. SPIKE “This could be fun.” BUFFY “What?” XANDER (shrieking) “No I don’t want a hug!! Keep your filthy paws off me!!” BUFFY “Hug?” (pause) “What’s going on?” SPIKE (huge smile) “I so wish I had a camera.” BUFFY (voice rising) “What’s going on there? Spike…?” Spike disconnects the call and turn around to face Illyria who has walked up behind him. We can only assume that the expression on the god kings face is… lust? ILLYRIA “This place reeks of pheromones.” (grabbing his coat) “I wish to mate, half-breed.” FADE OUT-

CUT TOEXT. UNKNOWN STREET – DOWNTOWN L.A – DAY FOCUS on BUFFY as she shuts the lid to the cell with her lips pressed tightly together. BUFFY (grimly) “He disconnected me.” ZOOMING OUT to show us DAWN and ANDREW standing next to the slayer. Dawn with a disgruntled expression and hands on her hips and Andrew restlessly shifting weight from foot to foot. ANDREW “Hey…” (brows knitted) “What if we come across that demon that made the others horny?” (biting his bottom lip) “We could be just like them!!” BUFFY (disgusted look) “I sure hope not.” DAWN (whining) “I still can’t believe you didn’t let me go with Connor.” BUFFY “Me neither.” (grim smile) “I can’t believe I didn’t let my young sister trod off with that… lusty little… vampire spawn.” DAWN (evil glare) “You’re such a bitch.” BUFFY “And proud of it.”

DAWN (crossing her arms) “As if you aren’t all moody that Spike got to be with Illyria.” ANDREW (perking up) “Spike is so hot…” (noticing their stares) “…er… I mean cool.” A QUICK SHOT of the burning stares the two women sends the young man’s way. PULL BACK to a WIDE SHOT once again. DAWN (disgusted stare) “Eww, obvious much.” BUFFY (shaking her head) “I’m not jealous.” (beat) “Much.” DAWN (rolling her eyes) “Right.” BUFFY “I’m not!!” DAWN (sneaky look) “Then you wouldn’t mind if they had all the greasy monkey sex two persons can have?” BUFFY (peeved) “What monkey sex?!!” DAWN (triumphantly) “Aha!!”

BUFFY (avoiding Dawn’s gaze) “Let’s go.” The CAMERA FOLLOWS them as they make their way down the street. Then they disappear from our view as they round a corner.

FADE OUTCUT TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – DAY ZOOMING IN on the front door as it swings open and FAITH, WILLOW and CONNOR walks in – all looking grim and worse for wear. ZOOMING OUT into a WIDE SHOT of the lobby, as Faith heads for the couch and throws herself in it, Willow takes seat be the table and Connor walks over to the window. FAITH (tired voice) “Well that was a bust.” WILLOW (nodding) “No lead on that demon.” (wiping goo of her sleeve) “Only a run in with a Ghora demon and her nest.” CONNOR (gazing out the window) “Wonder how long Dawn’s going to be gone?” FAITH “Ah, puppy love.” WILLOW (sighing) “I really hope we will be able to fix this situation.” (noticing Faith combing through her hair) “Soon.”

FAITH ”Don’t fret, Wills.” (putting on lip gloss) “My Angel’s gonna save the day.” SPIKE (o.c) “If he’s not to busy fondling Xander that is.” A WIDE SHOT as SPIKE, ANGEL and ILLYRIA walks into the lobby. WILLOW (scrunching up her nose) “Where is Xander?” SPIKE (shrugging) “His not here?” (smirk) “The boy said he’d go ahead. He seemed anxious to get away from Angel.” (snort) “Wonder why.” ANGEL (dreamily look) “He must’ve worked out.” FAITH (indignantly) “Hey!!” FOCUS on the door as it swings open and a breeze whisks in, making the dark curtain in front of the windows move. SPIKE (sniffing the air) ”Do I smell chicken?” (Xander walks in) ”My nose … Infallible.” FADE OUT-

CUT TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – DAY A WIDE SHOT of the empty lobby as the front door suddenly opens and BUFFY, DAWN, ANDREW, CONNOR and GILES walk in. BUFFY (looking around) “Where is everyone?” WILLOW (appearing into view) “You really don’t wanna know.” CONNOR (waving) “Hi, Dawn.” BUFFY (evil glare) “You better keep your fitly pas off my sister.” DAWN (embarrassed) “Buffy!!” BUFFY (going for the innocent look) “What?” (sending Connor a deadly smile) “I’m only kidding.” CONNOR (gulping) “Funny.” BUFFY (turning to Willow) “No, seriously; where is everybody?”

WILLOW “Uh… Faith kind’a dragged off with Angel… somewhere.” (rubbing her nose) “Xander is hiding…” (looking away) “And Spike and Illyria are… upstairs.” DAWN “Doing what?” Just then a noisy moan is heard and then the unmistakable sound of a bed falling apart. UNCOMFORTABLE SILENCE. WILLOW (blushing) “You can guess.” A TIGHT SHOT of the hurt look in Buffy’s face.

FADE OUTCUT TOINT. ANGEL’S BEDROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – DUSK ALL LIGHT on the bed. ANGEL and FAITH lie under the sheets and seems very cuddly. The dark haired slayer is resting her head on Angel’s bare chest as the dark haired vampire is combing his fingers through her hair. FAITH (gazing up at the vampire) “What if Buffy and the others are right?” ANGEL (lazy smile) “About what?” FAITH (tapping his chest) “That we got infected by that demon’s mist.”

ANGEL (shrugging) “I don’t feel affected.” (pause) “Do you?” FAITH (shaking her head) “But should we?” (beat) “Maybe we aren’t aware off it ourselves.” ANGEL (thoughtful look) “It is kind’a strange that Spike and Illyria play the role of this year’s couple.” (beat) “And that Dawn and Connor ended up in the same bed just like that.” FAITH “Yeah.” (snorting) “And what’s up with you and Xander?” ANGEL (frowning) “What do you mean?” FAITH (slapping his chest) “You’re so hot for him!” ANGEL “Am not!!” (wicked smile) “But he has been working out.” (at her look) “He has!!” ZOOMING IN as Faith grabs his face and plants a deep kiss on his slightly parted lips. Soon the two of them is busy with tender (whitish) lovemaking. FADE OUT-

INT. CONNOR’S BEDROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT ALL LIGHT on CONNOR and DAWN lying under the sheets. They just lie there, wrapped up around each other with sated expressions in their young faces. DAWN (dreamingly) “I knew this would happen the moment I saw you.” (beat) “And it might have been in my visions also.” CONNOR (chuckling) “You’re amazing, Dawn Summers.” DAWN “Not so bad yourself, Connor Reilly.” LOUD SHRIEK. ANGLE on the door to reveal BUFFY standing there with a fuming expression in her face. (Oh, she looks positively terrifying.) BUFFY (gritting her teeth) “That’s it!!” (stomping into the room) “We’re having a emergency meeting in the lobby!!” DAWN (whining) “Buffy!!” BUFFY “Oh, zip it, sis!!” (pause) “Before I get really angry.”


CUT TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT A WIDE SHOT of the lobby as they’re all gathered around the big, round table. Most of them looking like they’d rather be in another place. SPIKE (tracing random patterns on the table top) “So…Did you find something off about us?” WILLOW (nodding) “Yes, I did, Spike. It seems that you’ve been infected by the mist. It made you… horny...” BUFFY, who has been pacing incessantly ever since she arrived in the lobby – pace over to the table. BUFFY (grim voice) “Well, we just have to do something. And quick, Willow.” WILLOW “I think I know how to reverse it. But are we sure that it won’t go away by it self?” BUFFY (exploding) “We don’t know that!!” “And this is really freaking me out.” (voice softening) “I mean…look at them.” (pointing at the couples) “We have to do something. I’m with Giles on that.” Almost simultaneously, all eyes turned to Buffy. XANDER “All right. Let’s take a vote. All those in favour of putting an end to this cuddle festival, raise a hand.” XANDER, Buffy, and GILES raise their hands. XANDER

“Those in favour of more research?” WILLOW, ANGEL, DAWN, CONNOR, FAITH and ILLYRIA raise their hands. XANDER “Spike?” SPIKE “I abstain.” BUFFY (shrieking) ”What?!! You can’t abstain!!” SPIKE “Yes, I can.” (looking up) ”Buffy, I don’t care. You guys…do what you want.” There was a certain note of finality in his voice. Spike pushes himself up from the table and, turning his back on everyone, starts for the door. BUFFY (ordering) “Spike, get back here!” SPIKE (pausing next to the door) “Why?” BUFFY “Why?” (stumping her foot) ”Cause I told you to!!” Spike turns his head to look over at the slayer. SPIKE (shrugging) “I told you, you guys do what you want. I’m outta here.” ANGLE on Buffy and Xander as they exchanges looks.

Then Xander reaches for a book, and throws it to Buffy, who caught the book in one hand and smashes it into the back of Spike’s head, causing him to stagger and catch himself on the doorway. FOCUS on Spike as he drops to his knees, one hand still on the doorway. SPIKE “Dammit, Buffy…” He falls to the floor, half in the lobby, half in the corridor beyond, and appears unconscious. A WIDE SHOT as Dawn runs over to Spike. DAWN “Spike!” She glares at Buffy, who is kneeling next to him, holding his head. DAWN “Are you trying to kill him?!” BUFFY (avoiding her sister’s gaze) “Willow… perform the spell.” FOCUS on the peeved expression in Angel’s, Faith’s, Illyria’s and Connor’s faces. WILLOW (nodding) “Okay.”


ACT I V INT. SPIKE’S BEDROOM – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT ALL LIGHT on the vampire lying on his bed, fully clothed and with BUFFY silently sitting by his side. Suddenly the vampire moans and his eyes start to flutter. BUFFY (whispering) “Hi there, sleepy head.” SPIKE (confused frown) “Buffy?” (blinking) “What happened?” BUFFY (tiny smile) “Don’t you remember?” SPIKE (shaking his head) “The last thing I remember is volunteering for that mission…” (meeting her haze) “And then it’s all blank.” BUFFY (stroking his hair) “Don’t worry.” (beat) “There’s nothing important to remember anyway.” SPIKE (wrinkling his forehead) “You sure?” (biting his lower lip) “I get a strange feeling that something happened.”

ZOOMING IN as Buffy bends down to plant a chaste kiss on the tip off his head. Then se pulls back and rises from the bed. BUFFY “I’m sure.” (walking towards the door) “Get some rest now.” SPIKE (sleepily) “Okay.” The CAMERA FOLLOWS Buffy as she exits the room – only to be met by XANDER and WILLOW in the corridor. WILLOW (concerned) “How is he?” BUFFY (silently) “Just like the others: without a memory of what has happened.” XANDER (muttering) “Lucky bastards.” BUFFY (grinning) “What’s the matter, Xander?” (snickering) “Didn’t Angel tickly your taste bums?” WILLOW “Maybe he would have preferred Spike being the one that got the hots for him?” (beat) “After all, he’s well-muscled…” XANDER (bright red) “Shut up!!”

A BURST OF LAUGHTER. BUFFY (getting serious) “It’s nice to have things back to normal tough.” A HIGH-PITCHED SCREAM. A WIDE SHOT of the corridor as ANDREW comes running as if the devil was in his trails. WILLOW “What’s the matter?” ANDREW (coming to a halt) “I happened to eat Illyria’s pizza slice and now she’s threatening to make a belt of my intestines!!” (continuing his escape) “Don’t tell her that you saw me!!” Buffy, Willow and Xander look after the fleeing junior watcher and then shake their heads. XANDER (wary) “Normal you say?” FADE OUTCU TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT A WIDE SHOT of the lobby. There’s 8 people occupying the space for the moment; BUFFY, DAWN, CONNOR, XANDER, WILLOW, GILES, ANDREW and FAITH. BUFFY (looking around) “Where’s Spike?” SPIKE (behind her) “’m right here.”

FOCUS on Buffy as her head snaps up at the sound of the vampire’s voice. She quickly turns around to face him. BUFFY (exclaiming) ”Oh my God!!” SPIKE (smirk) ”I prefer Spike, but whatever floats your boat.” BUFFY “Ha ha. Funny.” (beat) ”You scared the crap out of me.” SPIKE (shrugging) ”Always something.” BUFFY ”Are you feeling okay now?” SPIKE (nodding) ”But I had the weirdest dream.” (pause) ”I think it was about a portal that unleashed hell upon earth.” BUFFY (gulping) ”Sounds… peachy.” A WIDE SHOT of the lobby as Spike abandons Buffy and walks over to the couch, where he takes place with a tired sigh. Giles makes his way to the peeved slayer. BUFFY (distracted) “Hi, Giles.” (noticing his expression) “What is it?”

GILES ”Something Spike said is disturbing me.” XANDER (joining them) ”Finally. I've been saying that since he arrived to Sunnydale.” BUFFY (frustrated glare) “What do you mean, Giles?” GILES (cleaning his glasses) “It’s about that portal he dreamt about.” (meeting her gaze) “We’ve got information that the First and Abigor is planning on opening a portal into a hell dimension and releasing hell upon earth.” XANDER (sighing) “It never ends, does it?” GILES “Well, if this were to happen there would most defiantly be an end, Xander.” BUFFY “I…” There’s suddenly a painful SCREAM coming from Dawn and all eyes turn to her as she falls to the floor and start to convulse. BUFFY (running over to Dawn) “Dawn!!” WILLOW “She’s having a vision!!” BUFFY (kneeling beside her sister) “Are you okay?”

DAWN (nodding) “I think so.” GILES “What did you see?” DAWN (frowning) “I saw… a portal…” (beat) “…and me.” BUFFY (peeved) “What?!” DAWN (silently) “I think I know how to stop it, Buffy.” FOCUS on Dawn as she closes her eyes and seems to loose conciseness. CONNOR (lifting Dawn up into his arms) “I’ll take her to her room.” BUFFY (eyes narrowing) "Yeah... well... you just make sure it's just her in her bed and not you too, or I'll break off one of your legs and beat you to nearly to death with it right before I put my fist through your chest and pull out your still-beating heart." ANGLE on Connor as he only grins. BUFFY (hands on hips) “What are you smiling about?” (steely voice) “I’m serious.”

CONNOR (looking at Spike) “I totally get what you and dad see in her now.” The CAMERA FOLLOWS him as he starts walking up the stairs with Dawn in his arms. Soon enough they disappear from our view.

FADE OUTCUT TOINT. THE LOBBY – THE HYPERION – L.A – NIGHT A WIDE SHOT of the lobby, SILENCE. BUFFY (slowly) “Giles…” (looking at him) “What did Dawn mean?” (beat) “About her being able to stop the apocalypse?” XANDER (nodding) “We’re all curious about that.” SPIKE “Got that right.” PAUSE. GILES (looking around) ”Think now, what do keys do?” BUFFY (frowninf) ”Keys... unlock... *things*?”

GILES ”They also open portals.” (beat) “And closes them.” DEAFENING SILENCE. BUFFY (shaking her head) “Oh… no…” A CIRCULAR SHOT to show us all the shocked expressions. SPIKE (v.o) “Because it’s always about the blood.”



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